How will Assange be punished for attempting to advance democracy?

How will Assange be punished for attempting to advance democracy?

  • Give Assange a heart attack.

    Votes: 3 15.0%
  • Have Assange die in a plane crash.

    Votes: 2 10.0%
  • Have Assange commit suicide.

    Votes: 4 20.0%
  • Put Assange in Jail for decades for a crime not related to his work.

    Votes: 11 55.0%

  • Total voters
Assange is not charged with rape. Sweden has some laws for situations that they consider not to be rape but still to be wrong. I think

I don't understand Swedish law. No means no and is rape. What is it when the guy who had sex while wearing a condom the night before wakes up in bed with his temporary lover and starts having sex with her without a condom before she wakes up? I think that is the "sex by surprise" charge. A guy who does that is selfish. If she says no and he does not stop then I think even by Swedish law it becomes rape. This "sex by surprise" charge gets the man fined $7,500.

The Sexual coercion charge is apparently about a force used to get sex in a situation in which the woman was neither giving nor withholding consent.

Sweden also apparently strongly wants to encourage condemn use and in some way that I don't understand has incorporated issues of condom use in it's laws about sexual behavior.

Good article:
from aolnews said:
The strange tale of Assange's brief flings with two Swedish women during a three-day period in mid-August -- and decisions by three different prosecutors to first dismiss rape allegations made by the women and then re-open the case -- has more twists, turns and conspiracy theories than any of Stieg Larsson's best-sellers.

True, one of Assange's accusers sounds tailor-made for those who think Assange is being set up in Sweden by dark CIA-backed operatives who want him smeared or silenced for his document dumping with WikiLeaks. She's a 31-year-old blond academic and member of the Social Democratic Party who's known for her radical feminist views, once wrote a treatise on how to take revenge against men and was once thrown out of Cuba for subversive activities.

But others say Assange, who denies any wrongdoing and says the sex was consensual, may have just run afoul of Sweden's unusual rape laws, which are considered pro-feminist because of the consideration given issues of consent when it comes to sexual activity -- including even the issue of whether a condom was used.

In fact, the current prosecutor, Marianne Ny, who re-opened the case against Assange, has been active in the proposed reforms of Swedish rape laws that would, if passed, involve an investigation of whether an imbalance in power between two people could void one person's insistence that the sex was consensual.

Swedish tabloids and the country's blogosphere have been rife since August with stories and speculation about Assange's accusers, the flip-flopping prosecutors and just what, if any, crime was committed by Assange during sex with the two women.

Article has some charge detail:
But the article is probably wrong about the Swedish condom laws which makes me wonder what else they got wrong.

Below, the same links I posted in post 18

This link shows that one of the "victims" worked with people on the US intelligence payroll prior to having sex with Assange. This alleged leftist and fan of Wikileaks got thrown out of Cuba for being a subversive and writes anti-Castro articles. She may be a genuine feminist leftist and writing anti-Castro articles and associating with CIA assets and writing books on how to get revenge on men and having a history of making dubious accusations against men does not mean that she is not a real leftist and is not a real sexual victim of Assange's sexual selfishness. But she might be a straight up Western Intelligence asset who's job it was to accuse Assange.

Even if the account of what Assange did is truthful and even if the women initiated the case whether or not Western intelligence has influenced how the case has unfolded is still a reasonable question.

Why was the case dropped in September? Why was the case revived?
Video of Assange explaining Wikileaks policy. In this video both alleged rape victims are present prior to having sex with A.

Maybe now that they have Assange in prison they might want to take this opportunity to do something that will shorten his life.
Has anyone read about 4chan and Anonymous attacks?

It looks like several companies are learning what happens when you mess with the internet - and they're learning it the hard way. Several major companies have been hit by the collective powers of Anonymous after 4chan launched several distributed denial-of-service attacks. What many have been predicting for a long time now has finally happened: an actual war between the powers that be on one side, and the internet on the other. Update: PayPal has admitted their WikiLeaks snub came after pressure from the US government, and Datacell, which takes care of payments to Wikileaks, is threatening to sue MasterCard over Wikileaks' account suspension.

What happens now? Will it be Hackers, United vs State Apparatus?
What happens now? Will it be Hackers, United vs State Apparatus?

It has always been Hackers, Disunited vs State Apparatus. That's kind of central to the definition of "Hacker Culture," and precisely how we got to this juncture.
Espionage obviously has a history of dealing with people that go against the grain of which ever state is upset. There are usual ways that a person is dealt with:

1: First person Assassination. (There are many potential methods used from poisons, bullets and "Accidents")

2: Third Person assassination. This version has been creeping in with the advent of modern technology, the manipulation of a person to be puppeteered to do the killing. This leaves a patsy/fall guy that has no association with the powers that be.

3: The manipulation of a psychiatric trauma can be used to generate a Discrediting method, this has been used in the past on Journalists. (Notible Assange's plan is to release some form of wrath based upon his demise or arrest, doesn't say what the plan is if he gets classed as psychiatricly disturbed.)

4: They do absolutely nothing, after all nothing is done then the guy must be full of shit, right?. (not that we are suggesting that)

There is obviously a 5th one, that's "Force a deal". This one is really dependent on how stubborn Assange is, whether he will given into the establishment for a "plee bargain" or tell them where to stick it.
The Soviet union has a long history of poisioning its defectees (if such a word exists) From radioactive heavy meatals to Ricin, a nerve poison. I personally like a bullet made of ice, that's very classy.
For some reason I've had a small instance of inspiration in regards to what could be done. Currently Hacktivists will be Pressed and seen as Cyberterrorist for their activities, what if the future of the Intelligence community was dependent on the Hacktivists, namely a Paedophile ring being caught, or a spammer being stopped, or a destructive network infrastructure virus being decommissioned. All these activities done to help the community at large by the community that has the capacity to do something, rather than the establishment itself, would prove that the community is getting to the point of handling itself.

It reminds me very much of Bruce Sterling's short story "Maneki Neko" where the community asks people to do tasks that are apart of a larger interweaved plot. If you read it it will make alot more sense. (I apologise to Stirling considering the link is an electronic copy of his work which I'm pretty sure would cause copyright complaints from a publisher, but in the interests of a better more harmonised world, I hope he won't mind.)
It would really be funny if Assange invented this whole scheme just to be able to get away with sex crimes.
It would really be funny if Assange invented this whole scheme just to be able to get away with sex crimes.

I don't know, his "If assassinated" clause isn't the best method of business in honest opinion, after all as you can tell be the press and hacktivism it's going to be a rather large and potential world altering effect that could be triggered by someone making him a martyr. After all it only takes one nut to say he hears voices from M.I.Pie and assassinates Assange to try to get back at them etc.

In some respects you could suggest Assange has painted himself in a corner.
The Soviet union has a long history of poisioning its defectees (if such a word exists) From radioactive heavy meatals to Ricin, a nerve poison. I personally like a bullet made of ice, that's very classy.

Jesus. The bullet of Ice is from a movie...:rolleyes:
Jesus. The bullet of Ice is from a movie...:rolleyes:

And frozen mercy was from the game Spycraft, funnily enough they never release Spycraft 2. Perhaps the two coldwaring retiree's couldn't see eye to eye on the project. (CIA, William Colby and Former head of the KGB Major-General Oleg Kalugin)
Saw this at, and liked it, even though I don't believe that the Crown Prosecutor (forget the title) and Swedish courts are staking their international reputations on a flimsy case, or any hidden agenda that is likely to be exposed.

Dear Interpol:

As a longtime feminist activist, I have been overjoyed to discover your new commitment to engaging in global manhunts to arrest and prosecute men who behave like narcissistic jerks to women they are dating.

I see that Julian Assange is accused of having consensual sex with two women, in one case using a condom that broke. I understand, from the alleged victims' complaints to the media, that Assange is also accused of texting and tweeting in the taxi on the way to one of the women's apartments while on a date, and, disgustingly enough, 'reading stories about himself online' in the cab.

Both alleged victims are also upset that he began dating a second woman while still being in a relationship with the first. (Of course, as a feminist, I am also pleased that the alleged victims are using feminist-inspired rhetoric and law to assuage what appears to be personal injured feelings. That's what our brave suffragette foremothers intended!).

Thank you again, Interpol. I know you will now prioritize the global manhunt for 1.3 million guys I have heard similar complaints about personally in the US alone -- there is an entire fraternity at the University of Texas you need to arrest immediately. I also have firsthand information that John Smith in Providence, Rhode Island, went to a stag party -- with strippers! -- that his girlfriend wanted him to skip, and that Mark Levinson in Corvallis, Oregon, did not notice that his girlfriend got a really cute new haircut -- even though it was THREE INCHES SHORTER.

Terrorists. Go get 'em, Interpol!

Yours gratefully,

Naomi Wolf
There is obviously a 5th one, that's "Force a deal". This one is really dependent on how stubborn Assange is, whether he will given into the establishment for a "plee bargain" or tell them where to stick it.

I don't know that Assange has the power to stop WikiLeaks even if he can be persuaded to want to stop WikiLeaks.
I don't believe that the Crown Prosecutor (forget the title) and Swedish courts are staking their international reputations on a flimsy case, or any hidden agenda that is likely to be exposed.

Just one more conspiracy or not perhaps hidden in plain sight but nobody will ever be able to agree what was in plain sight because people take sides based on their preexisting biases and the only institutions with the power to decisively investigate the alleged conspiracy are the alleged conspirators.

The people need an investigative body of their own with global subpoena power and the ability to prosecute perjurers and total security clearances for all governments. For now WikiLeaks and the pathetic media and the legions of blogosphere blowhards will have to do.
I really wonder about the people in this thread. Sure there is a chance its a setup or she was lying but that has nothing to do with the seriousness of rape and sexual assult. The condom broke is a dam good reason to want to stop, especially if he wasn't a regular partner who she knew was disease free and who she was happy to get pregnant with.
Yes Asguard these two women may have gotten angry when they compared notes and found that Assange crossed that line of human decency with both of them. That is the official story. They apparently cut him slack for his extreme rudeness until they saw that he had a pattern. There is no rape charge apparently because the "no" was not clear enough in either case.

Men (and women) are selfish jerks especially after they get famous and fawned over and start to feel entitled to be selfish jerks. For a guy as paranoid as Assange that the governments were going to get him maybe he should have known better than to be a selfish jerk sexually.

Allegedly one of these women paid for Assange's ticket to travel to her place where they had sex because Assange was out of cash and was too paranoid about being tracked to use his credit cards.

On the other hand the governments very well might be willing to break a few laws to screw with Assange.

There may be a good explanation for why the charges against Assange were dropped and then reinstated.

Assange and WikiLeaks may have known the charges were being reinstated and may have timed their 250,000 cable release to raise questions about the Assange prosecution or the governments may have reinstated the prosecution when Assange failed to stop WikiLeaks from making the 250,000 cable release. Perhaps the governments were willing to stop a legitimate sex crime case in exchange for the help they hoped to get from Assange to stop WikiLeaks.

We won't know. I have reason to believe that due to lack of sufficient democratic supervision by the people the governments are treacherous enough and amoral enough to do very ugly things when they think they can get away with it.
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