How do atheists explain their faith-based disbelief?

I lack the belief in the existence of god/gods because there is no evidence for such entities. I think it is possible that god/gods exist though I think it is unlikely.

Think of a mythical beast that you think may have possibly existed at one time. I'm not mocking here, just trying to draw an analogy. Your opinion on that beast would be similar to my opinion on gods. Sure their existence is possible but, until there is evidence, I will lack the belief.

Belief does not require evidence. That is the definition of it. Once you have evidence you don't need belief.
Could it be true that Atheism is a lack of belief ? A (meaning no ) and theist ( meaning God, or god/gods etc..) so "no-god" however, if you look closely at the definition of "god"
it can mean "an image of a deity; an idol. " an idol being defined as "any person or thing regarded with blind admiration, adoration, or devotion" So, it stands to reason that if you put your beliefs and practices into something and you are devoted to that belief, it then becomes a god. A persons devotion to the idea of no "God/god " can in itself become their god. Its afterall whatever rules over a person's attention. Therefore dear reader, you do infact serve a god, whether it is the God of the Bible or the god of disbelief.
Could it be true that Atheism is a lack of belief ? A (meaning no ) and theist ( meaning God, or god/gods etc..) so "no-god" however, if you look closely at the definition of "god"
it can mean "an image of a deity; an idol. " an idol being defined as "any person or thing regarded with blind admiration, adoration, or devotion" So, it stands to reason that if you put your beliefs and practices into something and you are devoted to that belief, it then becomes a god. A persons devotion to the idea of no "God/god " can in itself become their god. Its afterall whatever rules over a person's attention. Therefore dear reader, you do infact serve a god, whether it is the God of the Bible or the god of disbelief.

Atheism doesn't "rule my attention", in fact I rarely think about my disbelief in a God in everyday life.
but the disbelief is still there,friend...if disbelief doesn;t rule your attention, what does? money,family, material goods/car//house/etc.... The point is, chances are you do have an idol, you do have a god. Not all gods are capable of doing what the Christian God can do, true. But, is that belief still there in a god, no matter how small it may be? What a person devoted his time to becomes by definition, his god. Why devote you attention to one thing or another? Why be picky in choosing which god or idol to serve? is it because it is whatever pleases you? Could it be that you are your own god? A belief in something, no matter what it is becomes a religion, even if you worship yourself, or another human being. we are all partakers in religion, see. A need for religious devotion to something, no matter what it may be, is an attribute that every man has. even if it is Atheism.
but the disbelief is still there,friend...if disbelief doesn;t rule your attention, what does? money,family, material goods/car//house/etc.... The point is, chances are you do have an idol, you do have a god. Not all gods are capable of doing what the Christian God can do, true. But, is that belief still there in a god, no matter how small it may be? What a person devoted his time to becomes by definition, his god. Why devote you attention to one thing or another? Why be picky in choosing which god or idol to serve? is it because it is whatever pleases you? Could it be that you are your own god? A belief in something, no matter what it is becomes a religion, even if you worship yourself, or another human being. we are all partakers in religion, see. A need for religious devotion to something, no matter what it may be, is an attribute that every man has. even if it is Atheism.

Look, I just don't believe in God. I am unaware of any idols I might have. I imagine I'm leading a comparable life to any theists life but without the religion. Why is this so hard to understand for theists ?
I believe that athiest do believe in a god, even if it may be the god of their choice. One may not be aware of this belief within their own self. Does it exist ? I believe so.

"For as I passed by, and beheld your devotions, I found an altar with this inscription, TO THE UNKNOWN GOD. Whom therefore ye ignorantly worship, him declare I unto you."
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So how this apply to God? You're saying its unlikely that God, karma, heaven/hell, a soul exists based on what?

Its like explaining to a fool how electromagnetism exists before its verifiable or measurable...such fools

Before we understood electromagnetism, it existed as a parlor trick. They would capture static electricity in a jar and use it for tricks, but they didn't understand it. There is no correlation in theism. You would have to be a fool to believe in the principles of electromagnetism before they were proven.

My atheism is not based on faith, because if I were presented with credible, verifiable evidence of a supernatural being, I would no longer be an atheist. Part of the trouble is theists are aware of the power of science, and they redefine God so as to avoid any rational inquiry. For instance, you could measure scientifically if prayer works (it doesn't), but then they say God is not so predictable. It's intellectually dishonest. They have defined God in such a way that it's impossible to pin down any principle that can be tested. So, it's rational to withhold belief, and irrational to believe without evidence. Religion can be explained so many other ways; as a social phenomenon to encourage cohesiveness, as an adaptation to the end of tribalism, as a primitive form of inquiry into the nature of the universe.

Somehow theists feel free to attack any form of scientific thesis, as well they should, but are not so keen on having such rationality applied to their own ideas.
I believe that athiest do believe in a god, even if it may be the god of their choice. One may not be aware of this belief within their own self. Does it exist ? I believe so.

"For as I passed by, and beheld your devotions, I found an altar with this inscription, TO THE UNKNOWN GOD. Whom therefore ye ignorantly worship, him declare I unto you."

You can believe whatever you want, I have no problem with that..
The key word in "idol", amishmafia, if "blind". Simple admiration for something doesn't make it an item of worship. Atheists are typically not blind followers.
Vital, if you're so convinced that God, Karma, souls, etc, exist then maybe you should make predictions based on those beliefs? You know, like scientists do with theories such as evolution.
If atheism is merely a faith like any other than surely it must be considered equally as valid as religious faith... This of course leads to the problem tha both faiths are incompatable. Either there is a God or there isn't. Surely, the absurdity of having everybody believing things without evidence and only merely because they want too leads to the conclusion that reality is a mess of contradiction and no meaningful explanation can be attributed to any phenomena. This isn't atheism vs theism, this is a question of whether or not you believe in magic. Its reason vs. superstition. If a consensus cannot be reached that reason alone provides the only meaningful path for attaining knowledge, than its clear that one side is arguing in bad faith... pardon the pun.
If atheism is merely a faith like any other than surely it must be considered equally as valid as religious faith...

Based upon what?

... This of course leads to the problem tha both faiths are incompatable. Either there is a God or there isn't ...


... Surely, the absurdity of having everybody believing things without evidence and only merely because they want too leads to the conclusion that reality is a mess of contradiction and no meaningful explanation can be attributed to any phenomena ...

Such is the way of the heathen.

... This isn't atheism vs theism, this is a question of whether or not you believe in magic ... Its reason vs. superstition ...

Very interesting. Your conclusion that atheism reveals a belief in magic is quite poignant. And yes, you are correct - atheists tend to be a superstitious minority overall. Good point.
Good point Nutter, I still say that Atheism/Evolutionism are religions. Based upon the pure definition of Religion.

re·li·gion /rɪˈlɪdʒən/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[ri-lij-uhn]

1. a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, esp. when considered as the creation of a superhuman agency or agencies, usually involving devotional and ritual observances, and often containing a moral code governing the conduct of human affairs.

2. a specific fundamental set of beliefs and practices generally agreed upon by a number of persons or sects: the Christian religion; the Buddhist religion.

3. the body of persons adhering to a particular set of beliefs and practices: a world council of religions.

4. the life or state of a monk, nun, etc.: to enter religion.

5. the practice of religious beliefs; ritual observance of faith.

6. something one believes in and follows devotedly; a point or matter of ethics or conscience: to make a religion of fighting prejudice.

"a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe"

Here is a good one. The ecclesiastical powers that be in the Evolutionism/Atheism movement have determine that their doctrines and dogmas and creeds are indeed a set of beliefs held self evident to be true by those who practice such beliefs. And , their beliefs do indeed relate to the origin/cause nature and purpose of the universe. It is their undying unshakable, martyr -like faith of the nonexistance of a higher being that compells them to "press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling"
Indeed I have not seen so great a faith, no not in all of Israel
... It is their undying unshakable, martyr -like faith of the nonexistance of a higher being that compells them to "press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling" ...

The "matyr-like" analogy is apt and vivd, especially when taking into consideration the methodology of such prospective martyrs.
You would have to be a fool to believe in the principles of electromagnetism before they were proven.
Thereby summing up what atheism is really about, "the actual truth does not matter, only evidence does, therefore believing in something even if its true before its proven is see us atheists simply don't care about the truth, we care about rationality, even though its been historically proven that what the current evidence at the present time shows is always false and incomplete in many ways, we'll ONLY believe what the current evidence shows, even though we knows its false and incomplete...see we're so incredibly rational"


Thanks for the reconfirmation that the actual truth is irrelvant to atheists, only what appears to be true does...I'm sure you would be telling me that the Sun revolved around the Earth until someone proved that the Earth revolved around the Sun...where as I would be saying the Earth revolved around the Sun with or without evidence....

spidergoat said:
My atheism is not based on faith, because if I were presented with credible, verifiable evidence of a supernatural being, I would no longer be an atheist. Part of the trouble is theists are aware of the power of science, and they redefine God so as to avoid any rational inquiry. For instance, you could measure scientifically if prayer works (it doesn't), but then they say God is not so predictable. It's intellectually dishonest. They have defined God in such a way that it's impossible to pin down any principle that can be tested. So, it's rational to withhold belief, and irrational to believe without evidence. Religion can be explained so many other ways; as a social phenomenon to encourage cohesiveness, as an adaptation to the end of tribalism, as a primitive form of inquiry into the nature of the universe.

Somehow theists feel free to attack any form of scientific thesis, as well they should, but are not so keen on having such rationality applied to their own ideas.

Woah, none of that showed how your atheism isn't faith-based or based upon belief without evidence...I mean you didn't even show to even the slightest most remote just used the argument from ignorance again, like most atheists do...they really think evidence causes something to become true....

Its just like I said before if someone say the many-worlds interpretation is definitely true or definitely false its both faith-based or based upon belief without evidence, the fact that the many-worlds interpretation is unverifiable and untestable only indicates that there's no way of knowing if its actually true or false, so the logical stance is to say that its unknown whether its actually true or false....

atheists have belief without evidence that there is no God
Atheism is an absence of belief only a few go beyond that and state a belief there is no god.

How would they support such a belief? Credibility. No precedent that such things can exist. No reason to suspect they might exist. No reason for them to exist. Evidence that such ideas are born out of past ignorance. And the list goes on.

Compare that to why a theist believes gods do exist. Fear of death. Wishful thinking. Cultural tradition. Government enforced.