How come there are barely any theist vs. theist discussions here?

Are you sure?

Yes, I am. For a theist, wouldn't trying to convince another theist about your god's superiority easier (after all the other theist already signed up for the existence of gods) than do the same with athesist???

nevermind, rhetorical question....
What are you talking about? S.A.M. tells me my people are running the world and killing millions of people after nearly every post. She's also a theist.

Here's the theist/atheist line topics OF religion.

Jews generally don't argue with Christians.
Christians generally don't argue with Jews.
Muslims argue with Jews.
Jews attempt to avoid Muslims.
Christians tend to go half and half on arguing with Muslims.
Muslims 2/3 argue with Christians.
Jews don't argue with Atheists.
Christians sometimes argue with Atheists.
Muslims nearly always argue with Atheists.
1/2 atheists argue with everybody.
The other half generally doesn't care.

Results will vary.
What are you talking about? S.A.M. tells me my people are running the world and killing millions of people after nearly every post. She's also a theist.

Here's the theist/atheist line topics OF religion.

Jews generally don't argue with Christians.
Christians generally don't argue with Jews.
Muslims argue with Jews.
Jews attempt to avoid Muslims.
Christians tend to go half and half on arguing with Muslims.
Muslims 2/3 argue with Christians.
Jews don't argue with Atheists.
Christians sometimes argue with Atheists.
Muslims nearly always argue with Atheists.
1/2 atheists argue with everybody.
The other half generally doesn't care.

Results will vary.
should read:

Jews generally don't argue with Christians.
Christians generally don't argue with Jews.
Muslims argue with Jews.
Jews attempt to avoid Muslims.
Christians tend to go half and half on arguing with Muslims.
Muslims 2/3 argue with Christians.

Jews don't argue with Atheists, this is because Jews, know when their flogging a dead horse.
Christians always whinge and argue with Atheists.
Muslims always try to convince theirs is the one and only religion, thus don't listen to any replies.
Half of the Atheists debate with theists.
The other half generally don't wish to be burdened with the irrationality of the theist.
Because Atheists don't argue, they debate.
Yes, I am. For a theist, wouldn't trying to convince another theist about your god's superiority easier (after all the other theist already signed up for the existence of gods) than do the same with athesist???

nevermind, rhetorical question....

Actually atheists are mostly irrelevant in a theistic discussion. Its like discussing stamp collecting with someone who does not collect stamps. Stamp collectors don't argue with each other, they just have differences in opinion about their stamps. The irony is non-stamp collectors getting into a stamp collectors domain and arguing against stamp collecting. :shrug:
Actually atheists are mostly irrelevant in a theistic discussion. Its like discussing stamp collecting with someone who does not collect stamps. Stamp collectors don't argue with each other, they just have differences in opinion about their stamps. The irony is non-stamp collectors getting into a stamp collectors domain and arguing against stamp collecting. :shrug:
M*W: Then why do you come to SciForums Religion sub-forum, S.A.M., if not to promote your religion and holy book and condemn those who are not Muslim? You shame your people.
Actually atheists are mostly irrelevant in a theistic discussion. Its like discussing stamp collecting with someone who does not collect stamps. Stamp collectors don't argue with each other, they just have differences in opinion about their stamps. The irony is non-stamp collectors getting into a stamp collectors domain and arguing against stamp collecting. :shrug:

Please. We are talking about people who declare that large portions of the population will be doomed in hell for all eternity, and about the possibility that this might actually happen. This is not as harmless as collecting stamps. :bugeye:

What do you think? That people should just ease into the prospect of being burnt alive for all eternity? Or that they should think "Oh, it's all just views, not the truth or reality itself"?
How come there are barely any theist vs. theist discussions here?

Each theist or groups of theists presumes they have the right understanding of God - how come they don't take on other theists who think differently?

It is almost as if the theist vs. theist confrontations are avoided.

There are!! Just in the real world (rather than on sciforums)

You see theists are rarely capable of discussions with other groups, as they all think their religion is the only true religion.

So you know how they resolve their differences instead?
It's a science forum - right in the title. A debate between different kinds of theist about their deities would have an air of high lunacy about it, in this context.

Unless it was anthropological some way. I would be curious about the insider explanation for the differences in rates and kinds of different psychiatric disorders and related behaviors among different theisms, for example.
Actually atheists are mostly irrelevant in a theistic discussion. Its like discussing stamp collecting with someone who does not collect stamps. Stamp collectors don't argue with each other, they just have differences in opinion about their stamps. The irony is non-stamp collectors getting into a stamp collectors domain and arguing against stamp collecting. :shrug:

Its like discussing stamp collecting except people are killing each other over their stamp collections and get this - the stamps aren't even REAL!!!
They only exist in the imaginations of their collectors!!

What are you talking about? S.A.M. tells me my people are running the world and killing millions of people after nearly every post. She's also a theist.

Here's the theist/atheist line topics OF religion.

Jews generally don't argue with Christians.
Christians generally don't argue with Jews.
Muslims argue with Jews.
Jews attempt to avoid Muslims.
Christians tend to go half and half on arguing with Muslims.
Muslims 2/3 argue with Christians.
Jews don't argue with Atheists.
Christians sometimes argue with Atheists.
Muslims nearly always argue with Atheists.
1/2 atheists argue with everybody.
The other half generally doesn't care.

Results will vary.

"Jews attempt to avoid Muslims." ???

Which is why so many more Palestinian civilians are killed every year than Israeli civilians?


But I guess that's only the recent past, it should improve now there's a fucking big wall up there right?

Besides, why risk dealing with the threat Iraq posed, or Iran poses, with the lives of people from your own religion?

When you can be a "neo-conservative" and fool your administration's morally and intellectually deficient president and his greedy oil and military friends into lying about non-existent weapons of mass destruction for you, so they fool a careless congress and a fearful public into bankrupting the economy on an illegal war. Get the American's and the Allies and their soldiers to do your dirty work!
Why "deal with" Iran's nuclear program/threat yourself, when you can get the U.S. to do it, right? To do your dirty work for you?
Some of them are starting to realise....

And you wonder why there's criticism? You can blame anyone you choose, and label it with any term you want, but I'm afraid that will only make things worse.
There are!! Just in the real world (rather than on sciforums)

You see theists are rarely capable of discussions with other groups, as they all think their religion is the only true religion.

So you know how they resolve their differences instead?

Thats actually what atheists do, when was the last time you saw an atheist holding a meeting on religious understanding and co-operation. But ask them to mock theists, demean them, wipe out religion from society, make stupid stands on religious holidays, pay for the upkeep of a church in the locality they live and they come out like locusts.