How come theists take offense so readily, and how to avoid offending them?


Valued Senior Member
How come theists take offense so readily?
(Or at least they seem to.)

Whatever one might think, say or do, sure enough, there will be a theist who will be offended by that.

I am not talking about kicking them, spitting on them or calling them names. It is enough that one isn't a member of their religion, or doesn't express direct agreement and approval of everything they say, or doesn't act on some unsolicited advice that the theist has given.

Given that in many religions, to offend a member is said to result in serious repercussions for the offender, and given that many theists take offense so readily - then what can one do?
How can one avoid offending a theist?
How come theists take offense so readily?
(Or at least they seem to.)
Whatever one might think, say or do, sure enough, there will be a theist who will be offended by that.
I am not talking about kicking them, spitting on them or calling them names. It is enough that one isn't a member of their religion, or doesn't express direct agreement and approval of everything they say, or doesn't act on some unsolicited advice that the theist has given.
Given that in many religions, to offend a member is said to result in serious repercussions for the offender, and given that many theists take offense so readily - then what can one do?
How can one avoid offending a theist?
I am not a theist but an on-fire-for-Jesus Born-Again Christian. Nothing offends me. Getting offended is against God's Word. It does irritate me when ignorant people pretend to know anything about God/Jesus Christ. It's like nails on a chalkboard when I hear someone say something stupid about them.
The religion that threatens/hurts/kills non-believers the most right now is Islam. Muslims have committed almost 15,500 deadly terrorist attacks SINCE 911. More than 15 THOUSAND!!! :(
The best thing you can do is stay focused on Jesus. Then, no weapon formed against you can prosper.
Muslims have committed almost 15,500 deadly terrorist attacks SINCE 911. More than 15 THOUSAND!!! :(

Really? I haven't heard about this before. Is there a link to this information, please?
I am not a theist but an on-fire-for-Jesus Born-Again Christian.
M*W: You are a theist of the worst kind. You say you are an "on-fire-for-Jesus-Born-Again-C hristian." Then you are obviously not in a state of reality. That's exactly what the Muslims say, that they are "on fire for Allah Muslims!" How dare you say your religion is better than theirs!

In the bible alone, your god was responsible for 1,283,000 mass killings

Outside the bible there were:

80 million Muslim martyrs

70 million Christian martyrs

You do the math or refer to:
Really? I haven't heard about this before. Is there a link to this information, please?

Muslims have committed at least 15,456 deadly terrorist attacks since 911.

2010.06.12 (Khyber, Pakistan)--2 tribesmen are kidnapped and murdered by Islamic fundamentalists.
2010.06.12 (Yala, Thailand) --A Buddhist man, age 34, dies from injuries suffered when Islamic separatists throw a bomb into a tea shop.
2010.06.12 (Yala, Thailand)--4 civilians are gunned down in separate attacks by Muslim radicals.
2010.06.12 (Derbent, Dagestan) - Islamic snipers take down 2 local police...
because most religions exalt their followers as privileged and anything that says or implies they aren't drives them wild.

Muslims have committed at least 15,456 deadly terrorist attacks since 911.

2010.06.12 (Khyber, Pakistan)--2 tribesmen are kidnapped and murdered by Islamic fundamentalists.
2010.06.12 (Yala, Thailand) --A Buddhist man, age 34, dies from injuries suffered when Islamic separatists throw a bomb into a tea shop.
2010.06.12 (Yala, Thailand)--4 civilians are gunned down in separate attacks by Muslim radicals.
2010.06.12 (Derbent, Dagestan) - Islamic snipers take down 2 local police...

wow an anti muslim hate site that's so credible and reliable.
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Given that in many religions, to offend a member is said to result in serious repercussions for the offender, and given that many theists take offense so readily - then what can one do?
How can one avoid offending a theist?

Funny that, isn't it.

Of course, we are to just sit back and take the very offensive beliefs that theists ram down our throats and give them respect. Believers are free to tell you that you'll burn in hellfire in writhing agony for an eternity, and then tell you just how much they love, obey and worship the being that will send you to this fiery inferno. They will tell you that you're pure evil.

Why would anyone be concerned about offending a theist? Their beliefs automatically make them highly offensive.
Funny that, isn't it.

Of course, we are to just sit back and take the very offensive beliefs that theists ram down our throats and give them respect. Believers are free to tell you that you'll burn in hellfire in writhing agony for an eternity, and then tell you just how much they love, obey and worship the being that will send you to this fiery inferno. They will tell you that you're pure evil.

Why would anyone be concerned about offending a theist? Their beliefs automatically make them highly offensive.

well then perhaps there should be a thread questioning why atheists are so easily offended.
Because your beliefs are extremely offensive. Simple, really.

don't be so sensitive. what do you care anyway?

and how is it that believing in the annihilation of sin and suffering is offensive? is it because you enjoy sin and suffering?
don't be so sensitive. what do you care anyway?

Sure, why should I care that your beliefs will be the destruction of humanity if allowed to run amok?

and how is it that believing in the annihilation of sin and suffering is offensive? is it because you enjoy sin and suffering?

Sin is another religious belief that supplants common morals and decency for the right to kill others for not sharing those beliefs.

Suffering is something Christians aren't aware of as they gleefully thank their gods for their abundance while tens of thousands of children starve to death every day, praying for some of the bounty good Christians like Lori receives from her gods.
Sure, why should I care that your beliefs will be the destruction of humanity if allowed to run amok?

Sin is another religious belief that supplants common morals and decency for the right to kill others for not sharing those beliefs.

Suffering is something Christians aren't aware of as they gleefully thank their gods for their abundance while tens of thousands of children starve to death every day, praying for some of the bounty good Christians like Lori receives from her gods.

sin is not a belief and it has nothing to do with morals. you know Q, if you're going to argue something, you might want to research what you're arguing.

sin is a genetic defect that resides in all of us.

and what you're saying about me is a lie, otherwise i wouldn't make it a priority to help those in need, and i wouldn't be planning to become a foster parent.
It's easy to avoid offending theists, just don't say anything that challenges their beliefs, and if you do, shrug it off and say, "well, no one knows for sure, scientists can be wrong...".
sin is not a belief and it has nothing to do with morals.

Yes, I know they have nothing to do with morals as Christians have no morals, they believe in sin.

you know Q, if you're going to argue something, you might want to research what you're arguing.

sin is a genetic defect that resides in all of us.

Lying for Jesus, based on the research, of course.

and what you're saying about me is a lie

Like sin being a genetic defect? Hilarious! You always cease to amaze me, Lori. LOL.
Yes, I know they have nothing to do with morals as Christians have no morals, they believe in sin.

Lying for Jesus, based on the research, of course.

Like sin being a genetic defect? Hilarious! You always cease to amaze me, Lori. LOL.

well ok mr. science-minded...if it's described as something that everyone is born into, and it resides in the flesh, then what is it?
well ok mr. science-minded...if it's described as something that everyone is born into, and it resides in the flesh, then what is it?

It's just another insane religious belief, of course. It has nothing to do with science or reality.
It's just another insane religious belief, of course. It has nothing to do with science or reality.

wrong. people aren't born with insane religious beliefs encoded into their flesh.