How we know God exists

imaplanck. said:
God exists! it says so in the bible and theres proof because they found noahs ark.

did they? last i heard they found wood that was dated waaaaay after the period noah's ark was supposed to have landed. i heard recently that they found petrified wood high in the mountains but not on mt. ararat.
I'll translate his moronic rambling, free of charge:
Lawdog said:
We can be certain that God exists because the Roman Catholic Church says so. (The Church says that we can be certain).
I was brainwashed as a kid into believing this shit, and I'm scared of anything that even resembles logical thinking.

No scientific evidence needs to, or can be, or should be produced.
We can't prove a damn thing. So we'll just keep babbling and making ourselves look stupid.

Only the Church has the right, given by God himself,
to make authoritative pronouncements concerning the divine reality
This guy with a big hat says its true, so it must be true because he said it was. I mean, come on, look at his hat!

The Church also affirms that the human mind is capable of concluding, through various evidences, that God exists.
I think god exists, and you're all wrong because I think I'm right!

However, to try and prove or disprove God from a scientific standpoint is useless and vain.
Hey, stop proving me wrong! It makes me sad and even more delusional.

The role of Science is not to be a philosophical ground,
but an instrument of coming to knowledge about the physical reality.
Didn't you hear what I said? Whaaah! Whhaaah!

God is pure spirit, therefore Science can never make a certain conclusion concerning God.
I still believe in impossible crap that cannot be proven! Whaaah! Whaaah!
Lawdog said:
We can be certain that God exists because the Roman Catholic Church says so. (The Church says that we can be certain).

No scientific evidence needs to, or can be, or should be produced.

Only the Church has the right, given by God himself,
to make authoritative pronouncements concerning the divine reality.

The Church also affirms that the human mind is capable of concluding, through various evidences, that God exists.
However, to try and prove or disprove God from a scientific standpoint is useless and vain.

The role of Science is not to be a philosophical ground,
but an instrument of coming to knowledge about the physical reality.

God is pure spirit, therefore Science can never make a certain conclusion concerning God.

If that's the case then, what so-called 'Church' are you referring too? There are so many you know. The Church telephone number or email address would be appreciated.:D
nubianconcubine said:
did they? last i heard they found wood that was dated waaaaay after the period noah's ark was supposed to have landed. i heard recently that they found petrified wood high in the mountains but not on mt. ararat.

How do you know?
When god created the earth, the people, the animals and the trees 3000 years ago he didn't make it so you could tell. YOU ARE BEING BRAINWASHED!
Also it's not sure that the bible says noahs ark ended up on mount ararat it says it could have ended up high in the mountains if you read it right.
God loves all!
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KennyJC said:

Delusion means to believe in spite of zero evidence. This fits you, lightgigantic and our friend Lawdog down to the ground. And no it's not funny, I am apalled.




If you can not provide any evidence you are suffering from a superstitious delusion. That is inescapable.

There is no physical evidence that God did all those things. As we all know, you don't believe in god and that's fine. Maybe you could give us a "rational" explaination how the world came to exist. now when i say "a rational explaination" i mean give us evidence with odds like 3-1 of it happening. but i'll make it easy for ya, give us evidence with odds in the range of 100-1. now 100-1 are pretty irrational odds but they are much more rational then the 150-200 million to 1 that it really is. The reason i'm asking u for this is because all i've been hearing is that the best explaination science has (putting into consideration the EXTRODINARYY odds) of it happening is "fluke" or "miracle".

Believing that this world came into existence all by itself (with no help of any kind) dispite the odds against it, takes as much "faith" as is does to believe that a surpreme being made it.

But thats just my opinion.
Rickie: It's a good thing that it's just your opinion, because obviously your strength is not in the field of probability.

You are correct in stating that the probabilities of Earth evolving to even a pre-intelligencia state are very unlikely. But you underestimate the timespan. Did you ever hear of the (para)phrase "Given infinite time, a number of monkeys with a number of typewriters will eventually produce the works of Shakespeare"? Admittedly an over-simplified and ridiculous metaphorical parallel of my point...

The amount of time that has passed in Earth's existence has seen enough permutations of chemical, cellular and energetic reactions that give MUCH more credence to evolution than you would like to portray.

Added to which, and I'm sure it's stated before so I won't go into detail, enough evidence exists to bolster the theory of evolution.

Faith is not a prerequisite of believing evolution. Logical thinking is.
Enterprise-D said:
Rickie: It's a good thing that it's just your opinion, because obviously your strength is not in the field of probability.

You are correct in stating that the probabilities of Earth evolving to even a pre-intelligencia state are very unlikely. But you underestimate the timespan. Did you ever hear of the (para)phrase "Given infinite time, a number of monkeys with a number of typewriters will eventually produce the works of Shakespeare"? Admittedly an over-simplified and ridiculous metaphorical parallel of my point...

The amount of time that has passed in Earth's existence has seen enough permutations of chemical, cellular and energetic reactions that give MUCH more credence to evolution than you would like to portray.

Added to which, and I'm sure it's stated before so I won't go into detail, enough evidence exists to bolster the theory of evolution.

Faith is not a prerequisite of believing evolution. Logical thinking is.
He is right, the chances of life happening by accident is about 1-1000, far too much to be by chance, there had to be an intelligent designer in the 3000 years of earths existence. Is that proof enough for you? I think you will have no argument left!
imaplanck. said:
He is right, the chances of life happening by accident is about 1-1000, far too much to be by chance, there had to be an intelligent designer in the 3000 years of earths existence. Is that proof enough for you? I think you will have no argument left!

Why is it you think that happenstance despite high odds is proof of an intelligent designer? An event happening despite high odds against it merely lends to various probability theories surrounding that event. That's all.

And who told you the earth is 3000 years old? Are you 3033 years old?
He is right, the chances of life happening by accident is about 1-1000, far too much to be by chance, there had to be an intelligent designer in the 3000 years of earths existence. Is that proof enough for you? I think you will have no argument left!

Ain't a pitty fools like these keep showing up here, spewing their bs so that rational people can ridicule the hell of out of them. :D

Try to use your brain for an instance. The odds of an intelligent designer is apx. billion to one, as for evidence of desing, there's is none. Desing requires order, there's no order in the universe. Quite the opposite is what is happening. However since our minds prespectively requires order in order to comprehend things, it is order that we observe. But the opposite is factually what is accuring.

It is not by desing, the earth gets bonbarded by astroids, if that's the case, the designer is an evil bastard, that likes to create and destroy life at whim.

It's not by design, that volcanos erupt periodically, destroying everything on it's path, and killing millions of innocent creatures including humans.

Here's a little bit of light reading for you.

The Chaotic Universe

Chaos frees the Universe

Hopefully that will be enough, but as you can see from ref's. The universe is not in "order" the "intellegent designer" is unsurportable theory, since I've shown you that there's no order to this universe, but chaos.

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Godless said:
Ain't a pitty fools like these keep showing up here, spewing their bs so that rational people can ridicule the hell of out of them. :D

Try to use your brain for an instance. yada yada etc etc

The joke's on you! He was being sarcastic.
Sarcasm, through this medium is no joke. I'ts quite hard to spot. I merely judged him by his/her avatar ;)
imaplanck. said:
How do you know?
When god created the earth, the people, the animals and the trees 3000 years ago he didn't make it so you could tell. YOU ARE BEING BRAINWASHED!
Also it's not sure that the bible says noahs ark ended up on mount ararat it says it could have ended up high in the mountains if you read it right.
God loves all!

hey, guy. i'm on your side. all i said was that carbon-dating made it impossible that the wood they found came from the era of the ark much less the ark itself. i believe in god too. but if someone puts facts in my face, they can't be denied.
don't get excited, kenny. i still believe in god despite lack of evidence. however, the ark's location is :D a different story.
My God, Why Did U Create Such Morons???!?!!!?!



NOR THE PROVEN FACT THAT THE WORLD IS 4.4 BILLION YEARS OLD (thats by memory, might be wrong)

Provita said:
My God, Why Did U Create Such Morons???!?!!!?!



NOR THE PROVEN FACT THAT THE WORLD IS 4.4 BILLION YEARS OLD (thats by memory, might be wrong)

nONE of that has been proven it's just a guess, you are being brainwashed to believe you cant be wrong!
God is the only truth!
Enterprise-D said:
Rickie: It's a good thing that it's just your opinion, because obviously your strength is not in the field of probability.

You are correct in stating that the probabilities of Earth evolving to even a pre-intelligencia state are very unlikely. But you underestimate the timespan. Did you ever hear of the (para)phrase "Given infinite time, a number of monkeys with a number of typewriters will eventually produce the works of Shakespeare"? Admittedly an over-simplified and ridiculous metaphorical parallel of my point...

The amount of time that has passed in Earth's existence has seen enough permutations of chemical, cellular and energetic reactions that give MUCH more credence to evolution than you would like to portray.

Added to which, and I'm sure it's stated before so I won't go into detail, enough evidence exists to bolster the theory of evolution.

Faith is not a prerequisite of believing evolution. Logical thinking is.

Hey enterprise-d, love your pic, i love star trek. I think you misunderstood what i was saying, i wasn't talking about evolution. I'm not saying i believe it didn't happen. what i'm saying is that, in my opinion, the odds of this planet coming into existence with all the things that are nessesary to sustain life (let alone our fragile existence), and that includes all the things needed for evolution to occure, are staggering, and people say its by fluke? I don't understand that myself.

look at your example with the monkeys. what are the odd of them creating the works of shakespeare if they didn't have the typewriters, or anything to write with? in order for them to do it, someone would have to give them the typewriters.

once again that's just my opinion. thank you for your reply.
Rickie said:
Hey enterprise-d, love your pic, i love star trek. I think you misunderstood what i was saying, i wasn't talking about evolution. I'm not saying i believe it didn't happen. what i'm saying is that, in my opinion, the odds of this planet coming into existence with all the things that are nessesary to sustain life (let alone our fragile existence), and that includes all the things needed for evolution to occure, are staggering, and people say its by fluke? I don't understand that myself.
You're still looking at it the wrong way. You're looking at the end product and asking what the chances were that gave rise to it - which in your mind is staggering.

But... (and I've used this example before)...

Shuffle a deck of cards.
Deal them out face up, one by one, and record the order in which they are revealed - all 52 of them.

The way you're looking at it - looking at the end product - the order of those cards - and say "Wow - what was the chance they would end up in that order?".
The answer is roughly 1 in 10^68 (or 1 with 68 zeroes after it).
And yet you did it - just by dealing the cards.

Your way of looking at it only holds if we were chosen as the "end product" before the cards got shuffled and dealt.

If you choose an order for the cards BEFORE you deal them, then yes, the chance of you being right is 1 in 10^68.

But we, humans, weren't chosen before the Earth began.
We are just a product of the way it has gone.
Sarkus said:
You're still looking at it the wrong way. You're looking at the end product and asking what the chances were that gave rise to it - which in your mind is staggering.

But... (and I've used this example before)...

Shuffle a deck of cards.
Deal them out face up, one by one, and record the order in which they are revealed - all 52 of them.

The way you're looking at it - looking at the end product - the order of those cards - and say "Wow - what was the chance they would end up in that order?".
The answer is roughly 1 in 10^68 (or 1 with 68 zeroes after it).
And yet you did it - just by dealing the cards.

Your way of looking at it only holds if we were chosen as the "end product" before the cards got shuffled and dealt.

If you choose an order for the cards BEFORE you deal them, then yes, the chance of you being right is 1 in 10^68.

But we, humans, weren't chosen before the Earth began.
We are just a product of the way it has gone.

i'm going to hell if i keep coming here to check this thread. that made waaay too much damned sense, sarkus.