How will Assange be punished for attempting to advance democracy?

How will Assange be punished for attempting to advance democracy?

  • Give Assange a heart attack.

    Votes: 3 15.0%
  • Have Assange die in a plane crash.

    Votes: 2 10.0%
  • Have Assange commit suicide.

    Votes: 4 20.0%
  • Put Assange in Jail for decades for a crime not related to his work.

    Votes: 11 55.0%

  • Total voters
one thing cablegate showed us was how govts conspired
we now have a probable conspiracy unfolding before us and this fuck feeds us the official govt line?

i :D

The cables themselves have shown of just how much Sweden has conspired with the US, and also made sure to avoid any Parliamentary scrutiny.. To say that they won't extradite him when there is no real or actual assurance in regards to Wikileaks themselves (the link Hype posted from the Prosecutors in Sweden is not very clear) appears to be straw clutching.

*Edit to Add*

The whole 'he's not a brown Muslim thing'.. ermm WTF?... anywho, the US has been labeling him as a terrorist for several weeks now.. Considering the secret back door deals they have with Sweden (which Sweden are happy about to escape Parliamentary scrutiny) regarding terrorist or terrorism, is it really that hard to put two and two together?
The cables themselves have shown of just how much Sweden has conspired with the US, and also made sure to avoid any Parliamentary scrutiny.. To say that they won't extradite him when there is no real or actual assurance in regards to Wikileaks themselves (the link Hype posted from the Prosecutors in Sweden is not very clear) appears to be straw clutching.

for what reason one wonders.
there is something utterly pathological about what we are being presented with

The whole 'he's not a brown Muslim thing'.. ermm WTF?... anywho, the US has been labeling him as a terrorist for several weeks now.. Considering the secret back door deals they have with Sweden (which Sweden are happy about to escape Parliamentary scrutiny) regarding terrorist or terrorism, is it really that hard to put two and two together?

for some? yes!
All I've been saying is that (for a host of reasons) Assange should settle the matter in court ASAP- I don't consider this a staunch or radical feminist position to take (but I thank you).
sound reasoning?
hype presents the formal,.......

Facts about extradition of a person who has been surrendered

Different rules apply within the EU (surrender) and outside the EU (extradition).

Due to general agreements in the European Arrest Warrant Act, Sweden cannot extradite a person who has been surrendered to Sweden from another country without certain considerations.

Concerning surrender to another country within the European Union, the Act states that the executing country under certain circumstances must approve a further surrender.

On the other hand, if the extradition concerns a country outside the European Union the authorities in the executing country (the country that surrendered the person) must consent such extradition. Sweden cannot, without such consent, extradite a person, for example to the USA.
....the informal
The secret cables, seen by The Daily Telegraph, disclose how Swedish officials wanted discussions about anti-terrorism operations kept from public scrutiny.

They describe how officials from the Swedish Ministry of Justice and Ministry of Foreign Affairs had a “strong degree of satisfaction with current informal information sharing arrangements” with the American government.

Making the arrangement formal would result in the need for it to be disclosed to Parliament​
The basics - there is legislation and treaties in place that would suggest (on the surface) that Assange should be able to travel to Sweden to face his alleged ungentlemanly behaviour charges without fear of extradition to the US on "insert here" charges. That is reasonable no?
Granted, that is odd given the previous context.
.......picks one. that is what will assuredly happen since.....
Yes indeed. I would not trust the Swedish authorities either way. Bail of 300 000+ quid for alleged condom rebellion is a dead giveaway as to the existence of an agenda.
...assange is a white first worlder
you call this sound reasoning?
Of course, celebrities like Assange do not generally drop off the face of the planet. There is no credible precedent that I can think of. You?

I mean David Kelly never made it to the cover of Rolling Stone eh? :m:
The whole 'he's not a brown Muslim thing'.. ermm WTF?...
You may not have noticed that special renditions have been very particular in terms of race and religion, but they have. I know of no prominent white non-Muslim being abducted, detained without trial, tortured, etc. on orders of the U.S. Government under the pretense of being a terrorist or enemy combatant. I'm surprised that this pattern has escaped your notice.[/quote]

Considering the secret back door deals they have with Sweden (which Sweden are happy about to escape Parliamentary scrutiny) regarding terrorist or terrorism, is it really that hard to put two and two together?
What I don't think that you're putting together about Sweden Bells, is that Sweden is a country that is more keen on freedom of speech than the USA- that there is more sympathy and sophistication (in the Swedish public opinion and government bodies) as compared with the USA regarding WikiLeaks.

What I think you're having particular trouble keeping separated is what the Swedish courts have managed to discern: A legal and rational separation between the case of Assange's alleged sexual misconduct, and issues (still lacking any legal charges) pertaining to the work of WikiLeaks.

I focused on discernment in this post above, but it does not seem to me you (Gustav & Bells) have given that a fair reading, or at least it does not seem apparent by your responses here. It seems to me that both of you have been unreasonably binary in responding to what I have offered- as if supporting WikiLeaks requires assuming Assange's innocence of Swedish charges. I have no evidence to assume that Assange is guilty, but I do think (and I think I have supported my position well here) that there is much evidence that Assange's personal legal problems are a tremendous impediment to WikiLeaks; that Assange's poor self-control and poor leadership have harmed (and still harm) the WikiLeaks mission.

The way in which you have attacked my opinions and expressions here are not unlike insisting that the leader of any other organization or government is inseparable in personal accountability from the institution as a whole- be it a CEO, or a President, or even a dictator. This is an extremely over-simplistic, extremely partisan way to approach this matter.

It certainly is possible for one person to speak for a respectable organization, and also do things that are wrong. It is not "pathological" to assert this, especially in the case of Assange, where there has not been a chance for due process- not because a government is interfering with due process, but because Julian Assange is refusing to answer charges.

It is not unreasonable to point out that Assange exhibits a double-standard in terms of the public accountability he offers concerning himself, as compared to what he demands from other world figures. It is not an expression of antipathy to free speech, to observe that the WikiLeaks mission would be far less fettered if Assange would face the charges against him in Sweden.

I'm disappointed to have to keep repeating my opinion in response to it being unfairly mischaracterized. I would like to delve further into this developing topic, because I think there are many implications to this story- and to public misunderstanding of this story. In the present interpersonal dynamic here this discussion is likely to result in little more than "feeding trolls" on my part, and constant diversions from topic on yours. I do not think that either of you (Gustav and Bells) have demonstrated sufficient interest in my perspective to merit commenting on it further without a calm careful review (on your parts) of this thread.

I'm not here for contests of individuals- I'm interested in a contest of ideas, and the personalized pot-shots injected above interfere with a respectful and informative exchange. If the pair of you happen to approach SciForums as an arena of personal contest (which is not, in fact, its purpose) I readily and humbly yield on that score: You win! You have exhausted my patience, and most people who know me well tell me that it's not so easy to do. There is no point in replying to this post if you believe your victory to be complete with everything of consequence here.

If (instead) you are here to respectfully consider what I say here (as I am willing and eager to reciprocate in) and to discuss it thoughtfully (as I know you are both capable of doing) I humbly ask that you review the thread above and compare our posts, to see if you may have missed my meaning. I've summarized a few points several times, and yet I have repeatedly had to fend off frankly superficial misrepresentations of them. I would be pleased to explore the topic further with less animosity and a little more intellect, stepping through it one point at a time (as opposed to scatter-gun fisking (Bells). Thanks.
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And I am disappointed about a lot of things going on in this thread Hype, and you and I not agreeing is not one of them.

You state that Sweden is a country keen on freedom? If that were the case, then there would be no backdoor deals with the US in regards to 'terrorism'. It would all be out in the open.

There would be no risk or fear of extradition to the US, and yet there is and with very good reason. The Swedish Government has proven itself to be not trustworthy. I'll be more on point for you, since it seems you aren't seeing the point. There should be no fear of extradition to the US, but we have documentation from the US itself that Sweden has been happy to keep all terrorism discussions and investigations away from Parliamentary scrutiny.

And instead of focusing on that, you're saying he should go back to Sweden?

His personal issues should have nothing to do with Wikileaks. It is because of people such as yourself that it has been. The media's voracity in delving into his personal life and the accusations made is feeding your frenzy and you are feeding theirs.

The articles you have linked shows a journalistic zeal that indicates a complete lack of professionalism amongst the journalists breaking the rape story and investigating it. So much so that associates of Wikileaks have queried the actions of the Swedish Government and media because there is so much pointing to political motivation behind this..

Remember Hype, that this forum is not solely for anyone else to agree with you. We have tested your patience? And?

I have considered your points repeatedly and my question remains the same and you have consistently failed to answer it. What does where he sticks his penis have to do with Wikileaks?

You keep demanding that it should deal solely with releasing documents and they have been doing that consistently. Have you even addressed them? No. You're too busy going on and on about his wanting for questioning by Sweden for rape and his not being nice to women.. A rape charge that was originally thrown out by the courts and prosecutor in Sweden, only to crop up again with "Cablegate" - a document dump that does not protray Sweden in a favourable light and has shown that Sweden is not has freedom loving as they portray themselves.

You don't like my questions to you? Tough luck. Stop whining about where he sticks his dick and start concentrating more on what he has released and is still releasing. Any shred of credibility you may have had in this debate may return to you once you do.
The basics - there is legislation and treaties in place that would suggest (on the surface) that Assange should be able to travel to Sweden to face his alleged ungentlemanly behaviour charges without fear of extradition to the US on "insert here" charges. That is reasonable no?
The charge is rape. Let's please get the basics straight.

I would not trust the Swedish authorities either way. Bail of 300 000+ quid for alleged condom rebellion is a dead giveaway as to the existence of an agenda.
Mistrust of authority is not grounds for immunity. Bail is routinely set in proportion to a client's ability to pay; the purpose of bail is to see a suspect in court, without harsh terms of pre-trial confinement.

Of course, celebrities like Assange do not generally drop off the face of the planet. There is no credible precedent that I can think of. You?

I mean David Kelly never made it to the cover of Rolling Stone eh? :m:

David Kelly may have been assassinated. David Kelly was not taken up in the Special Rendition dragnet that some assert is behind Assange's legal problems in Sweden. Sweden is not threatening (nor likely) to take part in the assassination of Julian Assange in this matter, and that insinuation is extreme and without basis. An assassination plot requires no legal considerations such as Sweden is taking; nor Special Rendition.

As I have repeatedly pointed out here, the Swedish prosecutor has categorically stated that the only way Assange can be extradited to the USA is if the UK says so- whether or not Assange faces charges in Sweden. There are at least as many and precautions, that may be expected to be at least as effective in terms of Assange's personal safety in cooperating with Swedish authorities, and the argument that his present accommodations are most secure as as facetious the similar argument that Assange lived "in hiding" for fear of abduction or worse prior to arrest.
The charge is rape. Let's please get the basics straight.

What charge?


He has not been charged yet. He is wanted for questioning in regards to the rape allegations. He hasn't been charged yet. He never was this time around. That is why the UK rejected the extradition order and why they cannot extradite him. There is no charge and even the judge who heard the case in the UK stated that he fully expected the case to be dropped as it had been before due to lack of evidence.

So what charge of rape are you going on about?

Mistrust of authority is not grounds for immunity. Bail is routinely set in proportion to a client's ability to pay; the purpose of bail is to see a suspect in court.
His ability to pay? Pressure from the US on various banks around the world saw all his accounts frozen. What ability to pay?

As I have repeatedly pointed out here, the Swedish prosecutor has categorically stated that the only way Assange can be extradited to the USA is if the UK says so- whether or not Assange faces charges in Sweden.
The wording was vague in the extreme. You don't know if they are talking about the rape charge or terrorism charges, which the US keeps calling him a terrorist and Sweden, we know, has backroom deals with the US in regards to any terrorist investigations..
You state that Sweden is a country keen on freedom?
By comparison with the USA and Australia for example, I think they measure up well.

If that were the case, then there would be no backdoor deals with the US in regards to 'terrorism'. It would all be out in the open.
This wasn't just a backdoor deal, as is routine in secret (but tacitly legal) committees in the USA and Australia. This was an intentional deception of the Swedish Parliament, and if you expect that they will take this sitting down, then pay attention. Further, there is no evidence that the counter-terrorism activities concealed had any applicability whatsoever to the Assange's personal case in Sweden: That insinuation comes from Assange and his legal team.

There would be no risk or fear of extradition to the US, and yet there is and with very good reason. The Swedish Government has proven itself to be not trustworthy.
Not in handling a case remotely comparable to the Assange warrant.

There should be no fear of extradition to the US, but we have documentation from the US itself that Sweden has been happy to keep all terrorism discussions and investigations away from Parliamentary scrutiny.
That is not proof that there is any conspiracy to extradite Assange to the USA. That conspiracy theory is very tenuous considering that in the USA the government is having very great difficulty, in spite of massive motive and effort, in making a viable legal case against Assange.

And instead of focusing on that, you're saying he should go back to Sweden?
And the sooner, the better- especially if Assange is (as I hope) innocent.

His personal issues should have nothing to do with Wikileaks.
As I have pointed out (as if it needs pointing out) WikiLeaks is in structural turmoil, and WikiLeaks mission is in continual compromise as a direct result of Assange's personal issues.

It is because of people such as yourself that it has been.
Could you elaborate on "people such as myself" please in a PM? I doubt that it is on topic here, but I would like to know exactly what you mean by that.

The media's voracity in delving into his personal life and the accusations made is feeding your frenzy and you are feeding theirs.
As I have explained here several times, and as you have continued to fail to acknowledge, it is my wish that Assange answer the warrant so that the case may be resolved in a court of law, instead of in the spectacle that is confusing so many of us.

The articles you have linked shows a journalistic zeal that indicates a complete lack of professionalism amongst the journalists breaking the rape story and investigating it.
That's quite a sweeping assertion there, Bells. I challenge it. of Wikileaks have queried the actions of the Swedish Government and media because there is so much pointing to political motivation behind this..
Do you not think it is the job of people hired to defend Assange, and the desire of his most devoted followers, to discredit the charges as merely political, or a conspiracy to extradite, or assassinate, or silence Assange? These are all appeals to emotion, but if you wish to substantiate these you cannot go very deep. The place for getting to the bottom of this is in court, and the time is now.

Remember Hype, that this forum is not solely for anyone else to agree with you.

We have tested your patience? And?
I don't think that I've come up short.

I have considered your points repeatedly...
Not with comprehension sufficient to avoid repeatedly distorting what I have written.

What does where he sticks his penis have to do with Wikileaks?
I've answered that, and I'll answer again: Assange's personal problem with accountability is deeply compromising the important WikiLeaks mission of holding prominent people accountable.

[s said:
Bells[/s]]Why does leadership of WikiLeaks provide Assange shelter from charges of rape?
That's right- You didn't ask me that. But can you answer?

You keep demanding that it should deal solely with releasing documents and they have been doing that consistently.
I'm not sure I understand the question, but I'll try to answer. I agree with the mission statement of WikiLeaks. I have shown ample proof that Assange has come to interfere severely with that mission, in a pattern of irresponsible and unprofessional behavior.

Have you even addressed them?
Yes, I am certain that (considering more than only this thread) I have addressed not a few WikiLeaks releases, and a respectable attention to detail. I won't characterize your contributions in comparison to mine, because that's not the sort of contest I'm interested in. If you would read my posts with a little more effort at comprehension, you would already understand this.

You're too busy going on and on about his wanting for questioning by Sweden for rape and his not being nice to women.. A rape charge that was originally thrown out by the courts and prosecutor in Sweden, only to crop up again with "Cablegate" - a document dump that does not protray Sweden in a favourable light and has shown that Sweden is not has freedom loving as they portray themselves.
There has been no credible proof that the timing was other than coincidental. I challenge you to produce evidence here supporting your assertion.

You don't like my questions to you?
I think that if we would take them one at a time, it would be better. It is a common variation of "trolling" to pepper a target of personal attack with a series of leading questions, without following up in any substantive way. You are using hit-and-run tactics to avoid and distract from a substantive discussion here.[/quote]

Tough luck. Stop whining about where he sticks his dick and start concentrating more on what he has released and is still releasing.
That is not the subject of this thread, Bells. I am watching new WikiLeaks-attributed releases closely, and I will be pleased to discuss any of them with you. Once again- If you had read my previous posts in this thread with more comprehension, then you would better understand me; you would already know where I am inviting and encouraging such discussion. This thread is devoted to accusations against Julian Assange. In the OP, the assertion (close to your own perspective in my opinion) is that Assange's legal woes are a conspiracy, and that there is no basis for settling the matter in court. If there is a breaking WikiLeaks-attributed story that you would like to explore with an open mind, or if there is a significant past story that you would like added to my summary in the opening post, please let me know, so that we can rev up this thread with some engaging and informative (maybe even persuasive) discussion. I invite you with arms (and eyes, and heart) wide open.

Any shred of credibility you may have had in this debate may return to you once you do.
Thanks for your concern, Bells.
Any shred of credibility you may have had in this debate may return to you once you do.

i think it is too late for that.

All I've been saying is that (for a host of reasons) Assange should settle the matter in court ASAP- I don't consider this a staunch or radical feminist position to take (but I thank you).

please consider that it may be a case of rampant narcissism that leads you to believe i am referencing you.

....and the argument that his present accommodations are most secure.....

you refer to the uk, yes? who made that argument?

What charge?

You haven't been following this thread very closely, have you.

He has not been charged yet.
It is impossible to formally charge him in a strict legal sense, until he responds to the warrant. I don't think it is beyond your understanding that "charge" is a term that is used beyond the context of a courtroom (omg) in the sense of allegations of blame.

He is wanted for questioning in regards to the rape allegations.

He hasn't been charged yet.
Not formally. But if you chase the notion of alleged rape and warrants enough, you are likely to hear the words "rape charge" come up. This does not constitute and attempt to mislead you into thinking that Assange has been to court. It simply means in this context that Julian Assange has been accused of rape in Sweden. My assertion that Assange should "answer the charges" does not mean to infer that formal charges have been made in court; "Assange should answer the Swedish warrant for questioning with regard to allegations of rape" is technically more correct, but "answer the charges" is a little more handy when playing round-and-round in circular superficial questioning such as I am patiently enduring here in hopes of finding some understanding between us.

He never was this time around.
Assange has not been formally charged with rape. This does not mean that the warrant has no merit. If this were a valid defense, then all sorts of criminals could rejoice and do their worst.

That is why the UK rejected the extradition order and why they cannot extradite him.
Citation and a UK judicial (not Assange representative) source please, Bells- I challenge that rationale.

There is no charge and even the judge who heard the case in the UK stated that he fully expected the case to be dropped as it had been before due to lack of evidence.
The whole world knows the outline of the charges- well, at least those who take charges of rape seriously in any context.

So what charge of rape are you going on about?
That Assange had sex with two Swedish women without their consent.

Bail is routinely set in proportion to a client's ability to pay; the purpose of bail is to see a suspect in court.
His ability to pay?
Assange has a considerable legal defense fund at his disposal. Whether that fund was intended by most donors for defense against charges of sexual predation is debatable.

Pressure from the US on various banks around the world saw all his accounts frozen. What ability to pay?
All of WikiLeaks, and Assange's accounts were not frozen- certainly not the WikiLeaks legal defense funds. Donations have been impeded.

The Swedish prosecutor has categorically stated that the only way Assange can be extradited to the USA is if the UK says so- whether or not Assange faces charges in Sweden.
The wording was vague in the extreme.
OK, let's take another look. Please let me know where you have become lost in this wording and I will take care to help you graciously:
hypewaders said:
For Bells (since it's a long way up the page, some of my doing) re: extradition:
Facts about extradition of a person who has been surrendered

Different rules apply within the EU (surrender) and outside the EU (extradition).

Due to general agreements in the European Arrest Warrant Act, Sweden cannot extradite a person who has been surrendered to Sweden from another country without certain considerations.

Concerning surrender to another country within the European Union, the Act states that the executing country under certain circumstances must approve a further surrender.

On the other hand, if the extradition concerns a country outside the European Union the authorities in the executing country (the country that surrendered the person) must consent such extradition. Sweden cannot, without such consent, extradite a person, for example to the USA.
Sweden cannot (without the consent of the UK) extradite Assange to the USA- Not that they promise, cross-their-hearts: Sweden can not extradite Assange to the USA without UK requesting that extradition, because that is the law.

You don't know if they are talking about the rape charge or terrorism charges...
Yes, I do. This is with reference to the (careful Bells OMG!) rape charges.

...which the US keeps calling him a terrorist and Sweden, we know, has backroom deals with the US in regards to any terrorist investigations..
It would be simpler to concoct and carry out a conspiracy to do away with Assange right where he is, rather than involving the courts of one of the most avid free-speech nations on the planet. This conspiracy theory is no better substantiated than the average 9-11 "truther" hokum.
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please consider that it may be a case of rampant narcissism that leads you to believe i am referencing you.
Please state clearly whom were you referring to. If your assertion was on topic here, then I apologize.

(re: Assange would be endangered by answering the Swedish warrant)
you refer to the uk, yes? who made that argument?
Not I. I'll get back to you on that...
By comparison with the USA and Australia for example, I think they measure up well.

I beg to differ.

This wasn't just a backdoor deal, as is routine in secret (but tacitly legal) committees in the USA and Australia. This was an intentional deception of the Swedish Parliament, and if you expect that they will take this sitting down, then pay attention. Further, there is no evidence that the counter-terrorism activities concealed had any applicability whatsoever to the Assange's personal case in Sweden: That insinuation comes from Assange and his legal team.
And they have the reason and grounds to be concerned. There is a precendence when it comes to how Sweden and the US's backroom deals and what you deem "routine in secret" when it comes to those the US labels as terrorists:

The United Nations’ ruling that Sweden violated the global torture ban in its involvement in the CIA transfer of an asylum seeker to Egypt is an important step toward establishing accountability for European governments complicit in illegal US renditions, Human Rights Watch said today.

In a decision made public today, the UN Human Rights Committee ruled that diplomatic assurances against torture did not provide an effective safeguard against ill-treatment in the case of an asylum seeker transferred from Sweden to Egypt by CIA operatives in December 2001. The committee decided that Sweden’s involvement in the US transfer of Mohammed al-Zari to Egypt breached the absolute ban on torture, despite assurances of humane treatment provided by Egyptian authorities prior to the rendition.


Is this what you meant by measuring up well?

And in a bit more detail of just how well they measure up:

In December 2001 Swedish police detained Ahmed Agiza and Muhammad al-Zery, two Egyptians who had been seeking asylum in Sweden. The police took them to Bromma airport in Stockholm, and then stood aside as masked alleged CIA operatives cut their clothes from their bodies, inserted drugged suppositories in their anuses, and dressed them in diapers and overalls, handcuffed and chained them and put them on an executive jet with American registration N379P. They were flown to Egypt, where they were imprisoned, beaten, and tortured according to an extensive investigate reports by Swedish programme "Kalla fakta".


So you will excuse me if I don't buy into the whole spiel you're trying to flog in this thread about how safe you think Assange would be if he turned himself into Sweden.

Not in handling a case remotely comparable to the Assange warrant.
I don't think you've looked too much into this to make such a call. Assange and his legal team, as well as Wikileaks have released the documents that show just how much Sweden has been complicit when it comes to what the US wants and they make sure to do it off the books, so to speak, to escape any Parliamentary or public scrutiny.

That is not proof that there is any conspiracy to extradite Assange to the USA. That conspiracy theory is very tenuous considering that in the USA the government is having very great difficulty, in spite of massive motive and effort, in making a viable legal case against Assange.
And as we saw in the past, they don't need to have a viable legal case to extradite someone or shift someone in the night, for lack of a better term. A note you should keep in mind the last time Sweden handed someone over in secret and off the books:

Agiza were sentensed a month ago to 25 years by a military court, that according to Human Rights Watch does "not meet international fair trial standards". Agiza testified that he had been tortured, but the court refused to investigate his claims.

And keep in mind that you even had your Vice President calling him a terrorist .. So unless you're that gullible...?

And the sooner, the better- especially if Assange is (as I hope) innocent.
Who gives a shit if he does? It has nothing to do with this topic and is a private matter. Unless of course you think Assange not putting a condom on his penis is an attempt to advance democracy...?

As I have pointed out (as if it needs pointing out) WikiLeaks is in structural turmoil, and WikiLeaks mission is in continual compromise as a direct result of Assange's personal issues.
Any turmoil would be the result of their founder being hounded by the media and Swedish police, being called a terrorist by high level members of the US Government and other Governments, etc. His allegation of rape is a personal matter that has no bearing on the release of the documents - which have continued and which have been ignored due to all of you being so rapt up on whether he used a condom or not.

Could you elaborate on "people such as myself" please in a PM? I doubt that it is on topic here, but I would like to know exactly what you mean by that.
The media feeds you what you want it to feed you.

You don't like the man and so you seek to find the information to justify your hatred. You whine about his personal life, even though it has no bearing or connection to the documents he is releasing and you ignore said documents while complaining that he should only concentrate on informing the public of Government wrongs.. while ignoring the wrongs listed by him and the document dumps.. because you think he's not respectful of women enough..

Really, it's a never ending circle.

As I have explained here several times, and as you have continued to fail to acknowledge, it is my wish that Assange answer the warrant so that the case may be resolved in a court of law, instead of in the spectacle that is confusing so many of us.
And as has been asserted several times now, the "charge" does not exist. He was wanted for questioning. The court would never make it to court as the evidence has not changed and it was thrown out of court a few months ago because of a lack of evidence, something the judge in the UK commented on with the expectation that the charges would be dropped as before - hence granting him bail..

That's quite a sweeping assertion there, Bells. I challenge it.
You are challenging that the media is more concerned with where he puts his penis than with the documents? You've been following their lead here in this thread.

Do you not think it is the job of people hired to defend Assange, and the desire of his most devoted followers, to discredit the charges as merely political, or a conspiracy to extradite, or assassinate, or silence Assange? These are all appeals to emotion, but if you wish to substantiate these you cannot go very deep. The place for getting to the bottom of this is in court, and the time is now.
The previous Swedish prosecutor discredited the charges, as did the Swedish courts when they threw the charges out a mere few months ago. You have had a parade of individuals from your government and supposed journalists and commentators in the US calling for his rendition, extradition and assasination for his release of the documents. You've either had your head burried in a bucket of sand or you are gullible to the point of being delusional.

You keep going on and on about getting to the bottom of it in court. Again, for the hundredth time.. It's a personal matter. Unless you wish him to face court charges about the document dumps, I'd request you stop harping on about his personal life like you are a gossip magazine or something.

Not with comprehension sufficient to avoid repeatedly distorting what I have written.
Hype, you are writing one thing and then linking articles that completely contradict what you write. We have provided you with countless links and quotes of interviews of just how much he refuses to discuss his rape allegations and how much he wants to discuss the documents released by Wikileaks and you ignore it, going back again to how he's not nice to women..

You are distorting yourself.

I've answered that, and I'll answer again: Assange's personal problem with accountability is deeply compromising the important WikiLeaks mission of holding prominent people accountable.
And he is holding the Swedish Government accountable for their actions in the past which could put his life in jeapordy.

Wikileaks and other leading journalists and human rights advocates and lawyerse are saying that the actions of the Swedish Government appears to be highly politically motivated.

That's right- You didn't ask me that. But can you answer?
Maybe because like the rest of the world, they can see that the charges appear to be politically motivated (as linked in a previous post in this thread)? Could that be it, do you think?

I'm not sure I understand the question, but I'll try to answer. I agree with the mission statement of WikiLeaks. I have shown ample proof that Assange has come to interfere severely with that mission, in a pattern of irresponsible and unprofessional behavior.
And also personal that has nothing to do with Wikileaks at all..

God, you remind me of the Republicans who gunned for Clinton because of a blue dress..

Yes, I am certain that (considering more than only this thread) I have addressed not a few WikiLeaks releases, and a respectable attention to detail. I won't characterize your contributions in comparison to mine, because that's not the sort of contest I'm interested in. If you would read my posts with a little more effort at comprehension, you would already understand this.
Yes Hype. Because everyone else in this thread and elsewhere around the world who have stated and shown why he should be concerned about returning to Sweden because of what we know about the 'special relationship' between Sweden and the US are wrong and you are right.

There has been no credible proof that the timing was other than coincidental. I challenge you to produce evidence here supporting your assertion.
The previous allegation of rape (which was subsequently thrown out and dropped due to lack of evidence that it was rape) came about after the previous document dump. The allegations and hounding of Assange by the Swedish Government comes about after the release of diplomatic cables..

For normal people, 2x2 is usually answered with 4. You're coming up with 3 and demand evidence that has been provided in this and the other thread about the timing..

I think that if we would take them one at a time, it would be better. It is a common variation of "trolling" to pepper a target of personal attack with a series of leading questions, without following up in any substantive way. You are using hit-and-run tactics to avoid and distract from a substantive discussion here.
And you are concentrating on where he puts his penis instead of addressing how he will be punished for attempting to advance democracy. Now, unless it is your assertion that the rape allegations are a punishment for his releasing the documents, you really have no cause or reason to call me a troll for trying to keep you on topic and questioning you about your motives in this thread.

It is clear that you don't like the man personally. You have accused him of disregarding Wikileaks mission - without proof - You want him to face charges in Sweden for rape (again, completely unrelated to this thread) when all evidence points to the dangers to himself if he does so. You then went on to accuse him of not protecting his sources and putting them in danger and all proof points to his never once naming him as an associate and he has consistently denied even knowing Manning. You have repeatedly failed to meet any standards of proof - for example, your assertion that his former staff and associates leaving because they don't like him ignoring their allegations against him personally, even though your own links showed that they were starting a rival organisation (which you then went on to deny they were doing even though your own links stated they were)..

And you accuse me of hit and run tactics and trolling?

That is not the subject of this thread, Bells. I am watching new WikiLeaks-attributed releases closely, and I will be pleased to discuss any of them with you.... etc..

The subject of this thread is how would he be punished for trying to advance democracy and you come out with he's bad to women? What the hell Hype?

I point out to you that the allegations have all appearances of being politically motivated and you go on and on about his being charged with rape (even though he hasn't even been charged yet).. Now, unless it is your assertion that the rape allegations is his punishment, it is you who have been consistently off topic in this thread.

And you accuse me of trolling and using hit and run tactics?
Please state clearly whom were you referring to. If your assertion was on topic here, then I apologize.

why the fuck should i? i will not since it does not concern you
i commented on a remark bells made. it was addressed towards her
your attempts to micromanage and control the discussion here is way out of line and extremely unseemly

would you like me to mine this thread for any offtopic posts/sentences/phrases that you had made?

Starstruck opportunists (possibly victimized) is my guess; cyber-groupies. WikiLeaks needs a front man who doesn't behave like a vain pop star.

Interesting story, Stryder. How would you like to meet some very friendly, very pretty girls and talk about it? (I'm not offering, but be prepared/use protection ffs if it happens to you)

go on
infract yourself with all the righteousness you can muster


You haven't been following this thread very closely, have you.

It is impossible to formally charge him in a strict legal sense, until he responds to the warrant. I don't think it is beyond your understanding that "charge" is a term that is used beyond the context of a courtroom (omg) in the sense of allegations of blame.

So let me see if I get this straight. You keep saying he needs to face the charges of rape and then you say that "it is impossible to formally charge him in the strict legal sense, until he responds to the warrant"..

Frankly, the mind boggles..

He hasn't been charged with anything yet and is wanted for questioning. The one time he was charged with rape, the courts in Sweden as well as the prosecutor dropped the charges due to the complete lack of evidence and that evidence has not changed now..

Sweden can very well charge him with rape if they see fit and yet have not seen fit and instead have attempted to extradite him, after information about their complicit relationship with the US was made public by Wikileaks, for quesetioning? Even after he had previously turned himself in for quesitoning when he had been previously charged (during the time of the previous document dump) and the charges were subsequently dropped when the court threw it out and the prosecution stated there was no evidence of rape...

So which is it?

My assertion that Assange should "answer the charges" does not mean to infer that formal charges have been made in court; "Assange should answer the Swedish warrant for questioning with regard to allegations of rape" is technically more correct, but "answer the charges" is a little more handy when playing round-and-round in circular superficial questioning such as I am patiently enduring here in hopes of finding some understanding between us.
How many times does he have to answer those charges?

He has answered them already. Was questioned by then already in Sweden and then the charges were dropped after the Swedish courts threw it out due to lack of evidence.

Citation and a UK judicial (not Assange representative) source please, Bells- I challenge that rationale.

Mr Justice Duncan Ouseley agreed with a decision by City of Westminister magistrates court earlier in the week to release Assange on strict conditions: £200,000 cash deposit, with a further £40,000 guaranteed in two sureties of £20,000, and strict conditions on his movement.

Assange stood in a dark grey suit in the dock as Ouseley began hearing an appeal by British prosecutors acting on behalf of Sweden.

There was an early sign that the day would go in Assange's favour when Ouseley said: "The history of the way it [the case] has been dealt with by the Swedish prosecutors would give Mr Assange some basis that he might be acquitted following a trial."

In short, there was no basis before and still no basis now..

The whole world knows the outline of the charges- well, at least those who take charges of rape seriously in any context.
You mean the charges that don't really exist because "it is impossible to formally charge him in a strict legal sense"? Those charges?

Me thinks it's time you stopped reading the gossip mags.

That Assange had sex with two Swedish women without their consent.

Bail is routinely set in proportion to a client's ability to pay; the purpose of bail is to see a suspect in court.
And yet, previously, there was no evidence of a crime of rape having been committed.. And again.. that evidence remains the same.

Assange has a considerable legal defense fund at his disposal. Whether that fund was intended by most donors for defense against charges of sexual predation is debatable.
You have proof of that of course? Because you know, all his bank accounts have been frozen and all..:rolleyes:

All of WikiLeaks, and Assange's accounts were not frozen- certainly not the WikiLeaks legal defense funds. Donations have been impeded.

The Swedish prosecutor has categorically stated that the only way Assange can be extradited to the USA is if the UK says so- whether or not Assange faces charges in Sweden.
Terrorism charges have nothing to do with the UK...

And knowing Sweden's history in rendition, I really would not trust them too much. As for his accounts not being frozen:

If, as seems likely, Julian Assange walks free from the high court tomorrow, his triumph will be a brief one. As well as a looming extradition battle with Sweden, he faces a familiar headache known to defendants everywhere: how to pay his lawyers? Since his dramatic arrest last week, and incarceration in Wandsworth jail, Assange's legal bill has been growing.

In theory, the founder of WikiLeaks is sitting on a pile of cash. But currently all his bank accounts are frozen. And his legal costs are separate from donations to WikiLeaks, which since October 2009 have reached €900,000 (£770,000).

Today Assange's lawyers said they were trying to organise a legal defence fund to pay for his bills, including ones he is likely to incur in his extradition hearing in February.

Asked whether Assange has any cash at all, his solicitor Jennifer Robinson said today: "No. We have a huge amount of supporters [willing to donate money] but have nowhere to pay it."


Now unless you have proof that states his accounts aren't frozen, I'd suggest you stop here and now.

Yes, I do. This is with reference to the (careful Bells OMG!) rape charges.
And the US doesn't want him for rape.

It would be simpler to concoct and carry out a conspiracy to do away with Assange right where he is, rather than involving the courts of one of the most avid free-speech nations on the planet. This conspiracy theory is no better substantiated than the average 9-11 "truther" hokum.
Tell Mohammed al-Zari that. He was one we know of whom they handed over to the US and kept it all undocumented - you know, to avoid all Parliamentary scrutiny and all.. :rolleyes:
Of course, celebrities like Assange do not generally drop off the face of the planet. There is no credible precedent that I can think of. You?

I mean David Kelly never made it to the cover of Rolling Stone eh? :m:

none come to mind but the lack of that specific precedent does not preclude me from considering cases that are similar in nature and extrapolating from that point. touting fame, citizenship and the color of one's skin means nothing to some that are allegedly seeking avenues for extradition. nor does it seem to matter to others who are rabidly baying for blood

they do not give shit if assange does not have "brown" skin

what do you think would be the consequences if he did vanish into guantanamo? if manning testified about a conspiracy? if gillard had her way?

you think the street will riot? or move on to the next news cycle?
There is no evidence that the counter-terrorism activities concealed [in the Swedish-US counter-terrorism scandal] had any applicability whatsoever to Assange's personal case in Sweden: That insinuation comes from Assange and his legal team.
And they have the reason and grounds to be concerned. There is a precendence when it comes to how Sweden and the US's backroom deals and what you deem "routine in secret" when it comes to those the US labels as terrorists:

The United Nations’ ruling that Sweden violated the global torture ban in its involvement in the CIA transfer of an asylum seeker to Egypt is an important step toward establishing accountability for European governments complicit in illegal US renditions, Human Rights Watch said today.

In a decision made public today, the UN Human Rights Committee ruled that diplomatic assurances against torture did not provide an effective safeguard against ill-treatment in the case of an asylum seeker transferred from Sweden to Egypt by CIA operatives in December 2001. The committee decided that Sweden’s involvement in the US transfer of Mohammed al-Zari to Egypt breached the absolute ban on torture, despite assurances of humane treatment provided by Egyptian authorities prior to the rendition.

I think that comparing Assange's plight with that of Mohammed al-Zari is a stretch. As I mentioned before, if such protocols had been in use concerning Assange he would already have taken that ride.

Is this what you meant by measuring up well?
No, as I have already noted, Assange is not a likely candidate for Special Rendition, and certainly not in the context of the rape case in Sweden.

And in a bit more detail of just how well they measure up:

In December 2001 Swedish police detained Ahmed Agiza and Muhammad al-Zery, two Egyptians who had been seeking asylum in Sweden. The police took them to Bromma airport in Stockholm, and then stood aside as masked alleged CIA operatives cut their clothes from their bodies, inserted drugged suppositories in their anuses, and dressed them in diapers and overalls, handcuffed and chained them and put them on an executive jet with American registration N379P. They were flown to Egypt, where they were imprisoned, beaten, and tortured according to an extensive investigate reports by Swedish programme "Kalla fakta".

Yes, I understand how these men were mistreated. I do not think that Assange is in similar danger, because his visibility and the circumstances of his arrest are very different, now that Sweden has been through a national scandal over special rendition at U.S. behest, and now that a chastened Swedish government has awarded these victims damages.

I don't buy into the whole spiel you're trying to flog in this thread about how safe you think Assange would be if he turned himself into Sweden.
I don't think you're comparing comparable cases here, in terms of how Sweden is likely to handle Assange. I would further argue that with what has been learned of special renditions in Sweden, it is unlikely that Sweden will be party to any similar abductions and extra-judicial abuse of terrorist suspects at the behest of the United States in the future. The notion that Assange is in danger of being treated like an obscure Arab terrorism suspect is facetious.

There would be no risk or fear of extradition to the US, and yet there is and with very good reason. The Swedish Government has proven itself to be not trustworthy.
Not in handling a case remotely comparable to the Assange warrant.
I don't think you've looked too much into this to make such a call.
Sweden is not a nation likely to repeat the mistakes they once made under the cover of a War on Terrorism that has been discredited there, in a much more highly-visible case like Assange's, that is about rape and not political terrorism.

Assange and his legal team, as well as Wikileaks have released the documents that show just how much Sweden has been complicit when it comes to what the US wants and they make sure to do it off the books, so to speak, to escape any Parliamentary or public scrutiny.
And I submit for your objective consideration that Sweden has been facing up to the excesses and injustices of the "War on Terror" that they were party to. Sweden is perceptibly out in front of the UK, in terms of putting to rest the mentality that led to the injustices you claim are likely to be repeated in the name of Assange's rape investigation warrant.

That conspiracy theory is very tenuous considering that in the USA the government is having very great difficulty, in spite of massive motive and effort, in making a viable legal case against Assange.
And as we saw in the past, they don't need to have a viable legal case to extradite someone or shift someone in the night, for lack of a better term.
Yes they do, Bells- especially now that Swedish courts and government have admitted past injustices concerning terrorism suspects, and awarded damages. Assange is in a very different situation than the abductees of years past in the War on Terror.
A note you should keep in mind the last time Sweden handed someone over in secret and off the books:

Agiza were sentensed a month ago to 25 years by a military court, that according to Human Rights Watch does "not meet international fair trial standards". Agiza testified that he had been tortured, but the court refused to investigate his claims.
You are not quoting legal precedent here. This was not a Swedish court. You may as well say that Assange must not answer the Swedish Warrant because of Zimbabwean notions of precedence in law. This note is foolish, Bells.

And keep in mind that you even had your Vice President calling him a terrorist .. So unless you're that gullible...?
Biden says many stupid things, but his thoughtless remarks do not govern Swedish law. Unless US courts can construct a case for charging Assange, and unless the UK will order Assange extradited to the US, Assange is in no jeopardy of extradition to the USA from Sweden.

There should be no fear of extradition to the US, but we have documentation from the US itself that Sweden has been happy to keep all terrorism discussions and investigations away from Parliamentary scrutiny.
Instead of focusing on that, you're saying he should go back to Sweden?
Yes. The sooner, the better- especially if Assange is (as I hope) innocent.
Who gives a shit if he does?
I think it matters if Assange is a sexual predator: If so, then he should be punished sufficiently to deter the behavior. I think it matters if Assange is innocent of the charges: If so, then we can move on with substantive investigations instead of insinuations of a conspiracy to frame him (if such evidence ever arises).
It has nothing to do with this topic and is a private matter.
This thread is about Assange's legal problems.
Unless of course you think Assange not putting a condom on his penis is an attempt to advance democracy...?
Bells, this is the sort of leading questions that amount to trolling in my opinion. You know that the allegations are about forced sex without a woman's consent.

Here you are changing subject again, and I consider this trolling as well. It is very difficult for any readers to wade through this sort of drive-by questioning. It is also very difficult for me to answer in context, and I suspect that this is a game of rope-a-dope, and not a sincere examination of what I'm expressing here.

As I have pointed out (repeatedly without your acknowledgement) WikiLeaks is in structural turmoil, and WikiLeaks mission is in continual compromise as a direct result of Assange's personal issues.
Any turmoil would be the result of their founder being hounded by the media and Swedish police, being called a terrorist by high level members of the US Government and other Governments, etc. His allegation of rape is a personal matter that has no bearing on the release of the documents - which have continued and which have been ignored due to all of you being so rapt up on whether he used a condom or not.
I have made no such assertions, as you are suggesting here. If you are not going to read my posts with comprehension, or if you wish to mischaracterize them to such an unrecognizeable extent, please don't post here. I've not disrespected you in this way.

I'll repeat my earlier request:
Could you elaborate on "people such as myself" please in a PM?
You're casting a lot of off-topic aspersions on me here, but won't talk them over with me in private. Why is that, Bells? Because what followed here in your post amounts to blatant ad-hominem and trolling, I'll invite you to discuss what I'm skipping of your above post in private channels.

And as has been asserted several times now, the "charge" does not exist. He was wanted for questioning. The court would never make it to court as the evidence has not changed and it was thrown out of court a few months ago because of a lack of evidence, something the judge in the UK commented on with the expectation that the charges would be dropped as before - hence granting him bail..
You do not know what evidence the Swedish prosecution has gathered.

Bells said:
The articles you have linked shows a journalistic zeal that indicates a complete lack of professionalism amongst the journalists breaking the rape story and investigating it.
That's quite a sweeping assertion there, Bells. I challenge it.
You are challenging that the media is more concerned with where he puts his penis than with the documents?
You are attempting to dismiss all that I have offered you as unprofessional work of zealots. You are also attempting to turn around a point on which we agree (and that I have well indicated throughout this thread) that Assange's personal problems are distracting from issues with even wider implications than these charges of rape.
You've been following their lead here in this thread.
Either do not understand my posts, or do not wish to. Please do not comment on my remarks if you are not willing to review your comprehension of them when repeatedly asked politely.

If we persist in trollish appeals to emotion over Assange's being accused of rape, we cannot go very deep in this discussion. The place for getting to the bottom of this is in court, and the time is now.
The previous Swedish prosecutor discredited the charges, as did the Swedish courts when they threw the charges out a mere few months ago.
We do not know why there has been a reversal, except for assurances from the Prosecutor that the warrant is not politically motivated.

You have had a parade of individuals from your government and supposed journalists and commentators in the US calling for his rendition, extradition and assasination for his release of the documents.
None of that has been shown to have anything to do with the Swedish Prosecutor's agenda, or mine for that matter.

More ad-hominem trolling, and ignoring of my discussion with you ensued from this point in your above post. Skipping on down...

Hype, you are writing one thing and then linking articles that completely contradict what you write.
I challenge that: Please drop the ad-hominems, and let's get back on topic, Bells.

We have provided you with countless links and quotes of interviews of just how much he refuses to discuss his rape allegations and how much he wants to discuss the documents released by Wikileaks and you ignore it, going back again to how he's not nice to women..
I do not dispute that Assange avoids addressing the rape allegations. As I have said, I think the place for that is in court, and as soon as possible. Please try and comprehend what I write, or do not comment on it.

You are distorting yourself.
I think we have ample evidence here that you are attempting distortion, while offering something less (I'm being charitable) of substance of your own here.

Assange's personal problem with accountability is deeply compromising the important WikiLeaks mission of holding prominent people accountable.
And he is holding the Swedish Government accountable for their actions in the past which could put his life in jeapordy.
I submit for your kind consideration that that would be best accomplished in court, and I challenge you to substantiate your allegation that the Swedish Government is jeopardizing Assange's life.
Wikileaks and other leading journalists and human rights advocates and lawyerse are saying that the actions of the Swedish Government appears to be highly politically motivated.
I am aware of those allegations, Bells- Can you substantiate them, or are you only distracting conversation here as a troll?

[s said:
Bells[/s]]Why does leadership of WikiLeaks provide Assange shelter from charges of rape?
That's right- You didn't ask me that. But can you answer?
Maybe because like the rest of the world, they can see that the charges appear to be politically motivated (as linked in a previous post in this thread)?
I have never been disputing that appearance with you. I am asking you about credible evidence for the conspiracy you are alleging.

Could that be it, do you think?
No, I have very carefully reviewed your posts, and I see no credible evidence of a conspiracy to frame Assange for rape. If I missed something credible, please point it out to me.

I agree with the mission statement of WikiLeaks. I have shown ample proof that Assange has come to interfere severely with that mission, in a pattern of irresponsible and unprofessional behavior.
And also personal that has nothing to do with Wikileaks at all..
Nonsense: Assange's behavior has a great deal to do with his professional effectiveness. You are not reading my patient responses and explanations to you with even basic comprehension. Since you are certainly not stupid, I consider this trolling.

God, you remind me of the Republicans who gunned for Clinton because of a blue dress..
Well I'm not like them. Clinton was never accused of raping Monica Lewinsky. To equate the allegations of these cases is not harmless intellectual laziness.

I am certain that (considering more than only this thread) I have addressed not a few WikiLeaks releases, and [with] a respectable attention to detail. I won't characterize your contributions in comparison to mine, because that's not the sort of contest I'm interested in. If you would read my posts with a little more effort at comprehension, you would already understand this.
Yes Hype.
Good, thank you.
Because everyone else in this thread and elsewhere around the world who have stated and shown why he should be concerned about returning to Sweden because of what we know about the 'special relationship' between Sweden and the US are wrong and you are right.
Yes, that is what I am trying to show: That there is no credible evidence that Sweden will deliver Assange for treatment like an unknown Arab Terrorist (special rendition); that there is no credible evidence of a conspiracy to frame Assange for rape. That is my challenge to you: Please substantiate these theories, and please do not ignore and distort evidence I present here to the contrary, and please do not make ad-hominum appeals and insults, because doing those things is disrespectful to me, is against our Forum Rules, and is a lousy example to be setting as a staff member. I hope to discuss this problem in more detail with you privately, where it is not off topic.

There has been no credible proof that the timing was other than coincidental. I challenge you to produce evidence here supporting your assertion.
The previous allegation of rape (which was subsequently thrown out and dropped due to lack of evidence that it was rape) came about after the previous document dump.
I know that there was vague simulteneity. That is not evidence of a link. I can appeal for respect and attention to information presented here, and carefully read your posts, all in a similar window of time as you degenerate this thread- but that does not make me responsible for your refusal to reciprocate.
The allegations and hounding of Assange by the Swedish Government comes about after the release of diplomatic cables..
That does not establish a credible link, Bells. Many different things are happening around the world at this moment. This does not mean that they are all connected in some conspiratorial way.

For normal people, 2x2 is usually answered with 4. You're coming up with 3 and demand evidence that has been provided in this and the other thread about the timing..
No, you are presenting a logical fallacy and accusing me of being the troll. Please stop it.

I think that if we would take specific issues one at a time, it would be better. It is a common variation of "trolling" to pepper a target of personal attack with a series of leading questions, without following up in any substantive way. You are using hit-and-run tactics to avoid and distract from a substantive discussion here.
And you are concentrating on where he puts his penis instead of addressing how he will be punished for attempting to advance democracy.
You are using vulgar repetition to misrepresent what I have posted here. This is just not up to snuff, Bells.

Now, unless it is your assertion that the rape allegations are a punishment for his releasing the documents, you really have no cause or reason to call me a troll...
Patent nonsense and fallacy.

you really have no cause or reason to call me a troll for trying to keep you on topic and questioning you about your motives in this thread.
I have been trying very hard to stay on topic, and I think that upon review, it shows. My motives are not the subject of this thread. If you would like to learn about my motives, then ask me about them where it is more appropriate and i will fully explain anything about my motives that interests you.

It is clear that you don't like the man personally.
I don't know Julian Assange personally. I don't like him as leader of WikiLeaks: I thing he's run it into the gutter, and I've explained here why I think that.

You have accused him of disregarding Wikileaks mission - without proof -
That is not true, Bells.

You want him to face charges in Sweden for rape...
Yes. Thank you for comprehending that; I know that I'm not always easy to follow.

(again, [the rape allegations against Assange are] completely unrelated to this thread)
That is not true, Bells.

You want him to face charges in Sweden for rape... when all evidence points to the dangers to himself if he does so.
I've looked carefully, through this rambling thread several times, but I've seen no credible evidence here to support your assertion. Please point it out.

You then went on to accuse him of not protecting his sources and putting them in danger...
Good- that's right. As various of his former associates have corroborated, Assange's obsession with massive releases of sensational war logs has been irresponsible, because it is difficult to impossible to protect sources from large-dump forensics, and problematic to redact names and situations identifying people for retribution and victimization. I too want the stories out mind you, but I want them out through responsible source-protective channels, that can best protect sources and bystanders in events described.

...and all proof points to his never once naming [Bradley Manning] as an associate...
I have not accused Assange of outing Manning by name. In my opinion legal defense funds that should rightfully be put to work for Manning are being squandered in the evasion of the Swedish investigation into allegations of rape by Assange.

that may be true- I have not challenged that.

You have repeatedly failed to meet any standards of proof - for example, your assertion that his former staff and associates leaving because they don't like him ignoring their allegations against him personally...
Bells, this isn't even close to anything I've posted. Please quote me and don't paraphrase, because you are having a very hard time understanding what I have written. I will try to be more clear, and I will be happy to make what I write clearer, if you will please just quote what I have written in situations like this instead of writing what you think I said.

...your own links showed that [Daniel Domscheit-Berg and others] were starting a rival organisation (which you then went on to deny they were doing even though your own links stated they were)..
I disagreed with your characterization of OpenLeaks. This is not the same thing as denying what has transpired. OpenLeaks shares the same mission as WikiLeaks, but is using selected journalists as the retailers or front-end. People involved in this movement trend toward idealism, and overall there is not an atmospheric of economic or political competition. Although Assange's poor performance has created bad personal feelings, there has never been expressed a vendetta against the Wikileaks organization by past WL associates.

And you accuse me of hit and run tactics and trolling?

The subject of this thread is how would he be punished for trying to advance democracy and you come out with he's bad to women?
The premise of the OP is that Assange is being smeared in order to discourage "bringing important news and information to the public... [provision of] an innovative, secure and anonymous way for independent sources around the world to leak information to our journalists. [Publishing of] material of ethical, political and historical significance while keeping the identity of ... sources anonymous, thus providing a universal way for the revealing of suppressed and censored injustices" (as expressed in the WL mission statement).
What the hell Hype?[]/quote]Hells, Bells: The thread was started alleging conspiracies. It is legitimate to challenge them here.

I point out to you that the allegations have all appearances of being politically motivated...
That's not evidence, my dear Bells.

...and you go on and on about his being charged with rape (even though he hasn't even been charged yet)..
You're repeatedly playing at semantics while repeatedly missing the point.

Now, unless it is your assertion that the rape allegations is his punishment, it is you who have been consistently off topic in this thread.
Nonsense; fallacy.

And you accuse me of trolling and using hit and run tactics?
Yes. Please stop it.

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Bells said:
Any shred of credibility you may have had in this debate may return to you once you do.

Gustav said:
i think it is too late for that.

hypewaders said:
All I've been saying is that (for a host of reasons) Assange should settle the matter in court ASAP- I don't consider this a staunch or radical feminist position to take (but I thank you).

Gustav said:
please consider that it may be a case of rampant narcissism that leads you to believe i am referencing you.

Please state clearly whom were you referring to. If your assertion was on topic here, then I apologize.
why the fuck should i?
Because this is a forum where we are required to be respectful of each other.

i will not since it does not concern you
But it does- I have offered you an apology, and you have offered me insult and obfuscation. Let's get over it.

i commented on a remark bells made. it was addressed towards her
It referred to me.

your attempts to micromanage and control the discussion here is way out of line and extremely unseemly
I'll try and do better.

would you like me to mine this thread for any offtopic posts/sentences/phrases that you had made?
I've been trying to avoid that, with considerably better results than yours. Because I hold considerable respect for you and Bells, I am hoping that after a break you will each review this thread, and see whether or not I have been the prime offender. It is a very difficult to appeal to you for higher standards of respect and behavior here, to defend my own viewpoint, and to attempt to return the discussion to topic, when I am being harassed, misquoted, smeared, and defied here. I'm hoping you'll both come around, because I mean you no harm.

go on
infract yourself with all the righteousness you can muster
Great minds think alike- I've often wanted to do just that- for fairness, and to point out that warnings and even a day's holiday are not so traumatic, provided we keep in perspective that this is merely one of the best message boards yet evolved.

The best of us can and do get out of line here from time to time, especially when we discover profound differences of perspective. Sometimes we get chastened by peers, and sometimes by volunteer staff. Non of this is perfect, but if it all comes down to respect for others and for the reasoned and reasonable pursuit of truth, then we can actually develop here not only our knowledge and communications skills through such media as this- also our emotional intelligence. It's not always easy to stay calm when there is a clash of ideas. But these more raucous clashes are in my opinion (and especially when aggressive emotions are tempered by respect for fellow members and this community as a whole) the most worthwhile of all.

I'll going to need a break from here for a day or two after this- I'll maybe address one more round of Bell's less than respectful treatment of my opinion and patience here. I hope this will be an opportunity for each of us involved in this to learn something about ourselves with an objective review. I hope we're all up to it- it's become one hell of a tedious thread. It's also one hell of an important subject. In spite (but not angry spite) of you're ruffled feathers, I'm glad you've been a part of it, Gustav. And I hope we'll understand each other better after processing this for a while. :cheers:
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