how do you comunicate with the dead?

Well, there are visuals or hearings but nobody knows as where to find them or why, Its just a great halucination if u ask me!

how do you communicate with the dead?

You don't. It is called cold reading. Anyone can do it, who is willing to learn.

It involves the same type of the stuff that astrologers use... barnum statements... statements that can be attributed to many people, depending on how each person interprets it.
and it also involves common sense...

first of all, if someone is getting a reading done, someone they know has died, most likely a family member, and this can be helped by the age of the person interested.

The "medium" can just throw out any letter that a name begins with and see if it goes anywhere... one of the biggest tricks is to get the person interesting in contacting the dead to give the "medium" answers to his/her questions.

It is pure bullshit. There are no ghosts, no spirits, no souls... floating around us all the time. To believe that, you must live in a very fucked up world where laws of science no longer function; but considering the laws of physics/bio/chem have yet to be refuted to allow supernatural events to occur, all "mediums" are, are logicians and magicians... that is all.

When someone dies, they are gone... forever. The brain stops functioning. There are no souls... when was the last time you definitively saw a "soul"... NEVER. If you saw something you couldn't explain, it is illogical to immediately consider it supernatural... try to understand it first.

The dead are dead. Gone. Decomposing. No more thinking, or feeling, or COMMUNICATING.
Hold on.. I'm getting a message coming through from the spirit realm.
It's for all those who believe in the eternal life of the soul.
They're saying....


Enjoy the here and now, it's all you've got.
You are so wrong. My earliest recollection was as a new born child but my thought was that of an adult. I have never forgotten and although I have no recall of previous lives I know the end is never the end. For to be unborn is equal to death, therefore to be born is equal to etenal life.
A gland in the hand is worth two situated otherwise!

What is the pre-occupation with 'eternal life'?
You make it sound like a good thing!

Besides, I've got a feeling that the afterlife is going to be populated with smug, self-satisied, religious types - I'll give it a miss.

As for 'knowing': what you 'know' is no less subjective than what I 'know'.

To be motionless is to be eternally still, therfore, to be pushed off a tall building is to be eternally in motion - until you hit the pavement.

See what I'm getting at?
dont even try to communicate with the dead. you are messing with very dangerous stuff if you try. it's demonic and satanic to try to conjure up spirits. im warning you just to put that interest it for your own sake. you will see the dead when you die.
Re: WTF?

Originally posted by Ellimist
You don't. It is called cold reading. Anyone can do it, who is willing to learn.

It involves the same type of the stuff that astrologers use... barnum statements... statements that can be attributed to many people, depending on how each person interprets it.
and it also involves common sense...

first of all, if someone is getting a reading done, someone they know has died, most likely a family member, and this can be helped by the age of the person interested.

The "medium" can just throw out any letter that a name begins with and see if it goes anywhere... one of the biggest tricks is to get the person interesting in contacting the dead to give the "medium" answers to his/her questions.

It is pure bullshit. There are no ghosts, no spirits, no souls... floating around us all the time. To believe that, you must live in a very fucked up world where laws of science no longer function; but considering the laws of physics/bio/chem have yet to be refuted to allow supernatural events to occur, all "mediums" are, are logicians and magicians... that is all.

When someone dies, they are gone... forever. The brain stops functioning. There are no souls... when was the last time you definitively saw a "soul"... NEVER. If you saw something you couldn't explain, it is illogical to immediately consider it supernatural... try to understand it first.

The dead are dead. Gone. Decomposing. No more thinking, or feeling, or COMMUNICATING.

when was the last you saw an;
radio wave:
if all of our scientific forfathers fallowed your example then where would medican physics and all other sciences be.
where would we be?
cave anyone?:cool:
Sisyphus; A gland in the hand is worth two situated otherwise!

What is the pre-occupation with 'eternal life'?
You make it sound like a good thing!

Besides, I've got a feeling that the afterlife is going to be populated with smug, self-satisied, religious types - I'll give it a miss.

what of einestine,tesla,fermi,goddard,chaplin,marx brothers,luarl and hardy.
i think it may be fun!

edgar; dont even try to communicate with the dead. you are messing with very dangerous stuff if you try. it's demonic and satanic to try to conjure up spirits. im warning you just to put that interest it for your own sake. you will see the dead when you die

i understand that there is danger any worth attempting has risks that is what makes them worth trying.


i am speaking of true phenomia there have been studies by acreadited universitys and foundations all over the world which could not explain how there subjects obtained there data but it was varifyable.:cool:
You might want to check up on those "studies" you cited. Last time I checked(2 days ago), all studies that supposedly support contact with "spirits" have been denounced because of bad controls and other errors in testing, where information was "illegally" obtained by the medium...
Or rather... I would like to know what those "studies" really are... where is the data... without flaws?


Your argument about not being able to see atoms, electrons, etc... is completely based on visibility.

1. read up on the topic before you start throwing the crap cliches your dumbass friends(or whoever) have told you.
2. atoms have been photographed, look it up, lazy ass.
3. electrons are observable indirectly, and you can see the effects of them, as well as other quantum particles, research it.
4. mediums, or whomever offer no such evidence for the existence of spirits, nor is there any effect of them on anything. There is absolutely no evidence for spirits.
5. if mediums can really do what you say, why haven't any of them claimed Randi's million dollar prize for showing it?

i used your link only saw an molecular lattus of ni done with electron microscope a few computer fractal generations no pics of atom.
you said that my argument was based on visibility yet you asked "when was the last time you definitively saw a "soul"... NEVER"
i do know that immediately after death the body loses a certain unexplained mass
the studies mentioned were done by Cambridge, Harvard, Oxford, MIT, ....
the studies where not on psychic or mediums but on people seeking help over disturbing dreams and visual/auditory hallucinations.
also studies done on haunted houses where there were verifiable measurable and unexplainable phenomena.
in the first they came up with unexplainable data and several unknown 100 yearold corpses
in the second electromagnetic and thermal abberations that explained away.
these programs were desgined to debunk the very thoughts of spirits. and still claim that they don't exist.
i did not insult you yet you said". read up on the topic before you start throwing the crap cliches your dumbass friends(or whoever) have told you.
2. atoms have been photographed, look it up, lazy ass. "
and yet have you looked for any thing that would contradict your frightend and closed minded belifes.
ibelive thaat the supernatural exist only till those of sound and open mind analise it. if you used a short wave radio 600 years ago you would have been burned at the stake.:rolleyes: :bugeye:
with less respect
And even if i could comunicate with some sort of inteligence out there i wouldnt be calling them dead and i would certainly not comunicate with my grandpa or any people that lived his life on this planet cause i would not learn anything from them or maybe just paranoia could be bought. I wouldnt like to live that way knowing that someone is watching me ( isnt that a kind of shizofrenia), but i can say just one thing: By the meaning of God is everywhere around us i think and even believe that he or she or them are listening our minds and that could be one step closer to hearing them or he or she or just God.
As all people do is reading from the books, watching movies or just listening what other people say cant be enough on the higher ground!!!

GOD is the highest telepath!!!
Originally posted by grimreaper

you said that my argument was based on visibility yet you asked "when was the last time you definitively saw a "soul"... NEVER"
i do know that immediately after death the body loses a certain unexplained mass
the studies mentioned were done by Cambridge, Harvard, Oxford, MIT, ....

The mass has been documented as 4oz. It is the one thing in the world that has actually given the soul a glimpse of proof.

Have you considered periods(.) or sentence structure?

Where is the documentation of this purported "lost mass"?... substantiate your claims. again, what studies? what were their conclusions? did they find a soul, or evidence of anything supernatural? and if so, why haven't we heard more about it in the media, ever?

And even if the body does lose 4 oz. at death, how is that evidence of a soul? Why a soul and not a little gnome that lives in your ass? Because your bible says your souls leaves your body at death? This is gullibility, this is brainwashing.

Disturbing dreams, hallucinations... happens to everyone... make a point, please.

I am completely open minded, for if I am shown legitimate evidence of something, I will no longer be skeptical of it. But, in the past, every time I have come across something that claims to be supernatural or something as yet unexplained by science, and now is, I either question it until I figure out why it is wrong, or it is refuted by another source.


The best way to approach this subject is to apply 'Occams Razor'.

This useful deductive concept states that the most simple explaination is usually the correct one, or: If it looks like crap, smells like crap and tastes like crap, chances are quite high that it is indeed crap!

It may well be that when we die there is a whole other dimension of existance, where the soul continues to live on through all eternity in a state of bliss, love and knowledge - Contrary to all established scientific laws.

Or, it might be that mans inability to face up to the pain and uncertainty of death and his own limited significance in the universe, has given rise to the more comforting (though unlikley)
psychological security blanket - the soul.

It's a harmless idea for those who feel they need it, but don't try to pass it off as empirical truth.

I leave you with the words of Prof. Richard Dawkins, who summed up the supernatural mindset with characteristic clarity.

The religous mind says: "a mystery - good, something we will never understand"
The scientific mind says: "a mystery - maybe, but we're working on it".
for what good it will do as this will be disregarded

Originally posted by Ellimist

Have you considered periods(.) or sentence structure?

Where is the documentation of this purported "lost mass"?... substantiate your claims. again, what studies? what were their conclusions? did they find a soul, or evidence of anything supernatural? and if so, why haven't we heard more about it in the media, ever?

And even if the body does lose 4 oz. at death, how is that evidence of a soul? Why a soul and not a little gnome that lives in your ass? Because your bible says your souls leaves your body at death? This is gullibility, this is brainwashing.

Disturbing dreams, hallucinations... happens to everyone... make a point, please.

I am completely open minded, for if I am shown legitimate evidence of something, I will no longer be skeptical of it. But, in the past, every time I have come across something that claims to be supernatural or something as yet unexplained by science, and now is, I either question it until I figure out why it is wrong, or it is refuted by another source.



these where quickly found on web
i included the google search result pages

with respect
I would resort to using links instead of rational responses, but I have been yelled at in the past for doing that, haha.

Your lists of websites prove nothing. None of them offer physical proof of a soul or anything of that sort. None of them even offer a large probability that a soul exists. These hypotheses are not proven, in any way. Most of them are just philosophy. Philosophy is not based on evidence, just observation and conjecture.

I am not sure if I have asked this yet... Why isn't the knowledge that a soul exists, or that people really do speak to spirits, widely known? Why do people still doubt when there is this supposed evidence? The reason why is that the evidence exhibited is not evidence at all!

first website: The substance of a soul? shit, that is almost offensive to anyone's intellect. First, he even says, lost to respiration and evaporation, and then he explains his experiment, which has hundreds of errors in the thinking behind it... Balancing? WTF? This is ridiculous.

second website: shit, again. the writer makes this vague generalization about a bunch of studies done at universities, then continues on his little ditty about "empirical evidence". Citing of the studies... "Did it turn out that mind could influence matter? Yes, it did, and though the results were only slight, they were nevertheless statistically significant. " ONLY SLIGHT. Go do some probability things, such as ESP tests and you will see that most of the time, you will either be slightly above or slightly below probability. It is merely statistics nothing else. And there are errors like that throughout the website. Then he uses this false premise to continue this "evidence" of souls, especially with faith-healing, goddamn... Faith-healing, it works at a cellular level... that is horrible... hundreds of people die a year because fundamentalist families do not take their children or relatives to the doctor, but instead to a minister, and they die.

Psychic warfare? yeah, see how the gov't shut down those programs... DIDN'T WORK. Remote viewing... bullshit... Penn and Teller show a really good experiment with Remote viewing... it was great.

Unexplained phenomena? Yes, exactly, unexplained... Unexplained does not mean paranormal.

This is just ridiculous, I shouldn't even be giving these websites merit by responding to them... And the biggest problem is... even with this plethora of evidence, so many people still disagree. Millions of scientists know that none of this crap is real, it seems that the only scientists that think it real are the ones doing the experiment... because... in science, an experiment must be able to be repeated and verified for it to be established as fact. Have you noticed that none of these "studies" have been published? They have not been because of two things, 1. Publishers won't go near them, because they don't want to lose credibility, and 2. all journals are peer reviewed, and the experiments do not exhibit what the "scientists" claim.

If all you people are going to rely on in your life, to understand things you wish to know about, is on pithy little unknown websites that will never have their content published, you have a very unrealistic worldview, and this is one of the reasons our society is so backwards. The dark ages, we were ruled by christianity. Now, we are ruled by superstition and idiocy. Most of the time it is ignorance, but when people are presented with logical, re-proven, factual evidence, and they disregard it for some fairy tale... that is just stupidity.
