How much of whatsupyall/musclemans's posts do u comprehend?

How much of whatsupyall/musclemans's posts do u comprehend?

  • 0% (I quickly scroll to skip those posts!)

    Votes: 18 41.9%
  • 1-25% (A grain here and there)

    Votes: 15 34.9%
  • 26-50% (A considerable bit)

    Votes: 1 2.3%
  • 51-99% (Good deal)

    Votes: 2 4.7%
  • 100% (They are eye-openers!)

    Votes: 7 16.3%

  • Total voters


In pursuit...
Registered Senior Member
I often find myself in a kind of confusion after reading the religio-scientific posts of the above people.
Please help me know if I am lacking in some faculties or I am just one of you all!

Edit: For the sake of real votes, I request the voters to please post a small message too!
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I find that if I read only every third word he posts, if makes more sense. It's still meaningless crap, but it makes more sense than reading every word.
Hmm. Muscleman has good muscle!
How many times did you register just to poll, whatsupyall?

Can I request all who are Polling to leave a small post please?
I stopped reading them after I saw my third caps-lock rant, mostly because they say the same shit over and over again even if it's been shot full of holes.

They do provide comic relief, though, as well as a case against Christians. I'll give them that.
I actually suspect he is a stauch opponent of the Roman Catholic Church. He makes even sensible people hate it by trying to act to impose it!
I rarely see any difference in any of his posts!!!

So I don't bother anymore!!!

I understand most of them pretty well. A lot better than I understand posts from people likee Neutrino and Voodoo. I guess we see eye to eye on most things. Not all. It is understandable that atheists will not comprehend the ideas and the arguments. Their minds are hugely narrow I am realising. And I don't think that the pious would understand either. People like muscleman bridge the so-called rift between science and religion. It must be quite annoying to be defined by something which you posit doesn't exist [Atheist]. Hey I'm glad to be defined by my God and Saviour.

Quickly scroll to skip those posts? Do better than that. How can you vote about understanding them or not? Ridiculous people.

Lata all. Open your minds.
I gave up on muscleman long ago. He seems to think that because he typed it, it should be considered fact and you should then accept that. As such he gives new meaning to the word fantic. His dialogue is a one sided debate.
I understand most of them pretty well
Well, you're the minority here :rolleyes:

People like muscleman bridge the so-called rift between science and religion
So what!!! I'm sorry, I can't stop laughing...I have to calm down...ok, and now we're back!!!

Their minds are hugely narrow I am realising
That's a very narrow minded point of view do you not think?

Open your minds
If it was open any wider, I'd need armed guards to stop people like you getting into it!!!
Oh Brother

Originally posted by Thor
Well, you're the minority here :rolleyes:

So what!!! I'm sorry, I can't stop laughing...I have to calm down...ok, and now we're back!!!

That's a very narrow minded point of view do you not think?

If it was open any wider, I'd need armed guards to stop people like you getting into it!!!

So what if I'm the minority? I souldn't even have voted on such a one sided and frivolous poll. It shows anyway the profound effect that muscleman and whatsupyall has had on y'all.

About the other crap you typed. You should've kept on laughing. All atheists are narrow minded. Some religious people aren't open minded either. An agnostic is an open minded person. People like Dark Master - a theist I presume. People like muscleman are open minded. I don't know if you are an atheist so I cannot say if you are narrow minded. From your name I would guess you fly around with a hammer and a vikings' helmet to protect your hollow skull from caving in - oh no - that narrow mind showing again - oops. You guys are rubbing off on me. Yuck.:(
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I do reading the religious threads, but I'm a afraid the caps put me off. I find the bits that I do read very interesting and one that contained no caps was well thought out.
Do you know MarcAC, you sound like you're defending muscleman/whatsupyall way more than you should.

I think that you may be another persona!!! You're old one was rumbled so here you are again!!

Anyway, I don't know why I bother :rolleyes:

It shows anyway the profound effect that muscleman and whatsupyall has had on y'all.
Even tho it was an almost negative effect

You should've kept on luaghin
Yeah, that way I could ignore all the crap you throw at me

All athesits are narrow minded
*alarm sound* I'm sorry, that was the wrong answer. You don't win that £10,000. You assume all athiests are narrow minded thus you are yourself being narrow minded. Stop contradicting yourself OR I MAY HAVE TO START WRITING IN CAPITAL LETTERS LIKE MUSCLEMAN AND WHATSUPYALL JUST TO GET THE POINT THRO OR JUST TO ANNOY YOU, EITHER WAY IS GOOD!!

I don't know if you are an atheist so I cannot say if you are narrow minded
I am an athiest who has chosen ones fate thro logic and reason. I see no scientific way that a god can exsist. A fake god, sure, but a being as you all put it, nope. Sorry. Not possible. But I do have a very open mind, just when it comes to religion, I hate it when people say I'm wrong for sticking to my believes when I know deep down that I am right.

I would guess you fly arund with a hammer and theis vikings helmet to protect your hollow skull from caving in
Now you're just getting childish...moreso :rolleyes:

You guys are rubbing off on me
I hope some common sense is rubbing off on you, cos you need a healthy does of that too. You can also borrow a little bit of reality, that'll get rid of that fantasy world you live in.

Well, I'm off to bed.

Twas fun laughing at your overly stupid comments

All atheists are narrow minded.

An agnostic is an open minded person.

People like muscleman are open minded.
From Webster –

Open-minded - : receptive to arguments or ideas.
Narrow-minded - : lacking in tolerance or breadth of vision : PETTY.

The theist has only one answer – a god did it.

The typical atheist says the theist answer isn’t convincing and there may be alternatives.

The strong atheist says there is no god, there must be other reasons for the universe and life.

The agnostic says that it is not possible to know the nature of a god so no comment is possible.

It is not difficult to see that the theist has the most limited and narrow view of anyone. For the theist there is only the one single view, every other idea has been excluded from their minds.

The typical atheist is the most open-minded since he holds no limitations of what might be possible. While he does not find the theist argument convincing he is quite wiling to accept it if adequate proof is provided. Otherwise the atheist usually focuses on ongoing scientific research in the hope of discovering new ideas and knowledge. I.e. is fully receptive to arguments and ideas.

Whatsupmascleman of course, apart from having only the one single thought (god did it), also shows excessive lack of tolerance for other ideas and much prefers to use profanities and childish name calling. Open-minded? You must be joking, either that or you are blind.

So I suggest you considerably review your quite erroneous perception of what it means to be open-minded or narrow-minded. When you take a theist perspective you have tied yourself entirely to an extremely narrow minded position.

Also, name calling of this nature is somewhat immature if you are serious about a respectful debate. I’ve set the record straight here, but you certainly earn no respect for pointless name-calling.

The heavy condescending sarcasm also makes you look immature as well. Do you have anything useful to say or do you just want to irritate everyone?