How is God infinite?

Roman said:
I hear a lot about God's (supposed) infiniteness on these forums, and am unsure as to what exactly this means.
Does God encompass all rational numbers, and if so, is there a mathematical proof for this?
I doubt that this definition of infinite is correct. Perhaps you could inform me what it means.

You can look at infinity two ways. One, the typical way, i.e., an endless series, or - the way I prefer - as simply "1." Wholeness. Wholeness without division has no end, and is thus non-finite, thus in-finite.

Anyway, remember that infinity, just like zero, is not a number, but a mathematical construct used as a placeholder for our thoughts.
Aristotle spoke about two main divisions of infinity: actual infinity and potential infinity. Actual infinities represent complete sets, while potential infinities represent incomplete sets ceaselessly moving toward being a complete set, but never actually becoming a complete set. I believe these two divisions represent the two that Onefinity speaks of. It is speculated that the universe is infinite, but no one ever says what kind of infinite it is, actual or potential. God would be an actual infinite, a complete set, and anything finite may actually simply be a potential infinite.
TruthSeeker said:
If He is omnipotent, that implies that He has the greatest possible amount of power. The fact that He cannot create a more powerful being from His omnipotence is not a contradiction, but rather a paradox.

Does not 'god' determine what is possible?

It couldnt' create a more powerful being than infinite could it?

Either it could, or it is not omnipotent.
dalahar said:
Omniscient - I John 3:20 - God...knoweth all things.

Omnipotent - Luke 1:37 - With God all things are possible.

Omnipresent - Psalm 139:7 - Whither shall I go from thy Spirit? Or whither shall I flee from thy presence?

Goddamn I hate bible quotes. They're so freakin pretenscious and generally feigned otherwise.

I just have no desire to relate, as quoting a book on "god" (one of thousands of deities) about "god" when there is not a smidge of neccessary correlation between "god" and this silly book... well it's just silly to me. I don't mean to be insulting, but my criteria for reasoning simply precludes this line of thinking as faulty.
Sometimes I am tempted to flip out the gnostic texts just to screw with people here. I advise that you try it out some time.
dalahar said:
Look at the quote by David F. that I was replying to and you will see that it would have been hard for me not to use scripture and show the places where each concept was represented. I am not sorry that you are offended by the words in the bible but if I have to quote from it again I will post a warning for you.

Kind of you, but no need to bother. Being annoyed at certain things is part of life. It's nothing personal against you.
Roman said:
I hear a lot about God's (supposed) infiniteness on these forums, and am unsure as to what exactly this means.
Does God encompass all rational numbers, and if so, is there a mathematical proof for this?
I doubt that this definition of infinite is correct. Perhaps you could inform me what it means.

There is not one person on Earth I would trust to answer this, not even me.
dalahar said:
You seem to be pretty cool.

I just think it's an important part of any philosophy to care more about people than the tenets of the philosophy.
o yea god is infinite
it jest means dat dere are tons of gods around
it means dat you can picture god whichever way you want to
in short you are god
everybody is god
life is finite anyway you look upon it
but its perceptions are infinite
and dont worry math has a lot to do with it
by da way try reading "the alchemist"
dalahar said:
Omniscient - I John 3:20 - God...knoweth all things.

Omnipotent - Luke 1:37 - With God all things are possible.

Omnipresent - Psalm 139:7 - Whither shall I go from thy Spirit? Or whither shall I flee from thy presence?

The quote for omnipresence doesn't work. The speaker is posing rhetorical questions in order to convey his feeling that God's presence was pervasive in his life. He was certainly not speaking matter-of-factly (ie. "God is everywhere in the universe").

Not like it matters. But even for a theist to take a verse out of context this much irritates me.
dalahar said:
Omniscient - I John 3:20 - God...knoweth all things.

Omnipotent - Luke 1:37 - With God all things are possible.

Omnipresent - Psalm 139:7 - Whither shall I go from thy Spirit? Or whither shall I flee from thy presence?

hmm cool
yup it could say that yu are god
all the same
try replacin those sentences with me
God's being infinite means he is above time and space. the problem is our mind and logic is trapped in this 3 +1 dimension which is again created by God.
imagine how many dimensions there are and which each one logic,knowledge and answers change. so do not depend on your mind to find an answer for this
assume you are looking at a playing card thru its side. (1 dimension)
you need height and width, 2 more dimension and time to see the big picture.
and who told you God's existence is only limited to this universe and its physical/mathematical rules?
our limited logic and knowledge are not enough to understand these
so go with the flow
you may find some answers in afterlife
A little off topic entertainment inspired by the last post:

Hell - Squirrel Nut Zippers

In the afterlife
You could be headed for the serious strife
Now you make the scene all day
But tomorrow there’ll be hell to pay

People listen attentively
I mean about future calamity
I used to think the idea was obsolete
Until I heard the old man stamping his feet.

This is a place where eternally
Fire is applied to the body
Teeth are extruded and bones are ground
Then baked into cakes which are passed around.

Beauty, talent, fame, money, refinement
Top skill and brain
But all the things you try to hide
Will be revealed on the other side.

Now the d and the a and the m
And the n and the a
And the t and the i-o-n
Lose your face, lose your name
Then get fitted for a suit of flame

Indeed the square who speaks of the cube is speaking of that which he cannot relate.
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No, the square is actually a cube, but it cannot relate to it because it cannot see itself from an objective point of view. We ARE composed of four dimensions, but nobody can perceive it, nobody can relate to it...
TruthSeeker said:
No, the square is actually a cube, but it cannot relate to it because it cannot see itself from an objective point of view.

My analogy above was from flatland. In flatland, the square is but a square. One such square (maybe it was a circle) had a short experience into which he experienced what is was like to be a cube.

We ARE composed of four dimensions, but nobody can perceive it, nobody can relate to it...

You should know that since I've been here I've been harping on about the abstract dimension, meaning and consciousness.

And you're wrong that nobody can perceive it. It's just that most people can't, nor have they really contemplated it.

Meaning is the result of separating from the tao. There is no place for meaning in space-time. To space-time, meaning is exactly meaning-less. But meaning is real, or there would not be words to represent it. Thus, there is a degree of freedom in which meaning exists. I call it "the abstract" or "the internal dimension". I hypothesize that in Hawking's depictions of "imaginary time", this is where abstract space exists.
dalahar said:
"Where shall I flee from your presence?" -- I guess you can decide what that means and tell everyone exactly what it is. It is anything but what it says, huh?

God is not bound by space or time.

Sorry but a question is not the same as a statement so you are still wrong.
azizbey said:
God's being infinite means he is above time and space. the problem is our mind and logic is trapped in this 3 +1 dimension which is again created by God.

I am not sure how you came to an accord with this because space is infinite and thus time. Anyway there may be a God but if there is he or she should be worring about the same thing we are worring about; why are we here? That is if he or she has any ounce of intelligence. If he or she is not then it gives me no reason to. I believe in a higher power only because I don't want to be alone in the universe, not necessarily the christian or muslin God, and definitely not because of the bible. On infinity. Infinity are ratios approaching infinitely near and other same ratios drifting farther apart, e.g number line. All infinite have a perfectly finite subset, just depends on how you look at it, hence potential infinite is a fleeing moment from actual infinite. Everything is an approximation, even the number 1, as authoritative as it looks it is between 0.9 and 1.1, and lets not even mention that quantum mechs proposes that there is no reality and what you see is what you get.

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God is not bound by space or time

Then how can you or anyone make any consistent statements about god or what he does or what he intends? Every effect ever credited to god has been shown to be a natural occurrance or a figment of psychology, such as prayer. Totally uncorrelated with what actually happens - randomness.

God is a figment of your imagination. A powerful, comfy, figment.
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wesmorris said:
My analogy above was from flatland. In flatland, the square is but a square. One such square (maybe it was a circle) had a short experience into which he experienced what is was like to be a cube.
Are you on something? :D
Anyways... I understand what you are saying...
But those experiences are momentary experiences. They don't last long. The square cannot perceive itself as a cube for a very long time...

You should know that since I've been here I've been harping on about the abstract dimension, meaning and consciousness.

And you're wrong that nobody can perceive it. It's just that most people can't, nor have they really contemplated it.
I said you cannot perceive it subjectively. You need to be in a very objective position, which is quite a feat...

Meaning is the result of separating from the tao.

There is no place for meaning in space-time. To space-time, meaning is exactly meaning-less. But meaning is real, or there would not be words to represent it. Thus, there is a degree of freedom in which meaning exists. I call it "the abstract" or "the internal dimension". I hypothesize that in Hawking's depictions of "imaginary time", this is where abstract space exists.
Huh... I dunno. That's confusing.... :bugeye: :confused:
I need to ponder about that....