How life on earth started?


The truth is out there
Registered Senior Member
Do u ever thinking how the life on earth exist? do u think it is so coincident it happened from big bang theory or volcanic activity found on earth?asteriod strike and lighting caused life to exist? the accidental combination of all element together to form DNA and human? millions lifes on earth born from single cell molecule?

the life on earth is too complicated to happen in chances. even nowadays scientist can't even create a single cell molecule given all the element and resource. Even single cell molecule has a very complicated function itself,needless to say other higher primates.. human anatomy has millions of individual function. there is no coincident.

there are 2 answer. one is GOD that create us. Or other options is from alien create us, but there must be some one that create alien in the first place. in other word there must a creator behind us that create human and life on earth. no need to argue, it is definite answer. no need to waste resource to search for answer.

even God has planned your entire life. He hold your lifetime diary, life, death, good or bad luck he had written down even before you are born! believe me or not? think about it.
Life is simply a manifestation of the 'living' universe. Organic life is a clause in the contract, it probably exists everywhere in the Cosmos in one form or another and it happened because it was always meant to. Everything is stardust.
believe me or not?

Nope, I really don't believe you and neither do millions of others. There's no supernatural invisible being controlling everything and one day you will find that out yourself.
the life on earth is too complicated to happen in chances.
The "life is too complex" (irreducible complexity) argument is false. The cdesign proponentsists use of this argument in the Dover School Board trial failed miserably.
even nowadays scientist can't even create a single cell molecule given all the element and resource.
First off, so what? Lack of evidence is not evidence of lack.

Life (primitive life) on earth formed fairly quickly after the earth had cooled to below the boiling point -- quickly in geological terms, that is. In human terms, the hundreds of millions of years that passed between the formation of the earth and the development of primitive life is a long, long time. Expecting scientists to have come up with an answer to the question of exactly how life formed in a few scant decades is demanding a bit much from science.

there are 2 answer. one is GOD that create us. Or other options is from alien create us, but there must be some one that create alien in the first place.
I call BS for many, many reasons. First, you wrote off abiogenesis fat too quickly. Secondly, you are assuming this thing called god exists. Thirdly, you are implicitly assuming it is the god that you worship. How do you know that this creator wasn't Shiva, or the Tonsured Maize God, or the Flying Spaghetti Monster?
I cannot understand it, therefore there must be an invisible, all-powerful consciousness that is so like me that I am somehow the focus of its existance, but so unlike me that any limitations I may have (such as conforming to logic) don't apply to it.

No one can prove me wrong until they die, and yet somehow this thing influences every aspect of life - just in an impossible to detect way.

All bad things in the world are created by you because you are greedy and self-centered, but all the good things are the result of this being that I've decided must exist. Therefore do what I tell you, give me money and power, or you will spend forever and ever in his hellfire of love.
The Religious Commentary on Abiogenesis

Correct. But life is made from inanimate matter.
what leads you to believe that inanimate matter becomes alive?
what have you seen that leads you to believe this happened naturally?
Do u ever thinking how the life on earth exist? do u think it is so coincident it happened from big bang theory or volcanic activity found on earth?asteriod strike and lighting caused life to exist? the accidental combination of all element together to form DNA and human? millions lifes on earth born from single cell molecule?

the life on earth is too complicated to happen in chances. even nowadays scientist can't even create a single cell molecule given all the element and resource. Even single cell molecule has a very complicated function itself,needless to say other higher primates.. human anatomy has millions of individual function. there is no coincident.

there are 2 answer. one is GOD that create us. Or other options is from alien create us, but there must be some one that create alien in the first place. in other word there must a creator behind us that create human and life on earth. no need to argue, it is definite answer. no need to waste resource to search for answer.

even God has planned your entire life. He hold your lifetime diary, life, death, good or bad luck he had written down even before you are born! believe me or not? think about it.
Wow, you are in a rare mood today :).

Actually, I have thought about it as has everyone who will reply to your original post. Out of every 100 people who have thought about it there are probably 99 different views and conclusions when you get down to the details. Very few people agree completely even if they fall into the same general category.

So you have said what you believe and why you believe it. Now you listen and see if others tell you what they believe and why.

Me, I believe that the universe has always existed and the life has always existed in hospitable environments across the greater universe. I also believe the life is generative and evolvative, meaning given the right conditions and duration, life can form on any hospitable planet and once life gets a foothold it evolves eventually to conscious self-aware individuals.

Why do I believe the way I do? Because I believe energy cannot be created or destroyed. I believe matter is composed of energy. I believe that the energy density of the greater universe is great enough to cause matter to exist in a potentially infinite number of arenas of space similar to our expanding observable universe. I believe mass has gravity and expanding arenas generate mass in the form of galaxies, and expansion carries those galaxies out into the greater universe. I believe that gravity causes the galactic remnants from various arenas to clump together as they merge from all directions and the clumps grow to big crunches. I believe there is an energy density inside a big crunch that is so great that matter can no longer function and so gravity stops, and when gravity stops inside a big crunch the crunch fails and dense dark energy emerges into an expanding ball of dark energy. I believe the matter begins to re-form as the dark energy density declines and matter then clumps into stars and galaxies and the process feeds new big crunches.

There are 99 other opinions for every 100 people. Anyone care to share with Albertchong1999? He should listen to us like we listened to him IMHO.
what leads you to believe that inanimate matter becomes alive?
what have you seen that leads you to believe this happened naturally?

You heard Skin.
So I'll just say this..
Organisms are alive because of the organization of it's inanimate matter.
I'm not going into details but think about this: If there is no evidence that it happened any other way than naturally, why would you assume it happened any other way than naturally ?

Skin, I'm not interested in a separate thread about this. I'll just shut up ;)
It wasn't chance, it was evolution from simpler forms. This is the opposite of chance. For a billion years or so, life appeared to be nothing more surprising than small geological formations like this:


That's where we came from. "God" is an answer that only appeals to the ignorant.
You heard Skin.
So I'll just say this..
Organisms are alive because of the organization of it's inanimate matter.
I'm not going into details but think about this: If there is no evidence that it happened any other way than naturally, why would you assume it happened any other way than naturally ?
well see, that's just it. there is no evidence either way is there?
so why would you, or anyone else, believe one over the other?

Skin, I'm not interested in a separate thread about this. I'll just shut up ;)
this isn't about abiogenesis, this is about beliefs enmos.
well see, that's just it. there is no evidence either way is there?
so why would you, or anyone else, believe one over the other?

Because of Occam's razor ? Go with the answer that requires the least extra assumptions.. until you have evidence to the contrary.

Btw.. I think Skin is mod around here, so..
Because of Occam's razor ? Go with the answer that requires the least extra assumptions.. until you have evidence to the contrary.

I have to say that Ockham's Razor has nothing at all to do with determination of reality, nor was it intended as such.

I'll shut up about this too.
Because of Occam's razor ? Go with the answer that requires the least extra assumptions.. until you have evidence to the contrary.
even though every experiment that was designed to test this theory has failed?
the difference between athiests and thiests in this regard is?

Btw.. I think Skin is mod around here, so..
like i said, it's about what you believe.
even though every experiment that was designed to test this theory has failed?
the difference between athiests and thiests in this regard is?

like i said, it's about what you believe.

It still is a whole lot more credible than saying god did it.. :bugeye:

This is the last you'll get out of me about this. Start a thread or something.
That's where we came from. "God" is an answer that only appeals to the ignorant.

Ok devils advocate: (I reject all human definitions of "god" - that I know of anyway.)

Who created the universe(big bang, constant state whatever)? Who/what/how and WHERE is the chicken that originally lay'd this egg?

My own answer is, it's impossible to know, thus not worth worrying about it.
Ok devils advocate: (I reject all human definitions of "god" - that I know of anyway.)

Who created the universe(big bang, constant state whatever)? Who/what/how and WHERE is the chicken that originally lay'd this egg?
my guess is;
it always existed,in some kind of shape or form,and the BB was just one part in an endless changes the universe goes through.

why would people even invent gods to explain the unknown is beyond me.

wouldnt it make more sense to go travel into space to find out where it goes and learn more?
maybe if we didnt piss away so much money on stupid wars and if all the churchies pitched in with all the $$ they haul in by the truckloads we could already build spaceships to take us anywhere in space...yeah ..nice dream huh?
Do u ever thinking how the life on earth exist? do u think it is so coincident it happened from big bang theory or volcanic activity found on earth?asteriod strike and lighting caused life to exist? the accidental combination of all element together to form DNA and human? millions lifes on earth born from single cell molecule?

the life on earth is too complicated to happen in chances. even nowadays scientist can't even create a single cell molecule given all the element and resource. Even single cell molecule has a very complicated function itself,needless to say other higher primates.. human anatomy has millions of individual function. there is no coincident.
there are 2 answer. one is GOD that create us.
and which god do you think did it
even God has planned your entire life. He hold your lifetime diary, life, death, good or bad luck he had written down even before you are born!
did she told you that or are you just repeating what some preacher told you?
if that was true you wouldnt have any free will as everything would be predestined and youd be just a mindless robot/puppet in gods matrix game. ;)