how can Islam be considered an abrahamic religion?

How is that flaming ?
It's flaming when a non-Muslim points out that the Qur'an is as flawed as all the other books. BUT when a Muslim suggests other people's holy books are full of shit - why that's just observation.
Anyway, back to the OP, are Mandean's an Abrahamic faith? Are the Baha'i an Abrahamic faith?
Are you stating as a fact that the Bible has not been altered?

SAM: you can test that,the Dead Sea Scrolls are on display in Israel, over 2KYO
if Christians changed it, then it would be obvious

but I think that Muslims say that it is corrupted, only because they feel they have the last word, because it goes against Islamic beliefs, therefor it MUST be corrupted
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Egyptians call their country Misr and themselves Misris or Masris (the actual sound is somewhere in between).

The official name is Junhuriyah Misr al-Arabiyah, which in English means the Arab Republic of Egypt

I found this, with a little bit of history of Egypt:

"Names of the Egyptians

Rmṯ (n) km.t – This is the native Egyptian name of the people of the Nile Valley, literally 'People of Kemet' (i.e., Egypt). In antiquity, it was often rendered simply as Rmṯ or '(the) People.' The name is vocalized ramenkīmi in the Coptic stage of the language, meaning Egyptian (Sahidic dialect: remnekēme) — and ni.ramenkīmi with the plural definite article, i.e., Egyptians,
Copts (qibṭ, qubṭ ) – Under Muslim rule, the Egyptians came to be known as Copts, a derivative of the Greek word Αἰγύπτιος, Aiguptios (Egyptian), from Αἰγύπτος, Aiguptos (Egypt). The Greek name in turn may be derived from the Egyptian ḥw.t-ka-ptḥ, literally "Estate (or 'House') of Ptah", the name of the temple complex of the god Ptah at Memphis. After the majority of Egyptians converted from Christianity to Islam, the term became exclusively associated with Egyptian Christianity and Egyptians who remained Christian, though references to native Muslims as Copts are attested until the Mamluk period.
Maṣreyyīn – The modern Egyptian name comes from the ancient Semitic name for Egypt and originally connoted "civilization" or "metropolis". Classical Arabic Miṣr (Egyptian Arabic Maṣr) is directly cognate with the Biblical Hebrew Mitzráyīm, meaning "the two straits", a reference to the predynastic separation of Upper and Lower Egypt."
1. Frankly, you are incorrect. Islam has more in common with Judaism than even Christianity, thus Islam is part of the Abrahamic faiths.
1a.Abraham is the father of Isaac (the father of the Jews) and Ismail (the father of the Arabs), hence both have a relation to Abraham.
2.No, because Muslims believe Islam is the religion of all the prophets starting with Adam (peace be to him),
3. however the only uncorrupted message is from the last prophet. 3a.Muhammadan ism is insulting to Muslims, we don't worship Prophet Muhammad (peace be to him), we worship the one and only God, God of Abraham.
4. The Prophe t Muhammad (peace be to him) is the last prophet
5. and the seal of the prophets.
6. More is known about him than is known about Prophets Jesus and Abraham (peace be to them), simply because he is the latest of the prophets,
7. the prophet sent to guide all of humanity.
8. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was sinless, just as Prophet Jesus (peace be upon him) was.
9.They were both chosen as prophets because of their benevolence as prophets.
10. Do you have any concrete reasons why Islam should not be considered an Abrahamic religion?
1. I disagree, there should be more Jewishness then?
1a. I agree
2. Adam brought error, by bringing sin, how would he be a prophet, what do Muslims believe about Adam?
3. if I understand this concept right, Muslims believe that the Bible is corrupted, then if God could not protect the Bible, how is anyone sure that everything else is not corrupted, because if one can be corrupted, why was only one protected?
3a, its just that he is used as an example so much, are not the Hadiths about him? who is the model Muslim?
4. how is that possible? many Christians believe that prophecy ended with Revelation & will not start again until the Last Days
5. what does that mean?
6. yes, but what is the character of the man? I have a copy of Pickthall's version of the Koran, Surah XLVIII Victory 15 speaks of "Booty" why is God interested in the spoils of war?
7. why does it seem that he was sent only for the Arabs, people even change their names over the power of the message, was it not forbidden for many centuries to translate Koran out of Arabic?
8. Surah XLVIII Victory 1 & 2 say otherwise,
"Lo! We have given thee (O Muhammad) a signal victory,
That Allah may forgive thee of thine sin that which is past and that which is to come"
8a. I don't understand, if Allah is without partners why does it say
"WE"? because if its the royal "we", then Allah represents "who", Elizabeth II, speaks for England when she says "we", who does "Allah" speak for? thats confusing
9. Mohammad was a warrior, his hands were stained in blood, he may have started as "benevolent", but war changed that. why did he attack the Meccan caravans, Battle of Badr?
10. no, not by descent (because Arabs are from Father Abraham), but from religion, it seems different, why would God have 2 different days of rest? if He created the world in 6 days & rested the 7th, & tells Jews & Christians that it is a Sabbath onto the LORD, why would Muslims hold Friday as holy, during the 6th day? its almost as if Islam was created to separate Jews from Muslims, Christians from Muslims
1. I disagree, there should be more Jewishness then?
How do you define Jewishness?
What I meant is that the concept of God in Judaism and Islam is synonymous. The original truth, from Muslim perspective, is not based on ethnicity or race but for all mankind. We believe that the Jews fell into error because they made their religion and the worship of one God exclusive to them, whereas it was not to be this way.

2. Adam brought error, by bringing sin, how would he be a prophet, what do Muslims believe about Adam?

We don't believe in original sin. We believe man is by nature good and God-fearing. We view this fall of Adam, not as sin, but as a mistake and divinely ordained to demonstrate man can fall into error, but he is essentially good.

3. if I understand this concept right, Muslims believe that the Bible is corrupted, then if God could not protect the Bible, how is anyone sure that everything else is not corrupted, because if one can be corrupted, why was only one protected?

This is where belief and knowledge of the teachings of the various religions come in. Muslims believe that the majority of Christians before Islam were monotheists, but slowly as the Romans became Christianized they brought in the trinity and other teachings which are not a part of the true teachings of Messiah Jesus (peace be to him). Hence, the last reminder, religion of Islam, was needed to bring back people to the religion of Abraham.

3a, its just that he is used as an example so much, are not the Hadiths about him? who is the model Muslim?

The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is the last prophet of God, but we don't worship or revere him as we do God almighty. We consider him a man who was chosen by God to deliver God's message, nothing more. Islam means submitter to God only, thus it is a more fair portrayal of Islam than Muhammadanism (which is a name based on the false Medievel Christian belief that we worship him(God forbid)).

4. how is that possible? many Christians believe that prophecy ended with Revelation & will not start again until the Last Days

Even in the Bible you will find verses that God will bring to come after Jesus (peace be upon him) "One like unto Moses", from the "Valley of Baka", and a "comforter (paraclete)". There are various arguments which Muslims use to justify their claim from the Bible. To understand the Muslim perspective, this website may help:

5. what does that mean?

The last and final messenger of God (peace be upon him) bringing the last and universal message for all mankind: strict Monotheism in its uncorrupted form.

6. yes, but what is the character of the man? I have a copy of Pickthall's version of the Koran, Surah XLVIII Victory 15 speaks of "Booty" why is God interested in the spoils of war?

Islam contains messages about politics, economics, war, society, gender rights, right to revolt against tyranny, government policies, and guidelines for everyday life. I suggest you read this Chapter, you will understand better.

7. why does it seem that he was sent only for the Arabs, people even change their names over the power of the message, was it not forbidden for many centuries to translate Koran out of Arabic?

That's not true. Islam is for every single person on earth and only 20% of the total world Muslim population is Arab. Arabs are a minority among Muslims, and have been so for literally 1300 years. The reason why many Muslims read Quran in Arab is to speak God's word in the language it was delivered in, unspoiled by any translation as no translation will be perfect, it will not be Quran, but a translation of the Quran. It is not required to change your name to an Arab name to be a Muslim, nor do you have to adopt Arabic culture to be a Muslim. Muslims of many cultures, Persians, Indians, Turks, and Maghribis, still retain their languages, dress, food, and customs, and Islam is an indigenous religion to many Muslim cultures. Islam mixes easily with a persons' culture and does not interfere with it.

8. Surah XLVIII Victory 1 & 2 say otherwise,
"Lo! We have given thee (O Muhammad) a signal victory,
That Allah may forgive thee of thine sin that which is past and that which is to come"

There are various beliefs about this among Muslims, There is no consensus. One belief is that the Prophet's mistakes (not sins) were divinely ordained to teach Muslims a lesson. Other belief is that a Prophet may commit a minor sin, but never a major sin.

Also, Muslims (and Prophets) before embracing Islam may commit sins (in Prophet case, it may be minor or due to simply lack of knowledge of truth at that time), yet are forgiven after they take up the message.

The Quran, in this particular verse, is not only addressing the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), but all Muslims as well.

8a. I don't understand, if Allah is without partners why does it say
"WE"? because if its the royal "we", then Allah represents "who", Elizabeth II, speaks for England when she says "we", who does "Allah" speak for? thats confusing

In the Arabic language, and many other languages in the Middle East and South Asia, the equivalent for the word 'WE' may also be a singular respectful term. A noble form of the word for 'I'. Allah is one, it is clear from Surah Al-Iklhas (The Sincerity), Qulhu Allahu ahad. Say: Allah is one.

9. Mohammad was a warrior, his hands were stained in blood, he may have started as "benevolent", but war changed that. why did he attack the Meccan caravans, Battle of Badr?

Yes, the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was a warrior and a statesman, similar to Prophet Moses (peace be to him).

The battle of Badr was the first large-scale battle between the Muslims and Pagan Makkans. Several small-scale attack had taken place against Madina for quite some time, and the Makkans had already secured an alliance with Nomadic tribes against the Madini state. Muslims had been on the defensive from several episodes, including this one. The caravan, from Abu Sufyan, was financed the wealth and material plundered and stolen from the Muslims from their flight from Makkah. By not allowing the Muslims to exit Makkah safely and persecuting many innocent people, the Makkans were already at war with the Muslims. The battle which took place narrowly missed the Caravan of Abu Sufyan and was fought between the army of Makkah and Madinah.

10. no, not by descent (because Arabs are from Father Abraham), but from religion, it seems different, why would God have 2 different days of rest? if He created the world in 6 days & rested the 7th, & tells Jews & Christians that it is a Sabbath onto the LORD, why would Muslims hold Friday as holy, during the 6th day? its almost as if Islam was created to separate Jews from Muslims, Christians from Muslims

We don't believe that God rests. Translation of Ayat al Kursi clearly states this.

"Allah! There is no god but He - the Living, The Self-subsisting, Eternal. No slumber can seize Him Nor Sleep. His are all things In the heavens and on earth. Who is there can intercede In His presence except As he permitteth? He knoweth What (appeareth to His creatures As) Before or After or Behind them. Nor shall they compass Aught of his knowledge Except as He willeth. His throne doth extend Over the heavens And on earth, and He feeleth No fatigue in guarding And preserving them, For He is the Most High. The Supreme (in glory)."
[Surah al-Baqarah 2: 255]

Muslims believe Islam is the true religion because it contains strict Monotheism (worship of one God), the religion of Prophet Abraham (peace be upon him).

If Islam is not considered a religion of Abraham for its holy day, why then is Christian Sunday also exempt?

Thanks for the questions, I look forward to answering more if I am able.
That's not true. Islam is for every single person on earth and only 20% of the total world Muslim population is Arab. Arabs are a minority among Muslims, and have been so for literally 1300 years. The reason why many Muslims read Quran in Arab is to speak God's word in the language it was delivered in, unspoiled by any translation as no translation will be perfect, it will not be Quran, but a translation of the Quran. It is not required to change your name to an Arab name to be a Muslim, nor do you have to adopt Arabic culture to be a Muslim. Muslims of many cultures, Persians, Indians, Turks, and Maghribis, still retain their languages, dress, food, and customs, and Islam is an indigenous religion to many Muslim cultures. Islam mixes easily with a persons' culture and does not interfere with it.

So then no one needs to be a Muslim. In fact no one needs to be anything but themselves without the repression. Sounds good.
Convert from what?

Or were you referring to being a Muslim?

Obviously i was responding to DH who for some reason stated that there is no cultural aspect to Islam. The fact of the matter is, at least for me, that the cultural aspect is the most interesting aspect of religion.

Take that away and what is left?
I am not converting to\from anything. If and when GOD decides to talk to me i wont tell anyone either.