How is faith in God attained?

I'll give you this IAC, there is something to be said that 33% of the world are Christian and 54% acknowledge Jesus at least as a Messiah.
True. The fact that even Muslims acknowledge Jesus as a Messiah is very enlightening.

After seeing that Al Gore movie, which most of it I thought was BS, I noticed the one graph of the temp. from millions of years ago to now. So scientists agree that there have been 7 or more ice ages.

The next logical conclusion is that there will be another one, lol. Am I right?

How do you think this coincides with the 2nd coming? If another Ice Age happens then most of the world will die, right? In this case we should be accelerating global warming, not stopping it.
If you were born in China, India, Africa, or the Middle east, do you think you would have been a Christian?

I'm guessing not. People take on the religion, for the most part, that the majority of people around them take on. We live in the U.S. where almost everyone is a Catholic or other denomination of Christian. So we are comfortable with choosing Christianity because our parents said it was the truth, and because everyone around us agrees.

If you were born in India, you would probably have Hindu parents, and live in a Hindu society, so you would feel comfortable choosing Hinduism.

If you were born in China, you would hae Buddhist parents, and would live in a Buddhist society, so you would feel comfortable choosing Buddhism.

If you were born in, say, Iraq, you would have Muslim parents and would live in a Muslim society (Sunni or Shiite), therefore you would choose Islam as your religion since you would feel comfortable with it.

If you were born in Africa under a tribe there, you would worship whatever god(s) they worship because it would be all you know, and would be in your comfort zone.

I just don't like the idea of choosing a religion based on what your parents chose, or what the society around you chooses.

The Word of God makes it quite clear that all lost sheep (whether among the Jews or the Gentiles and regardless of being religious or not) are eventually found by their Shepherd.

You are guessing wrong.
The Word of God makes it quite clear that all lost sheep (whether among the Jews or the Gentiles and regardless of being religious or not) are eventually found by their Shepherd.

You are guessing wrong.

Wouldn't you agree that it is al least slightly more difficult for some people to become Christians than others based on where they were born?
Baha'i scholars have demonstrated that the prophecies in the Manu Srmiti and other books indicate the exact date of the end of the kalki Yuga and the coming of the Kalki Avatar.
their (bahai) calculations are not in line with scripture

they say that the advent of the industrial age (circa 1850) is the advent of the new satya yuga - anyone vaguely familiar with the scriptural descriptions of satya and kali yuga can understand this as false (BTW, kali yuga is to continue for about another 430 000 years)

So I guess Jesus IS NOT the last Son of God, is he?
the vedas would define jesus as a saktya (power) avesa (portion) avatar, which is to say that he is a specially empowered living entity, personally benedicted by god to remain free from illusion, even at the time of birth, who is non-different from god in terms of their capacity to re-establish religious principles in a particular time place and circumstance

My mother and father and some of my siblings do have your problem, And i wish they didn't. I do not like the thought of anyone spending eternity in the lake of fire but i know from scriptures that many will.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

And you still want to embrace a god like that???
Not even another chance to spiritually advance...ALL of eternity,eh?
Well, that speaks volumes in itself!:(
ELE, all are not equally valid, I called on the name of Jesus, and was saved, "a new creature in Christ," so I can't validate the others.

Well thats a bit unfair dont you think assuming religions before christianity are FALSE. But then again, I suppose thats the heart of religion, believe in our god or go to hell. This scare tactic has worked for centuries.
Did the ancient Greeks believe that Hercules really existed and did they worship him?