How will Assange be punished for attempting to advance democracy?

How will Assange be punished for attempting to advance democracy?

  • Give Assange a heart attack.

    Votes: 3 15.0%
  • Have Assange die in a plane crash.

    Votes: 2 10.0%
  • Have Assange commit suicide.

    Votes: 4 20.0%
  • Put Assange in Jail for decades for a crime not related to his work.

    Votes: 11 55.0%

  • Total voters
And frozen mercy was from the game Spycraft, funnily enough they never release Spycraft 2. Perhaps the two coldwaring retiree's couldn't see eye to eye on the project. (CIA, William Colby and Former head of the KGB Major-General Oleg Kalugin)

So what's your point? You're posting fantasies, claiming they are reality.
So what's your point? You're posting fantasies, claiming they are reality.

Not quite, in fact there are probably more "Fantasies" posted to Wikileaks claimed to be "Reality". But one quote is true:

Notion is but a birth

What you see as fiction, can materialise into fact, or is fact, distorted into fiction. You should know yourself that "thinktanks" rarely care about the boundary between the two as long as results are made when they are required.
Not quite, in fact there are probably more "Fantasies" posted to Wikileaks claimed to be "Reality". But one quote is true:

You're posting spy-thriller murder fantasies and positing that they are real. You've posted nothing that remotely backs your claim.

What you see as fiction, can materialise into fact, or is fact, distorted into fiction. You should know yourself that "thinktanks" rarely care about the boundary between the two as long as results are made when they are required.

I work for a thinktank and think you're completely full of shit. I'm going to Rand tomorrow too for a presentation. Maybe I will ask them about your brain machines?
I work for a thinktank and think you're completely full of shit. I'm going to Rand tomorrow too for a presentation. Maybe I will ask them about your brain machines?

According to you, you work for RAND, yes it's a think tank, it thinks occasionally in regards to US Defence contracts, it has done for years. Some of the thoughts it has it can't publicise, sometimes it can't even tell other departments what it is working on, especially if Uncle Sam is involved.

The same could be said for many other corporations within many other countries.

The reason why I mention BCI's... Quite simply, I'm on one, if your thinktank is behind the times, that's not my problem. Obviously there is only so many details I can give because at the end of the day, I'm not looked at to be much more than just a Labrat on a machine that "could potentially be lethal" or just potentially "harmful".

However I've been doing my damnedest to make a safe system, a system that could be used by anyone without the fears of suffering from psychiatric disorders or physical diseases. To be honest it's far more honourable than sitting on your ass bitching about the world outside without working out what you can do to make a difference.

The applications of the equipment extend from that posed "fiction" that you'd like to say exists, to actually doing something productive. (It could actually be saving lives rather than snubbing them). But I'm just a labrat, what do I know, it's not like anything I read or write is ever going to see the light of day, it's not like it's ever archived, ever placed into somewhere that might one day see the light for others to read about.

Obviously in the case of Anonymous and Wikileaks, they might end up with the "Classified" story leaked eventually.
burn baby, burn!

I was listening to the worlds "best" computer hacker (Kevin Mitnik) on Coast to Coast AM a few days ago. And he said, there's NO WAY that the low level intelligence officer they have in jail for allegedly giving the information to Assange could of extracted that information.

He said that the database that he had to access is called "CIPRO" ( I could be wrong on the spelling, but that's what it sounded like he said). He said it's an intranet used by the Government that even the Joint Cheifs of staff can't access without recieving prior approval first. He said that whenever one tries to download a single bit of information from that network, he said that alrams are triggerd at several different monitoring locations, making almost impossible for someone to access, and download that amount of information withouth the government stormtroopers immediately apprehending them. IMO, this is one huge disinformation campaign.
I was listening to the worlds "best" computer hacker (Kevin Mitnik) on Coast to Coast AM a few days ago. And he said, there's NO WAY that the low level intelligence officer they have in jail for allegedly giving the information to Assange could of extracted that information.

He said that the database that he had to access is called "CIPRO" ( I could be wrong on the spelling, but that's what it sounded like he said). He said it's an intranet used by the Government that even the Joint Cheifs of staff can't access without recieving prior approval first. He said that whenever one tries to download a single bit of information from that network, he said that alrams are triggerd at several different monitoring locations, making almost impossible for someone to access, and download that amount of information withouth the government stormtroopers immediately apprehending them. IMO, this is one huge disinformation campaign.

According to McKinnon the system he accessed used Archie an old Gopher protocol. At the time the data was in the process of being reclassified or on the verge of declassification, obviously his access converted it back to being classified.

All in all the more hackers that have gained access, the more likely that they might well have left access points behind. (At one point through an unrelated source, I was shown a list of Admin level FTP access to a number of restricted servers, I thought it was false until I tried Los Alamos Laboratory... I certainly did disconnect in a hurry, I didn't need a spook to spook me.)
(At one point through an unrelated source, I was shown a list of Admin level FTP access to a number of restricted servers, I thought it was false until I tried Los Alamos Laboratory... I certainly did disconnect in a hurry, I didn't need a spook to spook me.)

Interesting story, Stryder. How would you like to meet some very friendly, very pretty girls and talk about it? (I'm not offering, but be prepared/use protection ffs if it happens to you)
According to you, you work for RAND, yes it's a think tank, it thinks occasionally in regards to US Defence contracts, it has done for years. Some of the thoughts it has it can't publicise, sometimes it can't even tell other departments what it is working on, especially if Uncle Sam is involved.

The same could be said for many other corporations within many other countries.

The reason why I mention BCI's... Quite simply, I'm on one, if your thinktank is behind the times, that's not my problem. Obviously there is only so many details I can give because at the end of the day, I'm not looked at to be much more than just a Labrat on a machine that "could potentially be lethal" or just potentially "harmful".

However I've been doing my damnedest to make a safe system, a system that could be used by anyone without the fears of suffering from psychiatric disorders or physical diseases. To be honest it's far more honourable than sitting on your ass bitching about the world outside without working out what you can do to make a difference.

The applications of the equipment extend from that posed "fiction" that you'd like to say exists, to actually doing something productive. (It could actually be saving lives rather than snubbing them). But I'm just a labrat, what do I know, it's not like anything I read or write is ever going to see the light of day, it's not like it's ever archived, ever placed into somewhere that might one day see the light for others to read about.

Obviously in the case of Anonymous and Wikileaks, they might end up with the "Classified" story leaked eventually.

Don't work for Rand, work with them. And yes, a lot of their contracts are not disclosed. So what?

Your story about the brain machine is still bullshit. Rand does no kind of human testing like that, nor do the intelligence agencies. Again, you have seen too many movies.

I was listening to the worlds "best" computer hacker (Kevin Mitnik) on Coast to Coast AM a few days ago. And he said, there's NO WAY that the low level intelligence officer they have in jail for allegedly giving the information to Assange could of extracted that information.

He said that the database that he had to access is called "CIPRO" ( I could be wrong on the spelling, but that's what it sounded like he said). He said it's an intranet used by the Government that even the Joint Cheifs of staff can't access without recieving prior approval first. He said that whenever one tries to download a single bit of information from that network, he said that alrams are triggerd at several different monitoring locations, making almost impossible for someone to access, and download that amount of information withouth the government stormtroopers immediately apprehending them. IMO, this is one huge disinformation campaign.

Well, you and him are wrong. Echo did a great job explaining this in another thread. Read that. Elsewhere, for this to be a lie, a lot of people would have to be in on it. Too many to make it possible.
Don't work for Rand, work with them. And yes, a lot of their contracts are not disclosed. So what?

Your story about the brain machine is still bullshit. Rand does no kind of human testing like that, nor do the intelligence agencies. Again, you have seen too many movies.

I know what I have been doing for the past 10 years and I can currently assure you it's not a movie. to my knowledge Rand might have been informed about the project, but it's pretty unlikely considering the competitive nature.
In this case, one victim apparently claims that she initially wrote the incident off as an accident/heat-of-the-moment type of thing, until she learned that he'd done exactly the same to other women. At that point, she became convinced that it was a premeditated pattern, and so deserving of a rape accusation.

That's incorrect. It wasn't 'other women' it was one woman and it panned out like this:

Below is what's known so far about those encounters, based on reporting by London's Daily Mail and the allegations made in a London court on Tuesday by Gemma Lindfield, an attorney acting for Swedish authorities.

Aug. 11: Assange arrives in Stockholm, where he is to be the key speaker at a seminar organized by a group called the Brotherhood Movement.
London's Daily Mail reports his point of contact is a radical feminist who once held a university post of "campus sexual equity officer." The two had never met but earlier agreed that Assange would stay at her apartment, the Mail stated. She planned to be out of town until the day of the seminar.

Aug. 14: The woman, identified by Swedish officials only as Miss A, returns to Stockholm, 24 hours earlier than planned. The two go out for dinner, return to the apartment and have sex during which a condom breaks. She would later tell police that Assange used his body weight to hold her down during sex and that she was a victim of "unlawful coercion."

Aug. 15: Assange delivers his seminar speech and meets another woman who tags along for lunch with friends, the Mail reported, adding that the two then go to a movie where the woman suggests they were "intimate."
That evening, Miss A hosts a party for Assange at her home, afterward reportedly tweeting this to friends: "Sitting outside ... nearly freezing, with the world’s coolest people. It’s pretty amazing!"

Aug. 16: The second woman, identified only as Miss W by Swedish officials, calls Assange and they meet in Stockholm. They go by train to her hometown and to her apartment, where they have sex. According to her testimony to police, Assange wore a condom.

Aug. 17: Miss W later tells police that Assange that morning had unprotected sex with her while she was still asleep.

Aug. 18: Assange is alleged on this day to have "deliberately molested" Miss A "in a way designed to violate her sexual integrity."

Soon after, Miss W contacts Miss A, knowing her from the seminar, and confides that she had unprotected sex with Assange, the Mail reported. Miss A says that she, too, had slept with him and reportedly later phones an acquaintance of Assange to relay to him that she wants him out of her apartment.

Aug. 20: Assange leaves the apartment. The two women go to Stockholm police to seek advice on how to proceed with a complaint by Miss W against Assange, the Mail reported. According to one source, Miss W wanted to know if it was possible to force Assange to undergo an HIV test. Miss A said she was there merely to support Miss W, but she also gives police an account of what had happened between herself and Assange, the Mail reported.
The female interviewing officer concludes that Miss W had been raped and Miss A subject to sexual molestation. A duty prosecuting attorney agrees Assange should be sought on suspicion of rape.

Aug. 21: The chief prosecutor dismisses the rape charge and arrest warrant, saying what occurred were no more than minor offenses.

In the following days, the claimants appeal, and a special prosecutor reopens the case, eventually reissuing the arrest warrant.

By now the press had gotten hold of the story. Miss A spoke to a Swedish newspaper, saying: "In both cases, the sex had been consensual from the start but had eventually turned into abuse."
"The accusations were not set up by the Pentagon or anybody else," she added. "The responsibility for what happened to me and the other girl lies with a man with a twisted view of women, who has a problem accepting the word 'no.' "

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

So in fact neither of the women thought they had been raped. They initially wanted to get hold of Assange to have him HIV tested because they discovered he had slept with both of them without a condom. Its more like revenge for him being a cad than they actually being forced into non-consensual sex. What was the abuse exactly? That he had slept with the both of them?

"The female interviewing officer concludes that Miss W had been raped and Miss A subject to sexual molestation."

So Miss W and Miss A didn't seem to know they had been raped until they were told they were raped and molested.:rolleyes:

These are educated women are they not? Sam's right the appeal to look at them as victims places real victims of rape in a bad light.
So Stryder, have you sent your story to Wikileaks? Maybe they want to publish it, if you can prove it somehow. If what you're saying is true then there has to be a way to prove it. Otherwise it could be ghosts or aliens and they have advanced cloaking devices that allows them to interfere with the public unnoticed, which makes their existance so much harder to prove, but their actions perhaps not. :bugeye:
I forgot to put steal his money in the poll.

Since when have Swiss Banks made trouble for people however sleazy using their services?

Below from
"Meanwhile, Swiss bank Post Finance announced on Monday that it had frozen WikiLeaks' frontman Julian Assange's defense fund and personal assets. "The Australian citizen provided false information regarding his place of residence during the account opening process," the bank said in a statement, noting that Assange had allegedly given an address in Geneva as his place of residence."

Below from:
You can't use Visa or MasterCard to donate to WikiLeaks but you can use Visa and MasterCard to donate to the Ku Klux Klan
I forgot to put steal his money in the poll.

Since when have Swiss Banks made trouble for people however sleazy using their services?

Below from
"Meanwhile, Swiss bank Post Finance announced on Monday that it had frozen WikiLeaks' frontman Julian Assange's defense fund and personal assets. "The Australian citizen provided false information regarding his place of residence during the account opening process," the bank said in a statement, noting that Assange had allegedly given an address in Geneva as his place of residence."

Below from:
You can't use Visa or MasterCard to donate to WikiLeaks but you can use Visa and MasterCard to donate to the Ku Klux Klan


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