How to Get to Heaven (According to Jesus !)

Originally posted by Markx
Defend you children ?? How so? Who is attacking them?
Haven't you noticed, muslim terrorism is rife in this world.

who is shoving whos religion on you throat?? At least I didn't ask you to become muslim. First thing to revert to Islam, you have to have understand the concept of God.
I understand the concept of God very well thankyou. I also understand the concept of Mohammed the anti-Christ –

A conniving illiterate who mocked the divinity of Jesus. A sexually active polygamist who began his life as a pagan and ended it in a new form of pagan belief of his own making (no attestation to his status as prophet though miraculous events during his lifetime). Warlike, his focus was on this life and not upon eternal life except to the degree that the concept as presented offered the fulfillment of humanistic goals. When challenged and not with a strong army he fled, unlike Jesus with the power of God, one time walked right through a crowd desiring to put him to death and toward the end went to Jerusalem knowing full well that He would suffer and be put to a horrible death.
Originally posted by Vienna
Haven't you noticed, muslim terrorism is rife in this world.

I understand the concept of God very well thankyou. I also understand the concept of Mohammed the anti-Christ –

Ignoring the history again. Re writing history because truth doesnt' get you any attention? :rolleyes:

It is hard to understand the Divinity of Jesus when he ate like you, drank like you,pooped like you and farted like you. If that is divine that God Bless Your Soul. Then he died and Paul told you that he is God and you believed it. Pathetic isn't it? You simply failed to understand that simple message and made it all confusing for your self. Ohhh sorry did I shove something in your throat ???
Originally posted by Markx
Ohhh sorry did I shove something in your throat ???
Not one bit, and you ignored that muslim terrorism is rife in this world.

There are no comments from you on this fact.
Originally posted by Vienna
Not one bit, and you ignored that muslim terrorism is rife in this world.

There are no comments from you on this fact.


Here is a nice starter to know more about this brutal terrorism:
My My... this is like watching children in a school yard yelling "My God is better than your God so ner..." to each other.

Vienna, has it ever occured to you that paranoia such as yours and the hate you show to Islam and muslims is what feeds the fundamentalist? I mean, Osama Bin Laden should have your picture up in his home as you are the type of person that feeds the fundamentalist paranoia of christians hating muslims. Are you any better than Osama Bin Laden with your hate? I see you as being just the same. He hates and you hate. He destroys and you want to destroy. You go on and on about how your version of christianity is the best and he does the same about his version of islam. What makes your hate any different to his? Is it that he had the financial means to act out his hate and you dont? You disgust me as much as Bin Laden disgusts me. Hateful people like you are what don't belong in society.

There is a world between us, and my children will never stoop so low as to even think about Islam. I would rather them be atheist than follow a religion of retards.

Is this because you preach your messages of hate and paranoia to your children?

I will defend my children with my life against all evils of this world for as long as I can.

But who's going to defend your children against the hate you spout? Hate is evil, whether its muslim or christian.

I suppose the childish "my god is better than your god" crap can only end when people learn respect and understanding for the beliefs of others... on BOTH SIDES. Proud, do you do it to just annoy people like Vienna or do you follow the same lines of the "my religion is better than yours" crap? Because if you're one who thinks that their religion is superior to others, than you're just as bad as Vienna:( and that is sad. Everyone has their beliefs and isn't it in the Koran and the Bible that one should respect others? Isn't Allah and the christian God the one and the same? I'm pretty sure I read that somewhere as a child in the religious studies I was made to take as a child. This thread has only gone to show that hate breeds more hate.. and hate only leads to conflict. Very sad for both muslims and christians...


From where I was standing it was PS who triggered the heated messages. He decided to talk about Viennas children etc. which I find irrelevant and slightly weird.

I've read a few threads involving Islam and they almost always end up with PS slagging christians off.

Vienna did participate in the debate to but he/she didn't throw the first punch, and it's this that counts.

Originally posted by Bells
Vienna, has it ever occured to you that paranoia such as yours
What like 9/11, Bali, and other islamic terrorist acts up to the recent bombings in Turkey, call that paranoia - get a life.

You go on and on about how your version of christianity is the best
I have never claimed to be a Christian, I was hallmarked one by the ignorant muslims on this site.

Hateful people like you are what don't belong in society.
Terrorism does not belong in society, and I will do anything in my power to stop it given the chance. I would love to round up the leaders of Islamic terrorist groups which operate in UK and hand them over to the authorities. Call that hateful?? I don't.
Originally posted by Vienna
The link doesn't mention Christians.

OH REALLY ????????

Did not the moron Bush describe his WAR OF TERROR a crusade ??


American CHRISTIAN soldiers shot dead iraq civilian sitting in his car.

Are you sure the US troops are all Christian, could be Muslim, Hindu, Jew, Atheist.

You are grasping at straws
Originally posted by Vienna
Are you sure the US troops are all Christian, could be Muslim, Hindu, Jew, Atheist.

You are grasping at straws

Dunno bout that but majority counts. You don't call the American army as an Atheist or some thing else. But a Christian army. America has turn into christian fanatic state every once noticed it. I thought we have fanatics in India but america is very dangerous right now.
That Gay General Boyenkin is definately a christian and he is fighting against EVIL GOD. Yup. Other People's God are evil and yours not.
Originally posted by 567
Dunno bout that but majority counts. You don't call the American army as an Atheist or some thing else. But a Christian army. America has turn into christian fanatic state every once noticed it. I thought we have fanatics in India but america is very dangerous right now.
That Gay General Boyenkin is definately a christian and he is fighting against EVIL GOD. Yup. Other People's God are evil and yours not. God is evil, well blow me down with a feather. Now which god would that be since muslims have called me amongst other things a Christian and a Jew, how sure are you that I am not an apostate of Islam.
Tell me, who is my God?
Originally posted by 567
Dunno bout that but majority counts. You don't call the American army as an Atheist or some thing else. But a Christian army. America has turn into christian fanatic state every once noticed it.

I admit that there are many within the U.S. government who fail to understand the meaning of separation of Church and State, and that has been a major annoyance to me for years, since they are supposedly representing me.

But no - that doesn't make us a Christian nation. We are a nation of religious and cultural diversity, and we have laws to protect our religious rights - although the Christians do their level best to ignore those laws and drown out the voices of the dissenters so you don't notice that diversity thing so much - but trust me, it's still there. :rolleyes:

My youngest son is in the Navy and he is most decidedly not a Christian. My husband and oldest son were both in the Air Force, as is my nephew, and they aren't Christians either. My father was in the Army, and I've never once heard him express a belief in a god one way or another (seriously - to this day, I have no idea what his beliefs are in that regard). I'm really wondering who all these Christian soldiers are? :rolleyes:
Originally posted by Nehushta
I admit that there are many within the U.S. government who fail to understand the meaning of separation of Church and State, and that has been a major annoyance to me for years, since they are supposedly representing me.

But no - that doesn't make us a Christian nation. We are a nation of religious and cultural diversity, and we have laws to protect our religious rights - although the Christians do their level best to ignore those laws and drown out the voices of the dissenters so you don't notice that diversity thing so much - but trust me, it's still there. :rolleyes:

My youngest son is in the Navy and he is most decidedly not a Christian. My husband and oldest son were both in the Air Force, as is my nephew, and they aren't Christians either. My father was in the Army, and I've never once heard him express a belief in a god one way or another (seriously - to this day, I have no idea what his beliefs are in that regard). I'm really wondering who all these Christian soldiers are? :rolleyes:
M*W: We weren't a Christian country when the Founding Fathers wrote the Constitution and Declaration of Independence, and we're not a Christian country today. Those who claim that we are a Christian country obviously don't know anything about the Founding Fathers or their religious philosophies. The USA will NEVER be a Christian country. That is in opposition to our basic freedom and cultural diversity. This country will NEVER have "Christian soldiers." If some of them happen to be Christian, they need to keep it to themselves! Good post, Nehusta!
Originally posted by Proud_Syrian
Many people in the Gospel asked that very same question
directly to Jesus and let's see what the reply was;

"And behold, one came up to him, saying, "Teacher, what good deed must I do, to have eternal life?"
"And he said to him, "Why do you ask me about what is good? One there is who is good. If you would enter life, keep the
commandments." Matthew 19:16-17

Here according to Jesus, to enter Heaven, we follow the

A question to the Christians is: why would Jesus mislead this man
if the 'only way to heaven was through the blood of Jesus'?????

A) Christ hadn't died yet, so the dispensation of grace(sometimes called church dispensation) hadn't come, and the dispensation of law was still in place

B) He was giving the "Sunday School answer" as we sometimes call it. Jesus knew that the guy would give the "been there-done that" response.(even though that is impossible) Then, Christ upped the ante a little bit saying: "If you want to be perfect{e.g. fully developed}, sell what you have, give to the poor, and you will have a treasure in heaven. Then come and follow me."

Another one:

Christians believe death comes through SIN, their God died, which means their God is Sinner !!

As humans we are sinners. In order for that sin to be atoned/covered for, a perfect sacrifice was necessary. No mere human could do it. So God, in Son-form, came to Earth to provide that sacrifice. In essence, Jesus bore our sin(became sin, although not a sinner as you and I are) that we all may be given the chance for Heaven. He payed a debt he did not owe(the wage of sin is death)for those who had a debt who could not pay. Does that make sense?

We weren't a Christian country when the Founding Fathers wrote the Constitution and Declaration of Independence, and we're not a Christian country today.

They may not have all been Christian per-se, but they all believed in the Judaic-Christian code.