How jesus is the son of God

Do you mean to ask how it is possible that Jesus is the son of God? or in what way is Jesus the son of God (ie, as a holy man, or as God)? or how do we know, or for what reason do we believe Jesus is the son of God?
Y thats exactly what i want to know
When u say "SON OF GOD" does it mean god has a wife
or it has a deeper meaning if so then what is it.
Ah, I see. Ok, to answer the question, "does God have a wife?" No, that is not what we believe. Scripturally speaking, the title "son of God" goes all the way back to Genesis. There were other prophets and holy men of God who were called sons of God. In fact, often you will come across that terminology among Christians today, in reference to Christians as the sons and daughters of God. The meaning behind this is that you are of God. You follow the commands of God, follow God's will, that you are a person of God, holy and righteous according to God's ways.

Many Christians believe that this is simply what the title Son of God meant for Jesus. That He was a good teacher, a prophet, a holy man of God. Others, however, believe that for Christ it also held a particular meaning.

Many Christians believe that God is a Trinity, a tri-une God. This Trinity is made up of three persons, but it is one God. The three persons of the are designated "Father," "Son," and "Holy Spirit." Each representing a different person of God. However, each person is identical, and is the same being. Many Christians believe that Jesus is the second person of this Trinity, the Son, and so the title "Son of God" had the special significance, and Jesus, the second person of the Trinity. In other words, some Christians believe that Jesus is God, and as such is named "Son of God."
So Father is God
son is Jesus(not actually son of god but a title)
who is the holy spirit?

Is Trinity a belief of all christians
Can u explain more abt Trinity?
"Can you briefly summarise the ponderings of two thousand years of philosophical and theological thought in an internet forum post?"


There are maybe a hundred of us who regularly read and contribute here, and in answer to generalised questions like the ones you are posting will get a hundred different answers.

Go to a library, read some books, talk to people and then come here to clarify problems that are a little more specific.
Silas said:
"Can you briefly summarise the ponderings of two thousand years of philosophical and theological thought in an internet forum post?"


There are maybe a hundred of us who regularly read and contribute here, and in answer to generalised questions like the ones you are posting will get a hundred different answers.

Go to a library, read some books, talk to people and then come here to clarify problems that are a little more specific.

ME and the other guy were talkin very nicely UNTIL ANOTHER RUDE PERSON HAD TO GET IN
And i didnt ask u where can i get this information i asked u to give me the information IF U CANT THEN ITS BETTER NOT TO SAY ANYTHING :bugeye:
Salaam Aleikum,
"son of" means of the same nature, not a blood relation, thus Jesus was a "son of" God, just as you and I are. Holy spirit means the same thing.
As a matter of fact, my post was intended as politely as I could make it. I was trying to tell you that these are not easy questions to be glibly summarised in a forum like this, and that you were unlikely to get a definitive answer.

Not quite sure who's actually being rude here, but I accept that my post could be taken the wrong way.
To ask what son of 'god' means. we need to research what the Goddess and her son'lover/consort meant


because when you look into this--how the patriarchy denigrated the Goddess, yu see how much of the imagery was appropriated by the patriarchs. so that now there is the ideas put foreward--as has been done by bloody force through the patriarchs histroy, in the form we are talking here Judaic Christianity--that the '
son' is not belonging to a Goddess but to a 'God' a sky god who sends his 'only son' down as a 'sacrifice' so as to 'redeem mankind/ noone has to go to no library. stick around heree. thats what these forums are for. for LIVe debate...

The 'son/Lover' of the GODDESS had many associations, Nature, feritility, eroticism, and the hallucinogenic sacrament. what Christianity does to the "Son" is de-sexes him, deifies him, and puts him out of the peoples rach. in that they are forbidden the Healing Sacrament, and Ecstasy
Yes, Duendy, but it would have been impossible for Jesus to transcend the conventions of the time to such a degree.

Gospel of Thomas:
114) Simon Peter said to Him, "Let Mary leave us, for women are
not worthy of Life."
Jesus said, "I myself shall lead her in order to make her
male, so that she too may become a living spirit resembling you
males. For every woman who will make herself male will enter the
Kingdom of Heaven."

Thus in Saying #114, it is to be understood that
"male" symbolizes the pneumatic (spiritual, or Gnostic)
Christians, and "female" symbolizes the psychic (unenlightened,
or orthodox) Christians, rather than actually referring to males
and females.
Al hussein said:
Can a christian explain me how is Jesus son of god?
Im no more Christian b/c the whole belief is illogical,and conceived only for mental enslavement of its followers
see the xian church invented this so called SIN,and have been selling us Jesus as a cure for it ever since.

it doesnt make any sense,even if there was God ..
,especialy if there was God..
b/c IF God created everyone we would all be his/hers/its children and not just this Jesus dude..
and if God was the Loving father as they say,would he create man able to SIN,
would everyone need to be condemned to hell just because Adam ate from the tree of knowledge??
its all just too idiotic for a reasonably thinking person to take seriously,
but then...theists and "reason" doesnt exactly fit together

beyondtimeandspace said:
Many Christians believe that God is a Trinity, a tri-une God. This Trinity is made up of three persons, but it is one God. The three persons of the are designated "Father," "Son," and "Holy Spirit."
Each representing a different person of God. However, each person is identical, and is the same being.
Many Christians believe that Jesus is the second person of this Trinity, the Son, and so the title "Son of God" had the special significance, and Jesus, the second person of the Trinity. In other words, some Christians believe that Jesus is God, and as such is named "Son of God."
your mind on logic

your mind on God

so basicaly the story goes like so;

sent Jesus/God to die to please God to change the rule God himself made in the first place!!!
:rolleyes: :rolleyes:
scorpius said:
your mind on God
What about 1*1*1=1?

Al hussein said:
So Father is God
son is Jesus(not actually son of god but a title)
who is the holy spirit?

Is Trinity a belief of all christians
Can u explain more abt Trinity?
The trinity is a core belief of Christianity. It describes three aspects of God that we see in Scriptures, but that we have trouble seeing logically -- like we would have trouble seeing all sides of a cube at the same time.

The Holy Spirit is described in different ways, but He is mostly understood as God's presence and guidance.

"Son of God" is a title, like "Son of Man", but in the case of Jesus they have special meaning. Unlike Adam, Jesus is called the only Son of God (you may also have heard the words "only-begotten" or "beloved"). The Bible and the Quran helps us to understand this type of distinction when they tell us that God also chose a similar a special relationship with Isaac, a child chosen by God, "the child of the promise" - born from a barren woman.

When Jesus was baptized, God again declared such a special relationship, one that wasn't like the relationship He had with others. He said: “This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased” (Matthew 3:17), and then God's Spirit descended on him.
spidergoat said:
Yes, Duendy, but it would have been impossible for Jesus to transcend the conventions of the time to such a degree.

d)))But Al is asking NOW. I personally dont want to be treated like a child and told some tale that just touches a surface. I am an inquiring adult who wants to get to the meat. So likewise if someone inquires about this, i also want to share the real meaning as far as I understand, and not patronize. I would expect the same. If the person doesn't want it or cant take it or whatever is another matter for them to consider

Gospel of Thomas:
114) Simon Peter said to Him, "Let Mary leave us, for women are
not worthy of Life."
Jesus said, "I myself shall lead her in order to make her
male, so that she too may become a living spirit resembling you
males. For every woman who will make herself male will enter the
Kingdom of Heaven."

Thus in Saying #114, it is to be understood that
"male" symbolizes the pneumatic (spiritual, or Gnostic)
Christians, and "female" symbolizes the psychic (unenlightened,
or orthodox) Christians, rather than actually referring to males
and females.

EXactly, the same duality between the body and 'spirit'. this says to me that even though they may take the hallucinogenic sacrament--ie., the gnostic-christians--yet they still have a precept that 'spirit' is superior to 'matter', and the former they relate to the male and the latter to the female. So in this sense, their 'son of God' is meaning 'LOGOS' -their idea of ratioanl spirit (because their dream was to escape earth and head back to the stars), which dramtically differes from the Goddess religious view of the sacrament, the hallucinogenic mushroom which was coming from transendence AND immanence (Earth), because the 'two' hadn't been separated psychologically by a patriarchal mindset
spidergoat said:
Yes, Duendy, but it would have been impossible for Jesus to transcend the conventions of the time to such a degree.

Gospel of Thomas:
114) Simon Peter said to Him, "Let Mary leave us, for women are
not worthy of Life."
Jesus said, "I myself shall lead her in order to make her
male, so that she too may become a living spirit resembling you
males. For every woman who will make herself male will enter the
Kingdom of Heaven."

Thus in Saying #114, it is to be understood that
"male" symbolizes the pneumatic (spiritual, or Gnostic)
Christians, and "female" symbolizes the psychic (unenlightened,
or orthodox) Christians, rather than actually referring to males
and females.
Hmmm.... from Saying #114, what I understand is that Jesus and the Apostles were a load of unreconstructured old misogynistic sexists.

Wow, maybe Paul was one of them after all!
i would assume metaphorically, its not as if Jesus gets half his chromosomes from Mary and half from God
scorpius said:
it doesnt make any sense,even if there was God ..
,especialy if there was God..
b/c IF God created everyone we would all be his/hers/its children and not just this Jesus dude..
and if God was the Loving father as they say,would he create man able to SIN,
would everyone need to be condemned to hell just because Adam ate from the tree of knowledge??
its all just too idiotic for a reasonably thinking person to take seriously,
but then...theists and "reason" doesnt exactly fit together

your mind on logic

your mind on God

so basicaly the story goes like so;

sent Jesus/God to die to please God to change the rule God himself made in the first place!!!
:rolleyes: :rolleyes:

In islam God tells us we are "ASHRAFUL MAQLUQAT"(best of creations) bcoz humans have been give freewill we can either obey him or disobey him unlike animals we can do good deeds or bad deeds.wat would be the point of bringing us on earth if he could not test us on our deeds.
Jenyar said:
What about 1*1*1=1?

The trinity is a core belief of Christianity. It describes three aspects of God that we see in Scriptures, but that we have trouble seeing logically -- like we would have trouble seeing all sides of a cube at the same time.

The Holy Spirit is described in different ways, but He is mostly understood as God's presence and guidance.

"Son of God" is a title, like "Son of Man", but in the case of Jesus they have special meaning. Unlike Adam, Jesus is called the only Son of God (you may also have heard the words "only-begotten" or "beloved"). The Bible and the Quran helps us to understand this type of distinction when they tell us that God also chose a similar a special relationship with Isaac, a child chosen by God, "the child of the promise" - born from a barren woman.

When Jesus was baptized, God again declared such a special relationship, one that wasn't like the relationship He had with others. He said: “This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased” (Matthew 3:17), and then God's Spirit descended on him.

But Jenyar I was under the impression that Jesus(pbuh) according to the Bible wasnt the Creators only begotten son

In Psalm 2:7, the Creator said to David(pbuh):

"...Thou art my son: this day have I begotten thee."

But John 3:16 says(refering to Jesus pbuh):

"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten, Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life."
Yes, in both cases it refers to God raising up for himself a king - his "anointed". But David was not the messiah, he was just a messianic figure. As David was raised up for Isael, Jesus was raised up for the world. It is generally understood that David's Psalms point to the coming messiah, or Christ, which literally means "the anointed one".

But David is never called "only-begotten" (Gr. monogenes). Such a special relationship is never bestowed on any Davidic king, but was applied to Jesus, the King of kings (Rev. 19:15-16; cf. Ps.2:9).
haha...although i am not a Jungian, Carl Jung was SPOT on when he said:

"Religion is a defense against religious experience"