How is the FSM any more absurd than the Christian God?

You don't know that FSM doesn't exist, that's the point.
although that's the point it should be pushing. it is not.
the FSM is made up by definition.
Your mind seems to struggle with logic. You just said "can't compare 2 equals" :D
Doesn't that make you a mushrik or some other arabic word?
well you just equated "something truly unfalsifiable" with "something false used by devil advocates as an example of unfalsifiability"
although that's the point it should be pushing. it is not.
the FSM is made up by definition.

well you just equated "something truly unfalsifiable" with "something false used by devil advocates as an example of unfalsifiability"

Something that is made up could also be true. Can you prove it isn't?
well you just equated "something truly unfalsifiable" with "something false used by devil advocates as an example of unfalsifiability"

*sigh* No you did, were you sleeping when you typed "equally" or do you not understand the meaning of the word?
although that's the point it should be pushing. it is not.
the FSM is made up by definition.

well you just equated "something truly unfalsifiable" with "something false used by devil advocates as an example of unfalsifiability"

And by the way why don't you truly falsify FSM since you claim you can?
To prove a negation is impossible, except in some rare cases.
To prove there is no FSM, is impossible.
I can only deny the reasoning for the existence of the FSM.
Same for any god.
I can not prove that there is no god, I just can deny the argumentations to support the existence of a God.
the FSM is made up by definition.

All human conceptions - including "God" - are "made up by definition."

Whether they correspond to anything with an objective existence, independent of human conceptions, is the whole question.
To prove a negation is impossible, except in some rare cases.
To prove there is no FSM, is impossible.
I can only deny the reasoning for the existence of the FSM.
Same for any god.
I can not prove that there is no god, I just can deny the argumentations to support the existence of a God.

And since the FSM is no more preposterous than the standard, mainstream concepts of "God," you end up demonstrating exactly how fanciful these deities are.
And since the FSM is no more preposterous than the standard, mainstream concepts of "God," you end up demonstrating exactly how fanciful these deities are.
then you have to explain why the existence of the FSM is solely advocated by persons who have an agenda to discredit any idea of god etc

then you have to explain why the existence of the FSM is solely advocated by persons who have an agenda to discredit any idea of god etc

No I don't. The assertion in question stands independently of any agenda associated with anyone. Which is presumably why you declined to actually disagree with it on its substance. Apparently you'd rather distract.

Moreover, nobody anywhere is under any obligation to comply with any demand from yourself about what they do or do not "have to" explain. If you have some point to make, then you can just make it on your own terms. Spare us the arrogant inanity of pretending that anyone feels any need to take orders from you. And, in particular, don't assume that I care about proving anything to the likes of a notorious troll and obfuscator like yourself.

If you want to argue in good faith, you could start by explaining why the existence of the Christian God is solely advocated by persons who have an agenda to credit the idea of the Christian God. And then, in the middle of that, when you realize that pointing out that people who make salient arguments against the existence of God are the same people who are in the business of arguing against the existence of God is simply a tautology and not a point, drop this whole line of inanity, apologize, and go think of something useful to do with your time.

Or did you really think that people come to their ideas about the existence and nature of God by sorting through all of the possibilities according to how preposterous they are (or are not)? Because, that would be a real laugh. The entire point of the FSM is to remind people of the obvious fact that no such process is involved.
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Wrong, you are appealing to the common popular view of a concept, which has no bearing on an argument.
well for solipsists, nothing is falsifiable and everything is unfalsifiable. for them god is unfalsifiable as a shoe box whether it contains a shoe or not(even if you show me a shoe it may be an illusion of my senses).
can we say god's unfalsifiability is the same as the shoe's unfalsifiability?

if the answer is no, then we can't compare god's unfalsifiability to the FSM's unfalsifiability.
Solipsism is madness.
There are no consistent solipsists around.
Although solipsism often emerges from or at least lurks behind many positions, it's impossible to really argue from it or for it, and unfortunately, against it.

But go on, perhaps you can make a point?
Wrong, you are appealing to the common popular view of a concept, which has no bearing on an argument.
once again, that would make sense if you could indicate a single advocate of the FSM outside of the antagonism commonly afforded to atheists

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