How Religion Began

Communists, at least by the definition provided by most communist parties, are necessarily atheists, are they not? Communists have engaged in acts of violence, have they not? My primary point is that getting rid of religion will not get rid of violence and suffering.
God wouldnt be so attractive if he wasnt offering immortality. There would be much less interest in him. We need to open up the market so that god doesnt have such a monopoly on being the only one offering immortality. I state that humans will one day become immortal through there own strength. We're all going to live forever. Believe in the human not the god. Gods only popular cause your sold that your going to live forever. Competition is the answer.
Open up competiton for all the things that all the gods offer.
Islam and Christianity, sure, but one could cite other reasons (they are the only surviving ancient religions that proselytize) for their success.
LeeDa said:
God wouldnt be so attractive if he wasnt offering immortality. There would be much less interest in him. We need to open up the market so that god doesnt have such a monopoly on being the only one offering immortality. As an atheist I state that humans will one day become immortal through there own strength. We're all going to live forever. Believe in the human not the god. Gods only popular cause your sold that your going to live forever. Competition is the answer.

if you are talking about reaching nirvana then someone has already beat you to it but god is attratrive because he is enbodiment of spirtual goodness and maybe heaven
What do you mean by someone has already beat me to reaching nirvana?
baumgarten said:
Communists, at least by the definition provided by most communist parties, are necessarily atheists, are they not?

No, they are not, communism and atheism are mutually exclusive.

Communists have engaged in acts of violence, have they not?

Yes, but to claim it is in the name of atheism is debatable, unless shown to be specifically the case.

My primary point is that getting rid of religion will not get rid of violence and suffering.

Education will take care of ridding the world of religion, that is by far the best way. I'm not for advocating laws prohibiting religion, I'm for eradication through education.

Perhaps that should be my motto:

Religion; eradication through education!

It's kinda got a nice ring to it.
i mean that humans reaching immortality through their own power is called nirvana what's more powerful that reaching inner peace
(Q) said:
Religion; eradication through education!

Education consists mostly of teaching kids about the legacy of Christian scientists, artists, philosophers...
Proberly be like a beta vhs thing and god will still come out on top. We have DVDs now of course.
Confutatis said:
Education consists mostly of teaching kids about the legacy of Christian scientists, artists, philosophers...


But, why would education consist of teaching Scientology?
(Q) said:
But, why would education consist of teaching Scientology?

Well, I just thought it could be a bad influence on kids to show that, if they decide to be Christian, they would be in the company of men like Isaac Newton and Wolfgang Mozart. You know how kids are, always imitating their idols...
Funny, I don't see kids walking around wearing funny wigs claiming the speed of light is infinite?

And although Mozart was raised Catholic, didn't he become a devout freemason?
(Q) said:
Funny, I don't see kids walking around wearing funny wigs claiming the speed of light is infinite?
Yeah! Newton was a hack! Let's all miss the point and then jerk off!