how do you comunicate with the dead?


Originally posted by Ellimist
I would resort to using links instead of rational responses, but I have been yelled at in the past for doing that, haha.

Your lists of websites prove nothing. None of them offer physical proof of a soul or anything of that sort. None of them even offer a large probability that a soul exists. These hypotheses are not proven, in any way. Most of them are just philosophy. Philosophy is not based on evidence, just observation and conjecture.

I am not sure if I have asked this yet... Why isn't the knowledge that a soul exists, or that people really do speak to spirits, widely known? Why do people still doubt when there is this supposed evidence? The reason why is that the evidence exhibited is not evidence at all!

first website: The substance of a soul? shit, that is almost offensive to anyone's intellect. First, he even says, lost to respiration and evaporation, and then he explains his experiment, which has hundreds of errors in the thinking behind it... Balancing? WTF? This is ridiculous.

second website: shit, again. the writer makes this vague generalization about a bunch of studies done at universities, then continues on his little ditty about "empirical evidence". Citing of the studies... "Did it turn out that mind could influence matter? Yes, it did, and though the results were only slight, they were nevertheless statistically significant. " ONLY SLIGHT. Go do some probability things, such as ESP tests and you will see that most of the time, you will either be slightly above or slightly below probability. It is merely statistics nothing else. And there are errors like that throughout the website. Then he uses this false premise to continue this "evidence" of souls, especially with faith-healing, goddamn... Faith-healing, it works at a cellular level... that is horrible... hundreds of people die a year because fundamentalist families do not take their children or relatives to the doctor, but instead to a minister, and they die.

Psychic warfare? yeah, see how the gov't shut down those programs... DIDN'T WORK. Remote viewing... bullshit... Penn and Teller show a really good experiment with Remote viewing... it was great.

Unexplained phenomena? Yes, exactly, unexplained... Unexplained does not mean paranormal.

This is just ridiculous, I shouldn't even be giving these websites merit by responding to them... And the biggest problem is... even with this plethora of evidence, so many people still disagree. Millions of scientists know that none of this crap is real, it seems that the only scientists that think it real are the ones doing the experiment... because... in science, an experiment must be able to be repeated and verified for it to be established as fact. Have you noticed that none of these "studies" have been published? They have not been because of two things, 1. Publishers won't go near them, because they don't want to lose credibility, and 2. all journals are peer reviewed, and the experiments do not exhibit what the "scientists" claim.

If all you people are going to rely on in your life, to understand things you wish to know about, is on pithy little unknown websites that will never have their content published, you have a very unrealistic worldview, and this is one of the reasons our society is so backwards. The dark ages, we were ruled by christianity. Now, we are ruled by superstition and idiocy. Most of the time it is ignorance, but when people are presented with logical, re-proven, factual evidence, and they disregard it for some fairy tale... that is just stupidity.


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if GOD sat down at your table and ofered you all the answers would dismiss him as an illusion or a faker?
Grimmy- "Where is your evidence, proof, positive irrefutable [evidence] that god, spirits, and souls don't exist? I seem to have missed the headlines and major news specials."(edited for grammar and capitals)

As I went on about in "going into someone else's dream", I would like to know how it is my responsibility to denounce your claim, when you haven't provided any evidence. It is called the burden of proof. "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof/evidence."

You used a bunch of scientific words there, but in the wrong context... I cannot keep explaining how the scientific method works. Just reference "going into someone else's dream": my most recent post, May 12, 5:30pm.
You need evidence for something before it can be refuted by either me, or mainstream science.

Please read up on scientific method before you continue trying to discuss it... it would really help you.
"If God sat down at your table and offered you all the answers, would you dismiss him as an illusion or a faker?"(again edited for grammar, spelling)

What form does this god take? Is he in a spirit form or a human form? Is he talking in my head or outwardly? A strange man just appears in my home? I would need more information... but...
Since I am such a sci-fi enthusiast, my interest would be very piqued, so, no. I don't want the answers, even if someone offered them to me. Why would you want the answers to everything? That would take the mystery and intrigue out of life. It would be boring. This is why I am a scientist, I want to learn about the universe, having all the answers would not be as enjoyable as learning them for myself.

I would like for the purpose of setting up a personal experiment to hear from those people who communicated with non-corporal entities. These beings may or may not have been corporal in the past.
I do not wish to further debate in this thread whether consciousness continues after the corporal form is deceased as for me to perform any experiment I must assume that it dose.
While I am perfectly willing to do so in a separate thread even there I would expect to see the logical, re-proven, factual evidence that is claimed to exist.
But this debate is detrimental to my purpose here and can only cause those with the data required to refrain from contributing for fear of debasement and written abuse.

If people must resort to anger to get their point across, they must not have a very good case... haha..

"I do not wish to further debate in this thread whether consciousness continues after the corporal form is deceased as for me to perform any experiment I must assume that it does."

I think you have a few extra words in there... but besides that...

one thing: scientific experiments cannot be based on assumptions, they cannot be valid. Just thought I'd let you know... ::smirk:: :cool:
Originally posted by Ellimist
If people must resort to anger to get their point across, they must not have a very good case... haha..

one thing: scientific experiments cannot be based on assumptions, they cannot be valid. Just thought I'd let you know... ::smirk:: :cool:

All scientific experiments are based on assumptions.
assumption: supposition

If you think that I am angry, I am not. I have asked you for your:"logical, re-proven, factual evidence," which has not been forthcoming.

your claim:"If all you people are going to rely on in your life, to understand things you wish to know about, is on pithy little unknown websites that will never have their content published, you have a very unrealistic worldview, and this is one of the reasons our society is so backwards. The dark ages, we were ruled by christianity. Now, we are ruled by superstition and idiocy. Most of the time it is ignorance, but when people are presented with logical, re-proven, factual evidence, and they disregard it for some fairy tale... that is just stupidity."

I think there is hope for you yet though as the web sites obviously ratteled you enough to place your post here in your journal. and i enjoyed the comments over it.

Now for more quotes

5:56 pm - I love ranting
"how do you communicate with the dead?" "

"I don't know... does it really matter... nothing I am doing right now has any significance, it seems... school work, maintaining friendships... all will be gone in about two years and I am going to college to "continue my education"... the main focus of our lives right now is to learn crap that humans think they know. I hate school..."

with respect

Re: I See Dead people

Originally posted by Spiritboy63
dude, stay off the acid and other drugs ok man.

which is it you fear that their may be disembodyed spirits, or that when you die you may have to answer for the things you do?

with respect
Personally I would never contact the dead.

When people die...they die, and I would see no reason to contact them when I know there safe in the hands of god.


goodbye...untill we meet again...
Communicating with the Dead

If the soul exists, and I believe it does, It would not obey the laws of physics as we know them. This would make the soul and afterlife very subjective, and beyond any means that we have to prove it's existance to everyone beyond all doubt.
I guess it's my intuition that makes it real for me but my intuition cannot make it real for anyone else

Ellimist, when a person is alive, if there is no soul, would you say that consiousness is create through the pattern of chemical RXN's in the brain? Or is consious thought created by something else?

If it is the presence and pattern of electric and chemical energies which create consiousness, then when a person dies, the pattern is lost to entropy, and death of what people here are calling the "soul" occurs. it's just like being unconsious...simply no awareness at all.

do you agree?

ok, so how does a pattern of electrical and chemical influsence disperse into the patterns of the environment? where does that matter go? what about the energy? what if only animal eats all of your chemical body (matter)? have they ingested all the constituant parts of what were you? It is thought that every 3 months, all the molecules in your body today will have been replaced with a similar molecule from your environment. all of these molecules come from either organic or inorganic sources. where are the patterns? whjere do they come from? how long to they exsist after death? can they be transfered from one being to another? if you eat a cow's brain, and it was afraid just before it died, will the increased levels of fight or flight chemicals in it's brain change you differently than if you had eaten the brain of a cow who died peacefully? does digestion remove all traces of the original matter, abstracting your body's energy from it's source 100%? if so, why does suger effect you differently than beef?

Death is a change. it is not a full alteration of what was. it's just a shift to the side a little bit. no studies are needed for that. just find a just dead body and look at it. It looks like it did while alive, sorta. it function like it did while alive, sorta. it smells like it did while alive, sorta. at what point was the consciousness lost? where did it go? if it was energy, it had to go somewhere. if it was matter, it had to go somewhere. if it was a pattern, it could just be lost. but even whena wave dissapates, it effects it's surroundings. the energy which created the pattern is still there. where does it go?
soul love

I have no need to try convince anybody, but I firmly believe that the soul of the ones we truely loved (love?) stay close to us and in some peculiar way can try to comunicate. I live it every day since three years ago a person i really loved died. And it makes me feel good.
Sometimes there are "signs" that are more than just coincidences.
I know every now and then he is close to me. And always if I call him. Life goes on. And so does Love! I think Love is life's (and that of science - see P.D.Ouspensky) real true mistery.
First you must procure for yourself a sow which has suckled three piglets since the last New Moon.

Then you must take the first dew of spring mixed with the first snow of the winter.

You must feed the sow this drink of waters mixed with an equal amount of arsenic. Following her death, you must draw and quarter her...

Oh wait, this is to RAISE the dead. Sorry!
You don't. It is called cold reading. Anyone can do it, who is willing to learn.

It involves the same type of the stuff that astrologers use... barnum statements... statements that can be attributed to many people, depending on how each person interprets it.
and it also involves common sense...

first of all, if someone is getting a reading done, someone they know has died, most likely a family member, and this can be helped by the age of the person interested.

The "medium" can just throw out any letter that a name begins with and see if it goes anywhere... one of the biggest tricks is to get the person interesting in contacting the dead to give the "medium" answers to his/her questions.
Ive seen mediums throw out incredibly detailed information in relation to people long since dead or people still alive. Ive known about cold reading/NLP for donkeys years and more than well aware how it works, alot of mediums simply aint using those techniques. I know for some people it would make life alot easier if they were, but wanting it to be true doesnt make it so unfortunately.
Id suggest going to be a medium and making and your own mind really, or even better see a couple, its near impossible to get an accurate picture watching those cheesy medium debunking shows or listening to people like me. Cant beat first hand experience.
rrealy people say they do it
how is it done
i have some issues to deal with.:confused:

The people whom say they do it are lying. There is zero evidence supporting the notion that consciousness *somehow* persists after death. There is plenty of evidence contradicting that very same notion.