How does evolution actually happen


Did you read what I said... your topic is not for this thread!


so what your saying (badly) is that evolution (of species) is the alteration of alleles? I don't understand this "time-dilation code" thing either.
Time-released alleles

Originally posted by WellCookedFetus

Did you read what I said... your topic is not for this thread!


so what your saying (badly) is that evolution (of species) is the alteration of alleles? I don't understand this "time-dilation code" thing either.

Ok, badly prehaps. My field of science is not biology or genetics. Thinks of it as 'time-released alleles'. When the right genetic signals are received by the alleles, evolution can and does begin to take place. But what actually 'triggers' this signal and why, I'm not sure of ...yet. For want of a better term, I call it the 'Time-Dilation Code' or that which somehow signals or triggers evolutionary changes in cells and therefore species.
My first Post

I think mutations are not enough to explain evolution (just a thought) what if our brain has control over what kinds of sperms and eggs we produce (for both female and male) what if we can think and change what we are - and the can control and alter our species just by thinking. MORE than anything this is a question is there any studies of thought & moods affecting an individuals sperms and eggs ??

What are the effects of mood and thought to the whole reproduction process.

About the aliens - where are they now I think we need them in these times of turmoil

I am Turkish and please excuse my spelling errors:rolleyes:
Another thought

The evolution process and how genes change was the starting of this discussion but I think these are of no importance today (the evolution process has a new drift) - in the sense we dont need evolution today. Say communication, a vital part of surviving, we will never evolve to the next step of it because we are able to create devices that help us with it such as phones, the internet so we will never see if we will develop ESP or some other form of communication. Same goes for health because we have hospitals that take care of us. The method mankind has developed (superior to evolution) is much faster and effective and most importantly more efficient. So we rule :)
Re: Another thought

Originally posted by bethere
I think these are of no importance today (the evolution process has a new drift) - in the sense we dont need evolution today.

Presuppositions that we can just make any change we want could lead us down a non returnable path.
Oh we could return but what super-human in their right mind would want to?

Welcome bethere,

I'm afraid I have never come upon such studies... but the hypothesis has relevance and could be tested, maybe not production is effected by the survivability of sperm is control by the female reproductive track rather well. As for ova production (eggs) all ova are made before a women is born, but the release of ova is a very competitive process between many ova that are fighting hormonally to be ejected into the fallopian tubes.
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pluck pluck skwaaak

If we are going to insist on genetic manipulation for Uber Human,
maybe we should start with influencing the rates and timing of development/maturation of the well cooked fetus. Large scale phenotypic change can occur with small genotypic revisions.
I've always wanted an aquarium, but if you're gonna stay in that tank all of your life, could I set you on my stand and keep you?
As long as you feed me human blood every 24 hours... that and I like some fish food sprinkled on top for dessert.
hey there guys

proteome at least get twins so they can keep each other company & play little games swimmin in their little jar

you guys are both right in part (thanks for your replys)

my first mistake is over emphasizing an individuals role in the whole evolution process. Even if we could craft any changes to our DNA just by thinking would that really be to the advantage of the whole human beings as a race (would this really make the process more efficient or better)

after all as any species we tackle the problem of survival as a group not on our own. And diversity is the main strength for a groups survival.

I will think and re-state (need to get groceries first) cant think when hungry...

out buying cereals

I wonder what you think of the modern world and how it affects the evolution process. Dont you think our choices for mating are in part imposed by TV fashion and such.

A supporting example could be a feature: height of humans, growing rapidly. (look at japanese cartoons they are opposite of what japanese people are thought to look like) and I see that this is changing their population and the new japanese kids are taller.

It is a fact that people are becoming taller but there seems to be no relavent connection of this to survival. Not like grocery stores started building their shelfs any higher and we need to be tall to feed our self.

We already are changing the way evolution process works. Not any more the survival of the fittest but the one in fashion.
Re: Re: Another thought

Originally posted by proteome
Presuppositions that we can just make any change we want could lead us down a non returnable path.

Well all roads mankind is following are one way thus non returnable. Because we are always changing for good or bad in the name of improving.

But as you said if an individual had such control over his genes it could result in a supreme being that could threaten the whole mankind. So the mother nature wouldnt give us such control. (or this wouldnt be rendered in the evolution process)

But it is the nature of humans to play with fire - so one day we will be able to engineer people.
fresh :)

Originally posted by WellCookedFetus
I'm afraid I have never come upon such studies... but the hypothesis has relevance and could be tested,

WCF I appreciate your reply - as you have stated in a sense - we still dont know many things about what our brains are capable of.

Why else would we be producing fresh sperms daily - our life experiances must be affecting the new sperms and do you know of how much information we can pass on to our offspring.

Some reflexes are passable - traits what else??
Survival of the smartest...

Darwins theories apply to bio organisms that live in close contact with nature. A tribe in Africa (if there are any left) is where you will see the survival of the fitest. But the modern people's world is so much different - we have cars planes phones internet hospitals - so the evolution process has taken a new drift. The competition is much different. Still the fitest survive but the definition of fiting has changed dramatically.

Agree Dissagree Any Thoughts ???