How do organised religions differ from slavery or racism?

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But what is the greater good? an idea that is completely subjective is what it is. The notion of christ as a savior is arguably a man made institution/idea in its own right.

christ is not an institution and neither is god. as a matter of fact the christian doctrine promotes nothing more and nothing less than a personal relationship with god and a personal decision. the greater good is something determined by god and law, and will be inherent and instinctual with the abolition of our defect.
christ is not an institution and neither is god. as a matter of fact the christian doctrine promotes nothing more and nothing less than a personal relationship with god and a personal decision. the greater good is something determined by god and law, and will be inherent and instinctual with the abolition of our defect.

What if someones idea of the greater good does not correspond with a christian doctrine, what then what happens to them?
Labeling someone an Unbeliever is a bigoted insult. Historically, this small minded bigotry has led to all sorts of violence. In Muslim nations it still does. It's no better than calling someone with dark skin a nigger.
How about 'atheist'? or 'non-believer'? or non-theist?

Is 'theist' an insult?
But thats the problem, and thats where the comparison holds some validity. How can you say it is not the same as racism when you take an exclusionist view about who can and cant achieve inner/universal peace? You are purposfully excluding groups who do not follow the same doctrine as you.
If that is the problem, then it should be recognized that there are members of a number of religions, including Christianity, who talk about there being a number of paths to _______________ (fill in the positive state or goal).

I also can't see how viewing people as not on the right path is the same as slavery. I realize that you did not say this, but the OP did, and it seems that those who are critical of religion here are tacitly accepting that strange equivalence.
If that is the problem, then it should be recognized that there are members of a number of religions, including Christianity, who talk about there being a number of paths to _______________ (fill in the positive state or goal).

I also can't see how viewing people as not on the right path is the same as slavery. I realize that you did not say this, but the OP did, and it seems that those who are critical of religion here are tacitly accepting that strange equivalence.

No, I did not agree to that, I am trying to point out the similarities to racism not slavery.
Are you saying that any thoughts that distinguish between people should be abolished? Should we not notice that some people are women, for example?

We should. Yet if we separate people according to their gender and treat one of them as privilaged and other as inferior, we call this as "sexism" and it is as unsuitable as racism and/or slavery. Where does religion stand here, that's the issue that need to be solved.
to answer your question more directly, the god i know values all human beings equally, and through christ, will achieve communion, where all will be at one with the universe and each other, and act in accordance with the greater good. so, i'm not quite sure what you're referring to.

I don't refer to your fantasies; I refer to organised religions as I mentioned in OP.
We should. Yet if we separate people according to their gender and treat one of them as privilaged and other as inferior, we call this as "sexism" and it is as unsuitable as racism and/or slavery. Where does religion stand here, that's the issue that need to be solved.
You did not address the issue I raised about the difference between having a judgment in one's mind
acting on it in the world.

I think the slavery comparison is ridiculous. That is the first thing I think that is incorrect in your OP.

Then the second issue I would raise is that people in all sorts of groups judge others for not being their groups - political groups, for example. If you look through the religion forum you will find people who see theists as not as intelligent, insane, etc. Would this not also be distinguishing between people?

Last I want to point out that not all religions, nor believers, have such harsh boundaries, even in their own minds. They consider themselves to have chosen or be part of a certain path that is not necessarily better than others, but is better for them.
I think one labeling problem is that some groups label some people intelligent and the others insane.... This separation allows the group of people who are supposedly 'intelligent' to screw around with the other group.

I know a group of people who are involved in this type of labeling :rolleyes:

Peace be unto you ;)
Because this science forum provides Religion section which sends erotic signals for masturbation.

Perhaps that is why you should stay out of it because you seem to be on Viagra..:eek:

Peace be unto you ;)
I think one labeling problem is that some groups label some people intelligent and the others insane.... This separation allows the group of people who are supposedly 'intelligent' to screw around with the other group.

I know a group of people who are involved in this type of labeling :rolleyes:
Precisely. Is this slavery or racism?
You did not address the issue I raised about the difference between having a judgment in one's mind
acting on it in the world.

This difference is called ideology and its application as an organised entity.

I think the slavery comparison is ridiculous. That is the first thing I think that is incorrect in your OP.

If you didn't like slavery comparison, try racism or sexism, or try to differentiate religion from them in terms of being a crime over humanity.

Then the second issue I would raise is that people in all sorts of groups judge others for not being their groups - political groups, for example.
Not all of them.
Gay people do not judge others for not being their groups.
Obviously no nation judge other nations for not being a member of their nations, otherwise they wouldn't be a "different" nation.
You can find other group of examples.
If you look through the religion forum you will find people who see theists as not as intelligent, insane, etc.
I finally find them opportunists who try to exist through scientific discourse rather than scientific facts.

Last I want to point out that not all religions, nor believers, have such harsh boundaries, even in their own minds.
I specifically stated organised religions such as Islam or Christianity. I try to fit them as harmful injections to human societies as racism or slavery since I see no difference in essence or function. If you can come up with a sensible difference you are welcome.
Do you find slavery/racism equally arousing?

You are funny aren't you?

This is your question:

"Do atheists find ...."

My answer:

"Because this forum provides..."

Your reply:

"Do you find slavery/racism equally arousing?"

What you are trying to do is push me into your "atheists" camp. I didn't say that I am an atheist. You claim that I am an atheist. I reply your post as a third party between you and atheists. Because I am just an ape, not an atheist, not part of your classification. I do not define myself as such, you define me as an atheist. I am not going to play your little game.

You are trying to divert the topic as usual. You are not capable of doing anything else.
Of course you're an atheist. Even if you dabble in other non-"Abrahamic" religions, it will not last.

Your mode of thinking betrays you.
Of course you're an atheist. Even if you dabble in other non-"Abrahamic" religions, it will not last.

Your mode of thinking betrays you.

Actually, I could do the same, find you a category, such as "Fart". So you would be a member of fart. You see, if we classify others according to mode of thinking, we can end up anywhere.

Just as I share similar type of discourse with atheists in terms of defining monotheistic crimes against humanity does not make me an atheist. But if you like you can call me an atheist and imagine in your head as I am one.

You already know where could I imagine you if I liked. Yet it does not help the topic.
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