How certain is your opinion on God's existence?

How certain are you regarding the existence of God?

  • 99.9% sure God exists

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 99% sure God exists

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 90% sure God exists

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 80% sure God exists

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 75% sure God exists

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 66% sure God exists

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 66% sure God does not exist

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 75% sure God does not exist

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 80% sure God does not exist

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
What do you mean? I didn't exclude omnipotence as a property of God, and I certainly didn't limit the concept to the KJV Yahweh.

I didn't see it included. Maybe you meant to say all powerful instead of powerful. Or maybe I misunderstand.
I didn't mean to imply such a limit, just thought I'd throw that in. Off topic?
I didn't see it included. Maybe you meant to say all powerful instead of powerful. Or maybe I misunderstand.
Well, "powerful" was supposed to include "all powerful". I think that I used "powerful" instead of "omnipotent" in order to avoid the hackneyed "can God make a rock he can't move" argument that omnipotence is logically impossible.
Well, "powerful" was supposed to include "all powerful". I think that I used "powerful" instead of "omnipotent" in order to avoid the hackneyed "can God make a rock he can't move" argument that omnipotence is logically impossible.

I can understand that! Dealing with absurdities is frustrating.
God simply cannot be what any man portrays Him to be. I need proof and seeing none I vote 100% NO. If imagination counted I would have voted 99.99% but I wasn't sure.
God simply cannot be what any man portrays Him to be. I need proof and seeing none I vote 100% NO. If imagination counted I would have voted 99.99% but I wasn't sure.

And God does not need to be what any man portrays Him to be. We can come up with the concept, but we cannot make any further conclusions.
99.99% does not exist.

I can' say 100% because it is impossible to prove a negative.
I don't understand how it could be anything but even chance. What makes you lean either way? There's nothing to go on.
I don't understand how it could be anything but even chance. What makes you lean either way? There's nothing to go on.
Overwhelming, dumbfounding, resounding lack of supporting evidence? Evidence that clearly indicates that there is a god (as conceived of by any religion you care to name)? Evidence other than the testimony of other men?

Religion is like a bell. It makes a mighty sound that can be heard throughout the land, but at its source it's a hollow, meaningless shell making all that racket.
Lack of evidence doesn't suggest nonexistence. Normally, you could place it, therefore going on that, on the same level as the tooth fairy or santa clause; after all, there is no evidence for them but we can't disprove them, right?

However, as I've explained, I do think there is some underlying observation or reasoning for the conclusion of a "deity" or "higher intelligence". We Humans can observe complexity arising from intelligence, and I think that is why we therefore credit our own complexity to intelligence.
Lack of evidence doesn't suggest nonexistence. Normally, you could place it, therefore going on that, on the same level as the tooth fairy or santa clause; after all, there is no evidence for them but we can't disprove them, right?

However, as I've explained, I do think there is some underlying observation or reasoning for the conclusion of a "deity" or "higher intelligence". We Humans can observe complexity arising from intelligence, and I think that is why we therefore credit our own complexity to intelligence.

Normally a lack of evidence is not grounds for declaring something nonexistent. But when thousands of years of observation and experimentation yield nothing, the likelyhood of the thing existing becomes very slim.

And certainly a lack of evidence is not grounds for adopting a slavering faith in something, is it? I am 100% certain that a god as presented in any book or myth so far concocted by humans, does not exist. They are so patently elaborate campfire tales told by frightened humans that it amazes me when people seriously discuss them and can keep a straight face. Really.
To allay confusion, I just want to point out that, while my screen name is aligned with "99.99% sure god does exist," my actual vote is aligned with "99.99% sure god does not exist."

If you note the vote counts should be one more or less than the number of names present.
Can I just double check which one we're talking about? While 99.99% sure most don't, I'm not so certain about Thor.
Yes! why is that, how did it happen, it's kind of weird.

Wierd things like that happen to me all the time when I get around electronics. You should see what happens when I walk under street lights. Sometimes they come on. Sometimes they go out. (the former usually happens at dusk; the latter at dawn)
I think God is real now. Yesterday I prayed and later I found a dollar on the floor. God must be real.

This is a satire!