How Did Jesus Die for my sins

this question will go on seeming complex if you dont make an effort to look deeper than the literalist message

trying to summarize it then:

1))blood sacrifice is a very anceint tradition for recompensing spirits, spirit. gods, or 'God'-----for eithe 'want' or as some kind of resolving guilt

2)))the really deeer insight is that these mythical characters --god-men--are representing a plat and an experience HAD by the plant.
this is VERY VERY difficult inDEED to explain to someone wit no experiencew with tis, but you will have to use yer imagination then.

The plant means a psychedelic shroom, potion, catus etc etc. but it HAS to be psychedelic. what these do is faciilitate the expression of ever eeper eotions so as to inspire ecstatic abandon. this has lways been the mythic motif of death/rebirth. where yors sense of social ego is So overwhelmed 'you' 'die'....and aftter the experience feel reborn

Obviously even to many traditions will recognize rthe psychedelically-inspired death/rebirth, manyhave different interpretations of it.....there are two Streams. prepatriarchal and patriarchal. the former realizes the reibirth is part of the sacred cycles which includes Universe/Nture. and the experiences refreshes one's insight into tis sacredness
whilst the patriarchal tends to create ideologies which propganderize a SPLIT heaven from Earth, and spin stories of actual MEN who die for our sins, thus encpasulating you in time and literalism. denying you the ACTUAL experience anyone is free to have
Am I the only one that sees the problem with jesus, (supposedly god), dying?

If jesus is god, and god is jesus, and they're one and the same, then nobody can say he died unless they are then willing to state that god can die, and was.. for three days.. non-existant.

The concept of death is what Christ was fighting.
If jesus is god, and god is jesus, and they're one and the same, then nobody can say he died unless they are then willing to state that god can die, and was.. for three days.. non-existant

I see you answering your own question. Look, Christ seems to be telling us that we all share the same state of immortality that is God. "Now you see me, Now you don't, now you see me, now you don't." to explain further?

Care to read the Bible?

If God is All, what is death. Another good question is, what is the nexus of existence? Can you find it within yourself?
Mosheh Thezion said:
he knew it would happen... as it was prophisized... and he was ready to die for us.
let me get this straight
this JC aka God aka Holy spirit which is exactly one thing if you believe in the Holy trinity
so this god died for god to cure you fron sin which god created in the first place..
does logic exist in your world??

for if the rapture comes, and Gods judgement for mankind is a bad one...

then we all die.
yes we all die,thats why we enjoy life and living!
hopefully, we can make our selves worthy of living for the next 10 trillion eons..
well if you consider being a speck of cosmic dust living...
and there is no better example of a worthy human... than Jesus.
gee you coulda fooled me
Look, Christ seems to be telling us that we all share the same state of immortality that is God. "Now you see me, Now you don't, now you see me, now you don't."

Where does he seem to be telling us anything of the sort? And further to that, what relevance is your statement to my post?

Care to read the Bible?

I've read it many times. Alas your opinion is not written in it, and it is your opinion I am asking for. Understand?

If God is All, what is death. Another good question is, what is the nexus of existence? Can you find it within yourself?

This is gibberish.
Jesus fulfilled The Jewish Messiah prophecy by doing much more than was expected.

Why else do the Jews prosper in this modern world?

if not for the bias given unto them..... by what? the bible.

Jesus was the a long term causality generator... who in doing so set the standard of human existance.... a standard not one of us can live up to.

his perfection of being as recorded is his most effective means of influencing all mankind, for by example does he lead.... even now from the grave.

if you ask me if he was God...? i dont know.
if you ask me if he was ressurected...? i dont know.

what i do know is that the teaching and words of Jesus are all those of great wisdom and love... and worthy of being the foundation of our society.

and the only reason our world is so fucked up.... is because the religious have been mislead by their leaders into thinking we need to wait for Jesus to return and do it all for us..... as if he will wave his hand and wallah..... the world is made new..

he already told us what to do... and he makes very good sense.

thus.. regardless of whether he had healing power, or was God...

he is still my lord and leader... my king.. my master... and his orders are clear.

"The concept of death is what Christ was fighting"

we could hone down the concept of death to 4 meanings
1)))that death is part of an eternal process of death, regeneration, life, and so on. thus imortality and mortality are polar related (Goddess Religon of the Earth)

2)))that physical life is illusion and when realized there is no death (hinduis, esp, Advaita Vedanta)

3)))That one can conquer deat and live in a spiritual world with '/Spirit/God' (Gnosticism/Monotheism/Judaic Christianity)

4)))That one only experiences this one life and when you die that is the end. (Nihilism/ Scientfic materialism)

For my understanding, only number 1 really accepts both physicality and spirit. sirit as in a interelating process which connects all live multidimensionally, witout putting one concept--example 'matter-energy' 'or 'spirit'--over another. cvreatin dogma which is promoting a psytchological schism between reality, and causing ongoing confilct in te process
Bowser said:
He was trying to set your ass free, I believe.
Rifle, pike, and saber work so much better, however, than a pyschopath, to pave a road to freedom.
God give us life and the will to live it.... after that he doesnt get much involved.

the rest is up to us...

thus the rifle... pike and saber work well... in the right hands... historically.

rememeber its the winners who write history... not the losers.

spidergoat said:
So I can sin all I want now? Thank you Jesus!
You have great freedom in Christ, but don't use that freedom to sin!

You can sin all you want, as long as there are no physical things stopping you, but is this really what you want and intended for your life?

You have this one chance to show yourself to the world, if you do it by sinning then that in itself says alot of things. Sure, it's easier said than done living a life without sin, but at least try.
Mosheh Thezion said:
Jesus made it possible for all the world to join into the Jewish faith... without becoming Jewish.


M*W: This is the most assinine post I have ever seen on sciforums. It is beyond ignorant... it is delusional.
Pi-Sudoku said:
Is he implying that he took punishment for us for sins to be commited, sort of like a sin credit?

If so how come a country like the USA which is largeley christian still has the death penalty, or if it means we are all going to heaven why the hell do we go to church and pray and confess our sins?

Basically i think that if jesus was the son of god he is a dumb ass to die like that.

Sureley if he was immortal he could spread the word of god better

Jesus' death earned mankind a recurring sin credit of $10^100^100 a year. The average sin costs $1. The average person commits ~186,000 sins per year. There are several billion people on earth.
Its also worth mentioning that at the time Jesus was supposed to have lived, they were mainly an oral culture. By this, I mean that their memories are thought to have been exceptionally cultivated because not much was written down. Today, we are a VERY written society. But back in that era, they possibly could have memorized things and passed them down through oral tradition. I don't know this for 100% certain, I'm definitely no expert.
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: This is the most assinine post I have ever seen on sciforums. It is beyond ignorant... it is delusional.

actually no... when jesus was alive he was asked.. if gentiles... the non-jews... needed to become Jewish... and jesus said.. no.. they can find salvation threw jesus.. without the need to become orthodox Jew.

that is a very important point.. as it allowed the world to adopt Christianity without becomeing jewish.. and yet they still read and believe in the Old testiment...

thus the Jews gained acceptance in the eyes of all who became christian.

without them ever needing to become Jews... simple.

Pi-Sudoku said:
-Is he implying that he took punishment for us for sins to be commited, sort of like a sin credit?
-If so how come a country like the USA which is largeley christian still has the death penalty, or if it means we are all going to heaven why the hell do we go to church and pray and confess our sins?
-Basically i think that if jesus was the son of god he is a dumb ass to die like that.
-Sureley if he was immortal he could spread the word of god better

-With confession of your sins you fell better.
-He was dumb ass in one way.
-He could not spread the word of god better because nobody understands him.
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Mosheh Thezion said:
actually no... when jesus was alive he was asked.. if gentiles... the non-jews... needed to become Jewish... and jesus said.. no.. they can find salvation threw jesus.. without the need to become orthodox Jew.

that is a very important point.. as it allowed the world to adopt Christianity without becomeing jewish.. and yet they still read and believe in the Old testiment...

thus the Jews gained acceptance in the eyes of all who became christian.

without them ever needing to become Jews... simple.


M*W: I'm not arguing dogma. The Romans would have loved it if the Jews or wannabe Christians didn't have to abide by Jewish law. Therefore, the Roman influence on the NT granted the gentiles (i.e. Roman citizens) a new authority (aka Christianity) which ensured the HRE (1) lesser number of Jews to deal with; and (2) more tax revenue for Roman coffers.
I'm just curious, because that's the way I am. Medicine Woman, I understand your position now, BUT, I was wondering, since you were once Catholic, what do you believe a Catholic would say in regard to the posed question, "How did Jesus die for my sins?"

I know you'll probably say something like, "I wouldn't degrade myself so as to place myself in the role of the lying vipers, ' but please humor me. :D
Jesus was a maniac, with a messiah complex, much like David Koresh and Chuck Manson. Except, the Romans realized the potential danger and had him killed before JC could do anything to further harm Roman authority.
Roma Victor.