How certain is your opinion on God's existence?

How certain are you regarding the existence of God?

  • 99.9% sure God exists

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 99% sure God exists

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 90% sure God exists

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 80% sure God exists

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 75% sure God exists

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 66% sure God exists

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 66% sure God does not exist

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 75% sure God does not exist

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 80% sure God does not exist

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


It's not rocket surgery
Registered Senior Member
Yes, it's another "what do you believe" poll. I'm hoping this one is just different enough to make it worth while.

How certain are you regarding the existence of at least one God (a powerful omniscient intelligence)?

You might like to (optionally) think of it this way:
Pretend that there is some way to discover whether God is real.
Just before you find out, you make a little bet with your friend, with odds.
What odds would you accept that your opinion is right?
  • Would you bet 10,000 against his/her 1? (That would make you 99.99% sure)
  • Would you bet 1000 against 1? (99.9% sure)
  • Would you bet 100 against 1? (99% sure)
  • Would you bet 10 against 1? (90% sure)
  • Would you bet 4 against 1? (80% sure
  • Would you bet 3 against 1? (75% sure)
  • Would you bet 2 against 1? (65% sure)
  • Or would you only take evens? (ie you think it's an even chance that God exists or not.)
Funny. I surprised myself by chickening out and ticking "99.9% sure God does not exist" instead of 99.99% sure.
I think I scared myself with that 10,000 to one bet idea!
I voted for 100% do not believe, not just because I don't believe in "God" itself, but because I don't share the same context of thinking. If there is a greater consciousness at work, then I am of the belief that the universe as a whole is conscious, but even then on a different level. Perhaps it is mostly a subconscious, or perhaps it is another state of being.

Either way, we have seen that in many cases throughout many fields that the whole item is generally greater than the sum of it's part. We as human beings are just bags of mostly water, with some stray molecules thrown in here and there to form the base of our existence. Yet we KNOW we exists, and we have stepped up in a level of thinking (compared to animals). So perhaps it would be fair to speculate that the Universe is greater than the sum of all the stars, planets, and galaxies.

But if you ask me to believe in an entirely seperate entity who formed this Universe and watches over us? No. I cannot believe that. If there was one, it would not concern itself with a measily pale blue dot in the vast open space. Whats 100 billion multiplied by 100 trillion? A number too great to realistically comprehend; and we are just one of those numbers.

To draw from history, it can be said that we as a species have generally attributed everything we do not understand to "The God(s)". The Egyptians explained the rising and the setting of the sun as Ra carrying the Sun in his chariot, yet we found out later that it's a matter of the Earth moving around the Sun. Yet it is also fascinating that every culture has developed their own set of beliefs. If there was one true god, then wouldn't everyone be inclined to worship that one god? Yet we also have Allah, Ra, Anubis, Shiiva, Zeus, and hundreds of others. On a worldly scale, religion is nothing more than a tool used to set people's mind at ease when they cannot understand something.

Perhaps it is a side-effect of evolution. Consciousness breeds imagination, and when our consciousness cannot comprehend something, it leaves it in the hands of our imagination. But history has shown time and time again that as we learned about the Universe, we attribute less things to "God" and more to science and mathematics. I believe that if we continue that journey, we will eventually be able to find a reason for everything.
I voted 100% sure because Jesus appeared to me on more than one occasion in the visions of the night, and I saw him in a night vision standing at the right hand of the Father. I also became a bible scholar and put principles in the bible to work and saw supernatural things happen. I also had times of being flooded with joy after I became a Christian; I called it smiling on the inside. Knowing biblical principles like I do, I can also see how human society and things that happen on the earth are alligned to what the bible really says.
You know the apostle Paul told people that Jesus appeared to him and spoke to him.
Well, I am telling you Jesus appeared to me and spoke to me.
Like Mr. Robert Ripley said, BELIEVE IT OR NOT. That is your perogative.
I voted 100% sure because Jesus appeared to me on more than one occasion in the visions of the night, and I saw him in a night vision standing at the right hand of the Father. I also became a bible scholar and put principles in the bible to work and saw supernatural things happen. I also had times of being flooded with joy after I became a Christian; I called it smiling on the inside. Knowing biblical principles like I do, I can also see how human society and things that happen on the earth are alligned to what the bible really says.
You know the apostle Paul told people that Jesus appeared to him and spoke to him.
Well, I am telling you Jesus appeared to me and spoke to me.
Like Mr. Robert Ripley said, BELIEVE IT OR NOT. That is your perogative.

what did god look like? im not being sarcastic by the way.

I voted 100% sure that god does exist.

If there is a god, and he knows that I voted that, then he should know that it was an accident. I don't want to fraud my way in to heaven. I am actually 100% sure god does not exist. :D
there is a fool-proof way to see whether or not god exists.

I will just say

"God, if you exist, on this plane or another, then you shall strike me dead right now."
I am 100% sure that I do not know.
I am intellectually 85% sure that God does not exist.
I am emotionally 74% sure that God does exist.

Your poll options did not seem to provide for this condition, except for 'other'. That is what I voted.
I'm not certain how to vote because you didn't say omnipotent.
The god of the King James bible can't exist because it's too contradictory. It's like asking whether something can be all black & all white at the same time.
A blast from the past! For those who responded to the poll last year, has anyone's opinion changed?

Why is that foolproof? Do you think that God would be bound to do as you command?

Thanks, Ophiolite, that's a good response.

What do you mean? I didn't exclude omnipotence as a property of God, and I certainly didn't limit the concept to the KJV Yahweh.