How did you find faith?

Who was it that told her to kill her nephew, then?
Strong electromagnetic waves have been
known to effect the brain in wierd ways.
It could be that the tv is malfunctioning.
If the voice told her to pick up a knife then
I would say Satan. Another possibility is that along
with the voice the actual events transpired
visually in her before she committed them. Knife
like stuft is common but usually demons will go for
suicide etc. She must not have been in the
right state of mind though. Otherwise
she would have asked for the speaker's name.
I believe that presently Satan does not have enough
power to say that he is directly God.
I see.

And you think it had nothing to do with the fact that she has been diagnosed as a Delusional Paranoid Schitzophrenic and a Manic Depressive?

Do you think the people ever hear voices that simply are not there.
Constructs of the imagination of a sickly mind?

And you think it had nothing to do with the fact that she has been diagnosed as a Delusional Paranoid Schitzophrenic and a Manic Depressive?
Of course but this was after the incident right?

Do you think the people ever hear voices that simply are not there.
Constructs of the imagination of a sickly mind?
It's possible.
Originally posted by okinrus
Of course but this was after the incident right?

No, actually.

She was diagnosed in her early 20's this happened at least 15 years later.
If the voice told her to pick up a knife then
I would say Satan

Why? I don't know if you've read the bible lately but god tells people to kill others on a frequent basis throughout the book, why would he be any different nowadays?
Why? I don't know if you've read the bible lately but god tells people to kill others on a frequent basis throughout the book, why would he be any different nowadays?
The new testament is a new convenant.
God would also never lie and say that
someone was Satan but wasn't.
God gave life. It doesn't suprise me that he can also take it away.
Everyone dies so in reality God kills everyone!
Most of these numbers are clearly estimates and some are
inconcievable such as Samson's. The history in Kings and Chronicles contains some elements of legend.
So easy to label things as mere legend whenever it suits you. On another post you were saying how every single word of god is literal- now the parts that don't sound nice are only legends. *yawn*
Word of God mean different things depending on context. When I use "word of God" I mean only what God says.
what makes you think god 'said' anything? The book's written by humans. If you can so easily palm off some sections written by humans as being simple legend, then the same would apply to all of it.