How does evolution actually happen

Sorry to add so little to this discussion..

I don't think anybody mentioned that individuals or species don't evolve, populations evolve. So when you think of an organism slowly changing over time, you're wrong; it's a population changing over time.

Ha-ha funny Q. No, can't say I did. I'm actually working on a book which of course will be fiction, but it brings about some points. Yes, Chariots of the Gods was done, but mine is much more in depth. 14 years in the making so far and counting. I have said this in another string, but I'll say it here as well for your benefit-so that you are not going 'what is he talking about?' I'm not a Christian first of all/Creationist what have you. Biology is my strong point. 100% in grade 12 and a BSc. If one applies scientific fact, theory, and conjecture to the Bible, yes you saw correctly, there are really some interesting findings. Don't forget this book, or I should say a compilation of books, was written centuries ago. For instance in Genesis, it says, And God said let there be light! Forget the God bit for one moment. Now ask yourself what was the light of the first day? What is that referencing? Well, it wasn't the sun because that wasn't until the fourth day-my opinion maybe 4000 years, 4 million years or even 4 billion years. So the light of the first day is still not answered-but it was answered in 1929 by Edwin Hubble. So, the question is, who or what knew about the big bang centuries ago? There is a reason for my thinking Q, and if you would calm down and let people go on their way, well, this board wouldn't be such a bad place.
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You have a lot to learn about evolution. I suggest you make some effort to learn something about it before you dismiss it.

<i>The proof lies within the fact that chimps don't climb out of trees and turn into humans.</i>

But they do. It's a <b>gradual</b> process. The ape-like ancestors of humans lived in trees. Then, due largely to climate change, which changed their habitat, they began spending more time on the ground and less time in the trees. Gradually, they gave up the trees all together. This is a process that occured over millions of years - not overnight.

<i>So, the question is, why would animals mutate, and adapt, but this is more prevelant in insects, while primates don't?</i>

Insects have much shorter lifespans than primates. Therefore, they tend to adapt and speciate faster.

<i>The other question is why did fish come out of the water and turn into lizards? There were no real threats-not like today with the loads of crap in the oceans!</i>

Of course there were real threats. All forms of life have predators. Similarly, fish compete with each other for food. A fish who could come out of the water (say into a tidal area), even temporarily, could exploit new food sources. That would give it an evolutionary advantage.

<i>Why did lizards go up into trees and turn into birds?</i>

They didn't. Birds are thought to have evolved from feathered dinosaurs. Originally, they did not live in trees.

<i>I believe the theory of natural selection is really science fiction.</i>

With respect, you don't know enough to make an informed judgment on that yet.

<i>And I'm not really sure if you know this JR, but Darwin bawled his eyes out on his death bed. He was a Christian believe it or not-I'm far from it-and he realized what he had done with his theory.</i>

Do you have a reference for the death-bed story? I know Darwin was a Christian. Did you know that he did not think that the theory of evolution was incompatible with a belief in God? (He was right, too.)

<i>Is it not possible that birds developed from one set of one-celled organizms, while fish, lizards, etc. from different types?</i>

No, it isn't possible. You have only to look at the DNA of various organisms to know that they share common ancestors. In fact, you don't even need to do that - you can simply look at their anatomy.

<i>All you have to do JR is open your mind just a little bit instead of trying to make me feel like shit because of your disregard to other people's opinions.</i>

You're telling <i>me</i> to keep an open mind? It's you who is dismissing a theory out of hand, without even bothering to check what it says.

<i>Biology is my strong point. 100% in grade 12 and a BSc.</i>

You have a B.Sc.? I assume it isn't in biology, or you would have studied evolution. Which university?

Dalhousie, then I went to UWO. Your right to some aspect about not studing in biology, although I did take some courses-no masters degree in it. But, JR, fish have predators today, like they did a million years ago. This is what I mean. I'm not down playing the theory of natural selection-correction, it wasn't called the theory of evolution-but I'm down playing some things that don't add up, and they never will add up no matter how hard scientists try! And what right do you have to say I don't know enough to make an informed judgement? You don't have the right to judge me, but you did. You have a B.Sc.? I assume it isn't in biology, or you would have studied evolution. Don't start JR. This is a friendly reminder that you nor I nor the theory of natural selection are perfect! One more thing, where is the proof that they are coming out of trees turning into human beings? Saskuatch? If you read my last post here, you would see that I have done a lot of research over the past 14 years. How much have you done?
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They seem to add up to me... must be a lot of people out there that just can't add :D

JR give norad here another biatch slaping, he's niping again!
Wellcookedfetus. First of all, no one asked for your opinion. Second of all, if you had a brain you would do some research for yourself. As stated in an earlier post, 14 years of research and counting. How much have you done? By the sounds of it, not a lot accept being an internet 'troll.'
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jee you don't seem to have much proof on "14 years of research"? If you did then maybe we would not be criticizing you.
you got any evidence and proof for your Raelian belief?
LONG LIVE WellCookedFetus

WCF. I just want to thank you for your eloquently spoken, and informative posts. I've learned a lot, and am having fun.
That's funny wfc, but I don't believe Raelians or whatever you call those people were around when I started my research. Yet another post by yet another person that think they are smart.
y4 I sp3ak Go()d!

I especially like norad he makes me laugh! He obviously does not know about my ability to find all insults laughable. Why don't you lay some proof and evidence from 14 year of studying and coming to the conclusion of your psuedo-Raelian belief then?
Originally posted by norad
Wellcookedfetus. First of all, no one asked for your opinion.
You are posting to a public forum... you're going to get people's opinions... and I'm going to add mine :p

While there is not a complete proof of evolution there is a large amount. Considering we are looking back thousands of years we are not going to find every single step of evolution. However, transitional fossils have been found going from ape to man. This supports evolution.

The idea that some traits can further the devlopment of a species is obvious. The idea that the genes causing these traits can be added/removed through natural selection is logical.

The idea that aliens came down and planted life may or may not be true (same as God planting life), but there is no supporting evidence of aliens creating us.

I have ADD. If you have something to say to me you have to say it before I

the biblical account of creation, the word "Elohim" has been mistranslated as "God" in the singular, but it is a plural, which means "those who came from the sky".

Originally posted by norad
Why? Because they are fanatics that's why! Jesh!
Wait... you aren't providing proof of your theory development over 14 years because someone else is a fanatic? ummm...
Re: I have ADD. If you have something to say to me you have to say it before I

Originally posted by proteome
the biblical account of creation, the word "Elohim" has been mistranslated...
People always say stuff like this, and the 'true' translation seems to change depending on the moment. Do you have any sources for this from lingual experts?
Don't forget the very definitive genetic evidence!

norad I still have no understanding of your belief structure: I have asked repeatedly for some evidence and proof of it… why won’t you tell us?

Argument from authority is generally a pretty poor form of argument. Suffice it to say that my Science qualifications are at least equal to yours, though I freely admit that they are not in biology either. Against your 14 years study, I put up a similar amount of time exploring the theory of evolution in my spare time. But I am well aware that time alone doesn't say much. There are people on this board who say they have dedicated large chunks of their lives to studying certain things, yet they get caught on basic questions. An understanding built on shakey foundations is not much of an understanding.

<i>But, JR, fish have predators today, like they did a million years ago.</i>

Sure, and fish today are very different from fish a million years ago.

What is it about evolution that you think doesn't add up?

<i>One more thing, where is the proof that they are coming out of trees turning into human beings?</i>

In the fossil record.
15,000 base pair junk sequences

Listen, I get on here to post my manifestos, steal idea's from other people, and spread wrong info.

Mostly, I am getting away from stress of work and participating in a hobby I like.

Flamers and insulters and people that tell me to give it up and go buy a text book are Euclidian, baby.
Re: 15,000 base pair junk sequences

Originally posted by proteome
Flamers and insulters and people that tell me to give it up and go buy a text book are Euclidian, baby.
I'm only asking you about that bible translation message:) I suspect that you read this somewhere and that the source (or the source's source) just made it up. The bigger problem is that someone *cough*norad*cough* kindnapped this thread to attack evolution.

P.S. Why does Rael have Princess Leia's hairdo?