How do I lose weight?

I have the final and definitive answer to this plaguing question:

"The discovery that PYY3-36 suppresses appetite could be of huge benefit to those struggling with weight problems "
Just take a magic pill!

I wouldn't take things like those pills. I hate things like anesthetics and stuff because it kind of makes me feel that everything is normal, when it's anything but normal.

It's like that Redbull thing. :bugeye:
Originally posted by BloodSuckingGerbile

I wouldn't take things like those pills. I hate things like anesthetics and stuff because it kind of makes me feel that everything is normal, when it's anything but normal.

It's like that Redbull thing. :bugeye:

haha, well the post was mostly in jest...

that being said, what I have seen in studies on this (somewhat)new discovery is nothing short of amazing.

I see something like this as more of a fix for someone already obese though, 'magic' weight pills freighten me a little. I see it as just another decline in societies ability to get off its 'lazy' ass and make a change (whether that be inside yourself or within society).

For people that need a start somewhere this is a dream come true, and I hope it comes to market as fast as it can. Heart disease is the number killer here in the US...
Hate to rain down on you.

I don't eat hardly any veg, I eat junk food all the time and drink Coke by the gallon.

And guess what. I'm as skinny as anything
Originally posted by Thor
Hate to rain down on you.

I don't eat hardly any veg, I eat junk food all the time and drink Coke by the gallon.

And guess what. I'm as skinny as anything
Rain down on who?

oh and the funny thing...It'll comeback to haunt you in no time. You're not 16 forever...:p

I know very few college students who ate like that and didnt get pudgy their first 2 years.

And lots of people eat like that at your age, especially Americans anyways. Sure your not getting fat but its in your best interest as far as health is concerned, those are your growing years and your most important years to eat correct nutrition.
Don't eat any sugar. Read the labels on everything you buy to make sure. Twenty-five percent of the products in any grocery store are sugar based products or have sugar added to them, many of which will surprise you. Sugar is a crystalline cabohydate that burns fast and if you aren't expending energy it goes directly into fat. Also, sugar is what causes acne. The sugar industry has known this for years but effectively suppresses that information. Don't eat salt or any other crystalline substance.
So, what do you think is more important in losing weight - watching what you eat, or doing exercise? (Yes, I know you're supposed to do both, but which is more important?) :confused: :)
So, what do you think is more important in losing weight - watching what you eat, or doing exercise? (Yes, I know you're supposed to do both, but which is more important?)
miss firefly:

If you step on a treadmill, you can see how many calories you burn from exercise. To answer your question, compare that number with your daily calory intake. (The answer in the back of the book is......Diet) The calories you burn from 20 minutes of cardiovescular exercise is around 30-40 range. Most people don't have endurance or time to go beyond 20 minutes. Your daily calory intake should be around couple thousands. Most of your calories get used up by your body metabolism.

I started this thread mainly to get different ideas about losing weight from different people. If you are gaining weight, you need to both watch what you eat and exercise. Having more muscle will burn more calories. Going on dieting is not as important as watching what you eat. It's possible to eat very little food but still gain weight because the food itself contains lots of calories. You need to limit your calory intake to below 1300 to lose weight for most people. That's the key really.
One word: LAXATIVES. :D LOL! I'm just joking, laxatives are dangerous, hahaha. I just like to say the world. Laaaax-a-tivvvess. But seriously, people can die from dehydration, because all their liquids come rushing out of their -ahem- . :D

Let's see, real advice would be probably whatever everyone has already said. :)

Have more sex. It's a great exercise, and does wonders for the body. :D :D
Originally posted by Joeman
I am not fat but I need to lose all my body fat for soccer. I am in an over the hill co-ed league but I want to be in top shape to play in competitive league before I no longer can. I am gaining about 10 pounds per year after I graduated from college. (I put on 25 pounds so far) I am worried. I need some tips for losing weight. I heard diet never works? I heard running doesn't work and walking works better? I also heard cutting down fat doesn't help but cutting carbohydrate does? I heard drinking water helps? Any help appreciated.


(1) If you smoke pot...........stop(munchies)
(2) Stay away from all you can eat....
I used to be fairly educated in this subject, but recently I kept hearing conflicting research results.

I heard running doesn't work and walking is better....and then I heard just the opposite recently.

I also heard going on diet doesn't work either. Your body just go on survival mode and lower your metabolism.
Originally posted by Joeman
I used to be fairly educated in this subject, but recently I kept hearing conflicting research results.

I heard running doesn't work and walking is better....and then I heard just the opposite recently.

I also heard going on diet doesn't work either. Your body just go on survival mode and lower your metabolism.

The key to getting your body slim is your metabolism. If you really want to lose weight in a healthy way, you MUST do some kind of cardio exercise.

You should do a cardio exercise first thing in the morning, on an empty stomach for at least 30-45 mintues every other day. Always give yourself a day in between to heal. Also add weight training (if you don't already), because muscle burns fat like crazy. The amino acid supplement L-Glutamine is great for burning fat instead of muscle when working out.

Nutrition wise, switch from pre-processed foods, and stay away from fast-food like the plague. Do some searches on the net for low-fat meal recipes you can make at home, these sites should also give you a breakdown of calories and fat grams in the meal.

The last bit of advice, it to stay away from juices(too much sugar and calories), and stick with water and fruits and vegs. Running burns too much muscle and walking is for senior citizens, so stay away from these two.

Here is a great link

Hope this helps.

EDIT- Forgot to tell you to split your eating into six small meals a day. This will speed up your metabolism and keep your body constantly fed. The typical diet of three meals a day will not be very effective for you, as your body will starve in between the meals.

Try this:

7:00am - Breakfast
10:00am(or whenever you get a break at work) - Meal 2, prepare it at home and bring it to work.
Lunchtime - Lunch
3:00pm - Meal 4
7:00pm - Dinner

Start off with Five meals a day, working it into your job schedule, then work your way up to six meals a day.
Last edited:
Originally posted by static76
You should do a cardio exercise first thing in the morning, on an empty stomach for at least 30-45 mintues every other day. Always give yourself a day in between to heal.

i can't even shower in the morning with an empty stomach.. if i don't eat anything i faint!
Originally posted by Frieda
i can't even shower in the morning with an empty stomach.. if i don't eat anything i faint!

If you eat six meals throughout the day, your body shouldn't notice it. Of course, you could always eat some fruit before you workout, if you have no energy. But no energy in the morning could be an indication of poor nutrition.
Nice tips. It is easier said than done though. :D

An article from men's health magazine said walking is more effective than running. In fact it says walking is the best way to burn fat. Basically there are several types of fuels your body burn. The glucose is considered grade A. It is fast and clean. There is the complex type of glucose store in the liver. I can't remember it's name. There is the type that gives you bad muscle eches. It is for emergency only. Again I can't remember it's name. Fat is the lowest grade. When you do intense exercise, your body burns grade A fuel until you fatigue stops. When your exercise is not so intense, your body is more likely to burn the low grade fuel. Therefore walking is better at burning fat than running.

I disagree running burn muscle. I have muscular legs from running a lot in soccer. My upper body disproportionally smaller because I don't work on it much. Marathon runners are super skinny because they need to be to be a good runner. Some probably don't eat enough to replentish their enegy. There is only one condition when you can burn muscle. (besides starving) That is when you overwork. Overwork means you damage muscle from intense exercises, such as weight lifting, and you didn't allow your muscle any time to heal before you exercise again.

Raising metabolism is a good point. That article I read said you should walk and raise your heart rate 3 times a week for 20 minutes. You walk to burn fat, and you raise heart rate to increase metabolism.

Right now I already lost 5 pounds in about a month just from stop eating junk food and drink water instead of soda or juices.
Two answers

Exercise. Use stimulants. Exercise. Ok, three answers. Don't eat like a shark in a frothing, bloody mass of chum thrown from the boat of some blue-jean cutoff wearing pirate.
Cut carbs esp. simple sugars but don't forget that eating a potato is the same as eating a half cup of raw sugar, breads pasta are also off limits. Eat plenty of protien and vegetables, this will help you maintain your muscle and help to keep your metabolism high.

For exercise you need a variety, try walking 3 times a week and jogging 2 times a week. It would be a good idea during your walks to carry some lite weights and work your arms too.
One thing I forgot to mention in my other post is that while losing weight you need to drink at least 64oz of water a day a 100oz is even better.