How Ghosts may work

Crunchy Cat said:

A media recording could be a high quality video tape for example. A testable physics model would be an assertion of what a ghost is and would make physical predictions that could be verified by experimentation. The primary assertion would be based on existing theory (science based) and raw empirical information.
alright what happens if this happens? a person is in a building and suddenly a person nudges her, and she goes 'oh sorry' then seeing figure pass by is amazed to see same figure walk into a wall and disappear........a report i heard.

now. how could a person who has had suc a spontaneous experience like that, where no time has been set up for all the rigmorole your spcifications convince you? you will wont you say its 'all in her mind' right?
duendy said:
alright what happens if this happens? a person is in a building and suddenly a person nudges her, and she goes 'oh sorry' then seeing figure pass by is amazed to see same figure walk into a wall and disappear........a report i heard.

now. how could a person who has had suc a spontaneous experience like that, where no time has been set up for all the rigmorole your spcifications convince you? you will wont you say its 'all in her mind' right?

I couldn't say. A personal testimony at best is a source of evidence for 'something' but what that something is remains utterly inconclusive.
For those wishing to explore the subject in detail enter moebius.psy into Google, or access direct on the website of the Koestler Parapsychology unit at Edinburgh University, Scotland

see also

In 1944, with six others stuck in the school sick bay, I took part in a controlled experiment on thought transfer. Using playing cards, and a mathematician to calculate whether the results were just "chance" or better.
Results, there was definitely an ability to "send" playing card details [number, and/or suit] to others. Some were better senders than others. Poor senders were usually also poor receivers. The ability to "send" tired after 15-20 minutes as results fell back to "chance" levels.
The "transmissions" were "jammable" like Radio, by a second "sender" thinking hard of anything except playing cards.
Did you know there was a massive study conducted on penis size in adult men, but the results were woefully inconclusive despite the large and varied sample. The problem: most men had trouble getting an erection in front of the guys in white coats.

What does this have to do with ghosts?
Roman said:
Did you know there was a massive study conducted on penis size in adult men, but the results were woefully inconclusive despite the large and varied sample. The problem: most men had trouble getting an erection in front of the guys in white coats.

What does this have to do with ghosts?
is it because the lab and white coats and the studiious overtly left brained scientists puts off ones natrual libido....THUS are you suggesting that the ...em shall we say 'spiritual world' is also somehow intimately connected with EROS, and is .........can be....'shy' if approached in a cold calcuable measuringly oppressive way?
I'm suggesting experimental interference. I think a bunch of stuff that science hasn't proven yet can't be proved the way science usually wants to prove stuff. A good deal of the psychic crap seems to be more emotional than rational.

Hard stuff to quantify, especially in a situation where the subjects (ghosts or whatever) won't feel compelled to, uhhh, perform.
There is a theory I recently read on called the "stone tape theory."
This theory <i>could</i> explain replay type hauntings. I am currently looking into the physics of these types of things and see what is and is not possible for myslef.
And while your at it there, Like fire, could you find out and explain the physics of a Proton Pack?

What A Ghost Really Is

Dear Fellows:

Have you noticed that you never hear of people seeing a ghost of some one more than 3-4 hundred years old.Reason being is,all thoughts and life actions produce energy particles which due to gravity circulate the planet until they fade over time.The stronger the action or thought the longer it may stay.Psychics are people who have an inate ablity to pick up this circulating information, the fresher the easier.Peole who think they are reicarnations from other lives are simply acessing this data while asleep or in a :eek: :cool: hypnotized state.Some can do it wide awake due to their particular skills.PLease give me your opinion.

Paul ;)
I have had a lot of weird experiences in my life. I don't have any scientific proof. Why would anyone need proof? Science wouldn't recognize them if they went on National television for millions to see. Science will just say it was swamp gas or a mass hallucination. You're fighting a battle that can't be won.

So to all the Science boys and girls out there; Stay ignorant. All of you couldn't handle any form of truth unless it came from a calculator, or a microscope.
Dear Fellows:

Have you noticed that you never hear of people seeing a ghost of some one more than 3-4 hundred years old....

Mmmm, nice thought. Ingenious, even. One tincture of a problem - people do report seeing the spirits of souls departed far farther back in time than merely 300-400 years past. There's quite a famous "haunting" of a stretch of fortified Roman wall somewhere in Kent if memory serves, supposedly consisting of Roman Soldiers. Several dozen alleged cases of Medieval sites haunted by contemporaries of the day the length and breadth of Blighty. Don't even begin to get me started on Southern Ireland...

Fascinating, apocryphal stuff. Not entirely consistent with your initial premise. Nice try though...
Did you know there was a massive study conducted on penis size in adult men, but the results were woefully inconclusive despite the large and varied sample. The problem: most men had trouble getting an erection in front of the guys in white coats.

What does this have to do with ghosts?

this is the most intelligent post in this thread.

kudos, mofo.
Mmmm, nice thought. Ingenious, even. One tincture of a problem - people do report seeing the spirits of souls departed far farther back in time than merely 300-400 years past. There's quite a famous "haunting" of a stretch of fortified Roman wall somewhere in Kent if memory serves,

But you never see ghosts of Cave men, no cro-magnon men, no neanderthals, no australopethicus, why is that? I'm sure many died horrible deaths, and thus qualify for a good haunting ground.

I think rather this is a cultural thing, rather than any spirit mechanism however, people just don't identify with Cavemen, so don't see them.
I should imagine there you're entirely right old man, similar syndrome accounting for why, when asked, most people who claim recollection of past lives universally plumb for recognisable, historically well documented periods of human history - rarely the obscure....

"I was a slave girl in the court of Ramses The First....", "I was a Legionnaire in Northern Gaul... ", "I was a little tea-pot in Dickensian London..." etc...

The term "hunter gather" simply doesn't give anyone enough purchase to transpose an adequate cultural understanding from actual experience onto ones suppositions regarding what life may have been actually like on a day-to-day basis for such ancient periods.

That being said, of course, certain tribes people the world over claim communion with the spirits of their hugely distant antecedents simply as a matter of course....

Personally, I've often found it somewhat odd no one ever has claimed to have seen the ghost of say, a T-Rex or a Masterdon or a Neanderthal, for that matter, presuming of course the qualification of Human being provides some form of requisite necessity to either spend eternity rattling around the emptier places of this world or else chucking cutlery about in modern day suburbia.

Indeed. Given that, by any degree of best estimate, there exist today, alive and well and walking around, at least as many people in life as have ever existed during the course of the entire history of our species - you would think the resident spook population would, over the course of the milliennia, actually increase rather than remain spasmodic, irregular and unreliably witnessed.

But, then again, no one ever likes inconvenient details...
Real Rock And ?

If this is true I am going to not buy a new hard disc:eek:, instead I am going to the Preselli mountains get some blue stones if ther are any left and burn some Blue Stone-4's .Get ready to buy some BS-4's, cause I want to be rich.

What can be the fate of emitted or reflected spectrum from the body at the time of death?
Can remains of a dead person form basis of genetic material to any species?
Why do people need to externalise their experiences all the time? Isn't it far simpler to think that you had a brain fart when you see something odd, than to question the entire framework of causality?

1) to automatically assume anomalous experiences are brain farts is not a good strategy for learning.
2) there are thousands of examples of 'odd' phenomena being dismissed by many and noticed and taken as real by a few people who later helped us understand reality.
3) the existence of ghosts does not need to upset the framework of causality. This is an assumption on your part.
1) to automatically assume anomalous experiences are brain farts is not a good strategy for learning.
2) there are thousands of examples of 'odd' phenomena being dismissed by many and noticed and taken as real by a few people who later helped us understand reality.
3) the existence of ghosts does not need to upset the framework of causality. This is an assumption on your part.

I hope this doesn't start a flame war over a 9 month old post in a nearly 3 year old thread.

There are some very simple logical points in regards to ghosts, for instance if every human and every animal was to have a ghost after their death then our planet would be over populated by ghost right now with the dead outnumbering the living, however I haven't seen ONE so it pretty much undermines any possibility if you suggest that every dead being is one single possibility.

So total dead = billions, seen ghosts = zero.

Do the math.