How to Get to Heaven (According to Jesus !)

Originally posted by Proud_Syrian
Read how the Bible teachs christians to be peaceful:

2KI NGS2:23-24 Forty-two children are mauled and killed, presumably according to the will of God , for having jeered at a man of God

2KINGS 6:29 "So we cooked my son and ate him. The next day I said to her, 'Give up your son so we may eat him,' but she had hidden him."

2KINGS 10:7 Jehu has Ahab's seventy sons beheaded, then sends the heads to their father.

2KINGS 10:17 "And when he came to Samaria, he slew all that remained to Ahab in Samaria, till he had wiped them out, according to the word of the Lord.''

2KINGS 15:3-5 Even though he did what was right in the eyes of the Lord, the Lord smites Azariah with leprosy for not having removed the "high places."

2KINGS 19:35 An angel of the Lord kills 185,000 men.

So Bush had it right - Muslims and Christians do worship the same god after all. :rolleyes:
Originally posted by Proud_Syrian
Islam ,unlike christianity, is a realistic religion, if you hit me and insulted me as a muslim, then I will hit you back, this is what my great religion told me to do, ISLAM TAUGHT US NOT TO REWARD AGGRESSORS AND KILLERS, ISLAM TAUGHT US TO CRUSH THEM SO THAT PEACE CAN PREVAIL ON EARTH.

''Fight in the cause of God those who fight you, but do not transgress limits; for God loveth not transgressors. (The Noble Quran, 2:190)"

And I don't need to tolerate your thinly veiled threats against my fellow countrymen, PS.
Why you guys look at everything as a threat ?

hell, like your president and the Iraqi THREAT !!!

I am not threatning anyone, what I meant by my answer is that those CHRISTIAN LOSERS better not to mess with MUSLIMS or Islam, because i will open my files and expose their LOVELY christian LORD.

Got it !!

I know a few Muslims at work and they are respectful and honorable people. They earned their respect and because of this, others who might not understand what Islam is really about, have gained insight through them. They too, are learning about Christians and Jews beliefs. Even the local atheist is learning more even though he thinks we're all lunatics for believing in God.

You on the other hand, Proud of being Syrian or not, do your people a great disservice by breeding more intolerance. I have yet to read anything in Islam that would commend you for your behavior. Perhaps I'll give my Muslim co-workers this web address so they can judge your writings for themselves.

You are showing the same symptoms again !! DISGUSTING HYPOCRISY.

Why you dont see what others are writing about Islam ??????
I am sure your honourable muslim friends will be very angry if they read the stuff posted here against Islam.

Yes, please, do invite them and let them read....thanks.

Originally posted by (Q)

The Christian motto:

Do yourself and the world a favour, become a Christian and invite all your family to join too... go and shoot some staff at abortion clinics...
Not really, but its what the barbarians wanted to hear.

The Christian motto is to follow and practise the teachings of Jesus, christianity is the foundation of civil civilisation today whether you like it or not

It’s just unfortunate the rest of us wind up getting caught in the line of fire.
Quite right, and it will continue as long as the evils of Islam are allowed to carry on with the evil terrorism of today.
Originally posted by Bridge
I know a few Muslims at work and they are respectful and honorable people. They earned their respect and because of this, others who might not understand what Islam is really about, have gained insight through them. They too, are learning about Christians and Jews beliefs. Even the local atheist is learning more even though he thinks we're all lunatics for believing in God.

You on the other hand, Proud of being Syrian or not, do your people a great disservice by breeding more intolerance. I have yet to read anything in Islam that would commend you for your behavior. Perhaps I'll give my Muslim co-workers this web address so they can judge your writings for themselves.
Well said, Proud Syrian and the rest of his ilk are either:

a) Showing Islam in its true light


b) Giving Islam a bad name

Either way Proud Syrian is a disgusting person.
Originally posted by Vienna

Only way you can go to heaven if you believe in fundamentlist form of christianity like Jerry Farwell and PatRobertson etc. According to them and other Souther Baptist christians they are the only one who will go to heaven and every one else will go to hell. Isn't it true Vienna/randolfo?
Originally posted by Vienna
Not really, but its what the barbarians wanted to hear.

The Christian motto is to follow and practise the teachings of Jesus, christianity is the foundation of civil civilisation today whether you like it or not

Oh right !!! to find out more about the christian motto, please check this:
Originally posted by Vienna
Either way Proud Syrian is a disgusting person. [/B]

We have in Syria a great proverb which goes:

'' if you got insults from cowards, then you have to know you are doing a great job''

thanks for the compliment vienna.

The only way?

There are very conservative and very liberal points of view in every major religion in the world. The Pat Robertson's and the Jerry Falwell's of the world are just as entitled to their religious beliefs as are the out-of-the-closet homosexual Bishops.

The only way to heaven is believing by faith that you are indeed going to heaven. Christians happen to believe that Christ is the way. Unlike in the United States where Muslims can freely participate in the exercise of their religion, in Saudi Arabia all other faiths are against the law. Does that mean I should hate all Saudis?

Ask yourself who is the least tolerant of the other and you'll have a hard time if you really investigate the facts. You'll just end up chasing your tail.

It's easy for me to find fault in both the West and the Islamic world. We worship materialism, we dominate militarily and our values in culture are questionable. In the Islamic world women are downtrodden. Who still tolerates slavery in Sudan? Islamic fundamentalists. Yet, despite all of this-- most Muslims know what they want from their religion and it isn't the type of results they witnessed on 9/11/01. Sure it made some peole dance in the streets, but others in the Islamic world knew immediately what the consequences would be. More hate, more death, more intolerance. It is always boils down to those few who can't see beyond their own dogmatic beliefs.

The solution to the problem isn't some arrogant a-hole that steps on the values of the other, or broadly boasts on an internet message board that his religion is more realistic than yours, it is the one who seeks out the commonalities and pursues wisdom, justice, compassion, mutual cooperation and understanding.
Originally posted by Proud_Syrian
I am not threatning anyone, what I meant by my answer is that those CHRISTIAN LOSERS better not to mess with MUSLIMS or Islam, because i will open my files and expose their LOVELY christian LORD.

Got it !!


Oh really? So how would that be any different from what you've been doing here all along? You can't really threaten someone with somthing you're already doing anyway, and will obviously continue to do, PS. Tell me, is that what you meant when you said, "ISLAM TAUGHT US TO CRUSH THEM SO THAT PEACE CAN PREVAIL ON EARTH"?

No PS, I honestly believe you intended your statements to be taken as a threat of impending violence against Christians who voice opposition to Islam. That is disgusting, particularly in light of what the United States and the rest of the world has already suffered at the hands of Muslim extremists.
re: Neh:

Get a life, I have no time for self-appointed victims like you !

Originally posted by Proud_Syrian
re: Neh:

Get a life, I have no time for self-appointed victims like you !


Neh: In other words he can't reply to your truthful post.
Proud Syrian

Nehushta ask you a valid question which you have ignored, I would like to ask you the same question.


Are you going to answer this PS???
Here according to Jesus, to enter Heaven, we follow the

A question to the Christians is: why would Jesus mislead this man
if the 'only way to heaven was through the blood of Jesus'?

It is quite clear when the whole passage is read (Matthew 19:16-30), not just the scant couple of verses that PS posted, that the entire meaning has been twisted to fit his agenda. In the passage, Jesus is telling their means to eternal life before His death and resurrection. He also demonstrates how impossible it is for man to meet these conditions, which is why salvation through Jesus is the only way to God. This is evidenced by the verses at the end of the passage:

Matthew 19
25When the disciples heard this, they were greatly astonished and asked, "Who then can be saved?"
26Jesus looked at them and said, "With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible."

Christians believe death comes through SIN, their God died, which means their God is Sinner !!

How absurd !

Jesus offered Himself up as the atoning sacrifice for our sins. He was sinless, that is why He could be the sacrifice for our sins.

Make up your mind, is jesus GOD or the Son of God ??

God does not need to sacrifice his ALLEGED son for us...God cant be like us and have sons, God cant be equated with his creation.

Clearly you do not understand the bible. According to what the Bible teaches us, Jesus is the Son of God, God Himself. Since man is sinful and cannot come to God on his own, God sent Jesus down to earth to be the sacrifice for our sins.

What you have stated is your opinion based on the quran, a book written by Mohammed much later after Jesus came to earth. Mohammed twisted the Scripture to suit his own purposes. At least state that this is the Islamic version of Christian scriptures instead of the Christian version.

I am not threatning anyone, what I meant by my answer is that those CHRISTIAN LOSERS better not to mess with MUSLIMS or Islam, because i will open my files and expose their LOVELY christian LORD.

We have in Syria a great proverb which goes:

'' if you got insults from cowards, then you have to know you are doing a great job''

Does anyone else see the irony in the proverb and PS’ lovely threat? Does that mean that we Christians are doing a great job since he sees fit to insult us?

Open your files Proud Syrian, let us debate whatever misinformation you have hidden away.

Proud Syrian

Nehushta ask you a valid question which you have ignored, I would like to ask you the same question.


Are you going to answer this PS???

Count me among those waiting for a response Proud Syrian.
Originally posted by Vienna
Proud Syrian

Nehushta ask you a valid question which you have ignored, I would like to ask you the same question.


Are you going to answer this PS???

Pathetic uncircumcized animal,, when you quote what I write, quote the WHOLE sentence, this is what I wrote:

''Islam ,unlike christianity, is a realistic religion, if you hit me and insulted me as a muslim, then I will hit you back, this is what my great religion told me to do, ISLAM TAUGHT US NOT TO REWARD AGGRESSORS AND KILLERS, ISLAM TAUGHT US TO CRUSH THEM SO THAT PEACE CAN PREVAIL ON EARTH.''

I was talking about killers and it Mr. ass ?