How did jesus walk on water?

I never read anything in the new testament about jesus walking on water and I did read most of it for sure, someone tell me where it is if you can, I only learned that in school or something.

It's interesting how LG turns HIS claims for the existence of gods into others claims for the non-existence of gods, a positive stance, no less.
So you have no positive stance?
Why do you post so relentlessly then?

The simple fact remains, LG, that it is everyone else who waits for you to demonstrate beyond the imaginative, the gods you claim to exist.
Sure no problem - tell me when you are ready to surrender to the processes advocated by saintly persons and we can make a start
Citing links to the definition of ontology is pointless, for example, as it does nothing to demonstrate your position.
It was actually a link to help you understand your position, namely throwing the word "reality" around as if it was self evident, indicates an absence of philosophical framework and introspection (its okay to actually read the link, I assure you - it has nothing to do with religion, god, jesus or celestial teapots, although it does refer to philosophy, which may forrce you to come to grips with the word "ontology")
Perhaps it's necessary for us to cite a link to the definition of 'demonstrate?'
can you demonstarte the kreb cycle?

But, to comment on my imaginative assault, it would appear that my imagination must be blocking the endless parade of gods, spirits, angels and demons swirling about me on a daily basis, the ones you appear to see and I don't.
th ehigh school drop out is also not seeing electrons, just as the rookie cop waiting for the forensic team to show up can't see the evidence of the murderer's identity

Perhaps they merely exist outside the visible light spectrum and your eyes can see into other ends of that spectrum?
Perhaps like the rookie cop you are not trained to perceive it, or more realistically you are like the highschool drop out who displays an attitude problem that disqualifies them from taking up the process of acquiring knowledge (certainly explains your tendency to attack the person rather than their ideas)
(Q)So you have no positive stance?
Why do you post so relentlessly then?

I post occassionally, not relentlessly.

Sure no problem - tell me when you are ready to surrender to the processes advocated by saintly persons and we can make a start

What does your demonstrating gods have to do with me surrendering? Are you only able to do so under special circumstances?

It was actually a link to help you understand your position, namely throwing the word "reality" around as if it was self evident

Reality is self-evident.

can you demonstarte the kreb cycle?

Can you demonstrate gods exist?

th ehigh school drop out is also not seeing electrons, just as the rookie cop waiting for the forensic team to show up can't see the evidence of the murderer's identity

Previously refuted arguments.

Perhaps like the rookie cop you are not trained to perceive it, or more realistically you are like the highschool drop out who displays an attitude problem that disqualifies them from taking up the process of acquiring knowledge (certainly explains your tendency to attack the person rather than their ideas)

I attacked your lack of ideas, big difference.
So you have no positive stance?
Why do you post so relentlessly then?

I post occassionally, not relentlessly.
relentlessly with the positive view that god doesn't exist

Sure no problem - tell me when you are ready to surrender to the processes advocated by saintly persons and we can make a start

What does your demonstrating gods have to do with me surrendering? Are you only able to do so under special circumstances?
Ok - I see you will have to wait a bit longer before we are ready to take the first step

It was actually a link to help you understand your position, namely throwing the word "reality" around as if it was self evident

Reality is self-evident.
It certainly doesn't explain why over 75% of philosophers disagree.
Nor does it explain why numerous different theories have ebbed and flowed from the supposition of the same museum exhibits in various places in the world.

can you demonstarte the kreb cycle?

Can you demonstrate gods exist?
Yes - just in the same way that the kreb cycle can be demonstrated - the first requirement is a qualified teacher - the second requirement is a qualified student

th ehigh school drop out is also not seeing electrons, just as the rookie cop waiting for the forensic team to show up can't see the evidence of the murderer's identity

Previously refuted arguments.
one of us must have memory loss because I certainly can't recall such a refutation

Perhaps like the rookie cop you are not trained to perceive it, or more realistically you are like the highschool drop out who displays an attitude problem that disqualifies them from taking up the process of acquiring knowledge (certainly explains your tendency to attack the person rather than their ideas)

I attacked your lack of ideas, big difference.
I guess i must have judged you from your performance in threads outside of this one

relentlessly with the positive view that god doesn't exist

Or, more precisely, relentless in asking theists to demonstrate gods exist.

Ok - I see you will have to wait a bit longer before we are ready to take the first step

Demonstrating gods has everything to do with YOU and nothing to do with me, other than I am the observer. YOU must take the first step, otherwise you're merely blowing smoke out your a$$.

It certainly doesn't explain why over 75% of philosophers disagree.
Nor does it explain why numerous different theories have ebbed and flowed from the supposition of the same museum exhibits in various places in the world.

Philosophy is the attempted explanation of ones fantasies, clearly they'll never agree.

Numerous different theories? Such as?

Yes - just in the same way that the kreb cycle can be demonstrated - the first requirement is a qualified teacher - the second requirement is a qualified student

A qualified student is anyone willing to learn. Teach away, o' grand wazoo.

one of us must have memory loss because I certainly can't recall such a refutation

That's because you chose to ignore it.

I guess i must have judged you from your performance in threads outside of this one

Possibly, you had no ideas in those threads as well.
relentlessly with the positive view that god doesn't exist

Or, more precisely, relentless in asking theists to demonstrate gods exist.
which is as ridiculous as a high school drop out demanding that it be demonstrated that an electron exists
Ok - I see you will have to wait a bit longer before we are ready to take the first step

Demonstrating gods has everything to do with YOU and nothing to do with me, other than I am the observer.
the high school drop out is also an observer

YOU must take the first step, otherwise you're merely blowing smoke out your a$$.
I wonder if its a coincidence that a high school drop out would also probably use similiar terminology as yourself to describe their predicament

It certainly doesn't explain why over 75% of philosophers disagree.
Nor does it explain why numerous different theories have ebbed and flowed from the supposition of the same museum exhibits in various places in the world.

Philosophy is the attempted explanation of ones fantasies, clearly they'll never agree.
it seems like you are coming a little bit closer to approaching the significance of the word "ontology". In the meantime perhaps you can elaborate how reality can be dilineated without a a system of philosophy (or perhaps you shouldn't, since such a proposal will also draw an uneven hands of support)
Numerous different theories? Such as?
Ever wondered why disciplines of science, despite having a historical continuum of sometimes hundreds of years, don't have current text books older than 30 years?

Yes - just in the same way that the kreb cycle can be demonstrated - the first requirement is a qualified teacher - the second requirement is a qualified student

A qualified student is anyone willing to learn. Teach away, o' grand wazoo.

I guess that disqualifies you then

one of us must have memory loss because I certainly can't recall such a refutation

That's because you chose to ignore it.
either that or your argument lacks substance
(although I am actually being honest - I have no idea what you assume to be a refutation - all I have to go by are your confidence statements)

I guess i must have judged you from your performance in threads outside of this one

Possibly, you had no ideas in those threads as well.
ad homs generally don't require a great deal of intellectual prowess to either formulate or detect
Really, I just thought it was cool that someone built a machine that allows you to walk on water like Jesus did. A series of underwater platforms rises beneath you, triggered by sensors. It brings you out to the middle of the pool and you can stand there surrounded by water until you want to go back. What an awesome thing for a church to do.

Is it sacreligious to imitate this miracle in this way?
Oh, come on, it's not that hard. Did you ever watch a TV? Cathode Ray Tubes are streams of electrons.
Remember the highschool drop out suffers from a severe attitude problem towards science and scientific representatives - so they would probably respond something like this - "Just as I suspected - more BS from a BS artist" (Its not uncommon to receive the ventings of emmotional atheists that are practically identical)

The situation is that the high school drop out is laying the condition that an electron be demonstrated before him (this is a practical impossibility because an electron's existence is determined by its symptoms, thus it relies on a foundation of theoretical knowledge before a deduction can bear merit).

This represents the position of the atheist who vouches "there is no evidence for god" while simultaneously rejecting the books of knowledge and the persons who claim direct perception that dilineate the subject matter and the methodology.
The most telling thing about LG is his weasel words and fallacious rebuttals when presented with a direct challenge to his bullshit claims. He makes a claim, the onus being solely on him to demonstrate, then instead of offering evidence, worms his way out of it by shifting the burden of proof to a whole new topic!

What a coward!

Surely, LG will now bitch and moan now about "the big, bad mod is ad homing me," but just as surely, if he had a backbone he'd support his claims instead of running from them, hiding behind the strawman of "can you explain the kreb cycle?"!

But such is the nature of the intellectually dishonest. Instead of supporting their positive claims, they retreat to the notion that those that dare question or criticize them don't understand because they aren't qualified. As if there are any 'experts' on imaginary friends and superstition.

LG will always retreat to a logical fallacy that he thinks works for him: like the one about teaching the high school drop out about electrons. Obviously the electrons exist whether a dropout knows of them or not (I learned of them long before HS, incidently); and obviously supernatural beings can't be said to exist by anyone who is intellectually honest JUST BECAUSE THEY BELIEVE THEM TO. The electrons have evidence that can be potentially tested by anyone; the same cannot be said for a god.

The reason why this is LG's favorite retreat is because he can obfuscate, misdirect, and confuse with a few simple words: one simple strawman argument. But a strawman it is -and this is the thrust of nearly everything LG has claimed to date.

The pattern goes like this: wild claim made; questioned on wild claim; refuse to accept the onus and make new wild claim; questioned on new wild claim; make strawman; sit back and watch the reality based respondents thrash at the strawman; wild claim goes unanswered.
which is as ridiculous as a high school drop out demanding that it be demonstrated that an electron exists

It's sad that your only recourse to demonstrating that which you readily assert as evident is a failed and refuted argument.

By your own reasoning, you too must admit electrons don't exist.
Seriously. This discussion is fucking retarded.

Trying to explain myths with science?

What's the scientific explanation for Christ's zombification? Eh, anyone? And while you're at it, can you please give me the real reason Father Odin is missing an eye. Maybe he got poked by a sharp stick. Surely he couldn't have traded it for wisdom. That would just be preposterous.
The Bible has never shown any historical inaccuracy, that it why it has been accepted as the primary road map for archaeological endeavors in the Middle East for centuries, didn't you know this?
The argument is that you must be specially trained, before you can ‘see’ the truth of God.
It’s a preparation by a teacher, like a mind is prepared in the armed forces during boot-camp.
It’s called brainwashing or character destruction/reconstruction.

The thing is most of us, her – but not out there in the world at large – use the world as our common point of reference.
All teachings and teachers must be judged and prove themselves here, in the world, where we can all watch and judge and test and question.

The others, the vast majority, the idiots, have a different point of reference.

The world is but a satellite of their Scripture or a Book or an ideal.
One must first change one’s point of reference before he is ‘ready for indoctrination’.
Our resident retard displays all the symptoms of this disease.

In the army discipline is constructed by destroying the recruits original core of references – his family, his identity, his ideals are subdued, by a series of fatiguing exercises, during a few grueling weeks, which primes the mind for indoctrination and readies it for retraining.
When the mind’s defenses are weakened he is impregnated with new ideals and new family structures and a new sense of self.
The recruit is now ready to follow the commands of his superiors into death itself.

His identity has been deconstructed and reconstructed to include the collective.

The same process often happens with religions.
Usually the mind is prepared during childhood.
Sometimes a mind might go through the process on its own when it faces some traumatic or tragic life experiences which destroy its sense of self and leave it helpless and ready for manipulation.

Our resident retard uses the “high school dropout” as an example of this training.
He forgets that nobody prays to electrons and nobody holds them as absolute.
He also forgets, or turns a brainless blind eye, to the fact that the theory concerning electrons has resulted in machines and they can be sue to predict and explain future phenomena.

He holds that his beliefs are no different than the belief in electrons when he has nothing to show for his belief but a world awaiting explanation, and Books taken literally by imbeciles and the feeble minded.
I never read anything in the new testament about jesus walking on water and I did read most of it for sure, someone tell me where it is if you can, I only learned that in school or something.

Matthew 14
Mark 45
John 6