How do I lose weight?

ok.. this works for me before a pageant....

go to the store, pick up alot of fruit juice, try for a nice variety, and a terribly large amount of campbells soup.
im sure you can see where this is going, of course, watch the contents of the things you buy, although most campbells soups are pretty healthy diet wise.
always take a supplementary vitamin, otherwise you body may not be receiving something it needs, and will keep storing food, getting you no where.
If you follow this strictly for 2 weeks, with regular excercise, (and it is VERY tough after 10 days of veggie soup. lol... ) you should be able to loose about 20 lbs. no, it isn't the healthiest thing to do to your body, but it works. just make sure you always have a little of something in you tummy, and you body doesn't worry about storing food. for a snack or desert fruit and cheese will help digest foods easily. and of course, lots of water.
although most campbells soups are pretty healthy diet wise

what!? read the label!!! i've yet to see a "healthy" campbells soop (1 letter away from poop)

1 serving = 40% reccomended sodium, 2.5 servings per can
=100% reccomended sodium in 1 can!!!!

and look at all the preseratives, stableizers, ect in that garbage.

just eat some healthy food, watch what you put in your body. thats the best way to lose weight (in a healty way/manner)
ahhhh......speed. good ol' crystal meth. now thats the way to lose weight fast! i mean why just cut the fat? might as well lose muscle, brains and skeleton while your at it. (oh yah some teeth too)
Originally posted by Joeman
I am not fat but I need to lose all my body fat for soccer. I am in an over the hill co-ed league but I want to be in top shape to play in competitive league before I no longer can. I am gaining about 10 pounds per year after I graduated from college. (I put on 25 pounds so far) I am worried. I need some tips for losing weight. I heard diet never works? I heard running doesn't work and walking works better? I also heard cutting down fat doesn't help but cutting carbohydrate does? I heard drinking water helps? Any help appreciated.


** Don't know much but natural fibers(keep it moving)

** Men who don't have babies often look 9-months, in my neck of the woods, anyway much beer&pot.

** Tolerate bake foods(fish,chicken...etc)