How come there are barely any theist vs. theist discussions here?

I think that as soon as theists start talking to each other, they almost always find that their ideas of what god is, or what god does, are different from each other.

To atheists, some theists will claim that all religions really worship the same god, but this is quickly revealed as a lie as soon as theists of different religions start discussing their conceptions of god with each other.

The bloodiest wars are religious wars, fought on the basis of "my god is bigger than your god".
youre exactly RIGHT!!!
IF they all believed in ONE god,why all the fighting?
Awww, that's very sweet, (Q)! Are you upset because you wanted to be my friend?

Yes, I really did, Kadark. We could have gone bowling or something.

Unfortunately, the doctrines of your religion are intolerant towards me and that would be forbidden. Not the bowling part, of course.

There is only one God, and all monotheistic religions following Abraham worship Him alone. To say there is a "Jewish God", "Old Testament God", or "Islamic God" is silly.

Shouldn't there then be only one set of beliefs and not three if there is in fact only one god and you all worship him?
I think it would be easier to leave behind the whole problem of Jesus being the only path to salvation, once those ever so "moral" and "good" theists would get into a fist fight with spitting and cursing - and thus showing that they aren't really worth putting one's faith into - even though at other times, they more or less directly demand just that.

In psychology, the standard way to resolve a double bind is to put the whole thing into perspective, look at the context in which it appears, and then address the context.
What better context to dismiss elitist religious claims (that are often double binds) than to get a bunch of those religionists fighting over their tenets like old broads? And besides, in such a fight, they would have to show what they are really made of, and how far they are willing to stay true to their professed religion.
Ah, like that. OK, I can see how that might be useful for the undecided.
But we can see that on the news, though perhaps not with the exact religious groups you want. A history course in Christianity in Europe, with a focus on letters and statement and things like the Inquisition, Holy Wars and so on should do the trick.
Kadark, I noticed you use the singular version for God. I as a Hindi believe in gods and no salvation is playing role in the reincarnation cycle.

So I would say mine and your religions are quite DIFFERENT and of course mine is the true one. :)

So in the future would you mind cutting that bullcrap of " all religion are the same eventually"? THANKS!!

Wtf are you talking about? What is a Hindi [besides the national language of India?]
And now a thread about theists is degenerating into theist vs. atheists. The atheists, as usual, simply lacking a belief in God.
Ah, like that. OK, I can see how that might be useful for the undecided.
But we can see that on the news, though perhaps not with the exact religious groups you want. A history course in Christianity in Europe, with a focus on letters and statement and things like the Inquisition, Holy Wars and so on should do the trick.

But reading about the old things is not the same. I live now, and I am faced with proselytizers and offerers of all sorts of teachings now. You will have noticed how the contemporary religionists tend to distance themselves from the actions of their forefathers.

Additionally, there are some specific people, living, whom I would like to see what they are really made of.
Wtf are you talking about? What is a Hindi [/url]

Hindi is the Mormon version of Hindu, I thought that was obvious... ;) (yes, it was a typo, you moron)

Now if that was your best argument, congratulations!

I noticed Kadark, The Ignorant, didn't dare to acknowledge that there are about 2-3 billion theists who are not Muslim, not Christian and not Jewish, thus they must be worhipping some kind of different gods, but hey you tell me!

P.S.: Why theists can't construct a logical argument?
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Hey, for the sake of argument, I am Scientologist! Are my alien-gods the same as Kadark's???
Christians can believe, if they want to, that Jesus is the only path to salvation. As a Muslim, I will stick to my beliefs that Jesus was a great prophet of God, but nothing more. There is certainly some common ground here, which is all that matters to me.
It certainly wasnt ALL that mattered to Mohammad.
Hindi is the Mormon version of Hindu, I thought that was obvious... ;) (yes, it was a typo, you moron)

Now if that was your best argument, congratulations!

I noticed Kadark, The Ignorant, didn't dare to acknowledge that there are about 2-3 billion theists who are not Muslim, not Christian and not Jewish, thus they must be worhipping some kind of different gods, but hey you tell me!

P.S.: Why theists can't construct a logical argument?

Are you sure?

Muhammad is mentioned by name in the Hindu scriptures in several aspects. Muhammad appears with the names Amad and Mahāmad.[182] Thus, Muhammad is mentioned, as Mahāmad (the ultimate Amad), in III.3.3.5-27 of the Bhavishya Purana text. The passage is aware of Muhammad's Arabian origin, and portrays him as an epithet of Brahma. It states that Muhammad will redevelop religion for the Arya Dharma people, and will destroy the worship of idols. It then refers to the other religions as Malechhas (non-Aryan) who have brought a powerful enemy Tripurāsura whom Mahamad has brought a great blessing to kill. It then explains the Malechhas religion as dharmadūṣaka ("polluter of righteousness"), a preceptor of paiśācadharma ("ghoulish religion"), that spoils the land of the Arabs.[183][184][185]

In a variety of views of Hinduism held on Muhammad, scholars assert that the prophet was none else than the Narashan rishi of the Vedas[186] One of the prominent Vaishnava proponents, A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada maintained that Mohammad and Jesus, were empowered representatives of God, saktiavesa avataras.[187] Some translate the phrase "the last prophet", suggesting that Vedic deity Agni is none other but Muhammad.[188] In 1926 Siddiq Hussain's two-volume Kannada book, Ja at Guru Sarwar-i 'Alam, argued that the Muhammad was actually Kalki Avatar whose arrival had been predicted in the Hindu scriptures.[189] On the other hand Mirza Ghulani Ahmad argued that Rama and Krishna were prophets of God who had foretold the arrival of Muhammad as God's last law-bearing prophet.[190]

Muhammad is also linked to the passage of the Rig Veda declaring that Narashan rishi will arrive as the "last divine messenger" (antim deva duta), who shall "dispel all darkness" and "conquer death".[191] Bahá'ís venerate Muhammad as one of a number of prophets or "Manifestations of God", but consider his teachings to have been superseded by those of Bahá'u'lláh.[192] The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints considers Muhammad, along with Confucius, the Reformers, as well as philosophers including Socrates, Plato, and others, to have received a portion of God's light and that moral truths were given to them to enlighten nations and bring a higher level of understanding to individuals.[193] Guru Nanak, the founder of Sikhism, viewed Muhammad as an agent of the Hindu supreme being Brahman.[194]
But reading about the old things is not the same. I live now, and I am faced with proselytizers and offerers of all sorts of teachings now. You will have noticed how the contemporary religionists tend to distance themselves from the actions of their forefathers.

Additionally, there are some specific people, living, whom I would like to see what they are really made of.
I have a suggestion. Start a thread with a specific topic that theists can weigh in on. Make the title clearly addressed to theists and if I can or it seems interesting I will join the discussion and we can see if theists can discuss amongst ourselves. You can prod us along at times and attempt to highlight differences.
I think that as soon as theists start talking to each other, they almost always find that their ideas of what god is, or what god does, are different from each other.

To atheists, some theists will claim that all religions really worship the same god, but this is quickly revealed as a lie as soon as theists of different religions start discussing their conceptions of god with each other.

There are radio and talk back shows dedicated to inter-religious dialogue, there are various conferences on both an international and national level dedicated to inter-religious dialogue, you can even do a PhD in the field of inter-religious dialogue .... yet sci is so close to the real truth of the situation ... :rolleyes:
There are radio and talk back shows dedicated to inter-religious dialogue, there are various conferences on both an international and national level dedicated to inter-religious dialogue

But what gets accomplished? They sit together in the same room, and then for the sake of convenience and so that they could sit in the same room for a bit longer, they misrepresent their position and the positions of others, or focus on "what they have in common" - however small and irrelevant those common items might be to each religion. For example, both Christianity (even of the fire and brimstone kind) as well as Buddhism have in common that they both teach compassion. But the role compassion plays in Buddhism is a lot different than the role compassion plays in Christianity.

What those "interreligious dialogues" really accomplish is that they physically postpone an armed confrontation.
From what I've seen, "interreligious dialogue" just make those who pursue it more morally relativistic, more liberal, more shallow, less reliable, and out comes some kind of Spiritual Universalism.
I have a suggestion. Start a thread with a specific topic that theists can weigh in on. Make the title clearly addressed to theists and if I can or it seems interesting I will join the discussion and we can see if theists can discuss amongst ourselves. You can prod us along at times and attempt to highlight differences.

Will do.
If anyone wants to witness theists discussing theism wouldn't it be best to go to a multi-faith seminar or such? There are some out there. Probably on the internet too.....somewhere.
Hey, for the sake of argument, I am Scientologist! Are my alien-gods the same as Kadark's???

Dunno, how many virgins do you get when you die?

Has your god ever killed nearly everyone on the planet 'cos they pissed him off?

Has your god ever levelled a city or two, just 'cos the occupants pissed him off?

Does your god just kill people, for pissing him off?

Has your god ever sent bears to kill some kids for taunting a bald man, ie, killed someone for pissing a bald man off?

I never heard these things about Klaatu, sorry, Xenu.