How do YOU meditate?

Watch Friends, Season 6 episode 8 *The one whit Ross's teeth...

Yes I know, I "'m a fan of"/like a lot of things...
But watch that one, and you'll never forget it ever again...
lol i've seen that episode! not too long ago either.. it was a rerun. haha! Ross had a killer smile!! i love that ep!!:p

so that was black light? i didn't know it was called that..
i remember when i was in 7th grade we went to check out some electricity plant and the people there put some type of goo on our hands and then sent us into a room with that kinda lighting.. and the goo and our teeth and everything white glowed.. and we thought it was so neat lol.
black lights are them lights that are purple and when a white object is under them they glow, OOoooOoOooo neat :D

aint you even been to a club :p
Well, she now know's what it's called...
That's what it's about, right?

Anyway, how long you meditate...
Let's see...
Try to estimate the time, and if your meditation is very pleasant...
*I can't see why not, unless there are disturbing telepathic activities*
...tripple the time you estimated.

Most story's I've heard about a first sucsesfull or a very pleasant meditation, took up to 3 times the time then they planned or estimated...
Originally posted by A Canadian

black lights are them lights that are purple and when a white object is under them they glow, OOoooOoOooo neat :D

aint you even been to a club :p

no, i haven't. i'm a nerd you know.. i have no life.

it's purple, how am i supposed to know it's called black? give a girl a break.
Schumann Resonance

The resonance frequency of the Earth's magnetic field. 7.83Hz. This frequency is constant day and night.
It seems to me that the most effective way is to shut off all your thoughts. U can do it any time of day when you think about it, just don't start thinking that you will need to think about something. And if u do start thinking about anything, then stop.

I do it when i walk in the forest, or sitting down relaxed, or lying in bed before going to sleep. I also did it while writing this post (not actually when i was typing). :D
Re: Try this

Originally posted by Decoy
start a discussion with yourself.
Talk to your conscience. Works for me, solves a lot of me problems as well.
Although I must say, my conscience is a bit naief :(
And no, that wasn't a joke

LMFAO :D If I did that it would just turn ugly. :D
Scream and shout. Jump over what furniture is available. Light incense until the stink causes the neighbours to complain. "Pass out."

Come around. Enjoy the world, sense it. Blurr in. Enjoy yourself, sense that. Blurr out. Enjoy Nirvana, be there. Surface when ready.

Close all doors. Ground. Come back to the world, and carry on as if nothing happened.

After all, it prolly didn't.



The better question is what is meditation.
Everyone is different, and you can have your own unique way of meditation. For example, I picture myself walking though a field on a warm day, I see a temple on the top of a hill. I climb the hill and enter the temple. I see that it is dusty and unkept. I begin cleaning it and notice the walls are made of brass. I shine them very bright. In the middle of the floor in the temple is a round brass pit. I pour oil in it and light it. I feed the flame with my mind until it reaches the top of the temple. The brass walls lighting up.

The temple is my mind.

Visualization is a good starting place.

1.9.1, i like your method of meditation. :cool:

i wonder why some people say you shouldn't think of anything.. that's impossible, how do you not think? i can't do it, i've tried a million times. the more i try the more i think. anyway, i think it's better to picture something like that temple thing..
heh btw as i read that i pictured a temple from Stargate SG-1...

One way to meditate without really thinking about much is while having sex. Yes, I am serious, there are beliefs that teach this. That the best way to be in the "now" is while having sex.

After all, most are not thinking about tomorrow at work, or
the dishes that need to be done, they are just feeling.

I know what you mean about meditation that is nothing.

Of course you will have so many people telling people that there is only one way to meditate, just like they will tell you there is only one true religion. Ha! They don't look beyond defination.

On a clear night I like finding a bright star and meditating on it. You will begin to see all the colors of the spectrum, and it will appear to be spinning. When this is happening not much else is going on in the mind but the question that begins to arise in you mind like "Is that a star?" :bugeye:

Life is good,
Beyond definition.....what can we see?
I think meditation is the opening of the senses and being aware of all that is around you, and sometimes things that are far away.

Most importantly, Peace within yourself and being at peace with life.

Druids came up with blacklights, they supposedly weaken the world walls (spirit/physical.. would explain why people on hallucenogens find them interesting)

They had a light called a Pelan-Tan I think. It was a big blown glass sphere dyed a deep deep blue. They would put a black candle in it and because of the spheres color the candle stick would be invisible, so all you could see would be the flame, which is busy looking all blue.. and then to top it off they would use fine thread and hang them in trees and in caves and stuff so it would just be a Blue floating orb in the darkness... hehe cool as hell.

I find I meditate best in the woods, or outside, specially in a nice sunbeam, add flowing water or a waterfall and now Im cooking with gas! Focusing on martial arts forms specially Iai-do (my fav) does wonders to make my mind shutup, physically or just mentaly going over them, or I try to listen.. not just with my ears though.
Once when leaning on a tree deep in the woods after a spell of just listening I could swear I heard voices, I could have been driftin to sleep but either way... the trees were talking about me =)
floating orbs and flames, how cool :cool:

too bad i can't find peace.. i guess that's why i'm not very good with meditating, i can pull off something of the kind in the right surroundings, but it's damn hard with all this shit in my life adn therefore in my head...
Susanndrea, if there is shit in your life you need to flush it.

I know its easier said then done, but it is possible. Dont ever let anyone or thing hold you back from happieness. If you dont like your job, start looking, if you dont like the classes your in change your studies, dont like your parents......well... uhh cant help ya their hehe. If you dont like where you live start looking, its all possible if you are motivated.... Just think how lazy the average person is, and then you gotta remember that half the population is even lazier :D

Here is a technique that might work for ya though. I got this out of a book and tried it myself and found it pretty usefull..

Visualise a small candle more importantly the flame. Focus all the crap and shit in your life into the flame, feed it, kinda like blowing on hot coals, let all the stuff that bugs you be the flames fuel, the flame will prolly get bigger the more you feed it, feed it untill there is nothing left. Give it a shot and let me know if it helps at all :D
thanks, but i don't know if that'll help.. the shit in my life isn't very removable. but i can try.. i'm just not expecting much cause i tried the put-the-shit-in-a-box thing and they just appeared outside the box no matter how i imagined them in there. my mind has a will of it's own. i should've mentioned i'm OCD. so it's obsessive thoughts for me.. not much i can do.

but i'll try the flame thing anyway.
thanks, but i don't know if that'll help.. the shit in my life isn't very removable. but i can try.. i'm just not expecting much cause i tried the put-the-shit-in-a-box thing and they just appeared outside the box no matter how i imagined them in there. my mind has a will of it's own. i should've mentioned i'm OCD. so it's obsessive thoughts for me.. not much i can do.

Meditating is not such a big deal unless you choose to make it such. PErhaps it's not right for you, you've got to go for that which you feel most comfortable with, if you just can't meditate then don't try to meditate. It's not the end of the world. If you happen to believe in the buddist/hindu religions, you will still reincarnate in the next life and maybe your mind will be more at peace then. ;)