How will gay marriage change the world?

New York Gay Marriage Brings NYC $259M
Camira Powell

Legalizing gay marriage in New York City is more than a victory for civil rights; it’s also a big moneymaker. In a recent statement from Mayor Michael Bloomberg, the city received $259 million from the increased number of gay marriages in the past year, which has equated to $16 million in revenue for the city.

Why do anti-human-rights like yourself want to take us further into debt? If you hate the US so much, there are plenty of other countries to live in.

That may be the reason you don't understand why people want basic human rights. You may not have them where you come from, but here we take them quite seriously. If you prefer a country with fewer rights, by all means, have the courage to move there.

I am here by choice of main, You are re born here by accident of your parents, keep that in mind . The immigrants made this country not the one born here .
I am here by choice of main, You are re born here by accident of your parents, keep that in mind . The immigrants made this country not the one born here .

Think about that for a few moments. Let it sink in. And then maybe you will realize how dumb that statement is, there are reasons why you chose to come here and neither you nor any of the many thousands of current immigrant had a hand in creating any of those reasons. And you do not speak for all immigrants. You are but one voice out of many thousands. For the record, those "immigrants" you refer to and their children, who by the way were born here, built this country. It certainly wasn’t you, you just got here.
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Think about that for a few moments. Let it sink in. And then maybe you will realize how dumb that statement is, there are reasons why you chose to come here and neither you nor any of the many thousands of current immigrant had a hand in creating any of those reasons. And you do not speak for all immigrants. You are but one voice out of many thousands. For the record, immigrants and their children, who by the way were born here, built this country. It certainly wasn’t you, you just got here.

Let me suggest look immigrants at immigrants a layers in time , the new comer . The immigrant comes with energy to advance himself and his children , so he saves money to buy himself a house and send his children to school , because of his uncertainty . He does not know the law and how exploit the system , The third generation , is more familiar with the system so it exploit the system. Normally the third generation is a happy go lucky , His parent and grandparent have provide him with education and with means to live , ho does not worry much.
Yes I am one of millions ,I am here for over 50 years I have observe changing neighborhood , how the local lets the property decay and moves away and buy a new property and gets himself into debt and gets foreclosed. Normally the local lives from paycheck to paycheck , he relays on the system for a handout.
Let me suggest look immigrants at immigrants a layers in time , the new comer . The immigrant comes with energy to advance himself and his children , so he saves money to buy himself a house and send his children to school , because of his uncertainty . He does not know the law and how exploit the system , The third generation , is more familiar with the system so it exploit the system. Normally the third generation is a happy go lucky , His parent and grandparent have provide him with education and with means to live , ho does not worry much.
Yes I am one of millions ,I am here for over 50 years I have observe changing neighborhood , how the local lets the property decay and moves away and buy a new property and gets himself into debt and gets foreclosed. Normally the local lives from paycheck to paycheck , he relays on the system for a handout.

I have known many people like you, including my ex-father-in-law thinking that they are so superior to Americans who were born here. My ex-father-in-law was a blue collar immigrant from Germany. He always wailed about dumb Americans, how lazy and no good they are, and how America is only good for one thing, making money. But despite all of his complaints about America and all his claims about German/European superiority, he came to this country with his wife and his brother and his parents and he has spent most of his adult life here in the states. His grandchildren were born in this country. His brother died in this country. His parents died in this country. And he and his wife will likely die in this country. He is now retired and despite having family in Germany, he has no plans of ever moving back to Germany. It appears despite all of his complaints, most rooted in fiction, he would rather live with us stupid lazy Americans rather than move back to his beloved and superior Germany. Both you and my ex-father-in-law are living in a world of myth and conservative biases coupled with a misplaced sense of superiority.

Additionally, your notion about generations is rooted in fiction. It doesn’t take several generations to do anything in this country. I am 5th generation American. When my ancestors immigrated to this land, they homesteaded the land – that was a government program. It still is a government program. It didn’t take them 3 generations to figure out the system or learn the language. They picked up on the “system” before they even set foot in this land. I have cousins who have written and published books. I have cousins who are CEOs, I even have one cousin who is an opera singer and travels the globe singing opera. I am not an opera fan but I have seen and heard her and she is quite good. I have cousins who are physicians, dentists, professors, managers, entrepreneurs and blue collar workers, some are rich, and some are poor. But most are quite well off. And it all began with a government handout, a homestead, a grant of 160 acres of land some 140 years ago.

Yes the tax payers paid for my primary education as I attended public schools. But I paid for my college education, not my parents. I have supported by self since I was 13 years old. I bought my own clothes. I purchased my own cars, paid for my own insurance, and paid for my food. In college, I worked full-time and attended college full-time. I have worked since I was 12 years old until last year when I retired at age 57. I have raised a family. And I don’t live from paycheck to paycheck. Because I don’t get paychecks, I give them. I have no debt and nice homes and cars. And I started with nothing but the clothes on my back and the ethics instilled in me by my family. So your notion that all Americans who are born here are somehow irresponsible slackers is just fiction. I don’t know of any “locals” living paycheck to paycheck. Obviously just like you, I don’t know everyone. And there are some folks who live from paycheck to paycheck. Some may be doing so because of circumstance. Living paycheck to paycheck does not always mean fiscal irresponsibility. My neighbors are doing just fine. My family is doing just fine. My metropolitan area is doing just fine. Your notion that as a whole the US is in a state of decline and Americans are just lazy and incompetent is just fiction.

I don’t know what neighborhood you live in, but in mine, people are still investing in their homes. Over the last year I have spent a lot of money upgrading and maintaining my homes. The city has spent a lot of money upgrading the roads and infrastructure. Today I have plumbers in doing some upgrades and maintenance. They tell me their business is booming. They have a big sign on their truck advertising a $2000 signing bonus and this at a time where unemployment is high. Perhaps the problems you perceive are more about your personal living situation and perceptions and are not representative of the nation at large?
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I have known many people like you, including my ex-father-in-law thinking that they are so superior to Americans who were born here. My ex-father-in-law was a blue collar immigrant from Germany. He always wailed about dumb Americans, how lazy and no good they are, and how America is only good for one thing, making money. But despite all of his complaints about America and all his claims about German/European superiority, he came to this country with his wife and his brother and his parents and he has spent most of his adult life here in the states. His grandchildren were born in this country. His brother died in this country. His parents died in this country. And he and his wife will likely die in this country. He is now retired and despite having family in Germany, he has no plans of every moving back to Germany. It appears despite all of his complaints, most rooted in fiction, he would rather live with us stupid lazy Americans rather than move back to his beloved and superior Germany. Both you and my ex-father-in-law are living in a world of myth and conservative biases coupled with a misplaced sense of superiority.

Additionally, your notion about generations is rooted in fiction. It doesn’t take several generations to do anything in this country. I am 5th generation American. When my ancestors immigrated to this land, they homesteaded the land – that was a government program. It still is a government program. It didn’t take them 3 generations to figure out the system or learn the language. They picked up on the “system” before they even set foot in this land. I have cousins who have written and published books. I have cousins who are CEOs, I even have one cousin who is an opera singer and travels the globe singing opera. I am not an opera fan but I have seen and heard her and she is quite good. I have cousins who are physicians, dentists, professors, managers, entrepreneurs and blue collar workers, some are rich, and some are poor. But most are quite well off. And it all began with a government handout, a homestead, a grant of 160 acres of land some 140 years ago.

Yes the tax payers paid for my primary education as I attended public schools. But I paid for my college education, not my parents. I have supported by self since I was 13 years old. I bought my own clothes. I purchased my own cars, paid for my own insurance, and paid for my food. In college, I worked full-time and attended college full-time. I have worked since I was 12 years old until last year when I retired at age 57. I have raised a family. And I don’t live from paycheck to paycheck. Because I don’t get paychecks, I give them. I have no debt and nice homes and cars. And I started with nothing but the clothes on my back and the ethics instilled in me by my family. So your notion that all Americans who are born here are somehow irresponsible slackers is just fiction. I don’t know of any “locals” living paycheck to paycheck. Obviously just like you, I don’t know everyone. And there are some folks who live from paycheck to paycheck. Some may be doing so because of circumstance. Living paycheck to paycheck does not always mean fiscal irresponsibility. My neighbors are doing just fine. My family is doing just fine. My metropolitan area is doing just fine. Your notion that as a whole the US is in a state of decline and Americans are just lazy and incompetent is just fiction.

I don’t know what neighborhood you live in, but in mine, people are still investing in their homes. Over the last year I have spent a lot of money upgrading and maintaining my homes. The city has spent a lot of money upgrading the roads and infrastructure. Today I have plumbers in doing some upgrades and maintenance. They tell me their business is booming. They have a big sign on their truck advertising a $2000 signing bonus and this at a time where unemployment is high. Perhaps the problems you perceive are more about your personal living situation and perceptions and are not representative of the nation at large?

I can tell you am pleased to be wrong on the people in your category, but you have to admit , that don't fall into the majority, I deal with rental property over 100 rental units for many years , and I get to deal with people , which are of different category the your . I speak on my observation . I can tell you my father come here with $ 16000 and he ha 4 children , all of us have our own houses and more

.Would you not agree with me that much of the scientific academical work is done proportionally by foreign student that eventually which become or immigrants . and majority American student are inclined into business and administration and art. What do you think about that ?
WoW. " We " what a power . " get rid of him , because he does not agree with our position "

I have not more to say!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Do you believe in this country, and the debt we have . And you bastard want to milk it some more. Bastards like you are the enemy of this nation . I am not born here but I would not want that such shameless let it go down the drain .

No. I request your ban due to your foul and offensive language which you have repeated multiple times in many threads. How you've managed to stay around this long is mind-blowing.

The liberal concept of fairness, means in their favor at the expense of others.

No. Liberals value everybody's freedom to choose and act, provided it does not impinge of the same freedoms of others.

Conservatives are usually the ones who want to limit the right to free speech, the right to an abortion, the right to marry who you want and so on.


arauca said:
Liberals lack the ability to create their own traditions so they become parasites that complains when a host will not allow it to attach.

That's a strange claim. Many of the rights you take for granted are liberal "traditions".

Marriage is a case in point. The religion host does not want the parasitre to attach and this is unfair to the parasite.

You keep avoiding the question of why you and your religion don't want gay people to marry.

Can you articulate your reasons, or not? I'll ask you one more time:

Why don't you want to allow gay marriage?

You must have a reason that's better than "My religious tradition says that marriage is between a man and a woman." Mustn't you?

I don't understand why homosexuals follow the liberal parasite template. Gays are very creative and could actually come up with their own version of marriage that would be ground breaking and eventful. Maybe homosexuals need to leave the liberal parasite mentality and start living within their capacity as a new host.

Gay rights have always been championed by liberals, hardly ever by conservatives. Having said that, I'm sure there are a lot of conservative gays out there in terms of their politics and social views in general.

As for a gay "version of marriage", the idea is already there. It's called "marriage", but marriage where you're allowed to marry a same-sex partner. What a radical idea!

You are saying you want some handout benefits . You said"I love my partner" but now you are saying you wand a handout as a parasite . So if your friend dies you want to collect the SSO as a widow
do you have any human pride ?

How is this any different for a homosexual person compared to a heterosexual one?

Are you advocating the abolition of welfare benefits for everybody, or just for gay people? And if it's just gay people you're going to deny, you ought to have a reason for that other than "I don't like gay people".

Do you believe in this country, and the debt we have . And you bastard want to milk it some more. Bastards like you are the enemy of this nation . I am not born here but I would not want that such shameless let it go down the drain .

Watch your language, arauca. Personal insults are a breach of the site rules.

Now, please explain why gay people and/or liberals are the enemy of the nation.

Or, look, let's just cut the crap, shall we? Why don't you just admit you're afraid of gay people, and be done with it?

No. Liberals value everybody's freedom to choose and act, provided it does not impinge of the same freedoms of others.

Conservatives are usually the ones who want to limit the right to free speech, the right to an abortion, the right to marry who you want and so on.


That's a strange claim. Many of the rights you take for granted are liberal "traditions".

You keep avoiding the question of why you and your religion don't want gay people to marry.

Can you articulate your reasons, or not? I'll ask you one more time:

Why don't you want to allow gay marriage?

You must have a reason that's better than "My religious tradition says that marriage is between a man and a woman." Mustn't you?

Gay rights have always been championed by liberals, hardly ever by conservatives. Having said that, I'm sure there are a lot of conservative gays out there in terms of their politics and social views in general.

As for a gay "version of marriage", the idea is already there. It's called "marriage", but marriage where you're allowed to marry a same-sex partner. What a radical idea!

How is this any different for a homosexual person compared to a heterosexual one?

Are you advocating the abolition of welfare benefits for everybody, or just for gay people? And if it's just gay people you're going to deny, you ought to have a reason for that other than "I don't like gay people".

Watch your language, arauca. Personal insults are a breach of the site rules.

Now, please explain why gay people and/or liberals are the enemy of the nation.

Or, look, let's just cut the crap, shall we? Why don't you just admit you're afraid of gay people, and be done with it?

I view of several accusation and misinterpretation I bow out of this thread
No. I request your ban due to your foul and offensive language which you have repeated multiple times in many threads. How you've managed to stay around this long is mind-blowing.

Every village needs an idiot. Especially really good hole diggers.

Since the obvious has been stated, do you ever wonder at people like him who are so homophobic? What drives it?

Perhaps there is a reason as to why he is so offended by homosexuality and homosexuals and so defensive about his homophobia and why he views women, especially wives, as he does...
I view of several accusation and misinterpretation I bow out of this thread

As I thought, you avoided answering the basic questions I asked you. Obviously, your position isn't based on reason, but on emotion.
Here are my reasons for not accepting the lie about homosexuality.

The natural purpose of sex is procreation; mixes genes for diversity. Since procreation is so important to the evolution and continuation of any species, nature evolved carrots on the string to lead the horse to water (procreation) in spite of itself. The compulsion, desire and pleasure all create a carrot on a string which helps lead critters to the prime directive, which is reproduction.

As an analogy, eating is necessary for the growth and health of the body. Because this is so important to survival of the individual (above is for the survival of the species), nature has also created carrots on the string to lead the horse to this water (health and energy). This carrot is connected to the joy and pleasure of eating. It is humanly possible to eat only for pleasure, without any regard to the prime directive of health. One can remain at the carrot on the string and can even convince others that a chocolate cake diet tastes very good and this is all you need to eat to satisfy instinct.

The reason is, we have willpower and choice at the level of the carrot because it is conscious. But the prime directive is below consciousness and is therefore not subject to will. We can satisfy the carrot on pleasure with chocolate cake, but we can't will chocolate cake to be the natural food of the body that meets all the nutrient needs of the body. But we can convince other unconscious people, this is the case, since the prime directive is below their threshold of consciousness. We can get others to do the chocolate cake diet with enough sales pitch, but this will never be natural to the body in terms of the prime directive; potential remains.

If we go back to homosexuality, this is one of many possible behaviors connected to the carrot on the string. It is a chocolate cake diet pitching that this is the natural food that satisfies the conditions of the prime directive. There is a cultural reason for this.

When it comes to male and female, males often lie to women because women teach men to lie. If a female asks if she looks fat in her dress, she is not interested in a truthful analysis about the muffin top. She will teach her male to tell her what she wants to hear; you look skinny in that dress. The goal is not facts, but feelings, even if this means he needs to distort the facts.

In a feminist culture, like in modern liberalism, what begins to happen are lies become the norm, if these lies are being used to make people feel good about themselves. Liberals fights for equality and create a dual standard; lie procedure.

If you look at the parallel between an instinctive prime directive and the carrot on the string, feeling good about a lie, is at the level of the carrot, since it does not require you address the underlying problem. One can live in the fantasy they have changed their body using only a lie than make them feel good. The truth would require diet and exercise, which would make the body thin so the the insecurity is taken care of in the long term. The carrot is there for short term and needs constant reinforcement. It may take a hundred does of lies to equal hard truth that resolves the fat in that dress issue. But the lies will still be preferred.

If gay is female in a male body, I would expect that gays want you yo lie to them and want you to tell them the carrot on the string is the prime directive. Anyone can do this if they wanted to, since it is all feel good fantasy. The reality is many males sense the prime directive and are not willing to lie and these must be punished less the truth mean work and a reality check. The old fashion male culture was more about prime directive and not about carrot on the string feelings. It could seen harsh to someone who prefers a warm lie.
As I thought, you avoided answering the basic questions I asked you. Obviously, your position isn't based on reason, but on emotion.

Why did top officials of the United States become engaged in such a thorny issue? What happened to the moral standing of the world community in general and the U.S. in particular in a such short period of modern history? The history of stand-off regarding the issue of same-sex marriage received its first legal registration in 1972, during the sensational trial of "Baker vs. Nelson." Back in those days, the Supreme Court of Minnesota ruled that the only true definition of marriage was the one defined in then-existent laws.

The story became the starting point for the ongoing struggle between the champions of opposite views on the issue. Since then, the debate would involve almost all top political figures of the U.S.. They could no longer remain on the sidelines, due to immense public interest in the subject. According to a recent opinion poll, 50 percent of Americans are actively involved in the discussion of this topic, and, for the most part, support the democratic policies of Barack Obama.

The aggressive lobbying of the interests of sexual minorities, as many analysts say, may be caused with the presence of homosexual individuals in the inner circle of the U.S. President. There is also a possible financial benefit to the shattering U.S. economy that is standing on the brink of default. The profit may come in the form of tax revenues from new marriages, new jobs and gay tourism. It can also be directly connected to new influences that decay the morals of modern society. Trendy views, freedom of expression, have been replacing human values lately. All this and many other things show a devastating impact on traditional human, family and personal values of the modern civilization. The U.S. is no exception.

I view of several accusation and misinterpretation I bow out of this thread


Are you leaving or not?

Every village needs an idiot. Especially really good hole diggers.

Since the obvious has been stated, do you ever wonder at people like him who are so homophobic? What drives it?

Perhaps there is a reason as to why he is so offended by homosexuality and homosexuals and so defensive about his homophobia and why he views women, especially wives, as he does...


On a serious note, I don't doubt, for a second, that he and those like him may have some underlying and repressed homosexual desires. It's very much a possibility!

Tell us, acaura, why do you not like gays and women? You must be a lonely little man.
We can satisfy the carrot on pleasure with chocolate cake, but we can't will chocolate cake to be the natural food of the body that meets all the nutrient needs of the body. But we can convince other unconscious people, this is the case, since the prime directive is below their threshold of consciousness. We can get others to do the chocolate cake diet with enough sales pitch, but this will never be natural to the body in terms of the prime directive; potential remains.

Most people prefer chocolate cake to carrots; that's the way our bodies are designed, to crave fatty and sweet foods, since this prevents starvation. (Someone who chooses carrots over chocolate cake every time starves more often.) But we should ignore that natural craving and instead eat carrots, which many people do not like, because chocolate cake doesn't meet our modern needs to cut down calories.

Most people prefer heterosexual sex to homosexual; that's the way our bodies are designed, to drive us to procreate. (And someone who chooses homosexuality over heterosexuality does not reproduce.) But we should ignore that natural craving and instead try homosexuality, which many people do not like, and thus no longer meet our modern needs to keep population under control.

If gay is female in a male body

It's not.
Gay marriage is such a small event when you consider it within world events or at least it should be a small thing, morality like religion is created and expanded on by humans, not by natural occurrences.


You keep avoiding the question of why you and your religion don't want gay people to marry.

Can you articulate your reasons, or not? I'll ask you one more time:

Why don't you want to allow gay marriage?


James R said:
Are you advocating the abolition of welfare benefits for everybody, or just for gay people? And if it's just gay people you're going to deny, you ought to have a reason for that other than "I don't like gay people".