How will Assange be punished for attempting to advance democracy?

How will Assange be punished for attempting to advance democracy?

  • Give Assange a heart attack.

    Votes: 3 15.0%
  • Have Assange die in a plane crash.

    Votes: 2 10.0%
  • Have Assange commit suicide.

    Votes: 4 20.0%
  • Put Assange in Jail for decades for a crime not related to his work.

    Votes: 11 55.0%

  • Total voters
I agree, and that is why Assange is irresponsible for not dealing with the charges (on both occasions that they have been raised) forthrightly, in person. The argument that the Swedish system of justice before the eyes of the world is inadequate for Assange in this case is not credible in my opinion- I am confident that Sweden can provide Assange with ample securities of his rights and personal safety, equal to or better than what he enjoys now at Ellingham Hall. If Assange truly values the cause of transparency and public accountability over his own concerns pertaining to his personal peccadillos, then he should face the legal music in Sweden without delay. Suggestions that the Swedish warrant is a U.S. rendition trap have scant merit:

Asylum seekers Mohammed al-Zari and Ahmed Agiza were transferred from Stockholm to Cairo in December 2001 aboard a United States government-leased airplane. The government of Sweden expelled al-Zari and Agiza, both suspected of terrorist activities, following written assurances from the Egyptian authorities that they would not be subject to the death penalty, tortured, or ill-treated, and would receive fair trials. Swedish and Egyptian authorities also agreed on a post-return monitoring mechanism involving visits to the men in prison. The men had no opportunity under Swedish law to challenge the legality of their expulsions or the reliability of the Egyptian assurances.

In May 2004 a Swedish television news program, "Kalla Fakta," revealed that the two men were apprehended and physically assaulted by Swedish police; handed over to the custody of hooded US operatives at Stockholm's Bromma airport who cut off the men's clothing and blindfolded, hooded, diapered, and drugged them; and then transported aboard a US government-leased Gulfstream jet to Cairo.The involvement of the US in the men's transfers has since been confirmed by the Swedish government.​
Alzery v. Sweden

Agiza v. Sweden

Swedish TV4 Kalla Fakta Program: "The Broken Promise"
Assange is not brown, Muslim, and obscure to the world. Assange is not subject to the special-rendition dragnet that has fed the US gulag of detention and torture without trial. Prisoners of that system have never included Western media personalities or Western dissidents. If it were otherwise, Assange would have been flown away Terrorist Class to parts unknown before he ever got many chances to cavort with WikiGroupies.
I think Assange has lost his way

I think the media is too focused on his personal and private life, which gives the appearance that he has lost his way.

He does have a large following.
You missed my point.

People are more focused on him than they are on the actual leaks..

I mean look at this discussion as a perfect example. People are more focused on the man than they are on the information that has been leaked.

Absolutely. But he's not fully operational in exposing that to the fullest- his skin's too thin. Accountability is something he's gaming in the swirly world surrounding him- but things don't compute the same to Assange when it comes to self-examination.
His skin shouldn't have anything to do with anything. The only thing the world should be focused on is what he has divulged. But instead, we're concerned about whether he used a condom or not. So he then has to defend himself against the accusations and he is criticised for having lost his way as a result.

Either way, he cannot win.

No yes, (I think gag threats are unjust).
I think any threat against someone's life is unjust.

Go back to Sweden and answer the charges; write some self-adoring books; learn to really write code; stop playing at journalism; oh, and here's a really important one: Be nice to women, because they're people too. By the way, you're in fine form today, Bells.
He does not need to go back to Sweden. The charges have all the appearance of being bogus. How many women he sleeps with is no one's concern. The charges of rape, when they first appeared, were thrown out of court because the facts did not add up or point to rape and there was a complete lack of evidence. So he was told he could go about his business and he was told he could leave the country. Now suddenly, another dump later and the charges return (funny that) and America starts rumbling about his being a terrorist and about extradition. He knows that the laws in the UK offers him more protection against extradition.. Of course he's going to fight going back to Sweden. Hell, the judge who heard his case in the UK stated that he did not expect him to face the charges in Sweden because the evidence was so flimsy and because of the simple fact that the courts in Sweden threw it out on the same evidence a few months ago.

You appear to be more concerned that he wasn't nice to women. Seriously, what business is it of anyone which woman he has sex with and when and how? You are buying into what the media feeds you. Maybe it is American media that is at fault.

Your attacks against him are personal in nature. You have an issue with the man.. Ignore the man and look at what he is releasing. That is what you and everyone should be doing.

The legal grounds for extraditing Assange to the USA are very shaky. Swedish authorities have ruled out extraditing him through the present warrant. They are adamant about keeping the matter of rape legally separate from the highly strained and hypothetical threats of an extradition to the USA for espionage. It is not so easy in USi tradition and habit to specially-render a prominent white boy from Over There without a semblance of legitimate legal process.
The whole rape charge is shaky Hype.

I am curious about your gullibility here. No offense, but it's like you're parroting fox.

You are more concerned about who he sleeps with and his behaviour outside of Wikileaks than you are about the leaks themselves.

I agree. The noises being made about shutting down investigative journalism are premature in a political and technical sense. We are not a closed society and police state yet.
You'd be surprised. Your Government runs an offshore prison and tortures people for information, as a starter. I think you may be deluded in thinking that you're not a closed society. You are very much a closed society with a semblance of freedom.

Get guarantees of non-extradition beyond Sweden, and honor the Swedish warrant.
Okay.. What does Sweden have to do with Wikileaks?

The issue with Sweden is a private matter and outside of Wikileaks and outside of the leaked documents themselves.

No, Assange's idea of "hiding" is a joke. He was on a lecture and party tour, and bedding down with strangers.

Does it bother you that he has sex with different women or has one night stands?

I don't think any of us here try to put things in ways that we deem immoral and unjust, do we?
Hmm.. You tell me:

"bedding down with strangers"​

Look, I know that the last USi President's "Yer either with us or against us" schtick was lapped up to a great extent down under- but I mean, really Bells: We know things aren't really that simple, and if you've read my posts you know that I'm a dinkum WikiLeaks fan. I really hope that WL survives Assange's stint as spooksmodel.
Your Government's message to the world has not really changed Hype.

If you are a Wikileaks fan, I'd suggest you ignore Assange "bedding down with strangers".

That's a separate case, but one I'm happy to turn to... It's the one that really matters.
It is directly tied to the case. He was bragging about what he did. Assange never divulged his name..

Sure, but he's taking a page from Bin Laden, not Sy Hersh.
By saying he'll name names?

Nobody with any sense doubts that claim.
So your claim that it is all unfounded was what exactly?

And he's a shrill little sheila.
Again, personal attacks about how he reacts to private threats made against himself and others around him...?

You must not have seen the color of Media up here. I don't drink much from the mainstream- it's distinctly yellow.
Hmmm... So the question remains, why are you concentrating so much on his personal life?

Let's let the courts decide in every case, shall we?
You think he should face trial for the leaks?

He's whimpered that he'll megadump a steaming stream of unredacted all-he's got if he gets frightened, revealing what's most important to him: His precious Assange.
He has megadumped and released names in the past..

Did you miss the parts where he has walked out on interviews and ignored questions about his personal life and states clearly that he only wants to discuss the leaked documents? I mean if it were all about "his precious Assange", he'd only discuss himself, wouldn't he?

And yet...?

Indeed: He should go beat the rap, and make them all look perfectly silly if he's innocent.
You mean again? He's beaten it before when the courts threw it out due to lack of evidence and facts... So how many times is he going to have to beat this particular rap? Each time he does a document dump?

Your laws are powerless before Our Great American Free World Leadership.
And yet.. above..:

"The legal grounds for extraditing Assange to the USA are very shaky. Swedish authorities have ruled out extraditing him through the present warrant. They are adamant about keeping the matter of rape legally separate from the highly strained and hypothetical threats of an extradition to the USA for espionage. It is not so easy in USi tradition and habit to specially-render a prominent white boy from Over There without a semblance of legitimate legal process."​

:gag: :spit: I hope not.
And it is not something you can guarantee, is it?

Assange leaked his wiki all by himself. He can go see the Judge all by himself. He does not need to drag the fight for accountability through the muck. He needs to answer the charges like a responsible man, not a narcissistic nookie-nerd, so we can all go about our business saving the world from (or for) tyranny. Which side is it you're on again?
You mean by turning himself in, going to jail, etc?

How utterly irresponsible!

"Mr. Assange"- gaah! that egotistical git really pisses me off... er, what was that, Bells?
Again, you concentrate too much on him..

Assange is making very conspicuous mistakes that a serious journalist would never do.
By fighting a dubious rape charge?

He claims to be a journalist. I haven't heard him specifically claim his work as "investigative", but that is certainly the genre he works in. I don't dispute that Assange is a journalist, as he says he is. Whenever he speaks or writes publicly about news sourced through his organization, it look like journalism to me. I consider Assange a journalist, but not a very good one: Recently he's been making allegations without corroborating them. He's been verging on (arguably committing) blackmail, by threatening an unredacted megadump if he's arrested That's not good journalism- it damages his own credibility, and that of WikiLeaks. He does a much better job for WikiLeaks and his sources when he keeps quiet, and allows more professional people to break the stories, and to take care to not conflate things as you are doing here, mixing Assange's personal issues within the context of the work of WikiLeaks. Good journalists know how to bring a story with a professional degree of focus.
Investigative journalists go out of their way to get the story - He is the messenger in that people being him the information and he publishes it.

He provides the documents to select news sources and then announces their release.. That is it.

He does not strip down and shake his tata's at the announcements, he does not take any personal questions during the announcements. He announces and he leaves. Really, at this point I need to ask, what more do you want?

The media has dug into his private life, tracked down his son and named said son in the media, they have tracked down his mother and named her and where she works and what she does, even where she lives. His interviews focus more on his personal life and when he rightly refuses to answer those questions, he is blamed for it.. So really, what more do you want?

Assange disrupts the mission of WikiLeaks by releasing information in a manner that compromises whistleblowers, and persons not implicated in criminal conspiracy.
But he has not. He has given the media organisations all the information and they have decided to release what they wanted to release..

Of course it is. Assange's problem in Sweden adds to the media smoke-screen, and that is one important reason why I think he should face the charges without delay.
Yes, but you are expecting that he goes to Sweden to face charges and then face the possibility of extradition when the charges in Sweden are a private matter and no one's business.. You are expecting him to act in a way that no one else would have. anyone in that situation would fight extradition to Sweden.

Assange displays an obsession with portraying himself as a leader.
He is the leader of the organisation.

Would you prefer he protrays himself as the mailman?

There is ample evidence in Assange's writing, interviews, and interaction with his associates, that he has much difficulty separating his self-image from his purported cause.
Ermm your quotes don't show that.. Quite the contrary:

"Although I still write, research and investigate my role is primarily that of a publisher and editor-in-chief who organises and directs other journalists."​

The next quote he keeps saying by "us".. etc..

None of those who have left WikiLeaks have expressed any such intentions: They have consistently indicated that Assange is the prioblem, not WikiLeaks. I've already provided links showing this in this thread.

If you would like to explore the spinoffs (and I think it would be interesting) I think it would be more on topic in this thread:
The article you linked about his staff stated that they were starting their own 'leaks' site. From your link earlier:

Former WikiLeaks supporters at odds with founder Julian Assange will shortly launch OpenLeaks, a rival project aiming to get secret documents directly to media, one of them said Friday.

“I can confirm that we will be operating under the name ‘OpenLeaks’,” said former Icelandic WikiLeaks member Herbert Snorrason.


The Icelander, who quit WikiLeaks after a public feud with Assange, had already in November told media about the rival project.


I have seen no expressions of hostility for the WikiLeaks project from those close associates who have parted company with Assange.
So starting a rival organisation is a show of love and support?

Assange is adept at such things on his own; he needs no help from anyone in that respect.
By telling the media to stick to the subject and stop discussing his rape charges which is private and personal and has nothing to do with Wikileaks?

I'm not certain of the relevance of that search to the meandering line of questioning you are offering me here. I am certain that I have never promoted harrassment of journalists, or crackdowns on freedom of speech in my country. It's as if you're not reading what I post closely, and taking superficial pot-shots at me from various angles. This makes it hard to keep to the standards we should set an example of here, IMO Bells. I know that you know the Forum Rules, so I won't get technical. But let's do try and promote a higher standard of discourse here (please?)

I would like for the most harmful crimes of our times to be exposed- Especially crimes on a global scale against the most basic human rights.
So why do you keep focusing on his private life like the rest of the media pack?

Why make comments about his not being nice women?

That Assange has become a distraction from more important things. His performance as a journalist, editor, leader, and spokesman has been abysmal.
I think that is a matter of personal opinion. I happen to disagree with you.

I have addressed this in posts above, but you do not seem to have comprehended what I offered. Please review, and I'll be happy to answer if you can continue with some acknowledgment and understanding of what I have already related here. I'm being very patient with you, because I do hold you in high regard. I'm going to back up a little, because the context of what came next in your many questions to me was unclear:
And again, the question remains. You haven't been clear. The thread is "How will Assange be punished for attempting to advance democracy?".. So why are you talking about his not being nice to women. How do you know he's not nice to women? Those women were twittering about how great he was, etc, before the rape charges mysteriously appeared after the previous document dump. You are accusing him of not focusing on Wikileaks when you aren't focusing on it either. You are demanding he goes back to Sweden to answer the charges - again, nothing to do with Wikileaks. Your responses have been a mirror of what you have seen in the media.

I would like for the most harmful crimes of our times to be exposed- Especially crimes on a global scale against the most basic human rights.
And that information is coming to light. I'd suggest you focus more on it than the messenger and demand your media does the same.

I'll settle for professional on-message journalism.
But he has been on message. He has provided the information but no one is listening because they are too interested in the sordid details of his sex life as reported by the media and as released by the Swedish Government.

Assange has been unable to separate his ego from his job, and that has been regularly taking him off message. He portrays his problem as the curse of being a "lightning rod", but the reality is that Assange consistently distracts from the WikiLeaks mission.
But he is not. The media is.

He is not to blame for the media wanting their dose of gossip.

Assange has not been charged with any crime under U.S. law.
So why is the US calling him a terrorist?

Long enough to settle the matter in Sweden.
Which has what to do with Wikileaks and this thread topic?

No, Assange has abused the information in very personal ways.
No, he has not. He has released to the media and released it on the site.

Yes, that is blackmail, and not within the bounds of responsible journalism.
By telling the States to back off?

I think he has the grounds to.

Assange has severe staffing difficulty because his ego gets in the way of his work. His "rival" former associates believe in the WikiLeaks mission, but disagree with Assange's personal conduct.
Again, why is his personal conduct coming up for discussion?

Yes, I am sure. I have offered you evidence to that effect. Your circular questioning is absurd and disrespectful here- "trolling". I'm pleased to explore the legal response of world governments to WikiLeaks with you, but please don't reduce this to absurd tail-chasing.
And you still don't have a point. You have consistently been off-topic about this thread. Unless you think not wearing a condom when he fucks a woman is an attempt to advance democracy, you really have no reason to accuse me of trolling.

You have made repeated accusations against him and how he runs the organisation - again, not on topic at all.

Good. Let's please try and start over with an intelligent and focused discussion. You've been asking a lot of leading questions of me that really don't acknowledge what I've offered you here. It seems to me like you would like to square off with me as if this is some sort of match, but it isn't cricket. It's a poor example of how to have a fruitful discussion here. I have plenty of fruit to offer, and I'll be happy to serve it up with a little less fisking.
I have been trying to get you to understand a simple fact. Assange's sex life and personal life has nothing to do with Wikileaks. Stop complaining that he's not the hero you want him to be. No one is perfect.
hypewaders said:
*I'm not certain of the relevance of that search to the meandering line of questioning you are offering me here. I am certain that I have never promoted harrassment of journalists, or crackdowns on freedom of speech in my country. It's as if you're not reading what I post closely, and taking superficial pot-shots at me from various angles. This makes it hard to keep to the standards we should set an example of here, IMO Bells. I know that you know the Forum Rules, so I won't get technical. But let's do try and promote a higher standard of discourse here (please?)

*I have addressed this in posts above, but you do not seem to have comprehended what I offered. Please review, and I'll be happy to answer if you can continue with some acknowledgment and understanding of what I have already related here. I'm being very patient with you, because I do hold you in high regard. I'm going to back up a little, because the context of what came next in your many questions to me was unclear:

*Yes, I am sure. I have offered you evidence to that effect. Your circular questioning is absurd and disrespectful here- "trolling". I'm pleased to explore the legal response of world governments to WikiLeaks with you, but please don't reduce this to absurd tail-chasing

so ahh bells
this guy is clearly out of line here
shall i sfog his ass?

from another thread

quadraphonics said:
LOL, you think this sort of ham-fisted authoritarianism is going to make people less likely to challenge you? Good luck with that...

CptBork said:
Ok hypewaders, once again you have abused the good faith which was placed in you to be fair and unbiased in your moderation. I can now guarantee you that GeoffP, myself, and possibly many others will be citing this as well as past examples of your moderating abuse, and making sure that every relevant authority on this board knows what you're doing on top of those who are now already in the know (believe me, we've only just gotten started). GeoffP started this topic, it's not your freedom to redefine it as you see fit, and if Geoff thinks I'm ruining the discussion and distracting from the OP, let him say so and I will excuse myself from the remainder of this thread.

Once again, with great disappointment in your horribly biased heavy-handedness, I insist you retract your latest set of sanctions, once again without further delay, and that you cease and desist from continuing such irresponsible behaviour in the future. If not,I will be pushing for you to be sanctioned in kind. You are NOT a fair and unbiased moderator on this topic, and if you wanted to preserve such an illusion, you should have kept your opinions to yourself in the first place instead of chiming in with uncited opinions. Remember, GeoffP and I were the first ones here to actually make references to actual documents, all you have done is throw accusations and unsourced opinions and stats. Maybe you'd make a good mod on a religion website, but this is a science-based website and you clearly demonstrate little understanding of the distinction.

Good day, and I hope you get the sanctions you rightfully deserve.
Assange is not brown, Muslim, and obscure to the world. Assange is not subject to the special-rendition dragnet that has fed the US gulag of detention and torture without trial. Prisoners of that system have never included Western media personalities or Western dissidents. If it were otherwise, Assange would have been flown away Terrorist Class to parts unknown before he ever got many chances to cavort with WikiGroupies.

irrelevant garbage. you hold the swedish system to be beyond reproach. i provide a contrary instance which you disingenuously dismiss with platitudes that are nothing but an article of faith on your part

UN report by Manfred Nowak

Manfred Nowak, a special reporter on torture, has catalogued in a 15-page U.N. report presented to the 191-member General Assembly that the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, France, Sweden and Kyrgyzstan are violating international human rights conventions by deporting terrorist suspects to countries such as Egypt, Syria, Algeria and Uzbekistan, where they may have been tortured.

"The United States is holding at least 26 persons as “ghost detainees” at undisclosed locations outside of the United States," Human Rights Watch said on December 1, 2005, as it released a list naming some of the detainees. The detainees are being held indefinitely and incommunicado, without legal rights or access to counsel.​

A Syrian-born Canadian citizen, Arar was detained in September 2002 at New York's Kennedy Airport, on suspicion of having links to al-Qaida, which was responsible for the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the United States.

The information came from a Canadian police report describing him as well as his wife as Islamic extremists with suspected terrorist links.

Against his protests and after interrogations by U.S. officials, he was deported to Syria via Jordan, where he says he suffered severe torture for 10 months at the hands of Syria's Military Intelligence, before his release in October 2003.

Arar was never formally accused of any crime in the United States or Canada. A two-and-a-half-year Canadian investigation cleared him of any links with terrorist organizations or activities, and ordered that he be paid more than $10 million in compensation.​
If it were otherwise, Assange would have been flown away Terrorist Class to parts unknown before he ever got many chances to cavort with WikiGroupies.

And to clarify, Assange is (by US definitions) not a terrorist until he commits a violent crime against noncombatant targets. In fact, none of his leaking actions have been directly violent, and perhaps have not been indirectly violent either. And that's even beyond the 'innocent until proven otherwise' notion. The physical leaks have thus far not harmed civilian lives (or at least I am unaware of reports they have), directly or indirectly, and AFAIK only endanger named US/Afghan troops, which are, last time I checked, in a state of war. WikiLeaks is likewise not a "terrorist group".

(From U.S. Code Title 22, Ch.38, Para. 2656f(d)

(d) Definitions
As used in this section—
(1) the term “international terrorism” means terrorism involving citizens or the territory of more than 1 country;
(2) the term “terrorism” means premeditated, politically motivated violence perpetrated against noncombatant targets by subnational groups or clandestine agents;
(3) the term “terrorist group” means any group, or which has significant subgroups which practice, international terrorism;

Sticks and stones...sticks and stones...
The "SOP of Sci" escapes me in this context (can you clarify?)

standard operating procedure. we attempt to stay focused on the topic at hand and allow digression if relevant and logical

this is what assange expected in the interview with atika. he obviously came on board to talk about wikileaks and objected when when topics were switched. his prerogative i think
JA - 14:59
Yeah but this interview is about something else. I will have to walk if you are, if you are going to contaminate this extremely serious interview with questions about my personal life​
Will you please offer an example? I have been taking pains to separate several issues here:
  • Assange's sex case, narcissism, shoddy journalism, and poor leadership
  • WikiLeaks mission, and WikiLeaks' challenges involving government suppression.

  • i was still on the atika/king interviews where assange accuses of atika of "contaminating/conflating" the leaks with rape allegations

    May we have a reference for this quote? I challenge it as a misleading characterization (on your part) of an interview.

    it was a hypothetical that attempts to illustrate a probable sentiment held by most given the media frenzy over the rape allegations. assange as a rapist

    kinda like this one...

    lets imagine a response

    assange: no jim, she voluntarily took her panties off, opened her legs and said...fuck me hard

    assange never said that

    The argument that the Swedish system of justice before the eyes of the world is inadequate for Assange in this case is not credible in my opinion

    thats not the argument
    it is that sweden will serve as a platform for a possible extradition.

    Do you really believe that I have not supported my opinion here?

    you are all over the map. schizophrenia comes to mind

    That's my prerogative. But it is not acceptable for you to characterize my judgement thusly, while ignoring what I have provided here supporting my assertions.

    i'll do whatever the fuck i want, you condescending little man. who the fuck made you god?

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You're constructing a false dilemma here, Gustav. To assert that Assange's evasion of responsibility for his actions is a serious distraction from the WikiLeaks mission does not mean that this observation prohibits itself. Please be reasonable.
You're constructing a false dilemma here, Gustav. To assert that Assange's evasion of responsibility for his actions is a serious distraction from the WikiLeaks mission does not mean that this observation prohibits itself. Please be reasonable.

I would suggest you be reasonable.

You are demanding that Assange be the hero you want him to be, by simply giving in and flying back to Sweden and face possible extradition to the US (and we both know it is highly possible that he will be extradited).. You are demanding that he not be a normal human being and fight against said extradition.

Maybe it is time for Sweden to take responsibility for their actions.
... we both know it is highly possible that he will be extradited [from Sweden to the U.S.A]...

As I posted above with a link to an official Swedish Government source, Sweden cannot extradite Assange to the USA without UK say-so: There is no additional jeopardy to Assange of being extradited to the USA, by honoring the Swedish warrant. Swedish authorities have stated that they can not and will not extradite Assange on separate charges to a third country beyond the E.U., because present treaties do not allow that. Normally I would be happy to repeat the link here, or re-iterate my earlier post, but I have reason to doubt whether you are actually interested in what I have to say here. If that is the case, please do not comment on or characterize my posts (thanks).
BTW / in reference to your link above, I can direct you to more of that story if you're interested (I think a separate thread would be appropriate, since it pertains more to peer-to-peer filesharing). This story has not played out in a favorable light for U.S. arm-twisters, nor for Swedish Government toadies. Hint: The Swedish Parliament has considerably more to say about it, and with authority.
You're constructing a false dilemma here, Gustav. To assert that Assange's evasion of responsibility for his actions is a serious distraction from the WikiLeaks mission does not mean that this observation prohibits itself. Please be reasonable.

fuck off
3 fucking infractions? in emj?


needy little man
@ Gustav: We can work it out: PM hypewaders (it's off-topic here).


For Bells (since it's a long way up the page, some of my doing) re: extradition:
Facts about extradition of a person who has been surrendered

Different rules apply within the EU (surrender) and outside the EU (extradition).

Due to general agreements in the European Arrest Warrant Act, Sweden cannot extradite a person who has been surrendered to Sweden from another country without certain considerations.

Concerning surrender to another country within the European Union, the Act states that the executing country under certain circumstances must approve a further surrender.

On the other hand, if the extradition concerns a country outside the European Union the authorities in the executing country (the country that surrendered the person) must consent such extradition. Sweden cannot, without such consent, extradite a person, for example to the USA.
As I posted above with a link to an official Swedish Government source, Sweden cannot extradite Assange to the USA without UK say-so: There is no additional jeopardy to Assange of being extradited to the USA, by honoring the Swedish warrant. Swedish authorities have stated that they can not and will not extradite Assange on separate charges to a third country beyond the E.U., because present treaties do not allow that. Normally I would be happy to repeat the link here, or re-iterate my earlier post, but I have reason to doubt whether you are actually interested in what I have to say here. If that is the case, please do not comment on or characterize my posts (thanks).

For rape? Maybe. Do you think the UK would refuse?

And from a link you provided earlier in this thread, which frankly, should make anyone dubious about the relationship between the US and Sweden:

The secret cables, seen by The Daily Telegraph, disclose how Swedish officials wanted discussions about anti-terrorism operations kept from public scrutiny.

They describe how officials from the Swedish Ministry of Justice and Ministry of Foreign Affairs had a “strong degree of satisfaction with current informal information sharing arrangements” with the American government.

Making the arrangement formal would result in the need for it to be disclosed to Parliament, they said.

They disclose officials’ fear that intense Swedish Parliamentary scrutiny could place “a wide range of law enforcement and anti-terrorism” operations in jeopardy.


Wikileaks claimed the new cables, which discuss terrorist screening programs, added weight to suggestions that Sweden and America were engaged in “back room deals”.

Mark Stephens, Mr Assange’s lawyer, has claimed his client was facing a “show trial” and his case was politically motivated. The Swedish government denies the claims.

Kristinn Hrafnsson, a Wikileaks spokesman, said that the website was “concerned about political influence on the prosecution of Julian Assange”.

“The new revelations contained in the Swedish cables … shed some light on the ferocity of the Swedish prosecutorial process in this case,” he said.

“The prosecutor has said there is ‘no condition’ for bail that will satisfy them.”


No condition for bail that would satisfy them when a few months ago they dropped the charges immediately due to lack of evidence? When they haven't even formally charged him with rape or sexual assault and only wanted him for questioning?

I'm sorry Hype, but how gullible are you?

Wikileaks released documents about the 'special relationship' between Sweden and America (involving the Ministry of Justice no less). You have dubious wording from the Swedish Government about extraditing him to the US. You have the US making a hell of a lot of noise about extraditing him to the US to face possible charges (espionage, terrorism to name a few). And you're saying they can't do it?

And "Hint", don't claim that the Swedish Parliament has more to say about "it with authority" when your own link shows how Government departments have been conducting affairs with the US, in regards to terrorist operations and investigations, informally to bypass any Parliamentary scrutiny. Your claims and your links keep contradicting themselves.
And "Hint", don't claim that the Swedish Parliament has more to say about "it with authority" when your own link shows how Government departments have been conducting affairs with the US, in regards to terrorist operations and investigations, informally to bypass any Parliamentary scrutiny. Your claims and your links keep contradicting themselves.

i posted the goddamn alzery and agiza incidents. in this goddamn page
what a fucking nutjob

one thing cablegate showed us was how govts conspired
we now have a probable conspiracy unfolding before us and this fuck feeds us the official govt line?

i :D
...don't claim that the Swedish Parliament has more to say about "it with authority"

we now have a probable conspiracy unfolding before us and this fuck feeds us the official govt line?

Here's what I've been referring to -sorry for the confusion: Swedish government hid anti-terror opererations with America from Parliament
The secret cables, seen by The Daily Telegraph, disclose how Swedish officials wanted discussions about anti-terrorism operations kept from public scrutiny.

They describe how officials from the Swedish Ministry of Justice and Ministry of Foreign Affairs had a “strong degree of satisfaction with current informal information sharing arrangements” with the American government.

Making the arrangement formal would result in the need for it to be disclosed to Parliament
Your reasoning is sound friend. However, my gut feel (given the unpredictable nature of the US rabid dog involved here) is for Assange to stay put right now, and release some real juice. Lets see how that goes? :m:
Your reasoning is sound friend. However, my gut feel (given the unpredictable nature of the US rabid dog involved here) is for Assange to stay put right now, and release some real juice. Lets see how that goes? :m:

sound reasoning?
hype presents the formal,.......

Facts about extradition of a person who has been surrendered

Different rules apply within the EU (surrender) and outside the EU (extradition).

Due to general agreements in the European Arrest Warrant Act, Sweden cannot extradite a person who has been surrendered to Sweden from another country without certain considerations.

Concerning surrender to another country within the European Union, the Act states that the executing country under certain circumstances must approve a further surrender.

On the other hand, if the extradition concerns a country outside the European Union the authorities in the executing country (the country that surrendered the person) must consent such extradition. Sweden cannot, without such consent, extradite a person, for example to the USA.
....the informal
The secret cables, seen by The Daily Telegraph, disclose how Swedish officials wanted discussions about anti-terrorism operations kept from public scrutiny.

They describe how officials from the Swedish Ministry of Justice and Ministry of Foreign Affairs had a “strong degree of satisfaction with current informal information sharing arrangements” with the American government.

Making the arrangement formal would result in the need for it to be disclosed to Parliament​


Hypewaders said:
As I posted above with a link to an official Swedish Government source, Sweden cannot extradite Assange to the USA without UK say-so: There is no additional jeopardy to Assange of being extradited to the USA, by honoring the Swedish warrant. Swedish authorities have stated that they can not and will not extradite Assange on separate charges to a third country beyond the E.U., because present treaties do not allow that.

.......picks one. that is what will assuredly happen since.....
Hypewaders said:
Assange is not brown, Muslim, and obscure to the world. Assange is not subject to the special-rendition dragnet that has fed the US gulag of detention and torture without trial. Prisoners of that system have never included Western media personalities or Western dissidents. If it were otherwise, Assange would have been flown away Terrorist Class to parts unknown before he ever got many chances to cavort with WikiGroupies.

...assange is a white first worlder

you call this sound reasoning?