how do you comunicate with the dead?

To communicate with deceased persons a book whose author has passed away. May I suggest the fictions of the Argentinian writer, Borges? Edgar Allan Poe or H.P. Lovecraft are good to visit. Henry James' "The Turn of The Screw" -- and so, there are a few good portals for you. You're welcome!

Others appear at my personal Web site
Missing Mass Problem Solved: Let's see.... If everytime a living creature dies that once possessed a soul then 4 oz worth of something leaves our universe for some other unwordly realm. Multiply that by billions here on Earth alone and by who knows how many other planets with a similar MO, then times billions of years and Wow!

Is there a time limit for ghosts on this Earth? Of the countless creatures who have lived and died on the planet why do we usually see ghosts from fairly recent times. Imagine if we could observe dinos and whatever else. A lot of ghosts haunt particular locales so I would assume they only stick around as long as that locale still exists. Where are the cavemen? At some point all ghosts must take off out of here.

Why are there inanimate ghostly objects? Why are ghosts usually clothed? Why are there ghosts of ships and other inanimate man made stuff?
The best way to approach this subject is to apply 'Occams Razor'.

This useful deductive concept states that the most simple explaination is usually the correct one, or: If it looks like crap, smells like crap and tastes like crap, chances are quite high that it is indeed crap!

It may well be that when we die there is a whole other dimension of existance, where the soul continues to live on through all eternity in a state of bliss, love and knowledge - Contrary to all established scientific laws.

Or, it might be that mans inability to face up to the pain and uncertainty of death and his own limited significance in the universe, has given rise to the more comforting (though unlikley)
psychological security blanket - the soul.

It's a harmless idea for those who feel they need it, but don't try to pass it off as empirical truth.

I leave you with the words of Prof. Richard Dawkins, who summed up the supernatural mindset with characteristic clarity.

The religous mind says: "a mystery - good, something we will never understand"
The scientific mind says: "a mystery - maybe, but we're working on it".

How insignificant we are compared to the universe. So most scientists have a god complex right? Science is God. I dis-agree. I think science is a means in which our inferior brains can explain the universe. It is funny how the smartest people in the world can also be the most ignorant.
Hold on.. I'm getting a message coming through from the spirit realm.
It's for all those who believe in the eternal life of the soul.
They're saying....


Enjoy the here and now, it's all you've got.

Energy can not be created, or destroyed. Either way we go on. Whether it be our energy returning to the earth, or another dimension. I feel sorry for people with no hope in their lives. It must be a miserable existence.
To be motionless is to be eternally still, therfore, to be pushed off a tall building is to be eternally in motion - until you hit the pavement.

That is not dead which can eternal lie.
And in stranger aeons even death may die.
The people whom say they do it are lying. There is zero evidence supporting the notion that consciousness *somehow* persists after death. There is plenty of evidence contradicting that very same notion.
No there is compelling evidence to suggest that consciousness persists after death, what you mean is that the evidence available doesnt impress you enough to speculate that it might.
Your personal intepretation of the data being invalid simply doesnt equate to there being no substantial data atall.
I think you really need to understand that your opinions dont represent objective truth/reality.
*sorry that sounded somewhat patronising, but you know what i mean..
No there is compelling evidence to suggest that consciousness persists after death, what you mean is that the evidence available doesnt impress you enough to speculate that it might.
Your personal intepretation of the data being invalid simply doesnt equate to there being no substantial data atall.
I think you really need to understand that your opinions dont represent objective truth/reality.
*sorry that sounded somewhat patronising, but you know what i mean..

Let's see that compelling evidence.
Let's see that compelling evidence.

Id be interested to first of all know what (if anything) youd personally consider as evidence for the persistance of consciousness beyond death. Or at least what youd expect as a minimum to begin to speculate that consciousness might extend beyond the physical limits of the body.

Also if the mind can exist long after the body has ceased to, what kind of phenomena would you reasonably expect to see?
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heliocentric said:
Id be interested to first of all know what (if anything) youd personally consider as evidence for the persistance of consciousness beyond death. Or at least what youd expect as a minimum to begin to speculate that consciousness might extend beyond the physical limits of the body.

A demonstration of an instance of someone's awarness after 24 hours of being clinically dead (this ensures that most if not all cellular activity has ceased).

heliocentric said:
Also if the mind can exist long after the body has ceased to, what kind of phenomena would you reasonably expect to see?

Communication, coherent and persistent energy, etc.
I think the likelyhood is extremely slim that anyone is going to live beyond 24 hours of clinical death. On top of that the odds of them having an OBE and it being verifiable in some way are astronomically slim. Who knows though, its not beyond the realms of possiblity..;)
I think expecting communication (of somekind) of the dead with the living is a more reasonable or prehaps likely criteria however.
Please, do excuse the somewhat obvious nature of the following question, but I really can't help but wondering: if you think it unlikely to believe that clinical death extending beyond a period of 24 hours remains unlikely at all to yield any results - how on earth is "expecting communication (of some kind) of the dead with the living is a more reasonable or perhaps likely criteria however," by virtue of your own expressed logic here, in any way, shape or form actually sensible?
If consciousness *does* persist after death, it seems reasonable to assume that they would be able to communicate with us, or rather crunchy cat put this view forward and i agreed with him.
And since (following the same thread of assumption) we potentially have every humanbeing that has ever lived and died to 'out there' to communicate with us. There would be much more potential for yielding after-life data than waiting around for someone to die (for an incredibly long period of 24 hours) and seeing if they had any substantial/verifiable experiences of an afterlife when they came back to life.
If you can follow my particular strand of logic here, then hopefully you can see what i mean.
I see.... So, basically what you're saying here is that you have absolutely no genuine concept of what the term Death actually means, correct?
I think i have a pretty good idea what youre insinuating with that comment, if thats your view then youre probably not going to gain very much from this thread.
I really dont have to time to get dragged down in ad hom attacks (i can see where all this is leading).
Mmmm.... Odd. Thought I'd just simply asked merely an elementary, given the subject of the topic to hand, question regarding your actual comprehension regarding the term "Death"....

Hang on a mo', let me just check...

Mr Anonymous said:
I see.... So, basically what you're saying here is that you have absolutely no genuine concept of what the term Death actually means, correct?

Yup, there we go. Thought so. Hardly indicative of an "ad hom" attack, as you put it. Technically speaking, of course, accusations which go - "I think i have a pretty good idea what youre insinuating with that comment, if thats your view then youre probably not going to gain very much from this thread.
I really dont have to time to get dragged down in ad hom attacks (i can see where all this is leading)."
- issued without any factual basis for such largely constitute the very definition of what the term "ad homonym" actually means...

Fascinating insight into terms you apparently equally don't seem to understand aside - the question as put remains - completely unanswered.

Do you or don't you actually understand what the term Death actually means?
I wasnt saying you were making ad hom attacks, i was actually saying that i could see that thats where the conversation was heading simply from the way you conducted yourself.
You didnt even ask me a real question, youre making a statement (i dont know what death means) and simply dressing it up as question.
Ask me a real question, and i'll give you a real answer.
Actually, I think you'll find I did ask you a simple, real, and given the subject matter, pristinely elementary question the first couple of times around - here it is again, in words, because you haven't actually once given an answer:

Do you, or do you not, understand the meaning of the term Death?
No you made a ascertion (read 6 posts back) and simply tagged 'correct?' on the end, i hardly think that constitutes a real question.
But if you want a genuine answer to a non-genuine question, 'yes' i do know the various medical/philosophical/everyday meangings of the word death.
What do you want to talk about now?
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I think the likelyhood is extremely slim that anyone is going to live beyond 24 hours of clinical death. On top of that the odds of them having an OBE and it being verifiable in some way are astronomically slim.

To provide evidence for the notion that consciousness persists after death... well you sort of have to be dead right? If you're not dead then at best you might be looking at the notion of consciousness persisting while dying.

I think expecting communication (of somekind) of the dead with the living is a more reasonable or prehaps likely criteria however.

Agreed. Now it's time for that compelling evidence.