How harmful is religion?

Originally posted by Medicine*Woman
Fourth, we need sex. When sex is repressed (i.e. celibacy, etc.), it will reemerge in the form of a perversion (i.e. molestation by Catholic priests, etc.). This has NOTHING to do with whom we're naturally attracted to! Every human being has sexual needs. God created us as sexual beings, with both male and female hormones, and who we are attracted to is a natural part of that sexuality. Sex in and of itself is healthy, physically and spiritually. People live longer when they have an active sex life. An active sex life relieves stress in one's life, builds the immune system, releases endorphins and oxytocin in the brain which gives one an overall good feeling. In men with active sex lives, there is less prostatitis and prostate cancer! What is sexually attractive to consenting adults in private when they enjoy each other's bodies should not be judged by anyone. Sex enriches the soul.
Could you email all of this directly to my girlfriend? Maybe I should get the health benefits tattooed on my arm so I remember them when ther eis no blood in my brain...