How Religion Began

How religion began:

We dont know.

We wont ever know.

We can hypothesize all we want with absolutely no supporting evidence on all sides.

Therefore, argument is redundant.
that's giving up too easy religion was started because humans were looking for a connection to the universe and it was met with the revelation to abraham and fulfilled in christ
Prove that argument... its written in a book? Okay *writes a book saying that ddint happen*

Now what?
i belive it to be true isn't that enough, do you need to prove something that is true in your heart; you need to have a leap of faith in knowing your own existance, you need a leep of faith in knowing your own creator, but every compexity of life is only further proof that someone is taking a passive hand in making sure everything doesn't screw up too much
baumgarten said:
Yeah! Newton was a hack! Let's all miss the point and then jerk off!

So, what was the point? Newton was the Christians greatest prodigy?

Would you rather jerk off to that?
Little_Birdie said:
i belive it to be true isn't that enough, do you need to prove something that is true in your heart; you need to have a leap of faith in knowing your own existance, you need a leep of faith in knowing your own creator, but every compexity of life is only further proof that someone is taking a passive hand in making sure everything doesn't screw up too much

Dont get me wrong, Im a christian too, but the problem is you claim religion began the way you explained it as if you KNOW... technically, none of us KNOW, we just believe
Provita said:
Dont get me wrong, Im a christian too, but the problem is you claim religion began the way you explained it as if you KNOW... technically, none of us KNOW, we just believe
i can't know of course i can't know how religion started, i'm not syaing that; but humans have always wanted to know how the universe worked, always were trying to bring themselves closer to it, find their part in it. even today there is a noticable search in most people, some people further along than others in their own personal univeral understanding. all i'm saying is that i see it coming into a fuller light through revelation, and the incaranation of christ. of course everything i post is my view of things, as this is not an abosolute part of the forum, and nothing is provable, i would only assume that others would know everything i have stated is true in reference to me, and though i feel it is true, i do not wish for others to see it as me shoving ideas down their throats. it is only experesion, if not a bit entusiatic, because i believe it so fully, i am not however closed to the idea of truth beyond my personal holding, and i exept that i may be wrong, just as others are, none can know universal truth, because we are all blinded by our own personal truth, our own opinions