How far is too far?

Perhaps you can give an example of a horrific thing and we can unpack it to examine what general principles you are applying.

Which religion?

Bonus points if you can bring up something that doesn't come under the banner of fideism.

Sorry, your ass and head are not separable.

Care to answer?

Is there a point at which god is so heinous that even you won't worship him?

Do you have any standards at all or will you worship god no matter what?

Does what your god has done bother you at all?
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First you have to understand that the bible was written by men at a time in history that was quite violent and lawless.

I understand that just fine.

I also find it interesting that you "beleive" ONLY the violent parts of the bible, yet you're probably an avid atheist, right?

I'm neither an avid atheist nor do I believe any parts of the bible.

However this is not about me.

I want to know if you ever draw the line in your belief of your god?

Since you mention the xtian bible, that god (of jews, xtians and muslims) is particularly horrific in his actions.

Planetcide, genocide, rape, murder, torture and murder of innocents, he really does a lot of really, really nasty stuff. Or since you are a conservative, socialized medicine, welfare, and support of taxation.

Care to answer?

Is there a point at which god is so heinous that even you won't worship him?

Do you have any standards at all or will you worship god no matter what?

Does what your god has done bother you at all?
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Perhaps the concept of good and evil needs to be precisely defined before judgments of this kind can be made.

Use your understanding of what is good and what is not.

Whether that is actually possible when we as people can agree on so little is another question.

I'm not asking "people," I'm asking you...

Is there a point at which god is so heinous that even you won't worship him?

Do you have any standards at all or will you worship god no matter what?

Does what your god has done bother you at all?

Care to answer?

Is there a point at which god is so heinous that even you won't worship him?

Do you have any standards at all or will you worship god no matter what?

Does what your god has done bother you at all?
My answer is, in most cases, no.

I'm not looking for most cases, I'm asking you...

Is there a point at which god is so heinous that even you won't worship him?

Do you have any standards at all or will you worship god no matter what?

Does what your god has done bother you at all?
then religious people will

What about you?

Is there a point at which god is so heinous that even you won't worship him?

Do you have any standards at all or will you worship god no matter what?

Does what your god has done bother you at all?
First you would have to define God.

Your god.

Is there a point at which god is so heinous that even you won't worship him?

Do you have any standards at all or will you worship god no matter what?

Does what your god has done bother you at all?
Most men derive a sense of identity from their beliefs.
They will resist any attempt to attack or remove those beliefs almost beyond reason.
It would be well to bear in mind, however, that any sense of belief is reinforced exponentially depending on the benefit one might derive from it.

They will resist any attempt to attack or remove those beliefs beyond reason. There's no almost to it.
After catching up & getting thru all the absurd lame attempts at justification of homophobia :
Obviously, the above is true for other beliefs also.
I think camel husbandry is just as stupid and worthy of neglect.
probably because there crap would stain the carpet in your lounge room

The OP is about going too far, so why in hell does the welfare of camels appear in a religious tome anyway?
because there are primary and secondary principles in scripture .... much like there are "ideas" and "details" in any discourse that deals with society (aka ethics).

If you want some nice easy material for satire, just go for the details

probably because there crap would stain the carpet in your lounge room

Your carpet is ScotchGuarded?:(

because there are primary and secondary principles in scripture .... much like there are "ideas" and "details" in any discourse that deals with society (aka ethics).

Nice way to say believers don't know wtf is going on;)
Which religion?
well the OP mentioned, every religion, so it will become apparent if you are judging a genre by its worst examples

Sorry, your ass and head are not separable.

Care to answer?
yes sure

much like a conclusion ....
(such as "Every religion to my knowledge that has a god, has god doing horrific things.")

..... is connected to the introductory preamble
Is there a point at which god is so heinous that even you won't worship him?

Do you have any standards at all or will you worship god no matter what?
excellent topic

Perhaps a good place to start would be philosophy since well over 70% of all philosophers have some sort of transcendental/theistic foundation.

Does what your god has done bother you at all?
what bothers me is when persons make assertions about religion bereft of philosophical merit.

It doesn't matter whether they are atheistic or theistic
well the OP mentioned, every religion, so it will become apparent if you are judging a genre by its worst examples

Only if you are set on including the worst examples.

I'm actually trying to give you the benefit of the doubt. You only need to answer in terms of your religion(s) and your god(s).

If you are willing to exclude other religions and gods as false, that's fine with me.

(such as "Every religion to my knowledge that has a god, has god doing horrific things.")

Instead of whining, offer up counter examples.
Is there a point at which god is so heinous that even a religious person won't worship him?

Do you religious people have any standards at all or will you worship god no matter what?

Every religion to my knowledge that has a god, has god doing horrific things.

Doesn't that bother you at all?

Well, one thing is sure: If you think your body is eventually yours, if you think your thoughts are eventually yours, if you think your possessions are eventually yours - then pretty much any act or quality of God will seem heinous in some way or another.
Is there a point at which god is so heinous that even you won't worship him?

Do you have any standards at all or will you worship god no matter what?

Does what your god has done bother you at all?

It's amazing how you can ask certain questions and never get a straight answer.
It's amazing how you can ask certain questions and never get a straight answer.

that is what i was thinking

you supposed to be the messenger (i guess messiah) per your claims and yet cannot answer any questions

is your thrown porcelin?

all these questions are about a God on a thrown

Is there a point at which god is so heinous that even you won't worship him?

Do you have any standards at all or will you worship god no matter what?

Does what your god has done bother you at all?

so they seem to be something you, mr messenger should be answering

all hail the abe normal brain in a jar
Only if you are set on including the worst examples.

I'm actually trying to give you the benefit of the doubt. You only need to answer in terms of your religion(s) and your god(s).
You can talk about god in a general sense and still maintain the discussion - IOW calling upon the spanish inquisition as a reliable yardstick for christianity or the current political conundrum surrounding islam at the moment probably won't cut the mustard

If you are willing to exclude other religions and gods as false, that's fine with me.

Fideism isn't famous for its accommodation of henological discussion, is it?