How to stop alien abductions

i refuse to go back to square one
this forum has made progress and we should resume not start afresh
But every time an attempt—and often times an interesting attempt—is made, guess who shows up at the threshold branding spit straws? The problem is that skeptics are afraid of speculation, plausibility, and validity, hence these are never approached with a ten foot pole; never within the periphery of postulation. Instead they whine about uncertainty, incredibility, and ineffectiveness before anything can come of it.
Exactly. So these super advanced ET's have some rather amazing technology that does stuff that we think breaks the laws of physics.
The words "think" and "laws" to me sound awfully subjective. Don't they to you? :wave:

They then use it to cross the vast distance across space, come to Earth, buzz around a bit and draw attention to themselves, abduct people, and anally probe them.
Supposedly, yes, according to the right accounts. Glad you didn't forget the part about the anal probe! No mockingly imperfect description of the alien abduction phenomenon would be complete without a reference to anal probing!

They repeatedly do this to the same individuals, for some reason. Despite having incredibly advanced technology, they cannot abduct people without the subject knowing, and need invasive procedures, seems they have no MRI machines on board, ...

I'm not going to be drawn in to a game where I emphatically, and perhaps gullibly, state or posit the intentions of the supposed abductors. Skeptics of your mindset seem very adept at doing that yourselves. I try to only infer intention based on available data. Speaking of infer...

Inferring they exist, because we cannot see them? Er, that's silly.

Let us see. :scratchin: No.
Based on the human technology I referenced, namel that of dynamic camouflage which is able to change it's output based on background light spectrums and whatnot, and certain characteristics of peculiar aerial craft sighted and reported throughout the last few decades, and even before...

Not that silly.

And BTW, I wasn't saying they exist because we cannot see them. People see them all the time. I was merely inferring that we can't always see them, though they may be there.

Ti ringrazio, signore! ;)

the pseudo skeptics sole point of contention is that while there is a decent likelihood of et at the wheel as a valid extrapolation or inference, they simply are not in our neighborhood.

At this point, I simply must ask if you ever heard the debate between Stanton Friedman and Seth Shostak, of SETI, on Coast to Coast AM?

Friedman has referred to SETI as Silly Effort To Investigate. That makes me laugh, I will confess! :D Why? Because what you just mentioned is the entire modus operandi of SETI: the search of the heavens using radio telescopes for signals (very anthropo-techno-centric), and the utter ignorance of UFO cases and studies on Earth.
Mr. Shostak's ignorance of UFOs was very apparent in that debate.

I'm positive you are well aware of all that, though. But a mention nonetheless, for the enlightenment of others, perhaps???

it is some what irrational given the preponderance of anecdotal evidence and the smattering of....
Preponderance is probably an understatement.

Their protestation over anecdotal evidence is peculiar to their own approach. Science doesn't demand it. They do, however. And they are probably aware of that.
just understand or remember histories. my cryptic statements always have references in sci. it would be crass to do so otherwise. disrespectful too.

Disrespectful? Nonetheless, carry on.
But every time an attempt—and often times an interesting attempt—is made, guess who shows up at the threshold branding spit straws?

The problem is that skeptics are afraid of speculation, plausibility, and validity,

Skeptics have problems with all those, for sure, but validity seems to be the one with the most difficulty. They cry "Invalid" at whim. And they think they are impeccable. Au contraire, mon frere!

hence these are never approached with a ten foot pole; never within the periphery of postulation. Instead they whine about uncertainty, incredibility, and ineffectiveness before anything can come of it.

Sfortunamente! :(
Whine all they want, I know at least one person who isn't hindered by their own hindrances. Perhaps more...
The words "think" and "laws" to me sound awfully subjective. Don't they to you?

No, they sound like well tested and supported theories, with sound experimental evidence to back them up. Predictions are made from them, new things inferred from them, and new things discovered.

Supposedly, yes, according to the right accounts. Glad you didn't forget the part about the anal probe! No mockingly imperfect description of the alien abduction phenomenon would be complete without a reference to anal probing!

So what do you think of the accounts that mention anal probing? Are these accounts fakes? What about surgery? What about that guy (Rael/ Claude Vorilhon) who claims to have made love to alien females to repopulate their race? All have merit? Or, are you actually going to show some discernment and discount the more ludicrous stuff? Then all we are left debating is what crosses the line of 'ludicrous', aren't we?

I'm not going to be drawn in to a game where I emphatically, and perhaps gullibly, state or posit the intentions of the supposed abductors. Skeptics of your mindset seem very adept at doing that yourselves. I try to only infer intention based on available data. Speaking of infer...

Because the reports do not fit a motive, that's why. Don't cop out and say we cannot think like Aliens, intelligence is intelligence, no matter what creature possesses it. Abducting the same weirdo yank over and over again gets them what, exactly? Oh, you won't be drawn, because you don't have an answer, and you don't have an aswer because it would grate with the theories.

Let us see. No.
Based on the human technology I referenced, namel that of dynamic camouflage which is able to change it's output based on background light spectrums and whatnot, and certain characteristics of peculiar aerial craft sighted and reported throughout the last few decades, and even before...

So are these things invisible, or not? You seem to be contradicting yourself.

And BTW, I wasn't saying they exist because we cannot see them. People see them all the time. I was merely inferring that we can't always see them, though they may be there.

So they are invisible, but some people can see them? You aren't sounding very rational at this point, btw.
No, they sound like well tested and supported theories, with sound experimental evidence to back them up. Predictions are made from them, new things inferred from them, and new things discovered.

I will admit that the word "law" doesn't imply something that's contestable, but for this subject, especially as regards physics, time, and the nature of space and gravity, it very well may be. I support the possibility of human understanding of the universe (and other things) as being deficient. That's just my opinion, but I think it's unreasonable to assume that our models of the nature of the universe are complete and infallible. That's an understatement, actually. It would be foolish and arrogant to say we've gone as far as we can go. I'm sure I could find several examples of Science and experts making absolute pronouncements on various subjects, and having them turn out to be completely wrong.

So what do you think of the accounts that mention anal probing? Are these accounts fakes?
I must confess that I don't hear that much about anal probing. First I ever heard about it was from Whitley Strieber. Apparently it happens to other people, but mostly I hear references ad nauseam as a cheap joke. It's not foremost in my mind.

What about surgery?

Eh? Explanation, please?

What about that guy (Rael/ Claude Vorilhon) who claims to have made love to alien females to repopulate their race?

Mr. Vorilhon is indeed interesting. I am familiar with his pseudo-religious organization. I might call it a cult, judging by what I have seen of him and his followers. He may well have had an encounter in the Alps or whatever he originally claimed, meeting with "Jehovah" and all that. I honestly don't really care about them. I have a personal rule of taking charismatic sect leaders with several grains of salt.

All have merit? Or, are you actually going to show some discernment and discount the more ludicrous stuff?
Since when did I ever advise to throw discernment to the wind? Did I ever say that?:mad:
Remember that way back on the first or second page of this thread, I stated that ufology was a legitimate subject worthy of study. You immediately implied that the very notion was crazy, and now you seem to be saying that ufology requires belief in all manner of this and that and that it's just a crazy melting pot.
Why do I have to apologize for anyone and every thing that claims UFOs and/or aliens as their mantles?
I can't wait to hear what insulting madness you'll come up with to shove in my face.

Then all we are left debating is what crosses the line of 'ludicrous', aren't we?
:thumbsup: You're so cool!

Because the reports do not fit a motive, that's why. Don't cop out and say we cannot think like Aliens, intelligence is intelligence, no matter what creature possesses it.

Cop out, eh?
All intelligence is intelligence?
All humans think like all other humans? All humans eat meat? All humans listen to the same music? Laugh at the same jokes? Find the same people attractive? Find the opposite sex attractive? Vote for the same politicians? Hold the same political ideals and doctrines? All Americans love football? Ice cream? Ronald McDonald?
All people care about what goes on above our heads? Care about UFOs, and all other paranormal subjects?
Everyone is interested in what everyone else is interested in? No one has independent thought? No one ever plots against other people, while telling those people that it's all in their own best interest?

Yeah. Intelligence is intelligence. Really. :wtf:

Abducting the same weirdo yank over and over again gets them what, exactly?

Yank as in YANKEE? As in American?

Oh, you won't be drawn, because you don't have an answer, and you don't have an aswer because it would grate with the theories.

And you have an answer I'm sure. Does it have to do with intelligence = intelligence?
Grate with what theories?

So they are invisible, but some people can see them? You aren't sounding very rational at this point, btw.

I'm only saying it's very possible that they can hide themselves completely when they feel like it, based on my own knowledge of UFOs.

Your definition of rational is...
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i refuse to go back to square one
this forum has made progress and we should resume not start afresh

I for one don't mind covering old ground when making a post (here or anywhere) if need be, though you've been around much longer and have posted many more things on this topic...

I like to think there's at least two people at any one time that might benefit from something I post. That makes it worthwhile. :m:

especially so when one finds the usual suspects playing
One of them hasn't surfaced in awhile. Not in here anyway. seem to be saying that ufology requires belief in all manner of this and that and that it's just a crazy melting pot.

I will acknowledge that to some it IS a melting pot, and that is unfortunate. I, however, am willing and able to distinguish the serious and well-reasoned research from the tabloid fodder, the latter of which gets undue attention.
How to stop alien abductions

Tell them your very sick and have a hiighly contagious disease that will kill

them if they come near you! :D

You could also explain that if you don't show up for dinner at home your

wife/husband will come after them and kill them.
well heres a thought on ufo or aliens
when i was in the states the social sevices in maryland cumberland alegany county
taught me everything bout ufo's and how they seem to get the humans they think they are real
they told me things bout occults what to look for and watch out for and how it works
i also was trained in demins stuff by one of the doctors for the govtment
so i been pretty well trained only by americans though
my intelligence on chain reaction was only taught by the usa govtment not by my own
doing i didnt know a thing bout nothing i am not even smart
but i do know how to use things that would be weird to normal people and i know what to look for in a person when they have been trully abducted or not
yep i been fully trained for things i dunno why
i know how to make a whole group believe in a pretend disease and yeah it does work
think its like an american thing dunno if they do it to everyone or not

well yeah i guess no one know what im saying but
i can honestly say if fear is in your heart then critical mass can happen
i have been taught how to do this
so usa does know more than they let on after the lessons i was given anything i wanted
and yes they did keep to their bargain even today
so join yur govtment on their little conspiracy thingy join in their learnings maybe if they let you
well heres a thought on ufo or aliens
when i was in the states the social sevices in maryland cumberland alegany county
taught me everything bout ufo's and how they seem to get the humans they think they are real
they told me things bout occults what to look for and watch out for and how it works
i also was trained in demins stuff by one of the doctors for the govtment
so i been pretty well trained only by americans though
my intelligence on chain reaction was only taught by the usa govtment not by my own
doing i didnt know a thing bout nothing i am not even smart
but i do know how to use things that would be weird to normal people and i know what to look for in a person when they have been trully abducted or not
yep i been fully trained for things i dunno why
i know how to make a whole group believe in a pretend disease and yeah it does work
think its like an american thing dunno if they do it to everyone or not

well yeah i guess no one know what im saying but
i can honestly say if fear is in your heart then critical mass can happen
i have been taught how to do this
so usa does know more than they let on after the lessons i was given anything i wanted
and yes they did keep to their bargain even today
so join yur govtment on their little conspiracy thingy join in their learnings maybe if they let you

Please expound on the above in more intelligible, coherent English!
Where'd you go, Phlogistician?

You suddenly expressed a disinterest in any further conversation with me, judging by your silence in this thread.

Problems??? :p



Where'd you go, Phlogistician?

You suddenly expressed a disinterest in any further conversation with me, judging by your silence in this thread.

This thread has run on, but you still haven't managed to dig up any vaguely credible evidence, nor make a postulation that survives scrutiny.

You haven't therefore, managed to support that UFOlogy is a legitimate subject. I'll debate you on facts, but the rhetoric is getting a bit tiresome.
i read sumwhere that aliens abduct people when there asleep cause the mind is weaker or sumthing to that effect
sumhow that dont make sence to me
when were asleep the brain still functions
sumhgow i dont believe in abductions just no touch no smell just one person seems to have a dream and then many more end up having the same one
seems like a commune thing to me and when the mind believes so much it can very possibly make it true to happen
i dont believe in ufo's i have seen ufo's but i dont believe thay are real
i have strong thoughts of different beings that enter the mind
to help say like heal people or bring the dead back to life
but abductions no way
i suppose everyone has a different view of how they think aliens or what evers out there reacts to our life