How did you find faith?

Originally posted by SnakeLord
I'm just curious how you all ended up believing what you do. Divine miracle? Teaching from parents? Just curious..
I was born and raised atheist,so I believe in myself.;)
I was brought up knowing the diference between right and wrong,and to obey the laws of the country I live in.
I also believe in reality,science,evolution,have no need for some imaginary skydady to worship.
religion stops the thinking mind,imo.
give man a fish and he will eat for a day,give man religion and he'll starve while praying for food.

if you need a helping hand you will find one at the end of your arm.
Can anyone that feels so certain that God does not exist explain what happens when we die? Is it just a blank screen, does everything just fade out? And when did time begin, how did it start, where did anything come from? When will time end?
part of being christian is pure faith, i do not have the answers to all the questions asked but i have seen the incredible power of god and could never doubt what i have seen.:)
Laura B,

Welcome to sciforums BTW.

part of being christian is pure faith, i do not have the answers to all the questions asked but i have seen the incredible power of god and could never doubt what i have seen.
Can you be more specific? What incredible power of God? What have you seen? There is no evidence or proof that he exists, hence the need for Christianity to depend on faith alone. So what is it that has convinced you so much that you have no doubt? And was this through your own reasoning or was it because of what you have been told by others?

Can anyone that feels so certain that God does not exist explain what happens when we die? Is it just a blank screen, does everything just fade out?
You simply cease to exist and your body decays if buried or drowned, or becomes ashes if burnt, but could stay pretty much as it is if frozen albeit with some ice damage. If your brain patterns are not preserved when your body dies then you will simply cease to exist with no possibility of recovery.

And when did time begin, how did it start, where did anything come from? When will time end?
Everything has always existed although probably in different states of matter/energy/plasma/quanta. Time has always existed so that events can be caused. Since the universe is everything then it cannot end since there is no place for it to go.

If at some time in the past time did not exist then no events could have occurred to allow us to reach our current state. Similarly if the universe did not exist at some time in the past then there could never have been an event that could start it. Both time and the universe must have always existed.

The issue of entropy is resolved by an infinite occurrence of big bang bubbles.
Originally posted by Gomer
Can anyone that feels so certain that God does not exist explain what happens when we die? Is it just a blank screen, does everything just fade out? And when did time begin, how did it start, where did anything come from? When will time end?

These might be tough questions that pastors pour bravely upon their subjects, but there is no need to answer them. There is no need for an answer, other than in an epistomological sense. Christians may believe that something has to happen after death, but nothing other than religion says that anything does. In answering those questions we aren't dealing with a limited number of answers, there are millions of possibilities, and we have no idea.
Everything has always existed although probably in different states of matter/energy/plasma/quanta.

Faith statement, not based on any empirical evidence.

Time has always existed so that events can be caused.

Again, a statement of pure faith, you have no possible means of backing this up with any evidence, it is mere wishful thinking.

Since the universe is everything then it cannot end since there is no place for it to go.

Smoke another one.
I found my faith lying in a heap under the basement stairs rotting away and giving off a rancid stentch.

So I threw it in the trash.

That was many years ago.
I don't miss it at all.
I grew up in the typical white-trash corn-bread USA neighborhood. I read all the childhood bible stories (you know the ark and flood and mosses and etc.. ) and thought they were great fun (I was around 8ish). I went to a faith-revival and got totally convinced there was a god and could feel all the evil leave me and god/holy spirit enter (I was 15ish). Then I started going to various churches all over the place and would ask them what they taught as truth: I wanted to pick the best one (I was 16ish). I realized then that all these Christian churches were entirely way off from one another. So I started digging into the history of the church. At the same time I also started Uni. Of course Uni is an eye opener. I’m an open-to-new-idea’s sort of person. So I absorbed all that Uni had to offer and kept reading history. One day I realized there was no god. Its been one of the best things I’ve ever accomplished.

It’s funny I have a friend of mine who I met at a church (when I was ~15). Back then he wasn’t much into Religion – say as much as a typical American kid. I’d lost touch with him for years and then met him again last year. Now he is very much into the Lord. He sees spirits, talks in tongues, yup - pretty much the whole thing. To him the world makes sense. So much sense that he will not let his child into public school. Nope, just home school for her. The Lord provides. Really, other than that he’s kind of normal (works for MCI I think) but he can obviously be a little off the deep end. And that’s the scary thing about religion. For every 1000 normal persons who just want to feel good about life, think there is someone to talk to when alone, and help get over the notion of death (eternal life with god and virgins) there is someone who is a little nutzO.

Let me digress, though I think a normal fundamental American Christian is relatively harmless; lets imagine this harmless Christian takes a trip to Nippon. How does she view the Religious Shinto shrines in all of the houses? Would she, like me, find it quant and a part of a fascinating and ancient culture? Be interesting enough to ask about them? Maybe offer a cup of Green Tea to the houses ancestors? Or will she think – these people need to be saved. Oh Lord please help these people realize that through your only begotten son they can find ever lasting .... I imagine this woman subconsciously may think somewhat condescendingly about these Japanese with their evil Shinto hrines. Poor poor lost souls. Maybe she doesn’t preach to them – but they are lost souls to her.

Multiply this woman by the 10s of millions of American Christians that travel the world. Think about how we are viewed in the world…Not very highly I can tell you that much....Is there a connection? Maybe not .. .. but I think so.
One day I realized there was no god. Its been one of the best things I’ve ever accomplished.
But your name means "who is like God". Can you
name any specific books besides the bible that convinced you that there was not a God?
Originally posted by okinrus
I heard voices mostly evil voices.

That used to be widely believed to be a sign of divine spirits making themselves heard.

However, now we know what psychosis is. ;)
Originally posted by SnakeLord
I'm just curious how you all ended up believing what you do. Divine miracle? Teaching from parents? Just curious..

Rejecting everything, then thinking, analyzing, introspection, and living my life.
I have faith in what i believe in. I don't feel the need to justify it, spread it, preach it, etc.
And no, its nothing I was raised with or taught, and certainly no 'devine miracle'.
Not divine. It is not God to hide behind
a shadow. First it was "steal from yourself" in
a woman's voice repeatively. When I asked for her name and history, my voice was replayed off of tape recorder. This was what I said several days before saying ok to give an account of my history It's like an audible voice but at the same time like an inner voice that you have to listen to inorder to hear. This was several months ago. Do you think it's a sure sign of psychosis?
Probably from reading the bible too much.
Those religious books can slowly affect the subconcience.
Originally posted by okinrus
Do you think it's a sure sign of psychosis?

Not necessarily.
I was joking, but not completely.

My Godmother is a Delusional Paranoid Schitzophrenic.
She once went after her 7 year old nephew with a knife intending to kill him because the television told her that he was Satan.

Do you think that voice was "real" or "divine"?
If so, then yes, my humble opinion is that you are crazy.
If not, then who's to say that the voice she heard was fake and the voice you heard was real?

Who is the authority?
You can't really say that you are the authority, because if you are crazy, then you don't know.
She thought hers was real.
Do you think that voice was "real" or "divine"?
If so, then yes, my humble opinion is that you are crazy.
If not, then who's to say that the voice she heard was fake and the voice you heard was real?
"real with limited certainty" but certainly not God.
I've also heard of similar expierences. This one
guy on another forum based some
of his faith on a private revelation that he could not
sin. He said that God told him "You do not sin".