How Ghosts may work


Registered Member
During an investigation into the origins of Stonehenge I was given the chemical analysis of the "Blue Stones" in that monument.
I have always wondered how those who built it, and their sucessors the Druids "stored" their knowledge. [The training of the latter, as reported by Caesar was long, and without writing] The analysis, excess silica apart, is about the same as the hard disk on a computer.
Given that the brain is an "electric machine", thought transference by telepathy having been demonstrated, is it possible that our ancestors knew how to "think" at the Blue Stones, and have their thoughts there recorded ? "Ghosts" being "random thoughts" "stuck" on local stone and brickwork, and picked up by those whose brain gets "attuned" to them ?
thought transference by telepathy having been demonstrated

No, it has not. Got any evidence that you alone possess?
ferrand said:
During an investigation into the origins of Stonehenge I was given the chemical analysis of the "Blue Stones" in that monument.
I have always wondered how those who built it, and their sucessors the Druids "stored" their knowledge. [The training of the latter, as reported by Caesar was long, and without writing] The analysis, excess silica apart, is about the same as the hard disk on a computer.
Given that the brain is an "electric machine", thought transference by telepathy having been demonstrated, is it possible that our ancestors knew how to "think" at the Blue Stones, and have their thoughts there recorded ? "Ghosts" being "random thoughts" "stuck" on local stone and brickwork, and picked up by those whose brain gets "attuned" to them ?

Well, I've heard a lot of far-out things, but this one really is out there.

The "long training and without writing" is what we today call "memorization."

And please so solid evidence proving that telepathy has been demonstrated to work - reliably and repeatedly. A few hits among many wrong results is hardly proof. And transferring information to a stone mentally? Even if the stone contains ferric oxides, the electric field generated by the human brain is far, far from being strong enough to magnetize anything.
Continue sweet ones continue. I was taught "thought transference" at the age of 5 and my wife and I do it all the time. My [identical] twin grandsons ditto. I can also sit in a meeting, while a colleague is doing a presentation, and "listen" to what it is thinking.
Scientific work has been done at Edinburgh [Scotland} on all this and I will find the references and post them.
Meantime lets have more arguments !!
How else do you explain ghosts for instance ?
How do I explain ghosts? I don't think they are anything more than a misinterpretation of stimuli, and maybe some hallucination element. Why do people need to externalise their experiences all the time? Isn't it far simpler to think that you had a brain fart when you see something odd, than to question the entire framework of causality? Doing the latter is rather egotistical, isn't it?
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Welcome to or merry meet ferrand

i am really glad you have brought up tis subject of ghosts. i had been thinkin to d so myself te last few weeks, but you've saved me the bovver

I would also like to hear more about your 'telepathic' experiences, and research that has been carried out regardin it

my views about what you say?......well i am sure our ancestors were more open to te idea of 'ghosts' or 'spirits' before the oppressive effects of Church and ten materialistic science kicked off. as for the Druids and using stones as some sort of storage device....hmmmmmm. i saw this fascinting docu about Stonehenge. it was about the sound effects you can get there standing in certian places...which the researchers calimed may have had someting t do with te rituals they performed there.

i do sense there may be a general connection between some ghost accounts and stone. for example tee are many reports of hauntings going on in very old houses. is tat activity related to past events somhow
'recorded' in the stone/matter/energy......for we have to keep in mind that matter/energy is ALWYS wit consciousness.....the mteralists wont like tis, but it is more and more being implied tat matte/energy is sentient (for example chekout christian de quincey, hat would tat insight mean for te subject of hosts? it'd mean that houses, for intane just may absorb past events and 'replay' tem for people who are susceptable....senstive, or happen to just be open enough to experience such

but does that mean tat ghosts are JUST recorded events? are there different TYPES o ghosts. are tere ones you can communicate with?...our ancestors believed this. tat tere exist other dimensions coinciding wit ours. what do you think?
oh...btw, i am sorry for te escalating is a combinAtion of a limited system....microsopic keyboard--hich some keys you hammer and still letter dont come out....typin wit passion---gettin cut off from internet after short time. shit will get used to my Chinese i am sure...heh
in the astral plane the ghosts do exist that is without the physical body. Astral body when an atom is divided atleast 10 million times to maximum of 100 million times that is the size of astral bodies in astral planes. That is the reason why ghosts can travel so fast. It is no fantasy or my imagination but a fact. Any queries?
jai vish said:
in the astral plane the ghosts do exist that is without the physical body. Astral body when an atom is divided atleast 10 million times to maximum of 100 million times that is the size of astral bodies in astral planes. That is the reason why ghosts can travel so fast. It is no fantasy or my imagination but a fact. Any queries?
well...surprise surprise, you've been left unmolested by the resident materialists.
my question is: how do you KNOW what you claim?
Most interesting,

Three claims have been asserted in this thread:

1) 'Telepathy' exists
2) 'Ghosts' exist
3) An 'Astral Plane' exists

Does anyone have any evidence to support these claims?
duendy said:
oh...btw, i am sorry for te escalating is a combinAtion of a limited system....microsopic keyboard--hich some keys you hammer and still letter dont come out....typin wit passion---gettin cut off from internet after short time. shit will get used to my Chinese i am sure...heh

Do you need a new keyboard and modem? I would be happy to get you those items.
Crunchy Cat said:
Most interesting,

Three claims have been asserted in this thread:

1) 'Telepathy' exists
2) 'Ghosts' exist
3) An 'Astral Plane' exists

Does anyone have any evidence to support these claims?
OK...for 1,2&3 respectively, what kind of evidence would you require?
Crunchy Cat said:
Do you need a new keyboard and modem? I would be happy to get you those items.
very kindof you Crunchy Cat, but you see, my system is belonging to a company and its they who have the prticular stuff to go with it. in this case a microscopic keyboard. remember its not a proper computer. but thanks anyhow
duendy said:
OK...for 1,2&3 respectively, what kind of evidence would you require?

A great question. Some forms of evidence that would really work well are:

1) Reproducible demonstration in a controlled environment / testable physics model
2) Demonstration / Media recording / testable physics model
3) Demonstration / Media recording / testable physics model
duendy said:
very kindof you Crunchy Cat, but you see, my system is belonging to a company and its they who have the prticular stuff to go with it. in this case a microscopic keyboard. remember its not a proper computer. but thanks anyhow

I see. Is the company the only place available to access the internet and do they have wireless network capabilities?
Crunchy Cat said:
I see. Is the company the only place available to access the internet and do they have wireless network capabilities?
it actually is very cutting edge. but there is a limit what you can do wit a digital set top box. however they constantly upgrade, serive is kinda better-ish (long story) than it used to be
Crunchy Cat said:
A great question. Some forms of evidence that would really work well are:

1) Reproducible demonstration in a controlled environment / testable physics model
2) Demonstration / Media recording / testable physics model
3) Demonstration / Media recording / testable physics model
OK ...lets focus on 'Ghosts' as thats really main subject of this thread

can you elaborate what you mean by 'mediarecording?...what would satisfy you via that medium, and 'testable physics model' pleas try and expand as to what tha would demand as evidence please
duendy said:
it actually is very cutting edge. but there is a limit what you can do wit a digital set top box. however they constantly upgrade, serive is kinda better-ish (long story) than it used to be

I am not sure if that meant their internet is cutting edge, their wireless network, or both. The reason I ask is that if they have wireless, then getting a portable computer in there with a decent keyboard would probably resolve the issue that's being faced.
duendy said:
OK ...lets focus on 'Ghosts' as thats really main subject of this thread

can you elaborate what you mean by 'mediarecording?...what would satisfy you via that medium, and 'testable physics model' pleas try and expand as to what tha would demand as evidence please


A media recording could be a high quality video tape for example. A testable physics model would be an assertion of what a ghost is and would make physical predictions that could be verified by experimentation. The primary assertion would be based on existing theory (science based) and raw empirical information.
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I was taught "thought transference" at the age of 5 and my wife and I do it all the time.

Yeah, sure you do.

Scientific work has been done at Edinburgh [Scotland} on all this and I will find the references and post them.

That must be scientific work that no one has heard about except you.

How else do you explain ghosts for instance ?

Complete fantasy.