How Did Jesus Die for my sins


Slightly extreme
Registered Senior Member
Is he implying that he took punishment for us for sins to be commited, sort of like a sin credit?

If so how come a country like the USA which is largeley christian still has the death penalty, or if it means we are all going to heaven why the hell do we go to church and pray and confess our sins?

Basically i think that if jesus was the son of god he is a dumb ass to die like that.

Sureley if he was immortal he could spread the word of god better
While it is common to say he died for our sins... which maybe true.. but you need too ask God for a real answer... or read scripture..

Jesus did die 'because' of our sins..... he was killed, murdered by the greedy.

he knew it would happen... as it was prophisized... and he was ready to die for us.

and its a simple question of whether we are going to begin living as Jesus said to or not.... and continue being selfish, self centered greedy worthless bastards.

the real question is... did Jesus die in vain?

for if the rapture comes, and Gods judgement for mankind is a bad one...

then we all die.

hopefully, we can make our selves worthy of living for the next 10 trillion eons..

and there is no better example of a worthy human... than Jesus.

that is why i do not preach any of the beliefs... i do not actually preach.

i teach, and try to follow orders....

Jesus is commander and cheif.... all we need to do is obey his commands of Love.

Greetings Pi-Sudoku,

Many atheist/agnostics could answer those easily because we were well educated Christians before. But, because of many that will answer those I will contribute with what came to mind when I red this.

You state valid points and I understand what you are saying but think for a second about this: If we were Sumerians around 5000 BC, do you think we would have this same conversation?

What I mean is that although is important that we research about current beliefs/faiths, it is more important that we research about our history as deepest and broadest possible. Only that way we could understand a little better why we have what we have.

I am not implying in any way that you are not learning other things, you probably are. I just wanted to state this so that others could benefits of seeing things broadly.
Back then 1 Christ was equal to a couple thousand years of sinning. In today's economy one Christ wouldn't even pay for a good 'God damn'. God knows that sins accumulate fast so He's saturated the market with some different religions to help bring the cost down. Sinners are expecting a major announcement from God any day now as to how He intends to foreclose on an ever increasing sin debt. A proposed Sintax is expected. The only other options are to start at zero by forgiving a boatload of bad debt or just declare moral bankruptcy and start over.
Pi-Sudoku said:
If so how come a country like the USA which is largeley christian still has the death penalty,
Most of the Xians in this country (U.S.) don't see this as a contradiction at all.
The state is imposing the death penality, not a single person. But I confess that I seem to see a lot of contradictions among the believers.
Is he implying that he took punishment for us for sins to be commited, sort of like a sin credit?

He was a human sacrifice. He was trying to set your ass free, I believe.

But I confess that I seem to see a lot of contradictions among the believers.

There are plenty of contradictions to go around.
there's no proof a jesus person ever lived, if you want answers to a fictional book, then you need your head examined.
however some "people?" will tell you this fictional person did this and did that, it's up to you to be more discerning.
snake river rufus said:
Actually the Romans kept pretty good records. I'll accept the Jesus did live and was crucified. And that is all.
can you show me these records, I would be very interested in seeing them.
After a bit of looking on-line I can only find skeptic sites dening historical evidence of Jesus and Xian sites using the flimiest evidence to show Jesus' existance. On reflection, as one site noted, "if there were written roman records the xians would be forever bringing that up." I'm sure that I did read that the romans kept those records, but don't recall the title of that book( It has been many years), but now find myself doubting it's accuracy. Claim withdrawn.
I believe I once read something about there being several candidates for the post of jesus because the Romans crucified a lot of people where ever they went . Executing some mad jew with delusions of granduer was probably not worth recording. Jesus didn't make it big until way after he croaked.
Pilate was real there's no doubt about that. Roman records may not detail mundane crucifixions but they were sure keen on promoting the games. Pilate is mentioned as a regular sponser.
Sure there's more info out there.


Who was it suggested "Proof denies faith"?

Dee Cee
i died for my sins...

the universal self died for your sins. he suffers an eternal crucifixion between time and space.
snake river rufus said:
Actually the Romans kept pretty good records. I'll accept the Jesus did live and was crucified. And that is all.
M*W: When you say "Roman" records, exactly what do you mean? Do you mean the official records of the Roman Empire or do you mean the little forged blurb by Flavius Josephus? This and any other minor mention of a Jesus is not considered "official Roman records" due to tantamount forgeries of the materials.

If you are referring to the New Testament, this is also not an "official Roman record," although current theory on this is that the entire NT was concocted by the Roman Emperors. But, again, this is thought to have been done for the Emperor to find a cheaper way to control the masses, so, again, it is not an "official Roman record" but a ruse.

Please explain your source and what you mean by "official Roman records."
snake river rufus said:
After a bit of looking on-line I can only find skeptic sites dening historical evidence of Jesus and Xian sites using the flimiest evidence to show Jesus' existance. On reflection, as one site noted, "if there were written roman records the xians would be forever bringing that up." I'm sure that I did read that the romans kept those records, but don't recall the title of that book( It has been many years), but now find myself doubting it's accuracy. Claim withdrawn.
M*W: Thank you, rufus, you're an honest man!
Am I the only one that sees the problem with jesus, (supposedly god), dying?

If jesus is god, and god is jesus, and they're one and the same, then nobody can say he died unless they are then willing to state that god can die, and was.. for three days.. non-existant.
Pi-Sudoku said:
Is he implying that he took punishment for us for sins to be commited, sort of like a sin credit?

If so how come a country like the USA which is largeley christian still has the death penalty, or if it means we are all going to heaven why the hell do we go to church and pray and confess our sins?

Basically i think that if jesus was the son of god he is a dumb ass to die like that.

Sureley if he was immortal he could spread the word of god better

What came first the Chicken or the Egg? :D
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: When you say "Roman" records, exactly what do you mean? Do you mean the official records of the Roman Empire or do you mean the little forged blurb by Flavius Josephus? This and any other minor mention of a Jesus is not considered "official Roman records" due to tantamount forgeries of the materials.

If you are referring to the New Testament, this is also not an "official Roman record," although current theory on this is that the entire NT was concocted by the Roman Emperors. But, again, this is thought to have been done for the Emperor to find a cheaper way to control the masses, so, again, it is not an "official Roman record" but a ruse.

Please explain your source and what you mean by "official Roman records."

Josephus did, apparently, write a fair biographical sketch of John the Baptist. As far as I know, it is considered by the majority to be authentic. That lends credence at least to the existence of a major personality in the story of Jesus.