How Ghosts may work

bleh..ghosts arent 'dead people' if you really insist on taking this stuff seriously...they are 'caught between life and death' that accounts for the suppposed number difference.

A far more logical mystery is how you ever became a mod on this place.:shrug:
Even if they were 'Caught between life and death' (which is technically people in hospital, since the red cross symbol was originally taken from the paganised circle with a cross in it. The Circle meaning 'protection' while the cross being the 'crossroads of life and death' which incidentally is also mirrored in why people use to bury their dead at crossroads so they could find their way home.) their numbers would still be many millions.

However it's not really that the post was in question now Billy was it? I mean you seem to pull Attacks every opportunity you get, do you see me posting everywhere attacking you Billy or stating "you're a Woo-woo believing in Astrology"? The answer to this Rhetorical question is "NO" Billy, that's because it's not the right way to act on the forum , even though you might not be a Professional, at least have some Professional courtesy.