How do smart atheists construct their arguments against God?


Hang on………. so you need someone who is using texts with obvious mistakes in them before you can discuss it rationally. That sounds like a contradiction in terms to me?

You mis-read.

"Some theists IMO have a stronger position in their belief to use arguments against. Simply because they are not adhereing to such texts
Depends on what you mean by "values".

If you mean values in the common sense, then the answer is clear: simply by OR: ontological economy.

If however you mean Values in the traditional (ethical/aesthetic) sense... then I don't think that they apply.

Why wouldn't they apply?

It is your life this is about.
Why wouldn't they apply?

It is your life this is about.

Because that would be to introduce an element of circularity (assuming that you believe that a deity is similarly engaged in said Values).

In any case, I don't believe that these Values are anything but social constructions, and as such, though they may indeed, as you note, factor into my life, they certainly wouldn't factor in to any notion of a deity.
LT,You mis-read.
"Some theists IMO have a stronger position in their belief to use arguments against. Simply because they are not adhereing to such texts


Literally translated, it means: do not multiply entities beyond necessity.

Yes, I am aware of the literal translation, but for practical application it is as I have stated. Do not multiplies entities beyond necessity usually applies to not multiplying assumptions beyond necessity. In cases of absolute proof occums razor is not necessary.
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Yes, I am aware of the literal translation, but for practical application it is as I have stated.


Do not multiplies entities beyond necessity usually applies to not multiplying assumptions beyond necessity. In cases of absolute

No, it has nothing to do with any 'absolute' (sic). It has no restrictions on scope, which is why it is applicable to any 'value' (however defined).
sorry missed a line from my post, please re-read.

The sentence should read "In cases of absolute proof occums razor is not necessary."
It's not "the" definition. It's "a" definition (specifically the one you've chosen). You are probably well aware that there are multiple definitions.


There may be slight variations to the definition, but I have never come across one before that links open minded to requiring proof.
sorry missed a line from my post, please re-read.

The sentence should read "In cases of absolute proof occums razor is not necessary."


Yes, quite correct.

But, you don't think that this could possibly be one of those cases do you?
But, you don't think that this could possibly be one of those cases do you?

Well for the atheist its the unfortunate situation of trying to prove a negative. There is no conclusive proof for or against, so as your earlier stated occums is still applicable. But to use occums for me it would come down to this;

Atheist start of creation theory – there was a singularity, how did it get there? we don’t know.

Theist start of creation theory – there was a singularity, how did it get there? God created it, how did god get there? we don’t know.

Atheist has one less entity / assumption so goes with occum..

(I just choose not to use it, it is a tool that we may use not an obligation)
Most scientific theories do not rely on absolute mathematical proof, what they can show is a preponderance of evidence that show something is probably true beyond a reasonable doubt. If we start from the presumptions of mainstream religion, we can show they aren't true.

There are plausible theories of how the early universe came about (we already know there wasn't a singularity). One is the cause came from another universe running backwards in relation to our own, by the mechanism of quantum tunnelling. Therefore the universe is both eternal and had a local beginning.
Some atheist do nothing but things of this sort:

I think it says:
"You go to hell because you not believe in Me."
The phrase "open mind" has nothing whatsoever to do with evidence.

It means to allow the thoughts and ideas of other people to be considered equally alongside ones own.
I'm atheist, I lack a belief in Gods and Goddesses (as well Xenu and other Alien based religions).

However, yes, I do agree they MAY be true. When I see some good evidence then I'll reconsider my stance. What I don't find is reciprocation on this front. Most theists (at least monotheists) will not even consider their positions may be wrong. That is: Equal.

I think when theists adopt the "equal" stance then things aren't all that bad. The problem as I see it is they not only "believe" in their God, the new fashion in theology is to tell everyone else that their God is bullshit. So, get this, they don't have any good evidence for their "idea God", won't admit their belief is equal to mine, and have the gall to tell other people their theistic beliefs are bullshit :bugeye: Oh, not ONLY bullshit, but sometimes "Satanic".

THEN to top it all off they add in a million other scents of shit: Our Book is Perfect, Our Language is Gods' Language, God likes this, God hates that, Our "Prophet" is the ONLY Prophet or the Last Prophet or etc....

All of these intolerance add up to make life with them unbearable. It even leads to murder of non-theists or different theists. I mean: Get that shit - actually murdering other people for lacking an inane "belief" (something you have no ability to change). That's crazy. We're not even talking a change in political system. Just going out one daty and burning down the other Gods House, with his "Satanic" worshippers in it.

Thank the Gods for most of us we don't have to live with it.

Those are some reasons why some atheists care.

Goddesses are real.

THEN to top it all off they add in a million other scent of shit: Our Book is Perfect, Our Language is Gods' Language, God like this, God hates that, Our "Prophet" is the ONLY Prophet or the Last Prophet or etc....

This is when arguments against are effective not in breaking the belief of god but of the path. Unfortunately, even when the believer understands the flaws they just move the bar.
Well for the atheist its the unfortunate situation of trying to prove a negative. There is no conclusive proof for or against, so as your earlier stated occums is still applicable. But to use occums for me it would come down to this;

Atheist start of creation theory – there was a singularity, how did it get there? we don’t know.

Theist start of creation theory – there was a singularity, how did it get there? God created it, how did god get there? we don’t know.

Atheist has one less entity / assumption so goes with occum..

(I just choose not to use it, it is a tool that we may use not an obligation)

I agree with your overall analysis here.
Although, I must say, it's a bit tenuous to argue as you have here, along the lines of a creation theory. My comments were directed at the idea of an active, current deity, and had no relation whatsoever to any creation myth.
I'm atheist, I lack a belief in Gods and Goddesses (as well Xenu and other Alien based religions).

However, yes, I do agree they MAY be true. When I see some good evidence then I'll reconsider my stance. What I don't find is reciprocation on this front. Most theists (at least monotheists) will not even consider their positions may be wrong. That is: Equal.

I think when theists adopt the "equal" stance then things aren't all that bad. The problem as I see it is they not only "believe" in their God, the new fashion in theology is to tell everyone else that their God is bullshit. So, get this, they don't have any good evidence for their "idea God", won't admit their belief is equal to mine, and have the gall to tell other people their theistic beliefs are bullshit :bugeye: Oh, not ONLY bullshit, but sometimes "Satanic".

THEN to top it all off they add in a million other scents of shit: Our Book is Perfect, Our Language is Gods' Language, God likes this, God hates that, Our "Prophet" is the ONLY Prophet or the Last Prophet or etc....

All of these intolerance add up to make life with them unbearable. It even leads to murder of non-theists or different theists. I mean: Get that shit - actually murdering other people for lacking an inane "belief" (something you have no ability to change). That's crazy. We're not even talking a change in political system. Just going out one daty and burning down the other Gods House, with his "Satanic" worshippers in it.

Thank the Gods for most of us we don't have to live with it.

Those are some reasons why some atheists care.

Alot of what you say is true. I cant talk for other theists, but I do beleive in a God (under the right definition) and I will admit there is a possibility I am wrong. I do not believe I am doomed to hell for allowing that possibility. I admit I am not a typical theist but I am by no means unique either, there are plently of others with same or similar views.
I agree with your overall analysis here.
Although, I must say, it's a bit tenuous to argue as you have here, along the lines of a creation theory. My comments were directed at the idea of an active, current deity, and had no relation whatsoever to any creation myth.

Yes, I grossly oversimplified for the sake of saving myself typing. Just demonstrating occums in action rather than trying to prove any creation theory..