How certain is your opinion on God's existence?

How certain are you regarding the existence of God?

  • 99.9% sure God exists

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 99% sure God exists

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 90% sure God exists

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 80% sure God exists

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 75% sure God exists

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 66% sure God exists

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 66% sure God does not exist

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 75% sure God does not exist

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 80% sure God does not exist

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
No 99.999% choice? :p

Personally, I think it's silly to put an exact percentage on the probability for the existence of God. You can really only give a subjective answer.

Anyways, when it comes to a Theist personal God I can pretty much say I know it doesn't and cannot exist. Similarly to when I'm talking about fairy tale characters I can say I know they don't exist without any derogatory conviction. The only thing keeping me saying this is the worry that I will be convicted of bias and receive the infamous militant atheist title. Deism is a slightly different story, however. The Deists version of God is a more realistic one, more feasible so to speak. I wouldn't be tempted to say anything other than that I feel that the Deists version of God is highly improbable.


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I'd like to change my vote from 99.99% to 110.00%. God just spoke to me and told me emphatically, and I quote, that he does "not fucking exist!".

I only went the extra 10% because he sounded so goddamned certain of it.
So superluminal, you KNOW for a FACT that there is no higher intelligence?

We might as well shut down SETI
So superluminal, you KNOW for a FACT that there is no higher intelligence?

We might as well shut down SETI



I'd like to change my vote from 99.99% to 110.00%. God just spoke to me and told me emphatically, and I quote, that he does "not fucking exist!".

I only went the extra 10% because he sounded so goddamned certain of it.
Ok so you 99.99% think there isn't any other intelligent life in the universe?

The numbers are incredibly against that IMO
So what seperates a god from simply a higher intelligence?
Most theists do not concieve of their god as just some advanced lifeform - an alien.

God is always portrayed as some entity that is beyond natural, can defy any possible natural physics and guarantees some form of eternal afterlife for your "soul" (which has similar attributes?).
Most theists do not concieve of their god as just some advanced lifeform - an alien.
The Christian God is going to be an alien. Anything different than what we know is alien.

God is always portrayed as some entity that is beyond natural
Extremely advanced intelligent life forms may have figured out how to even defy nature
can defy any possible natural physics
Same as above, as well as the chance that these beings do not actually live in our universe but are advanced enough to influence it. No doubt Humanity will posess those abilities one day too in the extremely distant future
and guarantees some form of eternal afterlife for your "soul" (which has similar attributes?).
Hmm....this, might be just wishful thinking. But naturally people know that when you die your consciousness either has to die or can continue, it can't do anything else.
God was created in the image of man...
Yes and the Christians have much less creativity that most others when inventing Him / Her.

Not only did Romans create many, they were transmutable and earthy. At times Zeuss like to be a bull and have his way with women. Janus had two faces one looking forward and the other backward, but the Indians were even more creative. Eight arms on Shiva, one looks like a turtle (probably to carry Earth thru space on his back) etc.

The Chrsitian god's in drawings looks like my uncle. No imagination at all. How dull.
Hey Pete.

Simply put, certainty does no obtain within the realm of opinion.

An opinion is, by definition, a contingent matter, always open to question.
Certainty only and specifically applies properly to matters of fact.

It may sound like a purely semantic quibble, but it is really an epistemological one.
Thanks glaucon, I concede your point. In this case I am indeed seeking the strength of people's opinions, and "certain" may have been the wrong word to use, strictly speaking.

No 99.999% choice? :p

Personally, I think it's silly to put an exact percentage on the probability for the existence of God. You can really only give a subjective answer.
That's exactly what the poll is asking for - subjective answers.
I am 100% sure that I do not know.
I am intellectually 85% sure that God does not exist.
I am emotionally 74% sure that God does exist.

Your poll options did not seem to provide for this condition, except for 'other'. That is what I voted.
That's a good answer, at least in terms of the emotional/intellectual dichotomy. I'd probably say I'm emotionally 99.9% sure God exists, but intellectually it's more like 50%. I mean, if I intellectually believed 100% (or even 99%), I wouldn't tend to sleep in on Sundays instead of going to church. I've even heard mother Teresa had her doubts.
norsefire said:
Extremely advanced intelligent life forms may have figured out how to even defy nature

COMPLETE jibberish norsefire!!! There is only one form of intelligent life, and that is the existence of this universe.
The only way to defy our nature within this universe is to seek some form of our own manners of rebellion. Be it through sickness and in health or through some form of physics which you appear to not leave alone. That or some bullshit fancy which many members of sciforums appear to express.

I will leave this as some explaination to my opinion of my vote as well as whatever else it is deemed.
M*W: That's how Genesis reads, but I think that can also be interpreted as "god was created in the imagination of man."
I would agree with the statement: "the image of any god is created n the imagination of man"

I don't think the concept is purely imaginative, however