How much do you stake on your opponent being wrong?


until the end of the world
Registered Senior Member
Either as a religious or as a non-religius person who participates in discussions and debates about religion, how much do you stake on your opponent being wrong?
Either as a religious or as a non-religius person who participates in discussions and debates about religion, how much do you stake on your opponent being wrong?

i would bet my life that the people who think there is no afterlife are wrong.
i do not understand the question
is one held to enter a debate much the same way one would shoot craps in vegas?
i do not understand the question
is one held to enter a debate much the same way one would shoot craps in vegas?
More like a poker game with no house cut. And probably with most people who post they are risking something when they make a post, especially an OP. Experienced risk and loss and gain.
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i do not understand the question
is one held to enter a debate much the same way one would shoot craps in vegas?

that's what i'm saying...why does it have to be about "you're wrong, and i'm right" or vice versa. can't it just be a honest sharing of ideas?

people's viewpoints differ for a reason, and that's because we're all different people with a different view of this world. you aren't always going to agree, but you can always learn something from a different perspective either way.

a lot of ego-maniacal crap that goes on out here sometimes bugs the f*&k out of me, and it really diminishes the quality of the discussions had, and the potential for learning from each other. and the experience in communicating.

i mean, i've been brought to tears over somebody needing to be right or their ego couldn't take it. just because we disagree. how "right" is that behavior?
i would bet my life that the people who think there is no afterlife are wrong.

as would i, but it would still be nice to be able to communicate with someone even if you were unsure or had a different opinion than them, without fear of getting your head bitten off...called names...made fun of...rejected...ignored.

this question is all about the ego, and the fall of mankind is inherent within it.
that's what i'm saying...why does it have to be about "you're wrong, and i'm right" or vice versa.

Because the struggle of life is everyhwere.


can't it just be a honest sharing of ideas?

There is no such thing, and anyone who claims there is is either ignorant, in denial or lying.
Either as a religious or as a non-religius person who participates in discussions and debates about religion, how much do you stake on your opponent being wrong?

My debates are usually about putting my thoughts out there and assessing the responses to them. This helps me to clarify the position of my own opinions and viewpoints.

So I guess, I am staking "my self" .:p
IOW, How important is it to you in a discussion or debate that your opponent would be wrong?

the players are inconsequential. the argument is not. shit like this is cerebral not emotional. why one would want to primp oneself like a peacock in a forum where identity remains anonymous for the most part is beyond me.

is this a presentation in a job interview where you hope and pray the rest are
brutish retards? is quality of life impacted by this so called "opponent" pointing out your illogic?

why would you not celebrate cos you goddamn learned something? would it not be an op to discard a misconception?

are you proposing that we all are disingenuous in here?
what gives you the goddamn right to project your fucking insecurities and hangups on goddamn me?

There is no such thing, and anyone who claims there is is either ignorant, in denial or lying.

i find lori's take quite solid
So you don't think that Greenberg was wrong to have phrased the issue that way?

no, he phrased it just fine. i understood the question, and answered it with my opinion. which of course isn't good enough, because it's not claiming to be right or wrong...just heard. nobody can say anything out here without a fight about who's right. and odds are that none of us are right about much.

all are foreign concepts to you, eh green?
the players are inconsequential.

Not at all. This is about us. Without the players, the argument does not matter - because there is noone to whom it would matter.

the argument is not. shit like this is cerebral not emotional. why one would want to primp oneself like a peacock in a forum where identity remains anonymous for the most part is beyond me.

Arguments are tools that we utilize to suceed in life. The more we use and need a tool, the more we appreciate it, the more we feel threatened to have that tool taken away from us or find it lacking.

is quality of life impacted by this so called "opponent" pointing out your illogic?

Of course. Finding that one was wrong puts one is a lesser or greater crisis and the urge to find a new, better solution. During that time, one will be less or more vulnerable.

why would you not celebrate cos you goddamn learned something?

Sure. But learning something is useful only when it helps to succeed in life. Learning for the sake of learning is a waste of time and energy.

are you proposing that we all are disingenuous in here?

Some people are, however, more aware of their motivations than other people.
Some people are more willing to admit their motivations than other people.
yes, you have made me feel this way in the past. congratulations, tiger.

What are you complaining about?
You have God, Jesus and God love you and you will go to eternal heaven.
What does it matter to you what happens to you here?

Should I not take your religion seriously?

I am one of the few who actually take you and your religion seriously, mind you.