How do smart atheists construct their arguments against God?

I look at the sky and I see a moon which is small in size and near in distance, and I see in addition a sun which is huge in size and far away. Yet, their apparent size on the sky is the same. There must some entity who decided to place them that way. It is an act of intention and of course an act of might.
Current theories suggest that when the moon was formed it was only 20-30,000km away from Earth - not the 384,000km it is today... and it has been drifting away from the Earth ever since it formed... or so the more widely accepted theories have it.

But reading your statement, I find myself asking one question:

Why would a God necessarily place the moon at a distance away from the Earth to leave the sun and moon of similar size in our sky? For what purpose?

Unfortunately, Yosef, you seem to make claims that are supported by nothing more than your confidence and not a small dose of personal incredulity.

But then let us say that there is no God, where does the moon, the sun, the planets, the galaxies with millions of light years distance between them all come from?!
How about the answer "We don't know"? Does that work for you?
Or are you not happy with such an answer that you feel a need to say "God did it" and be content that that answers the question to your satisfaction.

You seem to worship a "God of the gaps". :shrug:

I sense that your issues are with theists not with the concept of God itself?! For me it is God and His attributes that are central for my belief system.

The issue is with the psychotic beliefs of your religion. You can call it your god or whatever you want. Irrelevant to the insanity of the dogma.

I look at the sky and I see a moon which is small in size and near in distance, and I see in addition a sun which is huge in size and far away. Yet, their apparent size on the sky is the same. There must some entity who decided to place them that way. It is an act of intention and of course an act of might.

That would be your ignorance coupled with your belief system giving you that impression. Had you spent a little more time understanding the sun and moon and less time with scriptures, you would not impose your super invisible friend as an answer.

But then let us say that there is no God, where does the moon, the sun, the planets, the galaxies with millions of light years distance between them all come from?!

That would be the ignorance part of my last paragraph that you have embraced in favor of your belief system. Those answers are there for you to see with your own eyes and understand with your own brain.

Therefore, the next time you ask those questions, try finding out from science rather than scriptures.
Theistic people generally oppose the separation of church and state, for instance, and that violates my rights.

Interesting...just curious -- how does opposition to the separation between church and state violate your rights? Which rights are being violated?
Interesting...just curious -- how does opposition to the separation between church and state violate your rights? Which rights are being violated?

The opposition to such is your right. However the imposition of the church into politics would violate all kinds of rights, such as the freedom to practice any religion I want, or none at all. It would violate the rights of churches to say whatever they want about the government (if they were recieving government money, they would be hestitant to criticise it). The intrusion of the church into schools would violate my right to raise my children in whatever faith I wish, or none. The intrusion of church teachings into the schools would undermine the lessons of science.
Yes, and I'm asking him to explain how.

Well, if you don't seperate Church and state then you have a theocracy where law is made based on specific theistical principals. Spidergoat's right to freedom of religion / from religion would most definitely be violated. Additionally theocracies place other religions / non-religion in a heathen bucket and treat those people anywhere from second class citizens to criminals requiring execution. That outcome would certainly infringe on Spidey's right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
The opposition to such is your right. However the imposition of the church into politics would violate all kinds of rights, such as the freedom to practice any religion I want, or none at all. It would violate the rights of churches to say whatever they want about the government (if they were recieving government money, they would be hestitant to criticise it). The intrusion of the church into schools would violate my right to raise my children in whatever faith I wish, or none. The intrusion of church teachings into the schools would undermine the lessons of science.

So let me ask this -- the Alabama judge who placed a Ten Commandments monument in the Alabama courthouse...if you were a resident of Alabama, were your rights violated?
Yes, because it means, as an atheist, that the court might be prejudiced against me. I could not expect a fair trial. It would be a violation of the 6th amendment to the constitution.