How we know God exists

We want to know WHY you have belief in something for which there is no evidence, what prompts that belief, what sustains it?

Questions like this are too easy for a theist Oli.

It is something 'inside' and 'all around' them, duh...
If you can not provide any evidence you are suffering from a superstitious delusion. That is inescapable
you provided enough evidence what is your evidence? words? words words words
first we need to know what god is? hmmm a spirit! where is the evidence that spirits
exist, i rest my case
we have no evidence that god exists but.. who has? the extraterrestrials?
now i am confused ufos exist? we have words words words of ufo sightings
where are the ufos i ask why we dont see any? hmmm words words books books
my question is:

why do you care? if you don't want to believe it, don't. but what is it that drives you to harrass those of us that choose to believe?
nubianconcubine said:
my question is:

why do you care? if you don't want to believe it, don't. but what is it that drives you to harrass those of us that choose to believe?

There's 14% atheists and 86% theists ( approx); they want to increase their count so they can grab power. Its all the testosterone. They cannot stand being a minority. :D
look noone knows what exists really humanity thinks it knows it just thinks so
but things could be otherwise i dont harrass when i present an argument in a discusssion
Bear in mind that you're posting on a science forum... it's not harassment: to anyone posting and making statements of any sort the first question is always "what evidence do you have to support this conclusion?"
Some theists come here to "prove" god exists scientifically, some come to see if there's any evidence, some come merely argue. And to a good number (if not all) of all of those the answer is the same: "if you don't want us to ask questions then go elsewhere, this is a science forum". Some go, some stay. Presumably many of those that stay enjoy the argument/ discussion, if nothing else it passes the time. :D
14%:86% where? In the world or on the forum?
Me, I'm in a minority of one. Always have been.
samcdkey said:
There's 14% atheists and 86% theists ( approx); they want to increase their count so they can grab power. Its all the testosterone. They cannot stand being a minority. :D

yeah, i'm feelin' it. :mad:
what bugs me is that i hated being pushed to believe so i almost went the way of athiesm. and now i'm being pushed by atheists. how screwed up is that?!
nubianconcubine said:
my question is:

why do you care? if you don't want to believe it, don't. but what is it that drives you to harrass those of us that choose to believe?

War, beheadings, abusing children by indoctrinating them in state schools, social issues pedalled by the christian right, intolerance, restriction of freedom, racism, homophobia, terrorism, opression of women, George Bush and the blatantly irrationality of every aspect of your belief.

So you see, your faith is not an individual thing, it collectively fucks up our society and our world. To respecting such delusional beliefs which make for an unstable group of people with questionable motives would be silly. Why do you think secular societies are healthy and peaceful and religious ones at war?
Oli said:
Bear in mind that you're posting on a science forum... it's not harassment: to anyone posting and making statements of any sort the first question is always "what evidence do you have to support this conclusion?"

so is philosiphy a science?
Not by the definition of science: experiments are rather difficult to do...
But I assume you're referring to the fact that there's a Philosophy section - anyone making assertions gets the same treatment - tell us WHY you beleive what you've just stated.
(Neither is pseudoscience and there's a section for that as well. All grist to the mill.)
KennyJC said:
War, beheadings, abusing children by indoctrinating them in state schools, social issues pedalled by the christian right, intolerance, restriction of freedom, racism, homophobia, terrorism, opression of women, George Bush and the blatantly irrationality of every aspect of your belief.

So you see, your faith is not an individual thing, it collectively fucks up our society and our world. To respecting such delusional beliefs which make for an unstable group of people with questionable motives would be silly. Why do you think secular societies are healthy and peaceful and religious ones at war?

:bugeye: do you hold yourself responsible for the doings of your peers? religion, like any other organization, is subject to the evils of its - only human - members.
hell, i don't like any of the issues you brought up and i don't practice them and i DON'T think those priests should be forgiven. my belief helps me to avoid that shit. but i can't speak for my fellow man any more than you can.
If you can not provide any evidence you are suffering from a superstitious delusion. That is inescapable
you provided enough evidence what is your evidence? words? words words words
first we need to know what god is? hmmm a spirit! where is the evidence that spirits
exist, i rest my case

All I have to do is point you to the dictionary. Look up superstition and delusion. My lack of belief does not tie in with those definitions when relating to religion/God.
Oli said:
You were pushed into choosing belief? That is screwed up.

did i say that? i said i was pushed to believe. however, i did my own reading and soulsearching and came to my own conclusions. sorry, that i don't feel the way you happen to.
KennyJC said:
All I have to do is point you to the dictionary. Look up superstition and delusion. My lack of belief does not tie in with those definitions when relating to religion/God.

no, but we could use the term "denial" loosely.
other religion joke
the americans try to measure space and they cant it is too big
america in it is getting smaller smaller smaller
Oli said:
14%:86% where? In the world or on the forum?
Me, I'm in a minority of one. Always have been.

In the world:

Christianity 2.1 billion
Islam 1.3 billion
Secular/Irreligious/Agnostic/Atheist 1.1 billion
Hinduism 900 million
Chinese folk religion 394 million
Buddhism 376 million, not including Chinese folk Religion (see also Buddhism by country)
Primal indigenous ("Pagan") 300 million
African traditional and diasporic 100 million
Sikhism 23 million
Juche 19 million
Spiritism 15 million
Judaism 14 million
Bahá'í Faith 7 million
Jainism 4.2 million
Shinto 4 million (see below)
Cao Dai 4 million
Zoroastrianism 2.6 million
Tenrikyo 2 million
Neo-Paganism 1 million
Unitarian Universalism 800,000
Rastafari movement 600,000