How to stop alien abductions

'A core of very good ... cases', but not one shred of hard evidence. [...] No, evidence, show me some of this 'core' of good cases.

Sometimes I'm rather surprised at people's naiveté. In a world that has recently been utterly fooled by the impudence of a Bush Administration's Iraqi "evidence", seemingly treating the process of lying, even as barefaced as they did in the UN, as business as usual, one would think that government intelligence is as clandestine as it wishes it to be. Now, considering the volatility of an extraterrestrial admission—far more explosive than anything governments would have to deal with from the politics of internal or foreign policy—who do you imagine would seek to control and hide an evidence of a global magnitude, the evidence of an extraterrestrial presence?

Any "evidence" of this magnitude you would hope to analyze would firstly be thoroughly dissected not by any inquisitive science lab with direct access to the mainstream press, but by the deft labs of a cunning and ruthless government/military that knows its way around the mainstream press.
Any "evidence" of this magnitude you would hope to analyze would firstly be thoroughly dissected not by any inquisitive science lab with direct access to the mainstream press, but by the deft labs of a cunning and ruthless government/military that knows its way around the mainstream press.

Flawed argument I am afraid. World govts have only recently (Since WWII) had radar capable of tracking any aerial vehicles, and similarly only had fast jet aircraft to arrive anywhere in good time.

Any occurence leaving behind hard evidence before would have been witnessed and investigated by locals, with the authorities too slow to respond and stifle evidence.

More recently, with the prevalence of digital cameras, camcorders, and cellphones having cameras, plus the Internet as a medium for dispersal, it would be impossible to stifle photographic evidence.

So that effectively gives world govts (and why would they all agree to stifle this, they don't agree about everything else, imagine the political mileage claiming knowledge of, or alliance with an advanced civilisation!) a window of 50 years, that has now ended, where they had the technology required to conspire.

That period is over, so where is the recent evidence? Where is the pre WWII evidence? Oh, there is none, ....
Well, I wouldn't know the precise involvement for the management of tracking aircraft, but I would assume that since the Cold War both governments and their respective allies have upped the ante to the tilt with a sophisticated surveillance system to monitor the skies 24/7. And I would also suppose that all air traffic control towers have direct hotlines with their respective air forces and militaries. Add to that contraption the more sleek and wider scope surveillance of countless satellites orbiting the planet.

So I wouldn't be surprised that if anything out of the ordinary "materialized" over Whoville, government agents would become quite aware of it, thank you very much.

Now, considering amateur pedestrian photographers (amateur porn is sooo ghastly...), if nothing else fails to debunk the blurry pics, then ah, it's Photoshop's fault.

But the evidence I'm sure you want, is the sort of tangible evidence that ordinary pedestrians won't get their hands on — even if it means silencing the evidence...
Well, I wouldn't know the precise involvement for the management of tracking aircraft, but I would assume that since the Cold War both governments and their respective allies have upped the ante to the tilt with a sophisticated surveillance system to monitor the skies 24/7. And I would also suppose that all air traffic control towers have direct hotlines with their respective air forces and militaries. Add to that contraption the more sleek and wider scope surveillance of countless satellites orbiting the planet.

Yes indeed, it's hard not to get noticed these days, wih RADAR, satellite imaging and early warning systems monitoring the Earth. Similarly, citizens are equally well equipped to record events, but we don't see quality recordings.

So I wouldn't be surprised that if anything out of the ordinary "materialized" over Whoville, government agents would become quite aware of it, thank you very much.

As would citizens, and unless the govt agents are MIB with mind zappers, how are tey going to stop all those camera phones clicking away and uploading those pic to the Internet?
Any "evidence" of this magnitude you would hope to analyze would firstly be thoroughly dissected not by any inquisitive science lab with direct access to the mainstream press, but by the deft labs of a cunning and ruthless government/military that knows its way around the mainstream press.

AH! The myth of benevolent, altruistic government and their unwavering pursuit of truth and justice for us, the lowly, unwashed masses.

I see you have properly attacked the myth! As you should. As is proper.
But the evidence I'm sure you want, is the sort of tangible evidence that ordinary pedestrians won't get their hands on — even if it means silencing the evidence...

The self-interests of the military-industrial elite would hide something from the public... who would DARE think such a thing??? :p
Yes indeed, it's hard not to get noticed these days, wih RADAR, satellite imaging and early warning systems monitoring the Earth. Similarly, citizens are equally well equipped to record events, but we don't see quality recordings.
Why is the word "radar" capitalized?
Surely stealth technology, at least that which is publicized, throws a wrench into the workings of radar detection? Given that, what would the stealth technology of a far more advanced race be able to accomplish?

As would citizens, and unless the govt agents are MIB with mind zappers, how are tey going to stop all those camera phones clicking away and uploading those pic to the Internet?

Appealing to the mythological MIBs, I see... to ridicule somebody?
Camera phones are THE best tool to capture the UFO phenomenon and blow a hole in the coverup. :rolleyes:

Garsh! If only I were so cool!
Why is the word "radar" capitalized?

Because I'm old enough to recognise it is an acronym for Radio Detection and Ranging, and acronyms should be capitalised. Although the term has fallen into common usage and the word is now considered a regular noun, and written as 'radar', I am old school!

Surely stealth technology, at least that which is publicized, throws a wrench into the workings of radar detection? Given that, what would the stealth technology of a far more advanced race be able to accomplish?

Well yeah, sure it does, but then how come regular people see UFOs? Stealth aircraft have no problem not being seen by people, they paint them black, turn off the running lights, and at Mach 2 are gone before you hear them. So How come UFOs get seen by regular people?

Appealing to the mythological MIBs, I see... to ridicule somebody?

Not entirely, the term MIB was coined before the films.

Camera phones are THE best tool to capture the UFO phenomenon and blow a hole in the coverup. :rolleyes:

Garsh! If only I were so cool!

They are ubiquitous, that's the power of them. No more need for mere eye witness descriptions, these days, I expect pictures too. Camera in my phone is a decent 2Mp, and my other half has a 5Mp camera in her phone, with a half decent set of optics too. They are simple to use and and quick, and for impromptu photos absolutely fine, and mine is always in my pocket.

BTW camera phones being cool is a bit three years ago. Now to be cool your phone has to take video, and have GPS. Mine does! Not only could I snap pics of those UFOs, I could pinpoint the exact location it occurred, and video it shooting off over the horizon, ... if only I'd ever seen a UFO, ....
The self-interests of the military-industrial elite would hide something from the public... who would DARE think such a thing??? :p

OK, but read my reply to Ripley, the Govt have only recently had the organisation and technology to detect and arrive at any incident fairly recently. Now technology has moved on, the public have the power to disseminate information faster than the the Govt could stifle it.

So why didn't we have recorded data before this period, and why none now?
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Just put some powerful magnet balls in your ass, they will mess up all alien anal probes.
As would citizens, and unless the govt agents are MIB with mind zappers, how are they going to stop all those camera phones clicking away and uploading those pic to the Internet?
There might be a couple of reasons for a lack of photographic evidence en masse. Firstly, one would need be looking upwards and be lucky enough to do so on the spot—but most people buzz around with their noses obscuring the landscape. Honestly, this is something I've noticed a long time ago: people aren't very observant outside the periphery of their immediate concerns. I mean, how many times have I noticed people gazing up at the sky? —It's amazing how introverted people become when outside in the open. And when they're at home relaxing, the cellphone isn't something people lug around, unless it's to order pizza from the back porch. And any camera is usually tucked away in a drawer. Besides, most sightings are at night—as goes the legend. And at night, most fly-overs are nothing more than blinking lights that look too much like aircraft, hence, if shot, easily debunked. Also consider that ordinary people are not your typical UFO enthusiasts, and wouldn't know where exactly to upload their pics on the net, let alone how. So, perhaps they might try the local newspaper or television station? But they'll think them crazy because everyone knows UFOs aren't for real, so why bother. The police? Yeah, right; too much of a bother. —Hey! The pizza's here! Yummy. Na—probably just a satellite, anyway.

Given that, what would the stealth technology of a far more advanced race be able to accomplish?
Surprisingly—and I've never bothered looking into the details of this newer phenomenon—but recently, alleged pictures of UFOs end up being captured haphazardly and unwittingly when they were never actually observed to be present. It was only after the film had been developed or the pics downloaded that the UFOs appear to have been in the vicinity, unbeknownst to anyone.

Well yeah, sure it does, but then how come regular people see UFOs? Stealth aircraft have no problem not being seen by people, they paint them black, turn off the running lights, and at Mach 2 are gone before you hear them. So How come UFOs get seen by regular people?
In a different thread I proposed that evidently it seems they don't really care whether or not they are seen because it's their game to be seen or not, not ours.
Because I'm old enough to recognise it is an acronym for Radio Detection and Ranging, and acronyms should be capitalised.
Yes, yes. I am aware that it is in fact an acronym, but how often do you actually see it in all capitals? I only ever see it used as simply a regular word. Not important either way!

phlogistician said:
Well yeah, sure it does, but then how come regular people see UFOs? Stealth aircraft have no problem not being seen by people, they paint them black, turn off the running lights, and at Mach 2 are gone before you hear them. So How come UFOs get seen by regular people?

Regular people don't see stealth aircraft? Not the pilots? Not the other people who work at airbases? Not the people who designed and built them? No civilian ever sees a stealth aircraft and identifies it as such?
By Mach 2, you must be referring to the recently developed F-22.
What exactly is your point about "regular" people seeing UFOs, and supposedly NOT stealth aircraft???
Your points here are a little difficult to understand.

Not entirely, the term MIB was coined before the films.

I am aware of the MIB phenomenon. Never seen the film(s), and don't care to. :D

phlogistician said:
Camera phones are THE best tool to capture the UFO phenomenon and blow a hole in the coverup.

Garsh! If only I were so cool!

They are ubiquitous, that's the power of them. No more need for mere eye witness descriptions, these days, I expect pictures too. Camera in my phone is a decent 2Mp, and my other half has a 5Mp camera in her phone, with a half decent set of optics too. They are simple to use and and quick, and for impromptu photos absolutely fine, and mine is always in my pocket.

BTW camera phones being cool is a bit three years ago. Now to be cool your phone has to take video, and have GPS. Mine does! Not only could I snap pics of those UFOs, I could pinpoint the exact location it occurred, and video it shooting off over the horizon, ... if only I'd ever seen a UFO, ....

You seem to be quite skilled at tossing red herrings! Congratulations!
Your camera, its quality, ubiquitous nature, and abiding presence in your pocket describes mainly you, and not other people. I did see a supposed UFO video taken with a cellphone, as well as a now somewhat well-known video of an "alien" taken by some boys in Mexico while they were playing soccer in the street. The quality was not that great in either case.
Most people I know have cellphones (I don't). I have seen the photos, and even in good conditions alot of them aren't very hi-res. In fact, even good digital cameras (non-phone) aren't the greatest in dim or nighttime settings, so that kind of rules out cellphones in those circumstances.

So all the alleged photos and videos of UFOs documented to this date are useless and bunk, but the potential UFO photos and videos that you anticipate from cellphones at the present time miraculously hold such great promise that no other medium to this date ever has???
There goes another one of those funny red fish!
Surprisingly—and I've never bothered looking into the details of this newer phenomenon—but recently, alleged pictures of UFOs end up being captured haphazardly and unwittingly when they were never actually observed to be present. It was only after the film had been developed or the pics downloaded that the UFOs appear to have been in the vicinity, unbeknownst to anyone.

Sorry to burst your bubble, dude, but it's not a newer phenomenon! This has been around for quite some time. There's a picture from decades ago of a little girl at a picnic (believe it was in the UK) and there's someone in the background who appears to be wearing a spacesuit. No one knew anyone else was there, or in the background, until the photo was developed. I think I have that on my comp somewhere. Maybe I'll look into it.

Also, in the Valentich airplane case in Australia, I believe, someone photo'd an object off the coast near where he disappeared.
OK, but read my reply to Ripley, the Govt have only recently had the organisation and technology to detect and arrive at any incident fairly recently. Now technology has moved on, the public have the power to disseminate information faster than the the Govt could stifle it.

So why didn't we have recorded data before this period, and why none now?

What kind of recorded data are you talking about? Radar? Excuse me, RADAR...
Pilot sightings?
You're so sure there's never been any? This is frustrating discussing this topic with someone as poorly informed about UFOs as you.
Infamous Japan Airlines Flight over Alaska:
6:26 PM: ZAN contacted the Military Regional Operations Control Center (ROCC), and asked if they were receiving any radar returns near the position of JAL1628. The ROCC advised that they were receiving a primary radar return in JAL1628's 10 o'clock (left-front) position at 8 miles [13 km.].

6:27 PM: The ROCC contacted ZAN to advise they were no longer receiving any radar returns in the vicinity of JAL1628.


The FAA investigated the incident and found the crew to be "normal, professional and rational". US Federal Aviation Administration authorities admitted that the objects were tracked on radar. However they were not registered on the radar tapes.
After the incident, the authorities also tried to attribute the radar targets to weather effects.
"We are accepting the descriptions of the crew, but are unable to support what they saw," an FAA spokeman said.

Brief radar confirmation during a visual sighting of considerable duration.

One must also not discount the many accounts of pilots being intimidated or reprimanded for reporting such things. Or those who simply are too scared to report anything in the first place.