How civil is Islam??


Registered Senior Member
How civil is Islam??

Where is the justice in the feudalism of nearly the entire Islamic world?

Where is the justice and virtue in a religion that allows paedophilia in imitation of its founding prophet, polygamy and the oppression of women, and even slavery?

Why are there three times as many armed conflicts in the world involving Islam today, as there are all of the other religious people groups in the world put together?

Where does tolerance exist in the Moslem world? The answer, of course, is that it doesn’t exist!

Furthermore, political correctness has indeed gone mad and reason is a casualty of a misguided sense of what brotherhood and equality actually are. Now we are expected to further ignore the absolute and incontrovertible fact that in their own dirty and backward countries, Moslems uniformly deny to others the same rights and privileges they aggressively demand from Great Britain, the USA and other civilized nations.

Rape is a common crime in England with a conviction rate of below 10% and sentences as low as 180 hours community service !! HOW CVILIZED THE ENGLISH ARE ?

1 in 4 English women suffer rape or attempted rape, The most common rapists are current and ex-husbands or partners , 1 in 7 married women said they had been forced to have sex compared to 1 in 3 divorced or separated women , 91% of women told no one !! LOOK HOW CIVIL ENGLAND IS !!
Originally posted by Vienna

You are obsessed with rape, is there a reason for this?

Where is the justice and virtue in a religion that allows paedophilia in imitation of its founding prophet, polygamy and the oppression of women, and even slavery?

So you dont have any answer about how civil your society is ? huh ????

But dont worry, if you cant answer the above statistics about rape in your sick country, here is other shameful statistics which show how civil you animals have become:



Sharp rise in violent crime in the 'CIVILIZED' U.K.

Home Office figures released on Tuesday showed that incidents of violent crime rose by 8% and robbery by 21% between October 1999 and September 2000.
I have no time to answer pathetic questions everyone knows it is based on lies and hate.......why you dont answer my FACTS about the face of civilization in your shite country ???

5.2 million offences were recorded in the UK in 12 months to March 2001.Violent crime accounted for 14% of all recorded crime...


Originally posted by Vienna
How civil is Islam??
Stop judging things you have no knowledge of . If peace is not civilized then what is ?
Where is the justice in the feudalism of nearly the entire Islamic world?
Why do you impose your barbaric system upon Islam ? Where is there any feudalism in Islam ?
Where is the justice and virtue in a religion that allows paedophilia in imitation of its founding prophet
Dont spread lies .
oppression of women
More pathetic lies of ignorance .
Are you jealous ?
Whats wrong with slavery ? For instance , you should have been a slave . Surely you would have been more usefull that way .
Why are there three times as many armed conflicts in the world involving Islam today, as there are all of the other religious people groups in the world put together?
Sociology , history & politic are strange phenomena's in your unerstanding I see .
Where does tolerance exist in the Moslem world? The answer, of course, is that it doesn’t exist!
If there would have been no tolerance all Arabs today would have been Muslims , and no religions existing before Muhammad would exist . You know , something like how it went down in Europe .
Now we are expected to further ignore the absolute and incontrovertible fact that in their own dirty and backward countries, Moslems uniformly deny to others the same rights and privileges they aggressively demand from Great Britain, the USA and other civilized nations.
Plundering , raping , robbing , murdering is what you call civilization . Insulting our civilization as dirty and backward only reflects your pathetic ignorance . You have never been anywhere in your life have you ? Why don't you get out of that cottage of yours and get yourself some education ? Or better yet , why dont you just kill yourself ?
How do religion and AK-47s go together?...
Stop asking things when you are not seeking an answer . You are here only to insult Muslims with your pathetic whining . AK-47 is there for idiots like you who come in and ask dumb questions such as these .
Re: Re: Re: How civil is Islam??

Originally posted by spuriousmonkey

how civil.

I actually find Ghassan very civil...It's a matter of opinion, and civility is in the eyes of the beholder, unless you can offer us a more deterministic definition of the word civil that we can ALL agree about. Good luck chasing the goose Monkey. Goose soup is very delecious monkey, a good change from the all banana diet of yours.
Just leave man , go home

Originally posted by Caveman
Either you're a moslem

Your civilization application failed once more when you present fallacies (look it up because I am not doing it for you) and spell incorrectly for pupose of insult .
Ghassan has made no attempt to answer any of my questions. He has brushed them aside using words like "lies" and suggesting that I should be killed.

His silence speaks volumes.
First of all I did not say you should be killed as in implying another should do it , but yourself , as such sentence would suggest . But as you mention it I would have no problem with it whatsoever . I do recall you to remember that I found slavery more fit to your abilities , but as an alternative to today , I do not object to your sudden decease.

Now my silence speaks volumes as you say :

Only to those who know what I have written here on these forums regarding the questions that you have . Everything is available to look up , use google if you are to stupid to discover the search option .

Civilization of a man does not reflect in asking questions of which the rhetorical purpose and logical validity have been ripped apart for innumerous times .

You will not receive information from me because you do wish to be informed for the purpose of wisdom but for the purpose of having more material to incite your pathetic hate with .

Why should I inform you ? Have I been degraged to teacher of the handicapped ? Are you going to pay me for it ? Why on earth should I have a desire to upgrade your knowledge ? I do not even desire you to know what you already know , you can't civilize the devil . So I suggest you go back from where you came and because the caves are calling you . Run forrest , RUN !
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: How civil is Islam??

Originally posted by Vienna
your idea of "civil" is very warped. If civility is in the eyes of the beholder then you are blind.

How would you know about warped? The blind double knots in your head needs your full attention, they are not allowing you to exit for a second and view other's opinions in an objective light. We are sick and tired of your subjectivity.

Originally posted by Vienna
Ghassan has made no attempt to answer any of my questions.

By my standards, your questions are useless and garbage. You are poking fun and insulting, and by the way Ghassan is under as much obligation to answer you as much as he is under obligation to answer to a rabid dog bark in the street. Niether I nor Ghassan speak bark bark, so you might as well bark somewhere else.

Originally posted by Vienna
He has brushed them aside using words like "lies" and suggesting that I should be killed.
His silence speaks volumes.

Silence sometimes is the best way to handle the likes of you. Beside Afuerra Perro, I have nothing else to tell you.

Okie dokie, little perro Vienna....Be nice and you might get a treat, that's the westerner civilized way of rewarding a pet.
pspspspsps.......Afuerra Perro Vienna.

Here's a little bone to get you out of here....Join the skinheads efforts and harrass the little somali girl in the store. Is yourself worth so lacking that you have no ideas of your own....Do you go about picking on other people for a living? Try to get a life instead, that will take away the need to prey on others.
Nobody is answering your ignorant questions since the premisses that conclude your questions are incorrect and nobody cares to inform you of it .

Seek help , euthenasia is legal in some european countries .
Originally posted by Vienna
How civil is Islam??
Where is the justice in the feudalism of nearly the entire Islamic world?
Where does tolerance exist in the Moslem world? The answer, of course, is that it doesn’t exist!

So you assumed that we would perfunctorily infer your source?

Good thinking, 'cause you were right on target!

Your source was the official. . .

B ashing of
I slam with
A ssumptions
S ociety

Happy trails, hoodlum!
Originally posted by Vienna
....because you can't answer the questions.. Fair enough.
I have answered many times such questions as have others you could look it up if you would not be to stoopid to coprehend your possibilities or actually would care for information . Do you really believe that anyone feels like feeding you monkey with information so you can twist and make new hate propaganda from it ?
Why???.....shouldn't that read "I'm too ashamed to attempt to answer"
Shame is your psychology not mine , I can not feel shame for something I consider less than equal . Im sorry I just do not feel information is at its place with you .
What you do in your own time has nothing to do with me.
All time is my own time.
Originally posted by Vienna
Q1. Where is the justice and virtue in a religion that allows paedophilia in imitation of its founding prophet, polygamy and the oppression of women, and even slavery?

Prior to Islam1500 years ago, slavery used to be a common theme much like US and England only 200 years ago. As you realize, slavery, which is a big problem couldn't be eradicated overnight, afterall, US had a civil war over it and that didn't even settle the matters. The Quran only of freeing slaves and never of acquiring new ones. The Quran encouraged that a man marry a slave women and thus by default free her than use her like a conobine. Islam took progressive steps to abolish slavery, and guess what. Slavery was unheard of in the Islamic world by the beginning of the first millinium, while Europe was spreading and actively creating a problem of immense magnitudes as they robbed free proud Africans to service their asses.

Opression of women is never prescribed in Islam. I defy you to give me ONE verse in the Quran that promotes opressing women, so you are embelishing by even bringing that topic.

Polygemy is not something that is prescribed for all, It's also not encouraged or even liked, but only allowed under very strict cases and when there is fear of not doing orphans justice. In many Islamic countries, Polygamy is illigal, check Turkish laws of instance. In all other Islamic countries, polygamy requires the approval of the existing wife, something that never happens.

Marrying young girls is not encouraged or prescribed in Islam, although, I would say, it's people's business to marry whom they wish. Prophet Muhammed first wife for 25 years was 15 years his senior, so if muslims are really looking to be like their prophets, they should be looking to marry their senior women by 15 years. That doesn't happen, you know why, because people are not immitating the prophet, they're just satisfying their personal agendas and it has nothing to do with religion or the Prophet.
Originally posted by Vienna
Islam admits that Mohammed was a paedophile who married a 6 year old girl Aisha, and took her virginity when she was the age of 9.

Is this written in the Quran?
Originally posted by Redoubtable
Is this written in the Quran?
Nothing what he says of Aisha or anything else he cries about is written in the Qu'ran .


If you would desire any respectable discussion you would have used the search-option and figured out exactly what can be considered credible questioning from your part .

You have not all you do is squeel and parroting . Don't tell me you actually know any Arabic with your sad use of Arabic words .

Was it fun copy pasting ?

Vienna : For an ardent Muslim man an unveiled woman is no different from a naked woman. According to Islam the appearance of unveiled women in public is an attack on the very pillars of the morality of the Muslim community. The necessity for women to veil themselves from strangers is explicit in Quran (Sura 24, verse 31) Hijab symbolizes women’s inferior position in Islam and their sexual segregation.

Holy shit :

For an ardent Muslim man an unveiled woman is no different from a naked woman. According to Islam the appearance of unveiled women in public is an attack on the very pillars of the morality of the Muslim community. The necessity for women to veil themselves from strangers is explicit in Quran (Sura 24, verse 31) Hijab symbolizes women’s inferior position in Islam and their sexual segregation.

Bye now yes ? Remove yourself from here you pathetic fraud .

RAUS !!!!!! :D
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The only information on 'poor' Aisha seems to come from the Hadiths. Are they considered pure and unchanged, as the Quran is?